
  • This is by far my favourite interview! As a mother's day special I chose to interview my mom. My mom and I are incredibly close so going into this conversation I thought I knew a lot about him, but I found myself realizing that there were a lot of questions I wanted to ask about her life and about my childhood. This was an incredible opportunity to find out more about my favourite human. I feel very lucky that she agreed to do this and that I now have this recording to hold onto forever. I HIGHLY suggest you reach out to a family member (specifically one that is older) and take the time to really get to know them or the time to make sure you tell them how much you love them. Life is so short and love is so important. Happy mothers day to all the beautiful, strong, hardworking, selfless moms in the world, you are all super heroes!

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Dr. Shainna Ali. Dr. Shainna is a mental health clinician, educator and advocate. She is dedicated to helping others understand the important role of mental health in fostering happiness, fulfillment and overall wellness.

    Together we discuss:

    The meaning of self-love

    The reason it's so important to take time for ourselves and to practise self-love.

    How self-love affects our lives and our relationships.

    Understanding what aspects we each need to work on.

    How to avoid the overwhelm of mental health and

    Dr. Shainna helps to bring a professional perspective to the meaning and the importance of self-love. We also get an insight into her self love workbook and how we can learn what areas we need to work on.

    To learn more about Dr. Shainna or to access her workbook please visit her instagram: @DrShainna

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  • It's here. It's finally happening. I am dedicating a whole episode to the direct topic of Self-Love. After a few failed attempts to reach a Self-Love expert, I decided to turn to some friends for help. Friends and Google of course.

    Together we answer these questions:
    1. What does self-love mean to you?
    2. What do you do to practise self-love?
    3. What do you love most about yourself?
    4. What's one goal you want to achieve but you haven't yet?
    5. What's holding you back from achieving it?

  • Today’s episode is not like the usual, it’s going to be a shorter episode and it’s going to be just me. In this episode, I am giving you all an update, a small boost of motivation and as always expressing my appreciation for you all.
    In the last five months since I first had the idea to launch this podcast, I've learned SO much - through the conversations, through the vulnerability of telling my story, through to the challenges of learning how to create and produce episodes and of course through meeting all of you. It was a major goal of mine that through my self-love journey I find confidence. The confidence to believe in myself and to go after my dreams... I am so excited to say that I have found that. I feel brave and empowered and so excited to put my dreams to the test and share my writing, and hopefully publish a book. Unfortunately, this isn't a small goal so I have decided that I need to make sure I give it all that I can, which means that I need to devote all my free time to it. Because of that, I will be taking a small break from the podcast in the new year, I am not certain of the length of the break at this point but I promise it's for a good reason.

    Now that I feel this way I want to remind you all that you can feel this way too, and more than that you SHOULD. Go after whatever it is you want to. Re-write your limiting beliefs and chase those dreams.

    Before the break I will have a few more episodes for you in December, so please stick with me.

    I love you all and I can't wait to continue to grow and learn and love alongside you all. XO

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Tiffany Toombs. Tiffany is a coach, author, motivational speaker, and overall boss. Her main focus is to help empower people to live an intentional life by helping them to remove their limiting beliefs. After heartbreak and loss, Tiffany had to take a good look at her life and how she could change it. She chose to surround herself with positive people and attended many self-improvement workshops, which is where she discovered the NLP technique. She now uses what she learned during her years of healing as well as her vast education to help people to live the life of their dreams.

    Together we discuss:

    What NLP is.Where our beliefs come from and at what ages they are formed.How our subconscious can take something and create a narrative or belief from it.The importance of being kind to ourselves.The best methods to say affirmations.The power of gratitude and the best methods in which we should practise gratitude.

    Tiffany helps us to understand our minds, by helping us to understand where our fears and beliefs were formed. She also helps us to learn that the way to change a habit is through changing the belief system. In order to truly make a change we have to change the system that caused the habit in the first place, focusing solely on the habit and demanding motivation will bring consistent struggle.

    To learn more about Tiffany or to work with her you can visit her website:

    https://www.bluelotusmind.com/ or she can be found on Instagram @tiffanytoombs

    To purchase a copy of her book click the link below:


  • In this episode, I have a chat with Hilary Kimball. Hilary is a sex, intimacy and Jade Egg coach. After university Hilary began her search for more, more pleasure, more understanding and more love. Through this journey, she learned about the world of femininity, sexuality, pleasure, intimacy and the jade egg. She now coaches women on how to understand their bodies more and the beauty of bringing more pleasure into their lives. In order to understand and to learn more about ourselves, we need to go inwards and understand more about who we are on every level. Self-love touches every aspect of your life, but we often tend to associate self-love and confidence with our physical image. Hilary and I bring up questions that are not often asked:

    How do you feel about your body from the inside? How do you feel about your womanhood? Do you bring enough pleasure into your life?Is your sexual side being fulfilled and cared for?

    In addition to understanding the importance of focusing on your sensuality, we discuss some tools to increase your sensuality. Specifically, we discuss the use of the Jade egg:

    What actually is the Jade egg?Why would someone use it?How do you use it?

    To end our conversation Hilary directs us through a mini-meditation - the perfect tool to kick off your sensuality practice.

    To learn more about Hilary or to work with her you can visit her website:

    http://www.thejadetemple.com/ or she can be found on Instagram @the.jade.temple

  • Today’s episode is not like the usual, it’s going to be a shorter episode and it’s going to be just me. I recorded the episode on the eve of my 27th birthday and I couldn’t help but feel the need and also the want to reflect on this past year and express gratitude and make some goals for this next year of my life. This episode is selfish and it’s for me more than anyone else but it’s something I really want to share. I discuss the big changes and shifts that happened in my 26th year and I state my goals for this year. I can’t wait to see what 27 has in store for me - and having you guys along for the ride is the BEST part.

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Eloise Pascal. Eloise is a coach, a model, a motivational speaker, an influencer and a mental health advocate. After a bad stint with depression, Eloise gained a lot of weight in a short period of time and although it didn't seem to be that way at the time, she says now that it is the best thing that's ever happened to her. She went from starting a weight loss blog to launching a successful coaching career and becoming an influencer and mentor to 1000's on Instagram. Together in our chat, we discuss a number of different ways we can learn to love ourselves from within and to learn to accept ourselves at any size.

    We discuss:

    The importance of chasing happiness vs chasing skinny.The value of limiting your circle from those with bad energy or those that make you feel insecure.Techniques to love yourself more.The importance of seeking support for eating disorders, mental health concerns and just about anything else.

    Eloise helps to remind us that we must be kind to ourselves, otherwise, no one else will feel that they have to be. And also she reminds us of the importance of not caring about what other people think and instead to care about how you feel about yourself. She speaks with such sincerity and passion that you will absolutely walk away from this conversation feeling empowered to be kinder to yourself... because in the end, all that really matters is you and your opinion of yourself.

    To learn more about Eloise or to work with her you can visit her website:

    www.eloisepascal.com or she can be found on Instagram @eloise.pascal

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Rachel Alexandria. Rachel Soul Medic, Author and a Metaphysical healer. Together we cover a variety of topics. I can’t quite think of the way, to sum up, all that we discuss so instead I will break down a couple of the bigger topics.

    The importance of following your heart/passion/purpose despite what others may think, even if that means an end to a relationship.

    How Rachel went from studying a hard science and being a bit of a skeptic, too living and breathing a life of energy, spirit and metaphysics.

    The value of peace in your life instead of happiness.What Enneagram types are and how people can respond to learning more about their personalities.What tapping is, and how the technique of tapping can be useful in a number of different situations.

    Tapping for your type, to help you to learn to love your type and all the traits you process / bring peace to how you feel about your type’s traits.

    Rachel gives us an idea of her past, and how she went from working an admin job to being a psychotherapy student to becoming a Soul Medic. She gives her story of how spirit came knocking into her life and the many changes that follow. Her story is inspiring because its a true story of following your passion and purpose despite what anyone, including her, thought of this shift. In our chat, she delivers really powerful perspectives of happiness and peace and the teaches us the technique tapping to calm emotions or anxiety.

    To learn more about Rachel or to work with her you can visit her website:

    www.rachelalexandria.com or she can be found on Instagram @rachelralexandria

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Sandra Smith. Sandra is a health coach who helps women get their bodies back & feel great without restrictive diets or crazy workouts​. We cover a variety of topics, all things that relate to health, fitness and wellbeing.

    The importance of understanding how something makes us feel, whether that be the food we consume or an aspect of our lives.The positive and negative aspects of body competitions.The value of bringing more happiness and laughter into our lives and the positive impacts they will have on your health.The fact that being healthy means so much more than being skinny or being in good physical health. But instead how mental health, the way we feel on every aspect and the people we surround ourselves all play a crucial role in our health.We discuss the power of knowing that you, yes YOU, have the power to change anything in your life that no longer feels good.The benefits and negative aspects of Social Media when it comes to body image.

    Sandra gives us a look into her life and shares the details of how she has landed herself in her happiest and healthiest place at 49. She has been through all of the stages of body transformations from being an athlete in high school to becoming a young mother and no longer recognizing or liking her physical body to creating a health business and competing in body competitions in her 40's. She now finds herself in a place of balance, health and total happiness - a message and a space that she hopes to help other women to reach.

    Sandra can be found on Instagram @bestlifecouple

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Ary Michele. Ary is a financial consultant and budget coach. She helps women to re-right their money stories and change their money mindsets. In this episode, we discuss all things money.

    How to identify your money story.What manifestation techniques you can try to attract more money.The power of affirmations and how they can help change how you feel about money.The importance of treating yourself and also ensuring you are being responsible and taking care of your long term goals.What questions you can ask yourselves to see if you should really be buying specific things.

    Ary shares a great and easy technique to review your recent purchases and decide if you feel good about what you've been spending your money on.

    Ary also introduces us to 'Money Dates', her favorite self-care trick to ensure she is always on top of her budgeting, money goals and her spending.

    Ary can be found on Instagram @badassbudgetbabe or

  • In this episode, I have a chat with Emma Del Rey. Emma is an astrology and intuition coach. She helps women find themselves through their intuition and create a life filled with joy and growth. In this conversation, we discuss all things intuition.

    How you can start listening to your intuition?How you can tell the difference between fear/ego vs intuition?How you can learn to listen more to intuition and quiet your ego?Whether or not your intuition can lead you astray?Why it is we should all consider listening to our intuition more?

    We also discuss astrology:

    How people blame things like Mercury being in retrograde on bad things happening, instead of using it as a time to reflect?What Mercury being in retrograde actually means and how it affects us?Why knowing what the phases of the moon in the astrology world is important?

    In addition to all these questions, we bring to light the importance of tuning in to ourselves to seek answers because guess what. We all have the power of intuition, we just need to give it a chance to be heard!

    Emma can be found on Instagram @emmandelrey or


  • This is the only episode where I bring any sort of coaching, I won’t even call it that though because I am NOT qualified to do so. I simply bring four words to your attention, and in doing so I hope they make you think.

    In this short episode, I ask you a question. A question that was asked to me earlier this year, and ever since I’ve found myself asking it or a variation of it every day. Its a question that isn’t asked nearly enough and to be honest it took me completely off guard when I first heard it.

    “What Lights You Up?”

    I believe this question is a very cool way to really get to know someone better. Whether you already know them or if they are a stranger. Asking someone what brings light into their life and gaining insight into what it is they love will allow you to understand them and know them on such a deeper level than the usual “what do you do?” or “where are you from?” sort of question will.

    You can also use this as a very simple tool to check in with yourself. Ask yourself this question and make note of what comes up, you can then create a “light list” of your own. Check-in with yourself as often as you can and make sure you are doing at least one thing every day that resembles something on your list.

    It's important to make time for ourselves and to acknowledge the things we love most. You, yes YOU, are so deserving.

    So let me ask you… What lights you up?

  • It’s official. Full-length episodes are live and with each episode you listen to you are bound to uncover more and more about who I - Hanna, the host - am. Because of this inevitability, I wanted to give you all some insight into my past and help you to learn what lead me here. To this very moment, to this journey and to the desire to create this podcast.

    I give details on how shy I was growing up, the year abroad that changed everything and the 6 following years of depression that lead me here. I discuss my desire to beat depression and the ways in which I did. I also discuss why now, at the happiest time in my life, I still want more. The answer? I don’t whole heartily love myself and guess what? That has to change! I’m here to learn all I can about the techniques and tools and habits that will help me to change all that and make me the happiest, healthiest, most loved version of myself that I can be.

  • This is the very first episode of the new podcast - Love, Me. In this brief episode, you are introduced to the host of this podcast and given an idea of what's to come in the upcoming episodes.