
  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Romans 8:9

    The distinguishing mark of a Christian is the Holy Spirit in him. We can know a person has been saved if the Holy Spirit dwells in him. Romans 8:9 says, “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”

    This passage describes the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of life, of Christ, and of adoption. And if we want to get to know our best friend, the Holy Spirit, we must understand the ways He ministers to us.

    As the Spirit of life, He gives us life. The people who are truly saved live by the impartation of life, while the unsaved live a mere imitation of life. Our spirit is the part of our nature that enables us to know God. We are spiritual corpses until God breathes His Spirit into us. From that moment on, God’s Spirit bears witness to ours that we are children of God.

    Second, the Holy Spirit in us glorifies the Lord. His Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ. It is Jesus in us who is the Holy Spirit; His presence in us glorifies God.

    Adrian Rogers says, “If you want to know whether a person has the Holy Spirit, don’t ask him to speak with tongues, ask if he is like Jesus.”

    Third, He is called the Spirit of adoption. When we get saved, we are spiritually adopted into the family of God. Romans 8:15 says, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”

    The Holy Spirit guarantees our legacy as children of God. He is there to attest to and make real what legally transpired when we became sons and daughters of God. By law, a man could disinherit a natural son, but he could not legally disinherit an adopted son.

    By adopting us into His family, God has locked himself into this new relationship with us. We not only have a new relationship, but we also have a new assurance and a new certainty of our riches as co-heirs with Christ.

    Apply it to your life

    Do you have the distinguishing mark of a Christian, which is the Holy Spirit? Remember this Good News: the Spirit gives us life, glorifies the Lord, and guarantees our inheritance.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Romans 7:1-4

    There seems to be a gap between what the Bible says we are in Christ and what we are in reality. We are called to be victors, yet so many of us live as victims.

    Adrian Rogers says, “We need not to make the Bible match our lives but to make our lives match the Bible.” We must appropriate what God has already provided for us and learn to possess our possessions.

    Romans 7:4 says, “Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God.”

    By nature, we're married to the law, and it makes demands upon us that we cannot meet, no matter how hard we try. But when Jesus Christ died, we died with Him and became dead to the law. His death, burial, and resurrection had our name on it, and now we have a new life as the Bride of Christ.

    The first step is to learn how to die and start living. We will never possess our possessions until we come to the end of ourselves.

    Adrian Rogers says, “The reason that so many of us are not filled with the Spirit is we're so stuffed full of ourselves, there's not room for the Spirit.” We must go through something to get to something; we must go through death to ourselves to get to the victorious life.

    The second step is to stop trying and start trusting. Even after we are saved, we cannot keep the law of God in our own strength. We will fail over and over again, because it is in our nature to sin. But because we are the Bride of Christ, every demand upon our life is a demand upon Jesus, who lives in us. He is able to cover the multitude of our sins and deliver us from the law of sin and death. We can quit crying and start praising, for now in Jesus, we have the law of the Spirit.

    Apply it to your life

    What would your life look like if you learned to possess your possessions—to appropriate what God has already provided? Learn dying and begin to live; stop trying and start trusting; quit crying and start praising!

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  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Romans 6:1-2

    The grace of God enables us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and empowers us to live in victory. Romans 6 reveals how to live in victory.

    First, we must know our identification with Jesus, who gave Himself for us.

    “For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin” (Romans 6:5-6).

    Jesus has acted on our behalf; when He died for us, we died with Him. When He was buried, we were buried with Him. And now, we have that same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, in us.

    Adrian Rogers explains, “When Jesus came out of the grave, we came out with Him and we’ve been raised to walk in a new life.”

    Second, we must reckon our appropriation of Jesus.

    “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:11). Reckoning is acting by faith, on what we know to be true, which is that we are dead to our sins and alive in Christ.

    Third, we must yield our emancipation to Christ.

    The victorious life is God’s work in us; we cannot do it without Him, and He will not do it without us. Yielding begins when we dethrone sin. We must choose against our old master. No longer will our eyes be a tool for sin, nor our ears be sin’s instruments, nor will our hands do its bidding.

    We must also enthrone the Savior: “...but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13). We must make Jesus Lord of our lives, enslaving ourselves to Him, as Romans 6:18 explains: “And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.”

