
  • Weightloss isn't just about what you eat. It's also about what you THINK.

    I tried a million things to lose weight and keep it off. But nothing worked until I stopped talking to myself like an asshole.

    If you're used to giving yourself mental beat-downs, you need this podcast episode. I share the "3 Keys to Feeling Better, One Thought at a Time."

    And I'm not out here talking about positive affirmations or mantras. That shit doesn't work.

    I'm talking about changing your thinking in simple, realistic ways. Because our thoughts need to be believable, or they won't stick.

    Listen in for specific examples of how to level up thoughts like:

    "My body is disgusting" "I hate myself when I screw up" "I don't like my legs" (This is a thought I have)

    You're not "bad" if you have thoughts like these. It's normal. The problem comes in when you ONLY think these kinds of thoughts and don't ever question or change them.

    To get some relief from talking to yourself like an asshole -- and lose weight -- check out this episode right now.

    Get the Free Course here:


  • You CAN make mistakes and lose weight. Here's how.

    How many times have you tried to lose weight by telling yourself:

    "It's time to get serious. On Monday, I'm starting keto/ Whole 30/ Weight Watchers and THIS TIME, I'm going to do it perfectly."

    There are so many things wrong with that thought. But let's start with this:

    You ain't got to be perfect to lose weight!

    In fact, it's impossible. You WILL make mistakes along your weightloss journey. And you WILL still lose weight as long you don't:

    Talk to yourself like an asshole when you "screw up." Say "fuck it" and turn a small mistake into a tsunami of eating. Give up because you didn't do it "100%."

    There's a better way. Listen to today's episode Why We Screw Up When We Really Want to Lose Weight to discover:

    What I did when I started losing my weight. The four phases you WILL go through as you lose weight. How to keep going when you make a "mistake."

    If you tell yourself you have to be perfect to lose weight, you're making it so much harder than it needs to be. Tune in today for how to make weightloss easier.

    Get the Free Course here:


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  • "Calories in, calories out."

    "Food is fuel."

    "Count points/calories/macros/etc. to lose weight."

    These are weightloss myths the diet industry wants you to believe.

    And sure, if you restrict what you eat, you'll lose some weight. Until you can't stand it anymore and eat all the things.

    Because here's the truth the diet industry won't tell you. If you don't address WHY you overeat, you'll never lose weight and keep it off.

    In today's episode, Why We Keep Overeating (And How to Fix It), you'll discover 6 things you're really hungry for—and none of them is a donut.

    If you overeat, there's probably something missing in your life. There sure as hell was in mine! I struggled a lot, especially as a new mom. And I used food to cope.

    To finally lose all my weight, I had to figure out what I really needed. Things like connection, self-compassion, and relaxation.

    Tune in today for common reasons you overeat. And simple things you can do to meet those needs without reaching for food. So, like me, you can lose weight and start living your best life.

    Get the Free Course here:


  • Today you're getting another sneak peek inside the membership. It's a full Weightloss Q&A session with me and my members.

    Listen in for how I tackle their issues with real talk. And I don't overcomplicate weightloss, unlike a lot of bullshit diets. You'll hear relatable topics like:

    How to handle hunger when it's extreme in some parts of the day but not others. I give advice on how to handle it and share how I handle my own hunger during the day. Why low carb is NOT the answer for most women. I get fiery with this one, y'all. Whether or not you have to eat less and less to keep losing weight. What to do with gurus who highlight only "one way" to eat during and after menopause. How to deal with a big disappointment in life, and What to do when you feel like you "should" eat when everyone else is eating (but you're not hungry).

    There's a shit-ton of helpful tips you can take away from this episode.

    To join the No BS Weightloss Program, visit joinnobs.com.

  • Have you ever had a moment where it's like time stands still? You caught yourself in the mirror, saw a picture of yourself, or maybe had a moment when you felt absolutely defeated.

    It made you think, "Damn, I need to lose weight."

    But you've tried so many times. You know you need to do something. But WHAT?

    I've been there.

    I remember my rock-bottom moment. I was 250-plus pounds, depressed as all get out, trying to get my shit together because something had to give.

    On today's episode, I share how I started my journey and exactly what you can do to start yours.

    I give you seven FREE things you can do right now to start losing weight.

    I know you might not believe you can do it. I've been there. But I believe in you. So take a listen and let me help.

    Lose Weight this Week - Get the Free Course here:


  • You may know what you need to do to lose weight, but it's thoughts like these that get in the way of your weightloss.

    Today, you'll hear a masterclass (with a side of ass-kicking) on how to deal with stuff like this and keep losing weight.

    Listen in for how to:

    Stop beating yourself up because it's normal not to feel like it Know the difference between not wanting to and not being able to Motivate yourself when you don't want to Quit "shoulding" all over yourself Get into action even if you're overwhelmed

    So sit back, relax, and pretend you're a member of No BS.

    And if you're ready to take your weightloss to the next level by becoming a member, visit JoinNoBS.com. You'll get weekly trainings, live coaching, baller courses, and a community of women you won't find anywhere else.

    Get the Free Course here:


  • Do you...

    ...work around the clock? ...take care of everybody but you? ...always think you should be doing more? ...feel guilty for taking breaks?

    You're not alone. Many women only feel good about themselves when they're accomplishing shit. Especially you perfectionists out there.

    And there's always a "next time" to get more done. You're tired, but instead of resting, you overeat to keep going. Then gain weight. And feel like crap. So you do more to feel better about yourself...

    It's a never-ending cycle.

    What's the answer? Rest. Rest is essential for weightloss. And I'm not just talking about taking a nap.

    Today's episode breaks down "The 8 Types of Rest That Are Key to Weightloss." You'll hear:

    Why rest and self-care are essential for losing weight What real rest does for your body The 8 types of rest, including things you can try today How to start believing you're more than what you do

    Listen now to get some relief from the cycle of doing. You'll learn that when you allow yourself to rest -- and take actual breaks -- you'll also lose more weight.

    This is the stuff we work on in No BS. Taking care of ourselves (even if we feel guilty). Loving ourselves more. Learning how to lose weight in a way that works FOR us.

    Are you tired of making weightloss another "to do" on your long list?

    Become a No BS woman today at JoinNoBS.com.

  • Y'all know I'm an open book. If you've been listening to the podcast recently, you may know I'm in perimenopause. It's the stage right before menopause. And it can start as early as your 30s! 🤯

    Now, if you've never heard the term "perimenopause," you're not alone. Women have been kept in the dark about this important stage of life since... well, forever.

    We've been told to suffer through terrible sleep, weight gain, night sweats, and mood changes... you name it. The message to women has been, "good fucking luck."

    Well, you know me. I'm not going down without a fight. I'm fixin' to learn everything I can about perimenopause and menopause.

    Today I'm interviewing Dr. Diedra Manns. She's a Doctor of Physical Therapy and menopause health coach. She's also a badass. Dr. Manns survived breast cancer and is dedicated to helping midlife women flourish.

    In this episode, Dr. Manns shares easy tips to improve the quality of your life during this stage. Especially when it comes to rest. Listen in for:

    How hormones impact our bodies, brains, sleep, etc Ways to get better sleep (and exactly what to do if you can't sleep) Why we seem to be hungry all the damn time What exercises to focus on (especially if you're a cardio junky)

    Get the Free Course here:


    Website: https://drdiedra.com


    IG: @drdiedra

    FB: @dr.diedra

    LI: @drdiedra

    As mentioned on the podcast Blue light filters for devices

    Link to applying a blue light-blocking filter with a shortcut for iPhones Link to applying a blue light-blocking filter to Android phones Link to applying blue light blocking filter to Mac computers
  • Losing weight is easy.

    Don't agree? Think of all the crazy diets out there. Someone is trying them and losing weight. Maybe even you.

    Hell, if they gave Olympic medals for losing weight, I would've been the Michael Phelps of weightloss. I lost it over and over with so many diets.

    Nothing lasted.

    Because all those diets were just a bunch of bullshit rules. I didn't change anything except what they told me I "should" eat. The minute I stopped following their rules, I'd gain the weight back.

    It wasn't until I changed my relationship with food -- and with myself -- that the weight stayed off for good.

    So, how do you know if your relationship with food is changing?

    In today's episode, I share five major signs you're improving your relationship with food. And I've experienced every one of them.

    A few signs might surprise you. Like that you no longer burn your mouth because you "just can't wait" to eat that Hot Pocket right out of the microwave.

    Or you stop obsessing about what your mother-in-law is thinking when you order food at a restaurant.

    As your relationship with food improves, you'll free up the time and energy you used to waste stressing about food. And you can spend it working on creating the life you want.

    Lose up to 2lbs this week - Get the Free Course here:


  • Today, I'm sharing a sneak peek into a recent class I taught on how to feel in control around food.

    This episode will help. You'll hear:

    3 main reasons you struggle to stop eating when "you know you should" How to stop overeating so you never leave the table thinking, "I blew it again" What healthy eating looks like (It ain't what you think)

    Now, after listening, you might think, "Wow, this is what I need to hear more often. It would make losing weight so much easier."

    The good news? You can! Join my No BS Weightloss Program right now.

    You'll immediately get:

    The No BS Weightloss Course that makes losing weight simple, easy and long lasting Coaching calls so you can get answers to some of the toughest weightloss questions A community of women to lean on 24/7. (Because let's face it, weightloss feels so lonely.)

    Head to JoinNoBS.com if you're ready to lose weight today.

  • Let me set a scene for you.

    It's 3pm and you're at work. You're tired and can't concentrate, so you reach for a snack. Maybe a soda, too.

    The snack and soda get you through to the end of the workday, but then you have to start your "second shift:" dinner, dishes, and whatever else comes before bedtime.

    As you finally crawl into bed, thoughts rush in. You remember the snack and soda were NOT on your plan and you didn't take a walk at lunch like you promised you would. You beat yourself up, thinking...

    "Why can't I get my shit together and lose weight?"

    Today on the podcast, Master Certified Life Coach Neill Williams will tell you exactly why: because you're not meant to go-go-go all day, every day.

    Your body has a natural rhythm and Neill will help you recognize it and work with it to:

    Stop relying on overeating, Get better sleep, and... Improve your energy levels by up to 30%!

    If you feel burned out and could use real-life hacks on how to have more energy during the day, check out today's episode. "The Secret to Hacking Your Habits to Reach Your Goals."

    Get the Free Course here:


    Connect with Neill here:





  • Do you ever say asshole things to yourself like:

    "I should’ve gotten more done today" "I'm never going to get this. I may as well quit" "When I... lose the weight/get a promotion/find a partner... THEN I'll feel good about myself"

    Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Women are hard on themselves, especially my Gen X ladies who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s.

    If you're over 40, you've had alllll the unrealistic expectations put on you. And you beat yourself up every day for not living up to bullshit outdated rules.

    During our conversation, we get vulnerable and share our struggles with being hard on ourselves. Katie goes deep on what it really means to give yourself grace in your every day, messy-ass life.

    We're not talking about becoming a perfect, graceful human being, putting a band-aid over a bad day, or "letting yourself off the hook."

    Quite the opposite. Giving yourself grace may be the most important thing you do to lose weight faster and easier.

    And share this episode with the women in your life. I want to help release the pressure on women to be everything to everyone at all times. This perspective on grace has the potential to change their lives.

    To learn more about Katie Pulsifer, follow her here:

    Website: https://www.katiepulsifercoaching.com/

    IG: https://instagram.com/katiepulsifer

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/katie.p.martin.31

    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiepulsifer/

    Get the Free Course here:


  • This bonus episode is for all my online coaches and course creators. If you're just here for weightloss, you can skip over this episode, but if you're wantin help on building your online business, this ones for you.

    Confusing Marketing is Costing You Clients

    How many of these can you relate to?

    I don't know what I should be doing each day to get clients People don't sign up for my offers I don't have a marketing strategy - I'm just posting and hoping for clients When I send emails, nobody is opening or clicking them

    It's a fact -- If your marketing is the least bit confusing, customers will find someone else to pay.

    At the No BS Marketing Bootcamp, you'll get a step-by-step plan with easy frameworks to simplify your marketing so you can consistently get clients.

    Head to nobsmarketingbootcamp.com to sign up.

  • I've got a treat for you today -- a full Q+A session with me. I tackle your burning weightloss questions like:

    How do I restart? How do I handle stress eating? But what if it just tastes so good? How do I stop nighttime cravings? What is WRONG with me? How do I move on from regret?

    In today's podcast, I give you answers the diet industry never will, like:

    Why it's hard to restart and how to get your ass in gear The real cause of your overeating How to enjoy tasty food without the guilt My surprising hack for overcoming nighttime cravings Understanding you're not broken and what the real problem is How to move on from regretting the choices you made in the past

    I brought the fire in this episode and there's a shit-ton of good advice for you.

    Get the Free Course here:


  • Is it hard for you to stop at enough with food that tastes good?

    My hand is raised -- I bet yours is too -- because it's normal to want to keep eating food you love, even when you know you've had enough.

    But what if I told you that's not why you're struggling with weightloss?

    The urge to overeat is not the problem. The problem is what you make it mean about you. That there's something wrong with you. That you're "bad." That food controls you.


    What if there's nothing wrong with you? What if there's a damn good explanation for why you want to overeat?

    There is, and I'm sharing it on today's podcast: The Best Time to Stop Overeating.

    Listen in for a fresh perspective on overeating -- one you probably haven't heard -- and real-life techniques to curb it without overhauling your pantry or restricting foods you love. (We don't do that in No BS.)

    If you want to learn how No BS women lose weight while enjoying their favorite foods, join the membership today at JoinNoBS.com.

  • I get this question a lot:

    "How do I hold myself accountable?"

    Most women think accountability is being hard on yourself. We tell ourselves to be good, don't be a fuck up, or stop being lazy.

    Then wonder...

    Why do we know what to do to lose weight, and we don't do it.

    Newsflash: We talk to ourselves like an asshole to get ourselves to behave.

    And this will keep you from losing weight.

    In today's podcast episode -- How to Actually Hold Yourself Accountable -- I'll share three steps for weightloss accountability :

    Know when you're being an ass to yourself. Track habits that help you lose weight (and stop tracking things that don't). Identify unmet self-care needs (so you can stop eating to care for yourself).

    When you learn this, you'll start losing weight and never look back. So listen today!

  • We're a month into the New Year. If you made a goal to lose weight... how's it going?

    If you've quit and are beating yourself up because you “never stick to your goals,” please stop. I know the two reasons why.

    In last week’s episode, I gave you the first reason. Go back and check it out if you missed it.

    This week, I’m sharing the second major reason you can’t stick to your goals. And it has nothing to do with what to eat or how to exercise.

    When you start a goal, you're all fired up with excitement and motivation. It feels easy. Then life happens. The fire goes out and you’re left with your regular old feelings.

    Most diets don’t address this truth, but I will:

    You’re not a loser if excitement and motivation fade -- they were never meant to last!

    Your goals fail because you expect to feel good about them all the time. Spoiler: you won’t. That's not how the brain works.

    Successful weightloss comes in the moments you feel like shit and don't eat over it. That's what we work on in No BS – what to do when you’re tired, cranky, and forgot why you wanted to lose weight in the first place.

    So, if you feel like giving up, listen to today’s episode -- Part 2: Why You Can’t Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions. You'll come away with:

    Two feelings that are a lot more helpful than motivation and excitement Three questions to ask yourself in the moments you want to quit.

    I hope you keep going. You can lose your weight for the last damn time. But how you do it will look different than what the diet industry has sold you.

    Get the Free Course here:

  • It's 2024. Did you make a resolution this year? If so, how's it going? If I were in Vegas, I'd put my money on "not well." 😜

    And that's NORMAL. The second Friday of January ain't called "Quitter's Day" for nothing.

    So why is it SO HARD to stick to your goals?

    Today on the podcast, I'm sharing the first of two main reasons it's hard.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I love goals. I just don't love bullshit like...

    "Starting on [INSERT DATE] January 1/ Monday/ 1st of the Month... I'm going to [INSERT GOAL] do Whole 30/ start 75 Hard/ lose 10 pounds in 10 days."

    My friend Kara Loewentheil of the "UnF*ck Your Brain" podcast has a name for these kinds of goals: perfectionistic fantasies and tomorrow thinking. I talk more about it in today's podcast.

    If you're struggling to lose weight, I'll bet your goal is missing one ESSENTIAL ingredient:


    You don't need a perfect goal to lose weight. You need a plan for when the shit hits the fan. Because this is real life -- you know it's gonna happen.

    Listen in on today's episode, Part 1: Why You Can't Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions, for how to create a more realistic plan and avoid the #1 thing no one plans for.

    And join me next week for Part 2. I'll give you three good questions to ask yourself when your motivation runs out.

    Get the Free Course here:

  • Have you ever caught yourself reaching for a snack when you're not hungry? You're bored, stressed, or it's just there?

    We've all been there, right?

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Adrian Youdim about cravings on this week's podcast. She's a triple-board certified obesity medicine specialist. She's also a speaker, author, and host of the top-rated podcast Health Bites.

    Together, we explore the intricate science and deep-rooted connections between cravings ... and emotions.

    Plus, we lay out practical strategies to help you recognize and meet your true needs.

    It's all about understanding ourselves better. We want to know what we're really hungry for. That might be food, comfort, or something else.

    Ready to decode what we're truly craving (spoiler alert: it's often not just about the food!).

    Tune in now to Episode 353: Why You Crave Food When You're Not Hungry and get ready for some serious 'aha!' moments.

    P.S. If you're itching to delve even deeper, check out Dr. Adrian Youdim's book "Hungry For More."

    Get the Free Course here:

  • How often do you find yourself eating past full?

    In today's podcast, '6 Reasons You Eat Past Enough,' I explore why stopping is hard, even when you're full.

    Trust me, it's not just about willpower; there's more to the story.

    Did you know that one of the reasons we eat past enough is that we are using food to reward ourselves?

    Or that sometimes, our body is still wired to overeat because of old diet rules we're clinging to?

    Discover the 6 common reasons for overeating and advice to overcome them in Episode 252: 6 Reasons You Eat Past Enough.

    Get the Free Course here: