Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Does your family think you're crazy? So does mine. Join me, your host Mystic Mark two or more episodes a week as we discuss out of the box concepts with people who take the road less traveled. From bizarre events, conspiracy, mystery, intrigue, spirituality, paranormal, supernatural, alternative, ancient, lost to forbidden knowledge, ancient wisdom and so much more! Not exactly dinner table conversation, right? ...Join us on The My Family Thinks I’m Crazy Podcast every week where these topics and discussions are right at home. Support us on Patreon or with a one time donation this show is primarily supported by listeners please help keep the show on the air 3 times a week!
The annual public Uehiro Lecture Series captures the ethos of the Uehiro Centre, which is to bring the best scholarship in analytic philosophy to bear on the most significant problems of our time, and to make progress in the analysis and resolution of these issues to the highest academic standard, in a manner that is also accessible to the general public. Philosophy should not only create knowledge, it should make people’s lives better.
Αυτό είναι ένα podcast για εσάς! Εδώ μοιράζομαι μαζί σας τρόπους για να εμπνευστείτε, να παρακινηθείτε, να βελτιώσετε τον εαυτό σας. Πάνω από όλα είναι ένα podcast που θα σας δώσει ιδέες και εργαλεία σχετικά με τη πρακτική της ενσυνείδησης (Mindfulness) . Για να έχετε ευεξία, καλή ενέργεια και να ζείτε μια ουσιαστική και γεμάτη νόημα ζωή. Καλώς ήρθατε!- Μπορείτε να βρείτε περισσότερο περιεχόμενο και στο κανάλι μου στο YouTube: και στο blog στο site μου:
BodhiSpeak is a platform to share, discuss, debate, and converse over teachings and philosophy’s from different traditions and thinkers around the globe. We go into topics such as consciousness, art, spirituality, health, healing, psychedelics, esoteric studies, mysticism, politics, relationships, communal living and all things transformational--leaving nothing excluded.
Tør du tænke ud af boksen? Tør du overhovedet tænke? Hvad vil det sige at tænke? Det spørger jeg mig selv om hele tiden. Nu deler jeg alt det jeg tænker, lige her. Om filosofi, mennesker, moral og etik. Men ikke på en akademisk måde. For det er ikke at tænke. Det er at huske på hvad andre har tænkt. Her tænker vi. Kom og vær med.
This podcast is being created with the intention to promote people to think more freely. Many people do things a certain way because it’s what everyone else in our society is doing/social norms, which is not the only and may not be the best option for everyone. This is to shed light on that with upcoming topics of being debt free, financial freedom, minimalism, zero waste, home births, and so much more.
East meds West from Dr. Carolyn Eddleston.
Exploring the collision and collaboration of Eastern and Western cultures. Starting with medicine and wellbeing, but opening up to broader philosophies and ideas.
Dr. Carolyn Eddleston, uniquely positioned as a registered GP and a practising Traditional Acupuncturist, delves into contemporary thinking and ancient philosophies of life, and brings them out of the consulting room into the wider world by interviewing inspiring leaders in health, science and creative industries.
This has been a refreshing and fun project that will evolve with time.
Huge thanks to my co-host Karl Cooper who has given me technical support and kept me on track,
Mike O'Reilly, a phenomenal creative strategist, who not only came up the title, but patiently encouraged me to find my own words, and Nick Bott for composing the music. -
Coffee table conversations with people thinking about foundational issues. Multiverses explores the limits of knowledge and technology. Does quantum mechanics tell us that our world is one of many? Will AI make us intellectually lazy, or expand our cognitive range? Is time a thing in itself or a measure of change? Join James Robinson as he tries to find out.
Philosophy, life, mental healthy, and your day to day. This podcast offers new perspectives and head scratchers.
The goal is to give people something to think about, to ponder alternative mindsets in life. In hopes of creating ripple affects that will change people's lives and the lives of those around for the better.
To note, the topics discussed may trigger some people.
No filter, uncensored. -
Vampires dance with Goths around campfires far from the rainy Metroplex- as the Central Computer says in Cell U.R. "Most entertainment consists of beautiful people on sexy adventures without kids, because real life is the opposite." Imagine a near future, when nanotechnology allows doctors to install speakerphones on the inside of everyone's ears, a microphone in their throat, and scanners that record through the eyes. All citizens enjoy a permanent connection to the internet.
One human cellphone loves two women; the tattoo artist, belly-dancing Gypsy fortune teller Vampire Elvirus, and a SuperUser's abandoned, beautiful, Wiccan, earth-mother, equestrian daughter named Louise.
In this multi-media comedic satire of everything you love about B Movies and black-and-white thinking, Mark Plimsoll presents adult themes with elegance and style, buried in slang or scientific jargon, in a way almost suitable for all children of most ages, even those who can vote. Cell UR allows us to exercise our intelligence and imagination with a story "low on violence and saturated fact." Sometimes songs propel the plot; Borderline, Wiccan Moon, Imagine a Future, Santa's Lapp Dance, In Trouble, Meet Yer Expectations, Kiss and Tell Eternity, Whiplash, Onda Beach, Weird Beautiful, etc.
Will Gnathal receive his new Personal Customized Transporter in time to invite Vampire Elvirus to tattoo his backside on the beach as the sun sets, to realize four of his life goals, five if she's of another race? Will the Siliconoid Aliens catch the reality show Spaceship Rambler (before Andrea loses her virginity) and exact revenge on all DNA life forms? Will Maximilliano Duroc, Global President of Metroplex, declare war in language people understand? What evil lurks in the war-torn Devastate, besides genetically modified organisms and the everyday terrors of nature at night?
Cell-UR describes the near-future Twenty-first century's human conditions in humorous metaphor, through the eyes of a 'normal' industrialized, connected, urban "metrosexual" adolescent coming-of-age as part of something bigger than himself, to learn that true evil … -
Do you like to tread on unsteady ground? Do you enjoy the view from a high-rise building, balancing over a high wire or following the allure of the unknown and uncertain?
This is a podcast as an artistic research endeavour – a piece of PodArt – that will get your head spinning, proposing artworks intertwined with conversations.
Following the pleasures and risks of becoming dizzy, we, artist-researcher duo Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond and curator Sergio Edelsztein, have the immense pleasure of discussing dizziness with brilliant artists, writers, musicians, political scientists, philosophers, historians, mathematicians, urban planners, curators and other thinkers and creatives from Europe, North and South America, South East Asia and the Middle East. We're excited to discuss and learn something unexpected along the way as our guests talk about their ideas of dizziness, uncertainty, unpredictability and anxiety, the generative and destructive potential these states yield in our personal and social lives and environments; eventually, they propose ways of navigating dizziness individually, collectively and with our environment. When can we enjoy getting dizzy? When does it constitute a risk, and what risks are worth taking individually and as a society?
What is your take on dizziness, togetherness, and options for navigating states of dizziness, uncertainty and unpredictability together? Let us know:
Produced in spatial audio, this PodArt is best enjoyed with a high-quality headset.
5 episodes of PodArt and the 2-part audio play Vertiginous by Dani Gal
More on
Directors: Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond & Sergio Edelsztein
Assistance: Laura Brechmann
Spatial Audio Mix: Florian Grond
Recording and Vocals Support: Ethan Vincent
Production: Jeanne Drach, OH WOW Podcasts
Associate Producer: Livia Heiss
Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts Vienna
FWF – Austrian Science Funds, (FWF PEEK AR598)
Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Austria
The project team have made every effort to secure permission to reproduce the listed sound, material, illustrations and photographs. We apologise for any inadvertent errors and omissions. Parties who nevertheless believe they can claim specific legal rights are invited to contact the project team.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Málfundafélagið Frelsi og fullveldi var stofnað 30. mars 2023 til að standa vörð um frelsi einstaklingsins, fullveldi þjóðarinnar og óskoruð yfirráð þjóðarinnar yfir auðlindum sínum til lands og sjávar.
Heimilin og fyrirtækin eru hornsteinar samfélagsins. Heimilin eru friðheilagur griðastaður fjölskyldunnar. Fólki er frjálst að stofna og reka atvinnufyrirtæki sem keppa hvert við annað um að veita sem besta þjónustu. Við viljum standa vörð um atvinnustarfsemina í landinu og þar á meðal okkar grundvallaratvinnuvegi til lands og sjávar.
Félagið leggur höfuðáherslu á að skólar og sjúkrastofnanir séu fyrsta flokks. Engin þjóð sem er annt um fullveldi sitt lætur landamæri sín standa opin. Við viljum hafa fulla stjórn á landamærum okkar og láta af þeirri gengdarlausu fjársóun sem fylgt hefur þessum málaflokki.
Ísland er lýðræðisríki og réttarríki með áherslu á mannréttindi, mannhelgi og virðingu fyrir lífinu. Ísland er menningarríki og velferðarríki sem stendur vörð um hag þeirra sem standa höllum fæti. Ísland á í góðum samskiptum við umheiminn og við stöndum fast að baki því að eiga í góðu alþjóðlegu samstarfi með áherslu á Sameinuðu þjóðirnar, Atlantshafsbandalagið og norræna samvinnu auk samningsins um Evrópska efnahagssvæðið sem tryggir frjáls viðskipti við Evrópuríkin.
Við stjórn efnahagsmála leggur Frelsi og fullveldi áherslu á ábyrga stefnu í ríkisfjármálum og peningamálum, takmörkuð umsvif hins opinbera og lækkun skatta og álaga.
Þetta eru höfuðatriðin í stefnu félagsins. -
Welcome to our table where we OBSERVE our environment and break it down to its most basic core ingredients. Carving up to DEVOUR all behaviors with a raw non sugar coated perspective to everyday life. Here we CREATE our own reality by exploring both the easily digestible and those hard to swallow bites that we all struggle with daily. We teach ourselves to expand our appetites and elevate our minds far past their current capacities. So discard that safety blanket and roll up your sleeves as we take a massive bite into the mind melting, reality shifting ideas and concepts of the human self.