    When we become slaves of Christ, we receive new freedom, faithfulness, and fruitfulness. God will begin to live His life in us, claiming victory every step of the way.

    Apply it to your life

    Do you know that you identify with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection? Have you reckoned your life to what you believe? Have you yielded to Him?

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Romans 5:6-9

    This modern world is trying to obliterate the word “sin” from our language. Everything is excused by psychology, evolution, human studies, and behavioral science, yet the real root of the problem is sin.

    If we don’t understand the bad news of sin, we’re not ready for the Good News of the Gospel—that there is so much more that we’ve gained through Jesus Christ.

    Romans 5:6 says, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”

    Presently, there are two kingdoms: one is of death and destruction, and the other is of love and life. Adam is the head of that old kingdom, and Jesus is the head of that new kingdom.

    Adam is the head of the old kingdom. Being the first man created by God, Adam was given dominion over the earth. But when Adam sinned, he forfeited his dominion to sin. And because we are his offspring, we are identified with Adam in this slavery to sin.

    Romans 5:8-9 explains, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”

    When we join the kingdom of light, we gain so much more through Jesus than we ever lost through Adam.

    Through Adam, we received weakness rather than power, and we gained ungodliness rather than godliness. We also received wrath rather than approval and war instead of peace. We inherited our ability to sin from Adam: not only when we do as we shouldn’t, but also in failing to do as we should.

    Yet in Jesus Christ, we receive much more in His redeeming blood. Because of His sacrifice, we are justified and reconciled with the Father. We have the fellowship with God that was severed when Adam sinned.

    In Christ, we are also renewed and made righteous to reign with Him in the kingdom of life.

    Finally, we receive His restoring grace, as Romans 5:20 says, “Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more…”

    Apply it to your life

    Each one of us is either with Adam in the kingdom of death, or we are with Christ reigning in the kingdom of life. Choose Jesus today; there is so much more!

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:24-27

    Life, in its very nature, is tragic; sooner or later, we all must weather the storms of life. The difference between a life built on the Word of God, and one that isn’t, lies underground.

    Before the bottom falls out of life, we must examine the foundation.

    In Matthew 7, Jesus describes two houses: one built on a rock, and the other built on sand. We do not see the differences between the houses until the storm comes. The results remind us why we must build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

    Matthew 7:24 says, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock…”

    This passage reminds us to make sure our spiritual house is a sturdy building.

    There are two things necessary to have a firm foundation: hearing and heeding to the Word of God.

    The grace of God alone is what saves us; but someone who truly believes that will obey the Word of God. If they do not, their faith is a profitless profession and a barren belief.

    Adrian Rogers says, “While we are saved by faith alone, the faith that saves is never alone.”

    Once we hear the Word, we must do what it says, otherwise, our faith is dead. (See James 1:22.) Living by the Word of God is what sets the rock-builders apart from the sand-builders.

    After we’ve established a sturdy building, we must expect a stormy blast.

    Matthew 7:25 says, “...and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

    Storms come to every life, saved or lost. But we must remember that God has not abandoned us in the storm. Remember Peter and Judas, two of Jesus’ disciples? Both were entrusted with responsibilities in Jesus’ ministry—but their differences run deep.

    When the storm came, both disciples caved in different ways. However, Peter—despite his failings—had a foundation that Judas did not have. Peter experienced the steadfast blessing of a solid foundation: he was able to stand again.

    Apply it to your life

    People cave in during life’s storms when they don’t have anything solid to stand on. Make certain that you have a rock-solid foundation for your faith.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:15-23

    Wolves are the most dreaded and hated enemy of the shepherd because of their danger and deception.

    Matthew 7:15-16a says, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits…”

    It is wise to heed to the Lord’s warning about false prophets and to beware of wolves that come to us in sheep’s clothing.

    First, we must remember the fleece they wear.

    Wolves come disguised in sheep’s clothing, appearing to be part of the flock. Jude 11 mentions three wolves found in Scripture: Cain, Balaam, and Korah.

    Cain represents those who pervert the Gospel.

    In Genesis 4, Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy. Abel, who understood the things of God, pleased Him with a blood sacrifice. Cain did not understand the things of God, and instead, brought the fruit of the ground (his own efforts).

