Dr. Stanton Peele and Zach Rhoads answer the following frequently asked question: Is LPP a "trauma informed program"?
They offer a definition of “trauma” in several contexts.
Then they discuss differences between traumatic events and adverse conditions in life.
Peele and Rhoads also consider what it means to be trauma informed versus believing trauma is responsible for addiction.
And, of course, the hosts explain how all of this information applies to their work with clients in the Online Life Process Program.
Visit the Life Process Program website for free multimedia resources about addiction.
If you become interested in the program and want to learn more, you can sign up for a free confidential consultation with a trained LPP coach. -
Rewrite your life story. The Life Process Program takes clients through a
staged review of their life stories, focusing first on mistakes, continuing to
how they might have acted differently to avoided these pitfalls, to
reconceiving their life stories to focus on positives, and finally to projecting
their life stories forward into positive, life-fulfilling narratives.
In today's episode we incorporate LPP exercises and examples of Zach’s work with children, including sample
maps he develops for each child, to show how to put these
steps into action in your own life and the lives of your children and other loved ones.
Similarly, examples of coaching feedback to LPP clients (disguised, of course, like
Zach’s plans for children) will be presented throughout to illustrate advice in
implementing each stage of the re-writing of people’s narratives.
To learn more, go to http://lifeprocessprogram.com
Hear more about Zach's work at https://thesocialexchange.libsyn.com/ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
The LPP Podcast is a show which will explore inner-workings of the Life Process Program (including a new option for children and families with addictions).
This episode deals with a clinical issue: how do you help another person to self-initiate — take control of — change in THEIR lives, with special reference to Zach’s work with children.
This segment also previews their forthcoming book, Outgrowing Addiction: With Common Sense Instead of “Disease” Therapy and the future LPP Family Track (LPPFT).
Stanton Peele (co host) is a psychologist, author, and creator of the online Life Process Program
Zach Rhoads (co host) is a developmental specialist, author, and producer of The Social Exchange Podcast
Aaron Ferguson (sound engineer) is an addictions counselor and co producer of The Social Exchange Podcast. You can find his original music HERE
Both Aaron and Zach work as coaches in Stanton's Online Life Process Program