
  • An alarming statistic from the NIH: 17% of 12-17 year olds in the united states is mentally unwell.

    What accounts for this, and what can we do about it? (Hint: we've been trying antidepressants and therapy for decades and the problem has only become worse).

    Zach and Dr. Peele drill deeper.

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  • This is a playback of a 2018 episode of the LPP Podcast in which we discuss the following:

    The Life Process Program takes clients through a staged review of their life stories, focusing first on mistakes, continuing to how they might have acted differently to avoid these pitfalls, to re-conceiving their life stories to focus on positives, and finally to projecting their life stories forward into positive, life-fulfilling narratives.

    In today’s episode we incorporate LPP exercises and examples of Zach’s work with children, including sample maps he develops for each child, to show how to put these steps into action in your own life and the lives of your children and other loved ones.

    Similarly, examples of coaching feedback to LPP clients (disguised, of course, like Zach’s plans with children) will be presented throughout to illustrate advice in implementing each stage of the re-writing of people’s narratives.

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  • Dr. Mario Martinez is a neuropsychologist who lectures worldwide on how cultural beliefs affect health and longevity. He is also the author of The Mind Body Code --- which you can check out on amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/MindBody-Code-Beliefs-Longevity-Success/dp/1622037618Importantly, Mario studies culture and belief systems, and how they affect longevity and well-being. (As opposed to a more conventional belief -- that genes pull the strings of our ultimate fate.) Zach explicates themes from Dr. Martinez's work, including his study of centenarians (people who live 100 years and longer); biocognitive science (a field which he founded); and the many ways that culture - and cultural beliefs - affect our health.

    ***** SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel *****To get more of our content and help us grow: https://www.youtube.com/c/LifeProcessProgram?sub_confirmation=1 ***** FOLLOW us on Social *****- Facebook: https://facebook.com/lifeprocessprogram - Twitter : https://twitter.com/lifeprocessprgm- Instagram: https://instagram.com/lifeprocessprogram- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/life-process-program***** CONTACT US ******- Website: https://lifeprocessprogram.com - Text us: +1 (802) - 391 - 4360- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Learn more about Dr. Martinez' work here: https://www.biocognitiveculture.com/

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  • Zach Rhoads follows Dr. Peele's previous 5 "Ted Talks" -- 10 minute talks about addiction, natural recovery, harm reduction, and commonsense strategies for overcoming addiction. In his latest talk, Peele also laid out a "helping professional's" Bill of Rights, which instructs the following be present in helping individuals achieve a greater sense of well-being: (1) refuting idea that addiction is permanent inescapable disease (2) enabling people to realize valuable lives (3) encouraging responsibility (4) empathy tolerance (5) support communityIn this segment, Zach re-visits those concepts and helps parents / concerned loved ones think about how they may open a collaborative dialogue with a child experiencing addiction, without sounding preachy or judgmental, and while preserving own boundaries and expectations.

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  • Rat Park and Vietnam tell us two crucial things about addiction and recovery. They first show that recovery is a natural process when the organism returns to a normally rewarding and supportive environment. Even more importantly — certainly not the rats, but the human beings in Vietnam were never conditioned to think of themselves as “addicts.” Thus their identities were never trapped, which is the hardest thing to overcome.

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  • In this short video, addiction psychologist Dr. Stanton Peele explains that people quit addictions by finding ways to live their values (as opposed to simply choosing 'techniques'). He lays out the following pointsI. Dr. Peele's Uncle Ozzie quits smoking, suddenly II. Such a powerful addiction: how can a person do that (1) oh it’s only cigarettes (2) a HIGHER percentage of people quit cocaine heroin alcohol addictionsIII. Actually, at their basis, THIS is how everyone quits an addictionIV. It’s a value statement — not a techniqueV. What will enable people to quit en masse in today’s society: (1) refuting idea that addiction is permanent inescapable disease (2) enabling people to realize valuable lives (3) encouraging responsibility (4) empathy tolerance (5) support community

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  • If common experiences are at the core of addiction, how do we define addictive experiences so as to distinguish them from ordinary ones?

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  • Dr. Stanton Peele Delivers His OWN Ted Talk (From home), in response to Judson Brewer's talk, "A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-moW9jvvMr4Summary:Have you noticed confusion, conflict and disastrous failures across the board around drugs and addiction? We at Life Process Program have (unfortunately) understood the hole we’ve been digging for ourselves for years. To dig ourselves out, we have to comprehend addiction, understand that it’s not some chemical side effect of drugs, and then apply this understanding to our personal lives and national policies.

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  • Several of our clients have told us something to the effect of:

    “I know that Meaning/purpose in life is a bulwark against addiction. But I’m ____ (45 - 65) years old…. I have failed relationships / estranged kids… It’s hard to find meaning” 

    Dr. Peele and LPP coach Zach Rhoads help our 50+ year old clients begin to generate a optimistic but practical Life-Purpose Road Map


    0:00 Intro to LPP

    1:28 Episode intro

    4:36 Meaningful Work @ 50+

    9:57 Meaningful Hobbies

    19:25 Making New Friends

    34:44 Intimate Relationships

    39:04 Financial Health

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  • Zach Rhoads and Dr. Stanton Peele contemplate the transfer of knowledge about alcohol from Science to Society — and how imperfectly the job gets done. “Alcohol: Even a Little Bit Is Harmful!” the headline screams. It turns out that none of the experts interviewed advocates abstinence — including the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (now there’s a title!).