    Balaam represents those who prostitute the Gospel.

    In Numbers 22-25, the very gifted prophet Balaam exploited the message of God for his personal advantage. This story isn’t about paying vocational ministers; rather it is a warning to those who will do anything for personal gain.

    Korah represents those who protest the Gospel.

    In Numbers 1, Korah did not respect the authority of God’s appointed prophet and priest. He rallied others to defy the prophetic message and priestly mediator. False prophets seek to replace the truth with false religion, but like Korah, they stand on shaky ground; God is not pleased and will not be replaced.

    We must also identify false prophets by the fruit they bear.

    No matter how beautiful the tree is, there is no hiding bad fruit. Likewise, a false prophet can only deceive for so long before the fruits of his life reveal what’s inside.

    Adrian Rogers says, “It is the root that determines the fruit, but it’s the fruit that reveals the root.”

    Finally, a wolf can be revealed by the faith he shares.

    Miraculous performances and good works do not replace scriptural truth. If a teacher does not teach from Scripture, he is teaching in vain. We must get in God’s Word and stand on it, so we will not be deceived.

    Apply it to your life

    Adrian Rogers gives us five things to remember, to make ourselves aware of wolves:

    -Study the faith

    -Show the faith

    -Stand for the faith

    -Support the faith

    -Share the faith

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:13-14

    The Holy Highway is the straight and narrow path we are called to journey on.

    Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

    First, these verses show us there is a decision to face.

    Out of all the paths we could choose in life, there are really only two ways we can go: the broad way or the narrow way.

    God does not categorize us according to our status or economic class—He divides us up by the path we’ve chosen. He sees whether or not we are following Jesus on the narrow pathway.

    Because of God’s great love, we have the freedom to choose. But there’s no such thing as not making a decision—even the decision not to decide is a decision (and not a good one). We cannot choose the consequences of our choice. We will all face the good or bad outcomes of our decisions, so we must choose carefully.

    Once we’ve decided to walk on the straight and narrow, there is a direction to follow.

    The narrow way is a disciplined way. There is no easy, cheap, or lazy way to serve Jesus.

    While salvation is free, discipleship is costly; but without discipline, there is no power. It is a different way; don’t expect crowds to be on the straight and narrow.

    Adrian Rogers says, “It starts at a different source, it follows a different course, and it ends at a different conclusion.”

    Though it goes against the tide most times, it is a delightful way. Only those who are living clean and certain lives can experience the joy of walking with Jesus Christ; on the journey, we become even more cheerful and confident in our faith.

    Finally, there is a destiny to find at the end of the way.

    No matter fearful or fabulous—life or death—it is final. It all depends on which path we chose today.

    Apply it to your life

    Have you made your decision to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to life? Remember: you are free to choose, you are not free not to choose, nor can you choose the consequences of your actions.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:7-11

    Adrian Rogers says, “There is no substitute for prayer.” The key to the vault of all of God’s treasure is prayer. The power of prevailing prayer is the greatest unused and untapped resource on Earth.

    In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

    First, there is a promise to claim.

    Our Heavenly Father knows our needs before we can even ask. We do not pray to impress God, or inform Him of anything He does not already know. We pray to invite God to work in our hearts and in our lives. God can do anything He wants without us, but we can’t do anything without Him. He wants our participation, and enjoys it when we delight in working and abiding in Him as well. (See John 15:4-5.)

    Prayer also develops us and causes growth.

    When we pray and it doesn’t seem to come, we turn to Scripture and seek the face of God like never before. God doesn’t want us to live independently of Him. Dependence on God leads to intimacy and a stronger bond than ever before.

    This passage shows us the process to follow in prayer: Ask, seek, knock.

    Our responsibility is the asking; God’s responsibility is the giving. Any desire that concerns us can be brought to God in prayer. When praying, we are on a quest to discover what the Lord wants for us. We must seek the purposes of God and discern whether we are asking for the right things.

    We must be determined: prayer is knocking on closed doors. God’s answers are direct, different, or denied; but they could also be delayed for our own growth and good. If that is the case, we have to keep knocking. We cannot stop until we have the answer, and God has given us that assurance.

