The episode you've all been waiting for - we're chatting to Megan again (Boomtown's Head of Narrative) about what we can expect from the Story for 2024!
Storyline Meetup 2024 - Thursday 8th August 7pm outside the Bad Apple Bar
As always, find us on the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, on Instagram @LostintheBTMaze and on the Boomtown Storyline chat group on the app!
Finally, dear listeners, we're back!
Apologies for the lengthy radio silence, but here we are again with our special round up episode of the storyline at last year's Boomtown Fair 2023 where we all go on an Elen hunt.
There's also a special new segment we're dubbing 'Conspiracy Corner' where Mark goes off on one about his many wild theories and unsubstantiated speculation regarding where the story might be headed...
Big thanks to our friends Jem and Chris for joining us on this one (and being our questing buddies)
As ever, give us a follow on Insta @lostintheBTmaze and come join the chat on the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group!
Saknas det avsnitt?
In our final week before the fair, We talk with the Luck Exchange and Rich Goldman about who they are, how they got in here and what they are up to at this years fair!And this time next week, we will be at the fair! very exciting.Find us on Instagram @LostintheBTMaze, we will be updating on our adventures at the fair!Next episode will probably not be till October, for we are at festivals and away on holiday in September!
The question we get asked more than any other is 'Where do I start with the Maze?' - hopefully this episode is going to go some way to giving us an answer to that question ahead of this year's Fair!
We had the pleasure of chatting to Megan, Boomtown's Head of Narrative Design, about all things related to the story for this year, and got some great tips about how to get started, and how to get the most out of the incredible immersive world they're creating for us.
Just three weeks to go people! Not that we're counting...
Find us on Instagram @LostintheBTMaze
Rob Boggins, the sadly now ex-Editor in Chief of Boomtown's illustrious, infamous (and, well, only) newspaper, The Daily Rag, interviewed publically for the first time, tells all to Corinne and Mark about his time in control of the media (and, probably, our thoughts...)
Sketchy Background has now taken over the reigns of the Rag from Boggins, and can be contacted on Instagram @thedailyragboomtown
As ever, please give us a follow and let us know what you think on Insta @LostintheBTMaze
[Disclaimer: We tried something new with the mic set up in this one that didn't really work too well (oops) so some of the audio isn't as good/consistent as I'd like!]
Mark and Corinne are back! Summing up Boomtown 2022 with a much delayed review and summing up of 2023!
We've missed you! give us a shout on Instagram and let us know how you all are doing! : @LostintheBTMaze
We will be back this year with more content and interviews!
In the second episode of our new season delving into the world of immersive theatre and games that you can enjoy from home, we chat to the guys from Sabotage the DM, The Waterdeep Mallrats (sabotagethedm on Twitch and YouTube, @sabotagethedm on Instagram). They are a group of immersive actors (Joe Thorpe, Rob Thompson, Dan Burman, Gabrielle MacPherson and Evie James) playing a live, interactive D&D game weekly on Twitch on Monday nights at 7pm. As they refer to it, it's immsersive storytelling in a fantasy world!
We nerd out with them about all things related to D&D, and a bit about our first love, Boomtown (yep, they've all performed there too!) and about other projects they've been working on during this weird old year of lockdown life.
Lost in the Maze is back, back, back again with a new series for 2021 where we look into other immersive theatrical and gaming experiences, you can have during lockdown, from the comfort of your own home!
We may have nothing new from Boomtown to talk about, however what we do have is someone (or well, two someones) who we know from Boomtown to talk to about what exciting projects they're working on right now (and to chat a little bit about their time at Boomtown, obvs)
In the first episode, we chat to the man, the legend, everyone's favourite, Mr. Bliss himself - Liam.
We recently had the pleasure of doing one of his latest interactive online gaming adventures, BantzQuest (brought to you by BuckBuck Games - http://www.buckbuckgames.com/) - An online team game, MC'd by a live interactive host, where you and your friends go on an adventure through the nightclub of your dreams in a quest to get your ultimate club banger played by the one and only, DJ MEGABANTZ.
We chat to Liam about what we thought of BantzQuest, about his other projects and his career in immersive theatre. We also bring in some friends of ours who were on our kick-ass BantzQuest team to talk in a bit more detail about our experience. As well as all that, we have the pleasure of the company of Dan, a BantzQuest MC/host, and veteran of Boomtown and other theatrical projects (one of which we will be discussing in a later episode...)
In each episode of this new series we will be talking about another interactive event/game/experience that you we've enjoyed and that you to can get invovled with. If you're running out of ideas for your lockdown Friday nights, we've got you covered!
Mark and Corinne are (FINALLY) back with another episode! Tune in for a little Boomtown wrap up, what's kept us busy during lockdown and info about where the podcast is going from here...
Make sure you check out the Pictures of Gwen Group on Facebook, and Rogue Beacon's Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roguebeacon/pictures-of-gwen-episode-1
Recorded live on Saturday 2nd May 2020, join Mark and Corinne plus special guests, Tobi (boomtown newbie from episode 5) and Ramsay and Luke (part of the team who created the ARG) to discuss all things ARG and Maze related, plus we hear stories from our awesome community,
Thanks for being a part of it - big love
In this episode, Mark and Corinne wrap up as many loose ends as they are able to (which is definitely not all of them) from this year's sadly short-lived ARG.
Please join us in a couple of weeks for a special LIVE community episode!
In the meantime, come try to fill in the gaps with us in the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, and please send in your favourite stories/moments from the Maze so we can share them in the community episode (if you haven't already!) - [email protected].uk
Mark and Corinne are back with another round-up of all the latest from the ARG. What's the latest on OneCor's 'rescue' mission into Area404? What else are we learning from th3c3ll? And have we got any better idea of exactly what Hedron is up to..?
Slightly earlier than scheduled for this episode - aren't we good to you guys? Stay safe, stay inside, play the game, listen to podcasts!
It's time for another fortnightly roundup of all things Maze related from Mark and Corinne, featuring the latest antics of OneCor and IZZI on their 'rescue' mission into Area404, some increasingly confusing hidden content from th3c3ll and speculation on what Hedron is getting up to...
Times are strange right now, but we all need a bit of escapism. We're going to keep doing these as long as you keep listening (and probably even if you don't...)
In this week's ARG recap, Mark and Corinne talk about the exciting adventures of OneCor's drone, IZZI (@thisisIZZI on Twitter) and the communications that have been established with survivors inside Area404...
They also have some VERY exciting exclusive news to reveal ahead of Boomtown's announcement tomorrow (March 10th) at 1pm!
Stay tuned to the Facebook group Boomtown Storyline for information and updates!
Please keep sending in your Boomtown Maze stories to [email protected].uk - hopefully these will form part of a regular segment in the podcast!
In this episode, Mark and Corinne head deep into the rabbit hole of the first couple of weeks of the ARG (or Alternate Reality Game, for those unenlightened..)
This episode contains answers to puzzles and content from the first 2 weeks of the ARG, including th3c3ll website, HMBru, BlessedHedron and the start of the campaign to #SaveCharlie
Remember to follow @thisisIZZI on Twitter and keep checking back to th3c3ll (and the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, of course!) to see where the story heads next...
We still would love to hear your stories of your time playing the games in the Maze, for a future episode, please drop us an email with your best bits to [email protected].uk
In the second of this special two part episode, Mark and Corinne continue to regale Boomtown newbie, Tobi, with their favourite Maze-related stories, as well as talking a bit about what actually happened storyline wise over the last couple of years.
Disclaimer - these episodes were recorded prior to the 2020 Trailer release on February 6th. However, given that so many new people are discovering the Maze at the moment it seemed really relevant to go over some of the history and try and get everyone hyped for what's to come this year.
What are your favourite, craziest, most epic and downright weirdest stories from your own experiences of playing the Maze? We want to know!
We'd love to do an episode full of other players anecdotes of their time within the Maze. If you've got a tale you'd love to share with us, please get in touch via the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, Twitter or Instagram (@LostintheBTMaze) or by email [email protected].uk
In the first of a special two part episode, Mark and Corinne have a rambly chat to their friend and Boomtown newbie, Tobi, about dipping his toe in to the murky waters of the Maze at Area 404 on Hallowe'en; attempt to give him a brief summary of the overarching (and complicated..) Boomtown story so far and tell him a few of their favourite Maze stories and experiences.
Disclaimer - these episodes were recorded prior to the 2020 Trailer release on February 6th. However, given that so many new people are discovering the Maze at the moment it seemed really relevant to go over some of the history and try and get everyone hyped for what's to come this year.
What are your favourite, craziest, most epic and downright weirdest stories from your own experiences of playing the Maze? We want to know!
We'd love to do an episode full of other players anecdotes of their time within the Maze. If you've got a tale you'd love to share with us, please get in touch via the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, Twitter or Instagram (@LostintheBTMaze) or by email [email protected].uk
Slightly off the planned schedule, but we just HAD to put together a little extra hype-filled emergence-y (get it..?) episode after today's much anticipated release of the Boomtown 2020 theatrical trailer!
If you're wanting to get into the story this year, this is the place to start, and this is very much only the beginning...
You can view the trailer here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUKxAbyi5F0
Head over to the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group to join our own Hive Mind and delve deeper into the puzzles...
Mark and Corinne continue their exploration of all things Area 404 with a look at the strange, sad and just a little bit crazy (and partly illegible) diary of Walter Hughes, presumed Sector 6 nuclear power plant employee and helpless victim of the contamination...
Mark and Corinne talk about all things Area 404, what happened at the Hallowe'en and New Year's Eve events and get excited about techno wombles, chess pieces and a big ol' nuclear disaster in general.
Coming up the next week we delve into the demented (and indecipherable) diary of Walter Hughes...
- Visa fler