In this episode, Yael Yehudit shares her personal journey to Judaism. You can expect an honest conversation about the incredible experiences that a giur brings as well as the real struggles which we often face afterwards. The gerim series is a series focused on the experiences of a ger tzedek. Please do share this episode and podcast with your friends - only ladies as always. Do you enjoy this podcast? Consider donating! No monthly or minimum amount, just whatever you want to give. For more info please visit my website: loveleahpodcast.home.blog
In this episode, Gilah shares her personal journey to Judaism. We're having an honest conversation about the incredible experiences that a giur brings as well as the real struggles which we often face afterwards. The gerim series is a series focused on the experiences of a ger tzedek. I love that we have such a wide variety of guests. It shows me that no matter what minhag you follow, how old you are or where you come from, in the end we're all here for one goal: H-shem. If you think of a guest that would be great for 'Love Leah', feel free to send them my way! Please do share this episode and podcast with your friends - only ladies as always.
Do you enjoy this podcast? Consider becoming a supporter! No monthly or minimum amount, just whatever you want to give. For more info please visit my website: loveleahpodcast.home.blog
Saknas det avsnitt?
The gerim series is a series focused on the experiences of a ger tzedek. I wouldn't be able to have these series without having my dear friend Basya on as a guest. In this episode, Basya shares her incredible journey to Judaism, which includes her joys as well as her struggles. This conversation reminded me that nothing can really defeat us as long as we believe in H-shem completely. For more info please visit my website: loveleahpodcast.home.blog
The gerim series is a series focused on the experiences of a ger tzedek. In this episode, I'm having a never-heard, open-hearted conversation about my giur with a close friend. She shares her experiences and how my giur influenced her views on the orthodox community as well as Judaism in general. We explored topics such as how she knew I was converting, what the biggest differences are between then and now, how we are continuing our friendship in different settings and much more. This conversation showed me that we never truly know what kind of an impact we have on someone by living a religious life. For more info please visit my website: loveleahpodcast.home.blog
The gerim series is a series focused on the experiences of a ger tzedek. Why? Because I feel there are so many untold stories which include such wisdom and chizuk. The ger tzedek is someone who turned around their whole life in order to live a Torah observant life and, this is not to tap myself on the shoulder, I just felt that that needed some extra attention. I wasn’t actually planning on starting with my own story, but my friend, who will be featured in this series as well, told me that I should. I thought about it and it’s true, I’ve shared bits and pieces but I’ve never shared the complete story of how, when and why. So this is truly a premiere, and it so happened to be that it’s my own. Feel free to share this episode or podcast with your friends and family but please remember that this podcast is focused on ladies only. For more info please visit my website: loveleahpodcast.home.blog
I'm back from being gone! Crazy times provide crazy stories. The insides and out of what happened to my wig story and internship(s). The complete story of how I ended up studying in college while having a Torah-observant life. Finding a job that suited my life while becoming Jewish was definitely a challenge, but what came afterwards was so unexpected! Never thought I'd be forced to take off my tichel! Listen to this episode to hear it all. As always you can contact me via email or through my newly improved website: https://loveleahpodcast.home.blog/
Ik ben uitgenodigd geweest om te komen spreken over het Jodendom voor een groep hogeschoolstudenten in de lerarenopleiding. Ze hebben zelf eerst een presentatie gegeven over zaken die ze hadden opgezocht. Daarop heb ik mijn bedenkingen gegeven. Vervolgens hebben ze me allerlei vragen gesteld, die zijn open getrokken naar een open dialoog over het Jodendom. Nog enkele zaken die ik wou toevoegen zijn: - bij een Bar/Bat Mitsva kiezen de jongeren zelf voor de Torah en het Jodendom te accepteren. Ze bereiden zichzelf hier al op voor vanaf het moment dat ze kunnen spreken + het is een feest waar zij echt in de bloemetjes worden gezet & is een hele eer voor hen om dit te ervaren. // This episode is a bit unusual for Love Leah. Firstly, it's in Dutch and I usually make my episodes in English. However, I was asked to come speak about Judaism for college students, who are studying to become ethic teachers. I live in Antwerp, so the entire dialogue is in Dutch. I might still do a follow-up episode on my personal experiences of it, in English, somewhere in the near future.
What to expect on Love Leah.
Have you ever succumbed to peerpressure? Do you struggle with growth? Follow this candid discussion about peerpressure and growth in all colors and sizes with Miriam from @coffeenkavana on instagram, where she shares Torah thoughts and chizuk.
The Omer is an amazing time to do some self-introspection: on which level of tameh are we? Let's try and change ourselves in order to change the world.
As we are approaching Pesach, it's time to stop for a moment and take a good look at ourselves and this past year. Where did we get stuck? Where did we feel lost? I'm talking about it with my dear friend Sara Morales, our very first guest on Love Leah. Sara is a Jewish wife and mom living in Hamburg, Germany. She started her instagram years ago as a lifestyle/mom blogger and transitioned about a year and a half ago to a full watercolor artist page. You can find her art on: https://etsy.me/2AVGKAg You can contact Sara by sending an email to: sarawmorales@gmx.de
A glimpse into my journey: what did I have to change and how did I keep my focus on my goal? What does social media got to do with it?
Sharing concrete ideas on what gives me a helping hand whenever I try to rise again. I was supposed to publish this podcast a week ago but for some reason didn't. Gam zu le tovah. I hope it helps, even though my mind is everywhere - I blame my finals. Thank you for sticking with me. Email me on: mymodestjourney@gmail.com for any requests or questions.
Things are never what they seem. I've kept most of my struggles to myself and am now ready to share in hope that you might see that you're not alone, it is hard and we will rise again.
Monetizing yourself, knowing your self-worth and value. A perfectly imperfect conversation about struggles every woman comes accross. Happy to be back after missing two 'deadlines'. I needed this; a real talk with real life effects, I hope you did too.
Do you know that feeling when you're swimming in the middle of the ocean with no shore in sight? Have you thought that you might be swimming with no direction, waisting precious effort?
In this episode I share my personal experiences regarding loneliness in all its forms and colors and add my tips to break the chain of loneliness. Ps: sorry for all the spelling errors I made, hopefully it'll be better next time - it's okay, I'm learning.
Haircovering brings a lot of things: insecurity, struggles, reactions of your environment and so much more. In this episode I discuss my experiences and struggles regarding haircovering. Don't forget to wear your crown with pride. If you have any questions or topics which you would like me to discuss, you can contact me through: mymodestjourney@gmail.com
The story of my first Shabbos and what it has taught me.
There is more to Kashrut than a bunch of effort and expenses.
- Visa fler