    So, we can enjoy His provision. We are assured that God will answer our prayers, because God is good, He is wise, and He is able.

    Apply it to your life

    Are you waiting for God to answer a prayer today? Remember: Ask, seek, and knock. Voice your desire to God, seek His Word to be sure it is according to His will, and keep knocking.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:1-6

    It is in our nature to judge others and see how we measure up. We all have our tape measures and yardsticks, but in Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus says that a yardstick will become a boomerang.

    “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you” (Matthew 7:1-2).

    How you judge someone else is how you will be judged—it will all come back around. How do we avoid unhealthy judgment?

    We must apply wise discrimination between right and wrong.

    Before it became such a heated word, at its core, discrimination simply means evaluation. It is not unloving to call out sin. The Bible urges us to wisely discern what is good and bad. Judgment based on Scripture is considered righteous, but unloving, unmerciful judgment measured out of our own hearts and minds is wrong.

    We must avoid condemning others.

    When we are tempted to play prosecuting attorney toward a fellow believer, we must remember: we don’t have the power to redeem anyone, so we don’t have the authority to condemn anyone either.

    Often, our own iniquity will act as a filter through which we see everyone else. Our own self-righteousness makes us feel justified when we see someone else’s sin. But this will do more damage to our spiritual lives than we realize.

    Adrian Rogers says, “It is the hypocritical that are hyper-critical.”

    Our own insecurity will also cause us to judge others harshly, because we believe that if we can get others to look more like us, it will make us feel better.

    We also judge out of ignorance, assuming we know enough about others to hold them to a certain standard. None of us is wise enough to judge another person; only God is all-knowing, so He alone is the Judge.

    Where we judge others with insensitivity, our Lord is full of compassion. While we must know the difference between right and wrong and uphold that standard in our lives, we must choose to show mercy to those who fall short, because that is what we would want, ourselves.

    If we show mercy to others, it will be shown to us.

    Apply it to your life

    Do you find yourself judging others harshly? Remember: how you measure others will be how you, yourself, are measured. Choose mercy today.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:38-42

    There is nothing more destabilizing than worry, yet all of us worry more than we should. In Matthew 6:31-32, Jesus says, “Therefore do not worry… For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.”

    It’s important to recognize the cause of our worry.

    Matthew 6 addresses things we all tend to worry about: food and fashion (v. 25), fitness (v. 27), and the future (v. 34).

    We must also understand the cost of worry.

    Worrying never solves the problem or lifts the burden. But perhaps most importantly, our worry is a wound in the heart of God; we insult Him if we do not consider Him to be trustworthy.

    Adrian Rogers says, “We’re not to reach out into tomorrow and borrow trouble. We’re not to pull tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.”

    We can win the war with worry, if we learn to fully trust in God.

    God is a Good Father, and He provides for His children; He does not bring a child into this world that He is not prepared to care for.

    We must resolve to focus on the will of God.

    “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

    Worry can be a signal to us that we are not focusing on what we ought to. God will not work in second place to our other concerns. He knows what we need and He can take care of the things in our lives better than we can; we must put Him first and put our trust in Him.

    We must surrender our concerns about the future.

    “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).

    God is in complete control over our lives. He has engineered difficulty for each day—enough trouble to cause us to turn to Him and receive His grace. But if we borrow tomorrow’s trouble by worrying, we’ll find that it buries our blessings, steals our strength, and produces problems.

    God knows our frame, and He promises strength for what we will carry today.

    Apply it to your life

    If you begin to worry today, remember your Father in Heaven, who knows your needs. Focus on seeking the Kingdom of God, and leave the future in God’s hands.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 6:19-24

    In this plastic world we live in, many of us sell out too cheaply and end up with the wrong thing. Many people think they are wealthy and are not, because they do not have what truly matters. Jesus warns us to make sure we get the real thing, for that is where true satisfaction lies.

    Matthew 6:19-20 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…”

    First, we must understand what true riches are, so we can possess real wealth.

    A man is poor, no matter how much he has, when he seeks satisfaction in his money. Our lives are not a sum of our possessions; when we act as if they are, we’ll be empty.

    A man is also poor when his money increases his trouble; there comes a point when all that we think we need is actually a burden rather than a blessing.