    In fact, those who drink, worldwide, live longer with fewer disabilities than those who never drink, according to WHO. What gives? Is the New York Times guilty of malpractice, or just sowing confusion — especially for older Americans, who benefit the most from drinking.\

    Do we Americans do better simply living and drinking from our core values and lives? Sigh. You're on your own when it comes to deciding to drink (or use drugs) or not.

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  • Step by Step Change v Radical Transformation: Two LPP paths to the same destination

    Placing the person in the driver’s seat of their lives through each method.

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  • How did the main theme in American life become confronting the lifetime effects of trauma, rather than triumphing over them?  

    This preoccupation with trauma includes arguably the greatest stars in our universe: Anderson Cooper in political commentary, Taylor Swift in music, Serena Williams in sports, Steven Spielberg in movies. What does it signify about us that we now think of ourselves as permanently encumbered by such psychic chains?

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  • Tom Horvath (SMART Recovery) and Stanton Peele (Life Process Program) delve into their decades’ long association in the battle to establish non-disease, harm reduction treatment in the United States. Their connection is supportive, even affectionate. Each in their own way — Tom through his decades of establishing an international association of SMART Recovery groups, Stanton by attacking the disease lobby — has contributed to a shift in the treatment paradigm.

    Both SMART Recovery and the Life Process Program focus anti-addiction efforts through support for people's functioning, and not in terms of their use of substances. Both look forward rather than backward.

    They end their discussion by considering whether, in accepting the accolades of Nora Volkow, Tom and SMART have created a system clearly distinct from the disease monolith.

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  • There is a movement against use of labels like “alcoholism” and “addiction” as being pejorative and discouraging. 3

    Zach and Stanton evaluate these critiques and discuss how to deal constructively with what some people call “loss of control” substance use. As always, their approach is to respect clients and their values, focus on the here and now, seek incremental and realistic improvements, and to not panic!

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  • We have embarked on a psychedelic renaissance, including use for both therapeutic and consciousness expansion purposes. In both cases the drug allows people to recast their consciousness — of themselves, of their worlds, of eternity. 

    This shifting of the cosmic egg is captured by the title of the best seller (with accompanying Netflix docuseries) by Michael Pollan, How To Change Your Mind. Why would you want to change your mind? To rethink your life to live more productively, intimately, happily. 

    But that sounds like a lot of work! And so, with the neuroscientific, know-nothing bent that has caused America’s (and the world’s) mental health to plummet, neuroscientists now say all the needed changes take place solely due to the rearrangement of neurons in your brain that the drug causes. No mindfulness need be added!

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  • The new mental health hotline is buckshot. Who actually thinks that calling a stranger for a few minutes addresses problems of depression and anxiety? Indeed, the idea that this makes sense is a symbol of America’s despair and cluelessness. 

    The hotline’s appearance in the aftermath of WHO’s June 17 World Mental Health Report, which pleaded for expanding nonexistent and disappearing community mental health resources, explains the plaintive tone of that document, which was created to refute quick medical solutions presented mainly by the US as the answer to declining mental health worldwide.

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  • Harm reduction once sensibly meant dealing with the whole person to reduce their likelihood of harming themselves. Common sense examples abounded — like helping people find work, residences, and communities. 

    Now it has been narrowed to finding drugs that can cure addiction — an impossibility that implodes harm reduction on itself, losing both the meaning of the word and the power of the tool.

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  • When we learned smoking was addictive we threw out all common sense: that people ultimately choose their fates, that they are led that way by their privileges and values, and that to believe that things are died in the wool only makes it harder for us to change those things. 

    Smoking became a bad habit to eschew, most people with advantages did that more or less, and the expense of smoking became the bad “luxury” of the poor and the deprived. All this true even as it is true to say smoking is addictive.

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  • Biological psychiatry has IMPLODED, and everyone knows it, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the long-time (2002-2015) director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Thomas Insel, biological psychiatry’s biggest booster. 

    Yet, instead of the relief from mental illness and addiction Insel and the entire field have promised from the 1970s on, we are inundated with mental disorders and drug deaths.


    The WHO, Insel, and the ENTIRE FIELD are at a loss. With no there there, what is to be done? 

    Rushing to fill this breech, WHO is proposing a new Best Practices in Mental Health Guide on June 17, 2022. But given its progenitors’ failures for more than a half century, we may be dubious. Instead of waiting for their opus, LPP presents its own best practices, one predicated on common sense knowledge of how humans succeed, rather than a half century of continuous failure.

    0:00 America’s mental health crisis 

    15:34 Zach Rhoads weighs in 

    16:40 Mental health among children / schools

    21:52 Why does adventure end after preK?

    30:00 PURPOSE




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  • How do you learn about people, about life? Questions. Yet again, how do you explore— and poke holes in— preposterous positions that people take? Questions. 

    Finally, how do you help people come to grips with troubling life issues? You’ve got it— questions.  What a versatile tool!

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