In sechs Folgen diskutieren Studierende aus dem Seminar »Populismus als soziales Phänomen« (im Wintersemester 2020/21 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) aktuelle Überlegungen rund um den Begriff und das Phänomen »Populismus«. Ab dem 10. März 2021 werden die sechs Folgen hier im Wochentakt veröffentlicht.
Jayson is a father and the host of the Your Story Podcast; he’s collecting stories from listeners and creating dramatic and insightful episodes. Whether the story is unbelievable or underwhelming, telling stories keeps us connected in these trying times and reminds us of the humanity we long for.Podcast: Your Story PodcastWebsite: [email protected] Support this podcast:
Anyone who has attempted to bake a cake will tell you the importance of accurate measurement. A small error in measurement can spell disaster for hours of work. Imagine for a moment, what it would be like if the way we measured ingredients was not standardized? Even worse, what if we couldn’t even agree on what we were actually trying to make in the first place? This has been the state of wellbeing metrics over the last century, and although excellent projects have been implemented, all too often they are dismissed before their impact can be felt.
Currently, wellbeing & prosperity metrics are benefiting from a wave of innovation stemming from all around the globe. These pushes against traditional boundaries are leading the way to more inclusive and resilient frameworks. This podcast will explore the bleeding edge of social metrics, lessons learned from past attempts, and potential futures, through interviews with experts in community prosperity measurement and decision-making. The podcast will also dig deeper into the question “How is Calgary really performing as a city?” -