    A man is poor when the goal of his life is making money; this consuming drive will control his character and distort his values.

    A man is poor when he has no treasure in Heaven; we will not bring our earthly riches with us into Heaven. Anything of real value is of lasting value; the more we give of it, the more we have of it.

    Second, we must perceive real wisdom, which is not intelligence or knowledge; it is seeing things in the correct light.

    “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is [a]good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22).

    Wisdom is found in focusing, single-mindedly, on Jesus and living in the light of that knowledge.

    Adrian Rogers says, “You can go deeper into Christ, but you’ll never go beyond Christ.”

    Finally, we must make sure we practice real worship.

    Worship is not just for church on Sundays—it is an entire heart posture. It is bowing to the Lord every day. No one can serve two masters; we serve God alone, or not at all. He is Lord of all—there is no rival, refusal or rebuttal—and He is worthy of all of our worship.

    Apply it to your life

    Are you certain you have the real thing? Do you possess true wealth, perceive true wisdom, and practice true worship? Consider where your devotion lies today, and pray that you would have a single-minded focus on the Lord.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Revelation 22

    Make-believe is not new to our day and age. Some of the biggest actors in the world are not in Hollywood, but in our churches. The Bible calls them hypocrites, people who pander to a phony world.

    Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus has compassion and forgiveness for the sinners, thieves, and prostitutes. However, Matthew 6 shows us He saves His most severe words for the hypocrites.

    First, Matthew 6:1-2 illustrates the shameful display of hypocrisy:

    “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them…” (Matthew 6:1).

    We are most susceptible to hypocrisy in our areas of deed, devotion, and discipline. When helping others, we must always examine our manner and motive, being careful not to do things for our own glory and praise.

    This same principle is true for prayer. The length or the language of our prayers don’t impress God (see Matthew 6:7); we are not informing Him of anything He doesn’t already know. Rather, prayer invites God into our lives and grants us the privilege of fellowship with Him.

    Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is one of the greatest acts of love and kindness God could ever extend to you. God allows and enables you to join with Him in the administration of the Universe and the affairs of men.”

    We must also be sure to fast for the right reasons, without posing (see Matthew 6:16). Our goal in fasting is not to draw attention; it is to get a word from God.

    This passage also addresses the sinister danger of hypocrisy.

    Hypocrites deceive themselves and others; they are blind leading the blind.

    Hypocrites defraud themselves and others; in receiving glory here on Earth, they rob themselves of glory in eternity.

    Hypocrisy destroys; it takes the form of godliness but denies the power of it.

    We must evaluate our own lives with serious discernment. Hypocrites don’t realize they are hypocrites. Knowing this, we must check our motives, live rightly before the Lord, and serve Him out of our love for Him.

    Apply it to your life

    Take some time to ask yourself, “Is there a little Pharisee in me? Have I been playing a role without realizing it?”

    Hypocrites are not always vile, wicked people; they just haven’t lived in the reality of knowing God. Be sure to check your motives and serve God with your whole heart.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:38-42

    We live in a very self-centered world—a society tightly wrapped up in itself. But there is joy waiting for those who step outside of themselves, go the miraculous mile, and find selfless, Christ-filled living.

    Matthew 5:41-42 says, “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.”

    In Jesus’ day, a Roman soldier could, by law, force a Jew to carry his burdens one mile for him. This was a very humiliating act, and though this law is no longer in effect, the practice of the second mile transcends time and place.

    Jesus commands us to do more than what is required by law. There are times when our dignity is degraded, but we are called to go a second mile.

    When someone has and expresses a need to us, we are expected to help. While we are not called to enable lawlessness or fraudulence, we are called to act out of love, not just out of obedience.

    Adrian Rogers says, “We do not simply pay what we owe; we look beyond what we owe to see what they need and what we can do with that which God has put in our hand.”

    When we begin to live this way, it transforms us and gives us joy we’d never have any other way. It changes our attitude; we go from thinking ‘I have to’ to ‘I want to, because my Lord has taught me to.’

    Adrian Rogers says, “The first mile is the slave mile; the second mile is the smile mile. The first mile, you are the victim, but in the second mile, you are the victor.”

    Second-mile living also breeds ground for success. The bare minimum has never made anyone happy or wealthy; understanding this transforms our work ethic.

    Going the second mile routinely is the key to better relationships and it strengthens our witness. People can see the difference. Living this way will open doors to conversations we wouldn’t otherwise have.

    Apply it to your life

    What does the miracle mile look like in your daily life? Are you willing to put in some extra effort at work? Will you show love to people in a way that makes them see the difference in you?

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:31-32; 7:24

    We are living in a time of national tragedy, rooted in homes built on throw-away marriages. The American way has created a vicious cycle: divorce produces broken children, and broken children produce broken homes.

    Marriage is made in Heaven and is to be worked out here on Earth. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us how important a foundation for the family is.

    Matthew 7:24 says, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock…”

    First, we must remember God’s designed plan for marriage.

    Marriage is a divine institution made by God to meet the deepest needs of humankind. Second to our relationship with God, it is our highest priority. When we commit to another in marriage, we leave our mother and father and unite with our spouse, becoming one flesh—physically, psychologically, and spiritually.

    Together, as husband and wife, we are to raise children to the best of our abilities, so they can be independent followers of Christ.

    Adrian Rogers says, “Your job (as a parent) is to work yourself out of a job. A parent is successful when children no longer need them. But you don’t work yourself out of a relationship.”

    We also see God’s desire for permanent marriages.

    God has said in His Word He hates divorce; He has permitted divorce for the specific occasion of adultery, but He doesn’t command it. Instead, we are commanded to love continually.

    Adrian Rogers says, “It is not love that sustains your marriage; it is your marriage that sustains your love.” We must vow to attack the problems rather than one another and steer a broken marriage in the right direction.

    Finally, this passage shares that God has declared a pardon for failed marriages.

    If you’ve experienced divorce and remarriage, there’s no going backward—but this is not an unpardonable sin. God’s forgiveness is always available; we need only ask for it.

    We must be sure, going forward, that we are seeking to honor Him in our relationships, dedicating the home to Him, and making sure He is the foundation of the family we’ve created.

    Apply it to your life

    Is Jesus Christ the foundation of your family? Are you committed to steering your marriage in the right direction? Change what you can change, accept what you cannot change, and commit your marriage to God.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:27-28

    The great pollution problem is not in the air—it is in our own hearts and minds. To be happy and useful in the kingdom of God, we must be clean and pure in heart, and that comes from developing a clean thought life.

    In Matthew 5:28, Jesus says, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” There is a battle for the mind; isolation and insulation can only keep us from the enemy’s pollution for so long. Purity comes from Jesus Christ alone.

    Psalm 119:9 asks and answers, “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.”

    There are three steps to developing a clean thought life.

    Admit your problem and get clean.

    We can’t fix a problem we don’t acknowledge. We must examine our hearts and own up to what unconfessed sins we’ve accumulated.

    Adrian Rogers says, “God will never cleanse an excuse or an alibi, but God will always cleanse a sin.” Through Jesus Christ, we can be totally and perfectly clean. If we confess our sins, He will forgive us. (See 1 John 1:9.)

    Affirm your purpose to stay clean.

    This is too important to be half-hearted about it. We have to prioritize purity and commit to cleanliness; no one else can make the decision for us.

    Apply your protection to keep clean.

    Our protection is the Word of God. It is the antidote against lust, because Jesus sanctifies us through it. We must commit Scripture to memory and personalize it, realizing He wants to teach us something through it. We must also verbalize it and use it in our praise and testimony. As we give it away, we’ll find that it sticks to us and comes to life.

    A pure mind is one that is satisfied in the Word of God; it belongs to someone who has found joy and fulfillment in the Lord. When we internalize Scripture—meditate on it and ruminate over it with time, quiet, and concentration—it takes us over from the inside out.

    Apply it to your life

    Do you struggle with your thought life? Do you want the joy and fulfillment of a clean and pure mind? Admit your problem and get clean, affirm your purpose to stay clean, and apply your protection to keep clean.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:27-28

    The home is the fabric of our society, and we are at a crisis point. It is a matter of moral purity and the sanctity of the home. Our enemy knows that if he can destroy the home, he can dominate our society.

    Proverbs 5 identifies five factors for the maintenance of sexual purity and building a strong family, so we can win the battle for the home.

    The Instruction Factor

    Proverbs 5:1-2 says, “My son, pay attention to my wisdom; lend your ear to my understanding, that you may preserve discretion, and your lips may keep knowledge.” Families often fail due to a lack of wisdom, discretion, and understanding. Our only hope for true wisdom is turning our ears to God’s instruction. He has given us a book—His Word.

    The Deception Factor

    We must beware of Satan’s snares. Proverbs 5:3-4 says, “For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.” In the moment, immorality seems so good, but it’s mere frivolity, flattery, and vitality.

    Adrian Rogers says, “Sin fascinates and then it assassinates; it thrills and then it kills.”

    The Protection Factor

    Proverbs 5:8 says, “Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house…”

    We aren’t told to fight off sexual immorality… we’re told to flee and stay away from it. We must be careful with what we put in our minds and what comes out of our mouths.

    The Destruction Factor

    There are deadly consequences of immorality: dissipating our reputations, bodily disease, and disappointment in what we actually get from it. We could also face public disgrace, and sin having dominion over us. If we don’t break the chains of sin and repent, it can lead to moral, spiritual, and eternal death.

    The Intention Factor

    God wants us to enjoy lasting and loving marriages, but the only way to have that is if we do it His way. It is crucial that we pursue purity and win the battle for our homes.

    Apply it to your life

    Are you living a life of immorality? Understand that God loves you and wants what’s best for you. He has the power to deliver you from your sin if you will repent from it and flee from immorality.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:20-22

    There is no fooling anyone. The golden facades and outer appearances we put on cannot hide a decaying spiritual life. It’s what’s inside that counts.

    The Pharisees had an outward, external, and superficial form of religion that was ultimately hypocritical. They were careful with how they looked to others, careful to live straight-edge lives, but their hearts were still crooked.

    Matthew 5:20 says, “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven…”

    Jesus ripped away the facade of self-righteousness and showed the Pharisees what was truly deep down in their hearts.

    Jesus first addressed the malice of murder.

    “’You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire’” (Matthew 5:21:22).

    God’s law states we shall not murder (see Exodus 20:13). But to have hate in your heart toward another person is considered murder in God’s eyes, because God goes beyond the act and looks at the attitude behind it, and anger is behind murder.

    Second, Jesus addressed the acid of anger.

    This passage in Matthew explores different kinds of anger. Caustic is the natural feeling of being wronged by a brother. But when undealt with, caustic anger can turn quickly into contemptuous anger. Treating someone with contempt means you feel you are better than others.

    Contemptuous anger then turns into condemning anger, which is always harmful for everyone involved.

    Ephesians 4:31 says, “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.”

    Adrian Rogers says, “Bitterness is a feeling of resentment that settles down in your heart when you feel somebody has done you wrong.”

    Bitterness leads to wrath, a word that means ‘slow burn’—like smoldering rags in a closet. But then someone opens the closet door and everything erupts into flames of anger.

    But the anger doesn’t stop there. Next comes clamoring—raising your voice, shouting and crying. And once you’ve lost control of your tone, any sort of evil can come out, leading to expressing yourself in unbecoming ways.

    Jesus reminds us of the requirement of righteousness. Self-righteousness is impossible. Real righteousness is imputed by Jesus’ blood and implanted by our new nature.

    Apply it to your life

    The only answer to the problem of our hearts is the righteousness of God—imputed and implanted when we are saved. Trust in Jesus and let Him give you a new nature and new attitude today.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:17-18

    The Lord Jesus Christ is the One our hearts long for, the One who can fulfill our deepest need. He did not come to destroy—rather, He came to fulfill. Jesus is the secret of fulfillment.

    Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus is the One who can take the pain out of parting, the sorrow out of suffering, the sting out of death, the gloom out of the grave, and can give you a hope that is steadfast and sure.”

    In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”

    First, Jesus prophetically fulfills the Word of God.

    Jesus appears in every book of the Old Testament, one way or another.

    Adrian Rogers says, “(If you) read the prophecies and try to find the meaning… and don’t see Jesus, you’ve missed it all.”

