News experience that goes beyond just being informed.
Бид мэдээллийн урсгал хамгийн их бөгөөд хурдан цаг үед амьдарч байна. Үүнийгээ дагаад бид олон шинэ бэрхшээлтэй нүүр тулдаг: ташаа мэдээлэл, хэт туйлшрал, талцал...
Иймд, хамтран дэлхий дахинд өрнөж буй чухал үйл явдлуудыг нягтлан тайлбарлахыг зорьж байна. -
Apple Podcast, M+, Soundcloud, Youtube, Spotify дээр bbbodluud хаяг дээр биднийг хайж олно уу!Болдоггүй Бор Бодлууд Подкаст нь аль болох БОГИНО хэмжээнд, маш сонирхолтой, нийгэмд тулгамдаж буй ЧУХАЛ сэдвүүдийг сонгон ярилцаж, маргаантай асуудлыг 2 талаас нь цэгнэн, эелдэгээр МЭТГЭЛЦЭЭН хийдгээрээ онцлог юм. Support this podcast:
내일의 리더를 위한 기후 이슈 뉴스레터, '오늘의 기후'(를 한 걸음 더 들어가 들려드립니다. 기후변화 이슈와 신기술, 인사이트를 소개합니다. 관련 제보, 팟캐스트 내용에 대한 피드백은 기후보좌관([email protected], 010-3237-3804)에게 보내주세요!애플팟캐스트, 구글팟캐스트, 스포티파이, Anchor, 아마존뮤직, 팟빵, 네이버오디오클립에서 들으실 수 있습니다
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
(Podcast) Radiant Fire Radio is a podcast ministry of Rev. Christopher Gore of the Lighthouse Inc., Church of Wyoming, DE. These podcasts will feature teachings on various subjects. Some will be Bible teachings, others will be informational and relate to current events. The show is designed to be informative but give a clear Biblical perspective on the events of the day.
A podcast by veteran journalist Mike K Cohen, who for 30 years, He worked in print, radio, television, cable, and Magazines Mike pioneered online news reports before the turn of the last century for a major international broadcaster. Mike has decided to not let a disability limit his storytelling and now is out and about on the street of new york where he lives with his college student sons. Mike asks a lot of questions and tells a story to keep himself and his friends and family aware. Using his voice he speaks out as he listens and learns. Mike can't see he is legally blind. Support this podcast:
Questo è il canale podcast di attualità di Vision Times Italia. -
Long-time friends use music as a basis for discussion about topics all over the map. When Shaun turned 16 and got his first car D wanted to influence the music they listened to while wasting gas driving around in the small town where they lived. He named it Shaun's Good Tape. Shaun kept the first tape and its the image on the artwork.
Hello! I'm very happy and proud to introduce you my new Podcast Air & Space Stories.
This series of episodes is about aviation (general and commercial, including unmanned - drones), and space, told by me, an aerospace engineer, and a digital and communication enthusiast. Every week, I choose a brilliant story to keep you updated about this ever-changing world and to stimulate your curiosity to deepen your knowledge of this exciting sector!
Welcome on board, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your flight with me!
Music credits:
Stock music provided by stockmusic331, from Pond5
Sono felice (e orgogliosa) di presentarti il mio nuovissimo Podcast Air & Space Stories.
Questa serie di episodi riguarda l'aviazione (generale e commerciale, compresi i droni senza pilota) e lo spazio, raccontata da me, ingegnere aerospaziale, appassionato di digitale e comunicazione. Ogni settimana scelgo una storia brillante per tenerti aggiornato su questo mondo in continua evoluzione e per stimolare la tua curiosità ad approfondire la tua conoscenza di questo appassionante settore! -