
  • When do Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives cross the legal line? In this powerful discussion, Jason Evert is joined by lawyer Marcella Burke to unpack the problem with DEI policies.

    Together, they explore what happens when employees push back against mandatory DEI training and share real-life cases where employees can appeal for religious accommodation when it comes to diversity hiring practices.

    ✨Support our ministry at: https://chastity.com/donate/

    ⚖️Marcella Burke's firm, Burke Law Group: https://burkegroup.law/

    ❤️‍🩹Divorced Parents? Check out Restored Ministry: https://restoredministry.com/chastity

    🏞️Come with us to a wilderness backpacking retreat: https://jp2trails.com/

    🤝Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In this episode, Jason Evert discusses with Economist Dr. Catherine Pakaluk the critical impact of declining birth rates and how world leaders are realizing that children are the only solution to saving the economy. With fewer babies being born, the consequences are staggering—from a shrinking workforce to unsustainable pension systems.

    We also explore why all of Vladamir Putin’s efforts—from the “Day of Conception” to the “Mother Heroine” award—have failed to boost Russia’s birth rate, despite bold incentives and national campaigns. Join us to uncover the true motivation that can inspire more people to have children: faith. This episode offers valuable insights into why family, faith, and more babies are essential for building a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

    Buy Dr. Catherine Pakaluk's Book: https://ignatius.com/hannahs-children-hchh/

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/

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  • In this powerful interview, Jason Evert talks with lawyer Marcella Burke about her work representing whistleblowers like Eithan Haim and others who are fighting medical abuse and malpractice. Marcella discusses the resources available to children who want to detransition, and the legal protections for nurses and doctors who speak out against these illegal practices. She also shares shocking details about two of her clients who were threatened by the FBI and the ongoing legal battles over banning trans surgeries in various states.

    JOIN US for a FREE Training on How To Navigate Gender Dysphoria: https://chastity.com/training

    Check out Restored Ministry: https://restoredministry.com/chastity

    Check out Marcella Burke's firm, Burke Law Group: https://burkegroup.law/

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In this powerful episode, Jason Evert sits down with Bree Solstad, a former adult content star who, after 10 years in the industry, made a life-changing decision to quit and embark on a journey of faith.

    Raised Lutheran, Bree faced a tragic turning point that led her to drift away from God. However, a dramatic encounter with the Truth led to her conversion to Catholicism. Bree’s testimony is a profound reminder that no one is ever too far from God’s infinite mercy and eternal love. Her story is a beacon of hope for anyone seeking redemption and transformation through faith.

    Check out Restored Ministry: https://restoredministry.com/chastity

    Follow Bree Solstad on:





    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In this video, we explain the recent controversy surrounding gender identity in Olympic boxing after the Italian, Angela Carini, stopped fighting only 46 seconds into her matchup against Imane Khelif of Algeria, who had been barred from a women’s event last year. We examine the biological differences between male and female athletes, the challenges of testosterone suppression, and the fairness of competition.

    We also explore the cultural and legal aspects of gender identity in the Middle East. For a deeper understanding of gender and sports, visit https://chastity.com/gender/ and join the waitlist https://chastity.com/courses/ for our 10-session gender course coming soon. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content!

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Follow Jason on:

    https://www.instagram.com/jasonevert/ https://www.tiktok.com/jasonevert/ https://twitter.com/jasonevert https://www.facebook.com/JasonandCrystalinaEvert Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/
  • In today's episode, Jason Evert interviews Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, a Catholic priest and pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Indian Land, South Carolina, about the pastoral approach to gender dysphoria.

    Fr. Kirby shares his insights on how priests and the church can compassionately accompany individuals struggling with gender dysphoria, treating everyone as children of God. They discuss important questions such as how to respond when asked to affirm someone's trans identity at church and how to involve individuals who self-identify as trans in church activities. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on this crucial topic.


    Check out our new courses: https://chastity.com/courses/

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Gender Resources at Chastity Project: https://chastity.com/gender/

    Resources recommended by Fr. Kirby:

    EWTN Transgender Mini Series: https://www.ewtn.com/tv/shows/transgender-movement-what-catholics-need-to-know Courage International: https://couragerc.org/

    Follow Jason on:

    https://www.instagram.com/jasonevert/ https://www.tiktok.com/jasonevert/ https://twitter.com/jasonevert https://www.facebook.com/JasonandCrystalinaEvert

    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For More Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In today's episode, Jason Evert sits down with Kim Zember, a Catholic author, speaker, and founder of Boldly Beloved ministry, dedicated to supporting individuals navigating sexuality.

    Kim opens up about her journey to finding freedom after leaving behind her homosexual lifestyle and embracing her identity as a child of God. She offers insights into God's unconditional love and emphasizes that those grappling with same-sex attraction or questions about their sexuality are deserving of love, compassion, and acceptance.

    Follow Kim Zember on:

    Boldly Beloved: https://www.boldlyloved.org/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kimzember/?hl=en

    Book Restless Heart: https://www.ewtnreligiouscatalogue.com/restless-heart/p/BKCTM02203

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Follow Jason on:





    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In today's episode, Jason Evert interviews Australian priest Fr. Sam French, a vocations director known for his humorous social media skits about the Church, priesthood, and reflections on Scripture. They discuss the 7 deadly sins and their relation to modern apps. Jason also recounts his recent trip to Australia, where his chastity talks at Catholic high schools sparked controversy and were met with sabotage and celebration by a group of self-proclaimed witches.

    Follow Fr. Sam French on:




    The Average Shepherd on Spotify

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In today's episode, Jason Evert is joined by Fr. Charlie Goraieb who served 11 years as an exorcist. Together they discuss the reality of spiritual warfare and how to be vigilant against evil without fostering an unhealthy curiosity about demonic activity.

    Resources for Those Struggling with Spiritual Warfare

    Spiritual Warfare Prayers: https://www.catholicwarriors.com/pages/warfare_prayers.htm

    The Reality of Spiritual Warfare w/ Fr. Carlos Martins, Catholic Priest and Exorcist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWFavjxqTgo


    Lord, Prepare My Hands for Battle by Jesse Romero

    Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon by Fr Donald Calloway

    A Young Catholic’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Fr. William Peckman

    A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare – Strategies for Deliverance and Healing by Kathleen Beckman

    Introduction to the Spiritual Life – Walking the Path of Prayer with Jesus by Brant Pitre

    Check out Restored Ministry: https://restoredministry.com/chastity

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In today's episode, Jason Evert is joined by Catholic apologist and author Trent Horn to discuss an important question: Can someone be pro-life and still support in vitro fertilization (IVF)? This topic has gained attention recently due to endorsements from both President Biden and President Trump. Find out more about the ethical concerns surrounding IVF, the Catholic stance on this medical practice, and what it means for those who identify as pro-life.

    Check out Trent Horn at:



    Book Made This Way: https://www.amazon.com/MADE-THIS-WAY-Trent-Horn/dp/1683570979




    Book Conceived By Science: https://www.amazon.com/Conceived-Science-Carefully-Compassionately-Infertility/dp/1736454420

    Natural Family Planning

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • In today’s episode, Jason Evert delves into Arden Young’s eye-opening eight-part video series from Sound Investigations, spotlighting Pornhub’s nauseating practices. Arden's courageous undercover efforts expose how senior executives at Pornhub acknowledge and allow loopholes used by traffickers and pedophiles, alongside the platform's advertising strategies that target LGBTQ and minor-related content for increased profits. Join us for this eye-opening episode that uncovers the disturbing truths behind this platform.

    Check out Arden Young at:



    Check out Sound Investigations at:


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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources:


  • Is it truly possible to forgive and forget? According to the Catechism, "It is not in our power not to feel or to forget an offense; but the heart that offers itself to the Holy Spirit turns injury into compassion and purifies the memory in transforming the hurt into intercession" (CCC 2843).

    Join Jason and special guest Fr. John Burns in this Lenten season to dive into the transformative power of forgiveness in our lives. Together, they'll discuss:

    -What prevents us from receiving God's forgiveness?

    -Why is it so hard to forgive others, or to ask for their forgiveness?

    -And what about forgiving ourselves – why is that often the biggest challenge?

    Check out Fr. John Burns at:




    Friends of the Bridegroom: https://www.renewreligious.org/

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Healing Resources:

    Sister Miriam & Fr. Burns, Healing Through Forgiveness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq_7Gi4tz5o

    Dr. Robert Enright:



    Dr. Bob Schuchts:


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    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • Advocates of gender theory promise that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery will solve the problem of gender dysphoria. But what if this treatment pathway only creates new problems?

    On today's episode, Jason Evert interviews Chloe Cole, a young woman who shares her journey from transitioning to a male identity and back. Chloe opens up about the critical decisions she faced as a teen, including a double mastectomy at the age of fifteen and her journey towards detransition and activism.

    Key Highlights:

    The real story behind Chloe's decision to transition and her subsequent change of heart. The emotional and physical challenges of transitioning at a young age. Chloe's inspiring path towards self-discovery and advocacy.

    Check Out Chloe at:




    Follow Jason On:






    Buy Male, Female, Other? https://chastity.com/products/male-female-other/

    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • Does it feel like you’re doing everything that God is asking of you, but He’s not responding to your prayers to find a future husband or wife? What’s a person to do when they feel called to marriage, but can’t find anyone marriageable? On today’s episode, Jason interviews Jenna Guizar, founder of the ministry Blessed Is She. Together, they discuss:

    What’s the balance between having standards and being too picky? What are some roadblocks that need to be overcome before you date or marry? Is online dating useful or problematic? Where should you go to find the right person? And more!

    Check out Blessed Is She at:




    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Healing Sources:

    John Paull II Healing Center: https://jpiihealingcenter.org/

    Catholic Therapists: https://www.catholictherapists.com/

    Dr. Greg Bottaro's Website: www.catholicpsych.com

    Online Dating Resources:





    Follow Jason On:





    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • The recent declaration from the Vatican on the blessing of same-sex couples has a LOT of Catholics feeling confused. Are you a heretic if you accept the document? Are you a heretic if you don’t? How is a faithful Catholic to respond to all the controversy? In this episode, Jason Evert takes a deeper dive into these questions and reveals the real reasons behind the confusion.

    Join our community on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Win 2 Free Tickets to a Steubenville Youth Conference: https://steubenvilleconferences.com/be-transformed.html

    Fiducia Supplicans: https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_ddf_doc_20231218_fiducia-supplicans_en.html

  • Recently the Church released a declaration allowing priests to bless same-sex couples. What are Catholics to make of this new development? Find out, in today’s episode of Lust is Boring!

    Fiducia Supplicans, On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings: https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2023/12/18/0901/01963.html#en

    Come with Jason and Fr. Agustino on Pilgrimage: https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/pilgrimage-to-italy-january-13-21-2024-24rs01itje/

    Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Follow Jason On:




    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • Most people assume that sensuality and chastity are rivals, and that self-mastery requires suppression of our deepest desires. But what if the opposite is true?

    In today’s episode, Jason sits down with Christopher West, and discusses his new book, "Eating the Sunrise". Together, Christopher expounds on Jason’s favorite insights from the book, including:

    “Beauty is the only thing that can keep the eye chaste.”

    “No one is so free as the person who desires what he truly desires.”

    “It is an illusion to think we can have beauty on non-crucified terms.”

    And more . . .

    Get a free SIGNED book from Christopher West: Be one of the next 10 people to support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Order Eating the Sunrise: https://shop.corproject.com/collections/books

    Get a bonus chapter: https://tobinstitute.kartra.com/page/Sunrise

    Come with Jason and Fr. Agustino on Pilgrimage: https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/pilgrimage-to-italy-january-13-21-2024-24rs01itje/

    Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert
  • In today’s episode of Lust is Boring, Jason welcomes Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, to discuss her testimony and her ministry of healing. Together, the two take a DEEP dive into what the patterns of our broken relationships reveal about ourselves, and how this can illuminate the path toward healing. They discuss:

    How childhood trauma can impact future relationships How our bodies reveal what we’re afraid to admit How we can forgive others How we can forgive ourselves How to learn to trust again How to find help when you need healing And more…

    Come with us on Pilgrimage: https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/pilgrimage-to-italy-january-13-21-2024-24rs01itje/

    Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/jasonevert

    Friends of the Bridegroom: www.renewreligious.org

    Sister Miriam’s Podcast: https://www.abidingtogetherpodcast.com

    The Body Keeps the Score: https://tinyurl.com/4zmbvxza

    Be Healed: https://jpiihealingcenter.org/product/be-healed-dr-bob-schuchts-copy/

    Be Restored: https://jpiihealingcenter.org/product/be-restored-dr-bob-schuchts/

    Restore the Glory: https://www.restoretheglorypodcast.com

    JP2 Healing Center: https://jpiihealingcenter.org

    Jay Stringer: https://jay-stringer.com

  • In today's episode, Jason interviews Bishop Erik Varden on his latest book, Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses, about finding true freedom and beauty through chastity, in a world, where this word has become intimidating and easily dismissed. Together they'll discuss:

    Why “holy” people often get chastity all wrong. Why chastity isn’t about repression. What counterfeit chastity looks like. What monks know about temptation. Why God allows temptations. What to do when you’re tempted.

    Buy the book: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/chastity-9781399411400/

    Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/jasonevert

    Join us on Pilgrimage: www.chastity.com/pilgrimage

    Follow Jason On:




    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/

  • Join us in this exciting episode as Jason sits down with Father Agustino Torres. They'll be discussing their highly anticipated pilgrimage to the heart of Italy, and diving into a profound discussion on the intricacies of dating, the journey towards marriage, navigating the complexities of heartbreak, and much more. Together they'll talk about:

    What should someone do when a toxic ex finally leaves, but you're heartbroken? - I want to talk to my "ex" (because I miss our friendship). Is it a bad idea? - How far is too far?

    Come with us to Italy! https://chastity.com/pilgrimage/

    Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jasonevert

    Check out Franciscan Friars' website here: https://www.franciscanfriars.com/

    Follow Franciscan Friars on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cfr_franciscans/

    Follow Fr. Agustino Torres on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oralecp/

    Follow Jason On:




    Check Out the Chastity Project's Website For Resources: https://chastity.com/