    Old Testament Scripture also identifies the Savior as the Son of a mother from a specific family, belonging to a certain tribe, of a designated nation, of a specific section of the human race. Jesus meets the exact criteria; He is the fulfillment of every prophecy. He is in all of the Bible, cover to cover.

    Second, Jesus practically fulfills the Word of God.

    God has no plan or purpose that does not ultimately center on Jesus Christ. Jesus kept every moral, ceremonial, and judicial law laid out in the Word of God, because He, Himself, was the Word.

    Finally, Jesus perfectly fulfills the Word of God.

    Through the law, God demands perfection. Jesus Christ met every standard and requirement.

    Jesus believed and affirmed the inerrancy, infallibility, and immutability of the Word of God. Jesus and the Scriptures rise and fall together, inextricably woven together for all of time.

    Apply it to your life

    Jesus came to save sinners; He suffered, bled, and died to pay every debt we owe, to fulfill the law, prophetically, practically, and perfectly. Have you put your trust in Jesus, the fulfillment of the law? Repent, confess, and pray for His grace to fulfill the law in you.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:14; 16

    In Matthew 5, Jesus calls us the salt and light of the world. When salt is applied, it goes inward; but light comes from within, and appears outwardly. Salt speaks of character while light speaks of testimony.

    This means that, as bright lights in a dark world, we are meant to be people of character and confession.

    Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

    Who is the light of the world? You.

    Adrian Rogers says, “God’s plan is to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things.”

    This world is the darkest it’s ever been—deepest in difficulty and lowest in enlightenment. We have substituted intelligence for wisdom. But we, as children of God, have the wisdom of His Word. Though the world considers us foolish, we have learned the mysteries of life and death, through Jesus Christ.

    What is the light of the world for? It is meant to shine.

    We cannot hide our testimonies or be ashamed of our faith—hiding our light is foolish. We need to tell others what Jesus Christ has done for us. When we are courageous enough to share our faith, we are proving ourselves faithful to God. And when we as Christians come together, our collective light becomes a force of nature, ever more powerful together—a city on a hill. (See Matthew 5:14,)

    How are we going to be the light of the world?

    We let the light of Christ shine, and we keep feeding the flame that burns within us. Education, science, culture, and the world’s religions cannot save us. It is Christ alone. The life we live is Jesus within us; we have to let the world see it.

    Apply it to your life

    If we don’t shine, who is going to? It is our privilege, our duty, and our responsibility to shine for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Sermon Overview

    Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:13

    Salt is necessary for both physical and spiritual life. Only God could design the chemical makeup of salt: sodium (deadly and explosive) combined with chlorine (noxious and also deadly) make something necessary for life, preservation, and purity.

    Likewise, by God’s divine chemistry of the cross, we as Christians have become new creatures with significant importance to the world around us.

    Matthew 5:13 says, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

    In this passage, Jesus calls His followers “salt of the earth.” Once we understand the importance of salt in Jesus’ time and in our own, we’ll better understand our role as salt and light to this desperate world.

    This passage first clarifies the dynamics of pure salt.

    Salt seasons, preserves, and heals; likewise, we are called to preserve truth and to have a zest about our lives that heals this sick world.

    But salt also burns and penetrates; it is an irritant that permeates everything it touches. We cannot fear our nature to irritate this corrupt world and permeate Jesus Christ with everything we touch.

    This passage also warns us about the dissipation of polluted salt.

    Salt that is filled with impurities is worthless and harmful. It kills crops and poisons water. The only safe place for polluted salt is the roadway—it makes for good cement and nothing more.

    Finally, there is a demand for preserving salt.

    If there were ever a need, a time, and age for salt to work, it is now. Things once considered sin are now considered sickness, and socially acceptable practice. Banning prayer in public schools, legalizing abortion, an increase in suicide rates and drug use in teens… this world—specifically our country—is in desperate need of some salt.

    Adrian Rogers says, “Not only is God America’s biggest, and only, hope. God is America’s biggest threat.”

    The only hope to keep this country from moral decay is the salt of the earth—God’s people. It’s not too late for a revival to sweep this nation, if only we will repent of our sins and become salt with savor.

    Apply it to your life

    This world needs some salt. Do you bear the salt and light in which we have been called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ?