
  • In this episode, we explore how to break the cycle of frustration and disconnection in relationships, especially when communication feels blocked. If you've ever found yourself replaying past arguments or feeling stuck between wanting connection and needing to protect yourself, this episode is for you.

    We’ll dig into the real reason many partners struggle to connect—hint, it’s not just communication issues. Learn how to handle the differences that create emotional distance and prevent deeper intimacy. We'll also cover strategies to manage frustration, anger, and other low-frequency emotions that can disrupt your connection.

    Plus, we'll introduce you to a powerful mindset shift: when one person in a relationship struggles, both partners feel the impact. Tune in for actionable tips to break this cycle, elevate your emotional energy, and stay connected—even in tough moments.

    Whether you're dealing with relationship challenges, frustration, or communication roadblocks, this episode will give you the tools to navigate it all and build a stronger, more resilient connection.

  • Is your partner’s friendship making you uneasy? Or perhaps you’re dealing with a jealous partner who feels threatened by your relationships? In this episode, we dive into the often murky world of emotional affairs. We’ll break down the gray areas of emotional infidelity, offer you clear criteria to help you determine when a friendship has crossed a line, and explore what microcheating (a term that's gaining popularity) really means in today's digital age.

    We'll also cover practical strategies to prevent emotional affairs and help you regain trust if you’re worried about your partner’s behavior. Plus, discover how my 7-Day Relationship Reboot can reignite emotional closeness and communication in your relationship, setting the foundation for long-term happiness.

    Tune in to learn:

    What exactly qualifies as an emotional affair?

    The 5 criteria that determine if a relationship outside your partnership is inappropriate:

    Why the connection exists

    Whether attraction is present

    How much it interferes with your current relationship

    Who your priority is

    If secrets are being kept

    If you're ready to prevent emotional infidelity and protect the health of your relationship, don’t miss this episode. Learn the principles to build a happy relationship, strengthen your communication, and safeguard your emotional connection.

    Sign up here for details on the 7-Day Relationship Reboot – limited-time offer!

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  • Episode Overview:

    In today’s episode, we dive into a hotly debated topic: Can men and women be friends?

    With strong opinions on both sides, we explore what research says and offer insights from my own experience.

    After addressing some recent conversations and reflecting on my own expertise, I’ll lay out the five criteria you should consider before starting a new friendship with someone of the opposite sex or someone of the sex you're currently with.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Introduction: Why I decided to tackle the question of whether men and women can be friends, and the significance of this topic in the context of emotional affairs.Research Overview:NPR Story: A viral video from Utah State University where students weigh in on whether men and women can be friends. The video shows a common public perspective where men are skeptical, and women are optimistic. Dr. April Bleski's Study: Examines opposite-sex friendships through an evolutionary lens, revealing that while men might see potential romantic benefits, women often value these friendships for protection and advice.Scientific American Study by Adrian Ward: Finds that men often feel more attraction towards female friends, while women typically do not. This disparity can lead to complications in these friendships.Alternative Viewpoints: Some argue that cultural stereotypes and media portrayals skew perceptions, and that meaningful, platonic friendships between men and women are indeed possible.

    Expert Opinion: My take on the research and the practical implications for those in or seeking relationships. I discuss how the CoupleSpeak process can help in understanding and managing opposite-sex friendships.

    Five Criteria for Opposite-Sex Friendships:Motivation for Friendship: Is the interest mutual? Does it align with your partner’s feelings? Is there a clear, respectful boundary in professional or social settings?Attraction: Is there ongoing romantic or physical attraction? How does it impact your current relationship?Impact on Relationship: Does the friendship interfere with your primary relationship?Priorities: Who comes first in your life—your partner or your friend?Secrecy: Are there any aspects of this friendship that are kept hidden from your partner?

    Conclusion: Reflecting on the research and my experience, I encourage you to consider these criteria thoughtfully. Understanding the dynamics of opposite-sex friendships can help maintain healthy relationships and navigate potential pitfalls.


    NPR Story on opposite-sex friendships: Listen here Viral YouTube video from Utah State University: Watch here

    Tune in to hear the full discussion and gain insights that could help you navigate friendships and relationships more effectively!

  • In this episode, we're diving deep into how you can take control of your nervous system and start responding to life’s challenges with greater awareness and intention. Jessica sits down with the insightful YI Martins to explore practical strategies for recognizing and understanding your own responses, making empowered choices, and using tools like crystals and other props to support your self-soothing journey.

    YI Martins also shares her personal approach to embodying movement—revealing how this practice can transform the way you handle stress and cultivate inner calm. Whether you're new to this concept or looking to deepen your existing practice, this episode ispacked with actionable advice and inspiring insights.

    Curious about how to better navigate your nervous system and enhance your emotional resilience? Tune in to discover the steps you can take today to start feeling more in control and at ease in your everyday life.

    Don’t miss this empowering conversation!

    Episode 9- "Discover your why" -https://youtube.com/@yizhaomartinslmft5631?si=oA-UsiqW20dSIJXn https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-s3qes-166a73f

    Yi Martins



  • In this episode, I explore emotional sobriety, sharing powerful techniques that have helped me shift my mood and manage emotions more effectively. Reflecting on my journey that began in 2003, I discuss the importance of thinking beyond oneself and how breathwork can transform your emotional state. I also cover methods for self-regulation in relationships, managing resentments, and calming the mind through focused breathing. Additionally, I offer a glimpse into different ways to self-regulate, highlighting the connection between movement, dance, and emotional balance.

    Links Mentioned in This Episode:

    Instant Healing [to Release Resentments]Follow Jessica on Instagram and comment “podcast follower” for a free day of the 7-Day Reboot program.

    Call to Action: If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe and check out Episode 12, where I discuss the beginnings of emotional clearing.

    Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more relationship insights and exclusive offers!

  • n this episode, we're diving into a crucial aspect of personal growth—becoming the boss of your emotions. We'll explore how to stay in control when conflicts arise in your relationship, so you're not letting emotions take the wheel.

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed or lost your cool during a disagreement, this episode is for you. We'll talk about how our brains react when we're emotionally charged, why it feels like we're in danger even when we're not, and the impact this has on our ability to think clearly.

    You'll learn about practical strategies like taking a time-out and understanding the science behind why our emotions can sometimes get the best of us.

    Plus, we'll discuss the importance of having a strong "why"—a reason to commit to managing your emotions better.

    This isn't just about keeping calm; it's about taking charge and making meaningful changes in how you connect with your partner. Whether you're an action taker or just curious about how to improve your relationship, this episode will give you the tools to start controlling your emotions instead of letting them control you.

    Don't miss out on the conversation—tune in and discover how to become the visionary in your relationship, focusing on solutions and building a stronger connection with your partner.

    Connect with Jessica:

    Follow Jessica on InstagramSubscribe to the podcast30-Minute Breakthrough CallTimeout and the START Framework

    Listener Engagement:

    If you found this episode helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit from it send them a link
  • In this episode, I'm diving into one of the biggest challenges many of us face in relationships: communicating frustrations without causing our partner to shut down. We've all been there—feeling unheard, unappreciated, or even misunderstood—but there's a way to express your desires and share what’s on your mind without bringing negativity into the conversation.

    I'll be sharing some tried-and-true secrets to opening up these difficult conversations while keeping things constructive. Whether you're dealing with a partner who doesn't always see eye-to-eye with you or trying to reduce conflict without coming off as critical, this episode is packed with insights that can make all the difference.

    Recently, I returned from an incredible trip to Kenya, Africa, where I joined 16 other therapists to launch a groundbreaking communication protocol as a pilot in a local school. This experience not only reinforced the importance of clear, compassionate communication but also provided some fresh perspectives that I'm excited to share with you.

    Tune in to learn how you can:

    Express your frustrations in a way that encourages understanding and connection, not conflict.Communicate your desires without sounding negative or demanding.Gain more appreciation and support from your partner by using language that fosters cooperation rather than defensiveness.Discover simple, effective strategies to transform the way you talk about sensitive issues, making your relationship stronger and more fulfilling.

    If you're tired of feeling like your conversations aren't going anywhere, or if you're looking for ways to bring more positivity and appreciation into your relationship, this episode is for you. It's time to stop the cycle of negativity and start communicating in a way that truly resonates with both you and your partner.

    You'll walk away with practical relationship tips and advice that can make a real impact, helping you improve communication and deepen your connection with your partner. Whether you're searching for ways to enhance your couples communication or just want to increase appreciation in your relationship, this episode will provide you with the tools to do just that.

    In this special episode, Jessica shares a powerful keynote speech she didon the unique opportunity that you have to change your relationship and the gift of personal growth. This talk offers a deep dive into what it truly takes to make your relationship work and how you can improve you relationship. Learn how to transform conflicts about communication styles into the ability to handle any situation with respect and understanding.

    Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and actionable steps that will help you take your relationship to the next level.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    Follow Jessica on Instagram30-Minute Breakthrough Call Subscribe to the podcast for more practical tips, heartfelt conversations, and expert advice on improving your relationship.Reach out to us for support and to discuss your specific relationship challenges.Backwards bicycle: https://youtu.be/MFzDaBzBlL0?si=Icq7mAwkSvPSxw4l
  • Dive into the complex world of narcissism, exploring the spectrum fromhealthy self-love to Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Learn about different types of narcissism—overt, covert, communal, antagonistic, and malignant—and how they impact relationship.

    Key Topics:

    Narcissism Spectrum: Healthy vs. pathological.Types of Narcissism:o Overt (Grandiose)o Covert (Vulnerable)o Communalo Antagonistico MalignantNPD vs. Narcissism: Differences and diagnosis.Signs of Vulnerable Narcissists: Recognizing subtle traits.Relationship Impact: Navigating narcissistic behaviors.Coping Strategies: Practical tips for managing relationships.

    Listener Takeaways:

    Understand the narcissism spectrum.Identify different narcissistic behaviors.

  • In this special episode, Jessica shares a powerful keynote speech she didon the unique opportunity that you have to change your relationship and the gift of personal growth. This talk offers a deep dive into what it truly takes to make your relationship work and how you can improve you relationship. Learn how to transform conflicts about communication styles into the ability to handle any situation with respect and understanding.

    Episode Highlights:

    Discover the key elements that can turn relationship struggles into opportunities for growth.Learn practical strategies for improving communication with your partner.Understand the importance of emotional intelligence in building a strong, resilient relationship.Gain insights into managing conflicts effectively and fostering a deeperconnection.

    Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and actionable steps that will help you take your relationship to the next level.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    Follow Jessica on Instagram30-Minute Breakthrough CallLast Week's Episode on Timeout and the START FrameworkSubscribe to the podcast for more practical tips, heartfelt conversations, and expert advice on improving your relationship.Reach out to us for support and to discuss your specific relationship challenges.
  • Podcast Episode Summary:

    Title: Have You Truly Done Everything for Your Relationship?

    In this episode of the Love Conscious Relationship Podcast, we dive into the heart of common relationship struggles many women face, such as feeling stuck, frustrated, and wondering if they've done everything possible to improve their relationship. We address whether you've truly exhausted all efforts and explore the emotions and thoughts that arise when you feel at your limit.

    Key Points Covered:


    We introduce the episode's theme, emphasizing the importance of honestly evaluating whether you've done everything possible for your relationship issues.We encourage listeners to keep an open mind and self-reflect throughout the episode.

    Checking In:

    We discuss how many women feel they've tried everything to fix their relationship and explore the possibility of lingering resentment and self-protective shutdown.We pose a crucial question: Are you prepared to do what it takes to turn your relationship around?

    Case Study:

    We share a recent experience with a couple in our practice, highlighting the husband's absolute beliefs about the unchangeable nature of their relationship.We describe the process of engaging with resistant parts of oneself and the importance of addressing these internal conflicts.

    Mindset Shift:

    We emphasize the importance of shifting your mindset and thoughts, particularly watching for universal language and negative patterns.We introduce the concept of "love consciousness," where you focus on loving yourself and respecting your partner's separate thoughts and feelings.

    Practical Tools:

    We discuss practical tools for interrupting negative thought patterns, such as pattern interrupts and shadow work.We encourage listeners to commit to a love-conscious relationship, where the relationship is viewed as the highest purpose.

    Taking Action:

    We stress the importance of taking concrete action, not just passively consuming information.We invite listeners to engage in activities like journaling, exploring resistant parts of themselves, and having purposeful conversations with their partners.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    Follow Jessica on Instagram30-Minute Breakthrough CallLast Week's Episode on Timeout and the START FrameworkSubscribe to the podcast for more practical tips, heartfelt conversations, and expert advice on improving your relationship.Reach out to us for support and to discuss your specific relationship challenges.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Love Conscious Relationship Podcast. Let's continue this journey together toward creating conscious and loving partnerships.

  • In this episode of the Love Conscious Relationship Podcast, Jessica delves into a controversial topic: the belief that it takes two people to make a relationship better. Jessica challenges this notion and explores how one committed woman can take charge and create the connection she craves. This episode is packed with insights on proactive steps, overcoming resistance, and becoming a relationship visionary.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The Mistake of "It Takes Two to Tango": Why waiting for your partner to change might keep you stuck and unhappy.

    Victim Stance vs. Proactive Action: Understanding the psychological impact of passivity and how to shift towards taking control.

    Unproductive Waiting: The difference between waiting unproductively and waiting with a purpose.

    The Inner Donkey Metaphor: How resistance manifests in relationships and strategies to overcome it.

    Becoming a Relationship Visionary: Practical steps to prioritize growth and create positive change in your relationship.

    Call to Action:

    Reflect on your current relationship situation and envision where you want to be.

    Consider the impact of believing in your ability to change your relationship on your own.

    Commit to learning more and taking the first steps toward change.

    Free Resource:

    Download the free PDF roadmap, "The Relationship Visionary Roadmap," to get started on your journey towards a happier, healthier relationship. https://couplesspeak.com/stepping-stone-to-intimacy/

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Love Conscious Relationship Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with others who might benefit.

    For more resources and to download your free roadmap, check the show notes.

    Show Notes:



    Relationship improvement

    Communication strategies

    Partner listening

    Proactive steps

    Personal growth

    Relationship leadership

    #RelationshipAdvice #Communication #PersonalGrowth #RelationshipLeadership #ProactiveSteps #HealthyRelationships

  • In this episode, Jessica dives deeper into maintaining control of conversations, effective communication techniques, and ensuring mutual understanding in your relationship. Building on the foundation from the previous episode, you'll learn practical strategies to handle conversations that go sideways, the importance of chunking your communication, and how to confirm that your partner truly understands your perspective.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Handling Conversations When They Go Sideways:

    Strategies to gently reclaim the conversation.Using ‘I’ statements and acknowledging your partner’s input.Example role-play to demonstrate techniques.

    Chunking: Breaking Down Communication:

    Definition and importance of chunking.Techniques for effective chunking.Real-life examples to illustrate chunked communication.

    Ensuring Mutual Understanding:

    Encouraging paraphrasing, clarifying questions, and empathic responses.Example role-play to showcase these techniques in action.

    Additional Tips and Techniques:

    Setting intentions before conversations.Using positive language.Creating a safe space for dialogue.


    Encourage listeners to practice chunking and asking confirming questions in a conversation with their partner this week. This practice will help reinforce the techniques discussed today.

    Journal Prompt:

    Reflect on a recent conversation. How did chunking and confirming questions change the interaction? What worked well, and what could be improved?

    Connect with Jessica:

    Follow Jessica on InstagramSubscribe to the podcast

    Listener Engagement:

    If you found this episode helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit from it send them a link
  • Hey there, welcome to the Love Conscious Relationship Podcast. Today, we're diving into a topic that I know many of you can relate to—how to get your partner to listen, ask questions, and support you.

    Structure Overview: "I'm going to walk you through some common reasons why this might not be happening in your relationship and, more importantly, what you can do about it. We'll explore actual steps you can take to get (AND give more) support and how to feel good about your relationship. So, grab a cup of coffee, a pad and a paper, let's dive into creating a plan for you to get more support and connection in your relationship!"

    "Who here wants a relationship where they only give and never receive?....No one, right? We all want support and understanding from our partners. But why is it that we find ourselves in a silent or unsupportive relationship?"

    Top 5 Reasons We Find Ourselves in Silent or Unsupportive Relationships:Misaligned Communication StylesUnmet Emotional NeedsAssumptions and ExpectationsFear of VulnerabilityHabitual Patterns


    Positive Deposits in the Relationship: Acts of kindness, appreciation, and love create a safe and loving environment.How to Bring Up a Conversation: Make sure you check their readinessHow to Ask for What You’re Looking For: Be specific and break down what you want into manageable chunks.How to Get Them to Support You: Clearly state the type of support you need and encourage active listening.

    Additional Resources:

    Daily Double: https://www.couplesinstitute.com/couples-as-a-team-daily-double/Document on How to Ask Better Questions: https://couplesspeak.com/conversation-quick-start-gude/

    Thanks for joining me today. Remember, implementing these steps can transform your relationship.

    Until next time, keep working towards a love-conscious relationship!Follow Us On Instagram

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we explore the three essential steps for achieving ultimate growth in your relationship with both yourself and your partner. Discover how to utilize your greatest teacher – yourself – and learn practical tools to deepen your self-awareness and strengthen your relationship. Don't forget to grab a notebook for this transformative journey!

    Episode Highlights:


    Recap of last week's roadmap to guide you toward your desired relationship goals.Importance of knowing your destination in your relationship journey.Introduction to the concept of your greatest teacher – yourself.

    Main Content:

    Understanding Your Emotions:

    Recognizing that your emotional reactions are teaching you something.Example from personal experience about morning routines and connecting with a higher power.The challenge of breaking free from comfortable yet unproductive habits.

    Three Steps to Ultimate Growth:

    Conviction:Acknowledge that there will be two perspectives in your relationship.Emphasize the importance of this understanding.Metaphor: Being in a relationship but feeling unable to use its potential.Willingness:Pay attention to the places where you get triggered.Recognize the lessons when your partner disagrees with you.Tools:Daily acknowledgment of seeking your teacher.Questions to ask yourself when triggered:What is making me so upset?What do I think I need to happen here and who is needing it?Am I really upset about this?What does this situation tell me about myself?


    The importance of exploring what bothers you to uncover deeper insights.Acknowledgment of potential discoveries during this self-exploration process.Introduction to the Love Conscious course for deeper healing and understanding.

    Call to Action:

    Reflect on the three steps and questions discussed.Join the Love Conscious course for more guidance on healing inner child wounds and discovering your shadow.

    Stay Connected:

    Follow us on Facebook, and InstagramVisit our website to opt in for my newsletter.
  • "Road Map" navigates the twists and turns of relationships, guiding listeners through the highs and lows of love's journey. Join us as we explore the initial bliss of the honeymoon stage, where expectations soar and passion ignites. But what happens when reality sets in, and couples find themselves grappling with differences and conflicts? Through candid conversations and expert insights, we delve into the challenges couples face as they strive to recapture the magic of their early days together.

  • In this episode I talk about what a lot of experts try to avoid, getting real. I want you to know that I get it and I am not just googling relationship tips or reading out of a text book. Check out this episode if you want to know how to turn things around.