
  • A few weeks ago I recorded a podcast with Léonce Bakenga and we received a lot of love from it. I had promised we would give you updates and here is the first one.

    If you would like to contribute financially to Léonce, here are 2 ways you can do it:His GoFundMe Page:https://www.gofundme.com/f/school-building-project-women-empowerment?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer.

    You can buy Lynn Capsalors’ ebook “100 Quotes to Spark Your Inner Light”. All proceeds go to Léonce’s project. Here is the link: https://www.lynncaps.org/100-quotes-to-spark-your-inner-light.

    To get in touch with Léonce, please follow him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073338712005.

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #InsideOutUnderstanding

  • #QuoteoftheDayYou don’t have to be responsible for everything. - Fatou Diop

    In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Fatou Diop, a former athlete, a trained psychologist, and Three Principles Coach. During our discussion, we speak about the essence of mental health and wellness, and more importantly what it means to live the life you want. We delve into the conversation around the relationships we build with others and the relationship we have with our self. As such, we identify how everything in our life changes when we see it from a space of love. Join us, and become an observer in your own life as you harness the power of love.

    Driven by a lifelong passion for understanding the workings of the mind and the mental health of elite athletes and non-athletes alike, Fatou has dedicated her career to enhancing the well-being and performance of her clients. Four years ago, in search of an approach that would lead to more sustainable change for her clients, she discovered a video by Michael Neill. This introduction to the Three Principles, as articulated by Sydney Banks, revolutionized her practice.

    Through the understanding of the Three Principles, Fatou focuses on mental health rather than merely addressing symptoms and illnesses. This approach has not only transformed her professional methodology but also significantly impacted the lives of those she coaches and counsels.

    For more information on Fatou Diop, visit https://linktr.ee/fatou.di.


    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #TuneInToYou #EpisodeDropped

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  • #QuoteoftheDayLove attracts love. - Harry Derbitsky

    In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Harry Derbitsky. Our conversation highlights the significance of knowing ourselves. When we truly get to know who we are, we can share our gifts with the world, without looking for results, just for the sake of sharing wisdom. Harry is a Three Principles practitioner who educates and mentors people around the world, specializing in projects and training in areas such as: diversity, addiction, and mental health issues. He is the president of Advanced Coaches Training Inc. and author of several books. His understanding is communicated via his insights of The Three Universal Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, as revealed by his teacher Sydney Banks. Join us for a frank and insightful conversation about the power of the human spirit.

    For all the links we discussed in this episode, please visit https://linktr.ee/HaroldDerbitsky

    If you would like to send a donation, we assure you the money is 100% guaranteed to go to Africa, and pictures will show where it is spent.Donations can be made via etransfer, Zelle, or PayPal to the email [email protected].


    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #TuneInToYou #EpisodeDropped

  • #QuoteoftheDayHappiness is free! - Leonce Bakenga

    In this episode of “Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!” I am speaking to Leonce Bakenga, the youngest Three Principles practitioner I have ever had on the show. Leonce is a Congolese and is now living in Uganda, in a refugee camp, since 2017. He always wanted to be a doctor, but when war broke out in the province where he lived, he and his family encountered unthinkable tragedies, and as a result, his life took a different turn. While looking for ways to stay positive and be of service to his family and community, he met Three Principles practitioner Harry Derbitsky, who later became his mentor. Today, Leonce has found purpose and a newfound way to help others despite the continued challenges in his community. Leonce spends his time sharing the understanding of mind, consciousness and thought in schools and orphanages, and to many others. Join me in welcoming Leonce and sharing his message with the world. We thank you in advance for any contribution you can make in order for Leonce to continue being of service and spreading hope.

    To get in touch with Léonce, please follow him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073338712005

    If you would like to contribute financially to Léonce, here are 2 ways you can do it:His GoFundMe Page:https://www.gofundme.com/f/school-building-project-women-empowerment?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer

    You can buy Lynn Capsalors’ ebook “100 Quotes to Spark Your Inner Light”. All proceeds go to Léonce’s project. Here is the link: https://www.lynncaps.org/100-quotes-to-spark-your-inner-light.

    If you would like to hear about Harry Derbitsky, the man Léonce speaks about in this episode, you can listen to my friend Rob Cook’s episode with him by visiting: https://redcircle.com/shows/2473d3b8-6149-4478-93db-ae002bb484a6/ep/ac0815b2-267d-453b-8535-00c2d1b2dbe0

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #InsideOutUnderstanding

  • #QuoteoftheDay

    Life happens through us. -Lori Carpenos

    In this episode of “Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Lori Carpenos. In this conversation, we discuss the way in which “The Principles” have touched our lives. We discuss the impact of living life ‘from the inside out.’ Lori learned about the 3 Principles (Mind, Consciousness, and Thought) directly from the founder, Sydney Banks. Conversations such as this one remind us that change happens automatically, without having to do something. Transformation cannot always be captured in words. When we notice the feeling (from the inside), we can hear the truth. Join us and discover how you can trust that feeling for yourself.

    Lori has been a private-practice mental health educator and licensed marriage and family therapist since 1994. Before entering private practice, she worked in community mental health centers, the VA, and Children's Hospital at Stanford University and as a family therapist at a substance abuse treatment center. She lives in Connecticut on the east coast of the USA and loves being out in nature, hiking, biking, and cross-country skiing.

    For more information on Lori Carpenos, visit www.3principlestherapy.com.


    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #TuneInToYou #EpisodeDropped

  • #QuoteoftheDay

    Insights give you clarity. -Lynn Capsalors

    In this episode of “Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the life you want!” I am speaking with Lynn Capsalors. We discuss the power of thought as it is seen through the 3 Principles, and the beauty of living life from a space of peace and clarity. Lynn talks about her recent decision to say ‘yes’ to life. She shows how this decision frees up space, in order for us to live a more expansive life without anxiety and fear. When we see the source of everything, true transformation happens. Join me and Lynn Capsalors in our exploration of freedom, peace, and clarity. Once you see that transformation is possible, you will trust the guidance coming from your heart, instead of the noise in your head.

    Lynn's spiritual journey began when she stepped onto her yoga mat in teacher training in 2013. Lynn shares with others the power of yoga: slowing down and easing up on the gas pedal of thought, living from clarity, peace, and your true identity instead of struggling with stress, anxiety, fear, etc. Her most popular class is Yin Yoga, where the poses are held for 3 to 5 minutes, observing your experience of thoughts and emotions flowing through, doing nothing but noticing. An opportunity to just be instead of do. Because the body and mind are one, Lynn is a spiritual mentor who helps people understand how their thoughts create their reality instead of outside circumstances. Lynn is a writer (blogger) and teaches through sharing her insights and wisdom.

    For more information on Lynn Capsalors, visit https://www.lynncaps.org.


    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #TuneInToYou #EpisodeDropped


    The ability to think is a creative force in the universe. - Hervé Caron

    In this episode of "Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the Life You Want!" I am speaking to fellow Three Principles coach Herve Caron. Herve originally had a career as an international banker before joining the Three Principles community in 2010. Now, he enjoys diving into deep explorations about the nature of thought. As such, he offers a glimpse into the nature of our experience. Herve describes how we are constantly creating our reality with our thoughts. By focusing on our thoughts and what we want to create, we will have the experience of the thought. Therefore, that thought will be our reality. We experience this reality moment by moment. By noticing that we also have the flexibility to choose where our attention goes, we learn to trust the process and enjoy the freedom that it creates.

    For more information on Herve Caron, visit https://www.facebook.com/herve.caron.

    ---#DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #InsideOutUnderstanding


    Even if you're in the most crazy circumstances of your life, you're always okay inside. - Sanne Schroll Lønborg

    In this episode of "Dream It! Dare It! Do It! Live the Life You Want!" I am having a heartfelt conversation with Sanne Schroll Lønborg. Sanne is a Danish colleague practitioner of the Three Principles. She shares her transformative journey into understanding the Three Principles and how they reshaped her perception of life. Through stories of personal transformation, including overcoming habits and connecting with inner wisdom, Sanne and I explore the depth and simplicity of living from a space of insight and inner guidance. This episode delves into the essence of the Three Principles, the power of intuition over intellect, and the universal nature of human experience, transcending language and form. Whether you're a seasoned follower of the Three Principles or new to this understanding, this conversation invites you to explore your own insights and rediscover the always-present inner calm and clarity that guide us through life's ups and downs. Join us for a journey into the heart of self-discovery and realizing that we are always okay, no matter what life throws our way.

    Sanne works and teaches from the understanding of the Three Principles. She owns her own company where she has conversations and workshops grounded in the understanding of the Three Principles. Sanne is also hosting a book club where practitioners in training read and talk about Sydney Banks' books. Sanne has also been a part of translating two Sydney Banks books into Danish, and she is involved in creating Danish subtitles for Sydney Bank’s videos. Sanne also trains and supervises practitioners and coaches who want to work from this understanding. Sanne serves on the board of 3PDK - the Danish 3P organization, and works for 3PGC as the Program Manager. Sanne is especially passionate about helping teenagers and young adults discover their innate health and the peace that lies within and helping them find the courage to listen to their own inner wisdom.

    For more information on Sanne Schroll Lønborg, visit https://sanneschroll.dk.


    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen


    When we get out of our head, there is a knowing. - Kate Roberts

    In this episode of "Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!" I am speaking with Kate Roberts. Kate and I have worked together for the 3PGC (The Three Principles Global Community). Kate began her career in the field of education as a high school teacher. She later learned from top coaches, becoming a certified professional coach. Kate discusses the potential of quieting the mind (inside) even if external circumstances become loud. This includes letting go of the need to figure things out, trusting our inner wisdom versus our thinking, and the desire to live life from the inside out.

    Kate started her career in the field of education, inspiring young people to move beyond their circumstances and see what’s possible for their lives. She influenced thousands by creating a space where they could be the best versions of themselves, as they progressed toward future endeavors. Having decided to transition into coaching, Kate was certified as a professional life coach by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), “provider of the most comprehensive and experiential coach training programs in the world”.

    For more information on Kate Roberts, visit https://www.katerobertscoaching.com/

    ---#DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen


    Be yourself and play your game. - Martin Dara

    In this episode of "Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!" I am speaking with Martin Dara, a transformational coach and physical education teacher. Martin discusses the various ways he helps individuals and teams to change the way they see the world. In doing so, he assists them in handling any obstacle or life challenge that comes their way. Whether it involves playing a sport or making future life plans, Martin helps others recognize their boundless potential.

    Martin Dara is the Physical Education and Health Teacher at Long Beach Catholic. He coaches volleyball, basketball, baseball, and is a Certified Transformational Coach with an ACC Certification from the ICF. He works to help children, parents, and teams change how they see the world. He is embracing his role as a human being and helping others recognize their unlimited potential.

    For more information on Martin Dara, visit https://linktr.ee/mdara9.

    ---#DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen


    The process of building a business, or creating anything, is a series of experiments. - Anke Hermann

    In this episode of "Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!" I am speaking with Anke Herrmann about being in flow and honoring our individuality as we seek to do anything we want to do in our lives. Anke and I are both business coaches and love animals; moreover, we have radically chosen to stay on the path of authenticity. It is an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation about the beauty of the human experience. Anke illustrates that while the creative process is not a linear one, when we lean into the flow and stop trying "too hard" to make things happen, we allow ourselves the spaciousness and freedom to experiment from the heart and soul. Anke says that building a business is actually a creative process; it is a magical mix of vision, skill, and soul.

    In 2004, Anke quit her software developer career in London, moved to Spain, and started a sewing business specializing in flamenco dance costumes. "Let's see what happens," was her business plan. It felt like riding a wild elephant until she realized that building a business really is a CREATIVE PROCESS, the same as developing software or sewing a dress - a magical mix of vision, skill, and soul. Now, she brings her background in tech and everything she's learned over the years about business, marketing & psychology to help coaches and educators amplify their reach, authority, and revenue through strategic virtual events and summits, without tech headaches.

    For more information on Anke Herrman, visit ankeherrmann.com


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    I thought something was wrong with me but I was just feeling my own thoughts. - Anna Scott

    In this episode of "Dream it! Dare it! Do it! Live the Life You Want!" I am speaking with Anna Scott. Anna Scott is a Three Principles Coach; she is also a friend whose wisdom I value very much. It was such a joy to invite her back to my podcast to have a conversation about thought and our experience of life. Amidst our usual conversation about the journey of self-discovery, she also discusses something new she’s playing with called: The Gene Keys, based on the work of Richard Rudd, which provide a deeper understanding of ourselves and our potential.

    Anna Scott has guided Fortune 500 companies and young startups into successful growth, She developed and honed her own skill set in personal development and executives coaching. She has trained in the fields of leadership and somatics at the Strozzi Institute, with complementary study in energy and philosophy. As a Three Principles Coach, her approach is directly influenced by the work of Sydney Banks and Morihei Ueshiba and an abiding belief in universal love. She holds a black belt in the Japanese martial art of aikido, which teaches defense without injury and promotes peaceful resolution to conflict.Through her own journey of discovery, she was inspired to found a coaching practice for executives, creatives and entrepreneurs for one simple reason: to help kind and driven individuals discover how to tune into their energy and feel empowered to make change.

    For more information on Anna Scott, visit www.annascott.co


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    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    You can still be with the feeling of the thinking and continue doing what you’re doing. - Kristina Bruce

    🎙️ Exciting News! Our Podcast is Back with a Brand New Episode After a few months Hiatus! 🎉

    It’s season 6 and I am excited to be speaking with Kristina Bruce about making peace with our humanness. As a Body Acceptance Coach, Kristina specializes in helping others with the struggle of thinking they must “fix” their bodies. More comprehensively, she works with people to overcome underlying fears, letting go, and accepting what is. In our podcast, we discuss the way our habitual mind works and how to free yourself, trust, and let go to find peace. Moreover, we talk about the fact that it is okay to feel anything we feel; it doesn’t mean there is something wrong or there is something that we need to “fix”. That way, we face our humanness with love and compassion.

    As a Body Acceptance Coach, Kristina Bruce specializes in working with women who are tired of dieting and trying to “fix” their bodies, but struggle with the fears that come with the idea of “letting go”. Certified as a Change Coach, she uses her training, as well as education in health studies, sociology, yoga, meditation, and self-inquiry methodologies to help clients reconnect to their inner wisdom so they can live healthy and fulfilling lives in the bodies they have.

    For more information on Kristina Bruce, visit KristinaBruce.com


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    Trust that when you stop thinking about something, you will see what direction to go. - Christine Heath

    For my last episode of season 5, I am chatting with Christine Heath. Christine is a therapist and a student, trainer, and program developer of the Three Principles for over 30 years. She met and studied with Sydney Banks and, during our conversation, she shares her journey. We discuss the innate health that resides in each of us and the limitless possibilities of slowing down our thinking in order to be present in the moment, and more importantly to tap into our deeper intelligence.

    Christine Heath, LMFT, MAC is a licensed marriage and family therapist in both Hawaii and Minnesota, as well as a Master Addictions Counselor and a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor. She is also the co-author of the book “The Secret of Love: Unlock the Mystery, Unleash the Magic”. In 1985, she co-founded the Hawaii Counseling and Education Center, an outpatient mental health and addictions program, and is the Executive Director.

    Christine met Sydney Banks over 40 years ago and the truth of his teachings changed her life and her practice. Since then, she has been helping people to understand the Three Principles through clinical work, professional training, and clinical supervision, and she is a consultant to social services and health care agencies, businesses, and chemical dependency programs and professionals. She is an AAMFT-approved supervisor and provides clinical supervision based on the Principles.

    For more information on Christine Heath, visit https://www.hcechawaii.com/


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    If you have upset and you think it’s real, it doesn’t matter whether it is or not, it only matters whether you think it is. - Aaron Turner

    I am speaking with Aaron Turner about his view on the premise of ‘living the life we want’. More specifically, Aaron points to the potential to live a rich experience of life, no matter what kind of life we have. Addressing the subject, he elaborates on the fact that when we are having a richer experience of life, the details do not really matter. What is most important is to allow richness and freedom in our life, and then as a result more things tend to go in the direction we want.

    Aaron has spent the past 23 years sharing and illuminating the single source and single solution of people’s suffering, challenges, and problems. His central focus is the link between clarity of mind and outcomes mostly in businesses and organisations. He also spends time sharing his experience to help develop the impact and understanding of other practitioners.

    For more information on Aaron Turner, https://onethought.com/


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    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    I thought I needed to worry to keep people safe. -Lily Sais

    I am speaking with Lily Sais about anxiety. Lily graciously shares her journey and insights that led her from school psychologist to Three Principles Practitioner, where she now helps others live a more peaceful life. She shares the great length, effort, and work she put into trying to change her thoughts. Every avenue only led to more thinking and more work, until she came across the principles and the realization that there was a lot less to do. Thinking is meant to flow. Today she shares her wisdom toward a peaceful life.

    From an anxious school psychologist to a peaceful registered three principles practitioner, Lily is passionate about helping people uncover the peace that already lies hidden beneath their anxious thoughts. She loves working with individuals, and groups, and sharing lighthearted yet transformative videos on the principles and mental well-being on social media.

    For more information on Lily Sais, visit http://www.peace-from-within.com/


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    We have an addiction to knowing. - J.B.Hollows

    I am speaking with Jacqueline Hollows. Jacqueline is a mentor, coach and founder of a non-profit enterprise for people with addiction, called Beyond Recovery, and has worked in the prison system. More recently she has dedicated her time to writing her memoir, which is due later for release this year. In our inspiring conversation, we discuss our ability for change, emotional resilience, and the freedom that is found when we let go of the need to know the next steps at each moment in our life’s journey.

    “Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect”. Founder of a non profit organisation that uncovers the Innate Health of incarcerated people. Founder of JB Hollows mentoring programs designed to clients to unlock their Inner Guide & take Inspired Action. For resources https://linktr.ee/jacquelinehollows. For more information on Jacqueline Hollows, visit www.JBHollows.co.uk & www.Beyond-Recovery.co.uk

    For more information on Jacqueline Hollows, visit www.JBHollows.co.uk & www.Beyond-Recovery.co.uk


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped

  • QUOTE OF THE DAY: Our heart expands if we allow ourselves to feel. - Marina Galán I am speaking with Marina Galán. During our conversation, we clarify the key distinction between preferences and thoughts, thoughts and feelings, relationships and love—And, the stories we tend to associate with them. Marina points to the freedom and expansion that follows if we allow ourselves to think anything, without attaching to it or fearing it. Likewise, we have the ability to feel everything and anything, without needing to create a story or needing to solve anything. Marina invites us to trust the feeling. Allowing ourselves to feel, will create the expansion. Marina is a 3P coach and practitioner who lives in Querétaro, Mexico, with her three sons. She is passionate about sharing the understanding because she knows firsthand the immense power it has to alleviate suffering and connect people to their deeper wisdom. For more information on Marina Galán, please reach out to me and I will connect you. :-) ---

    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

    #liveinthenow #liveinthemoment #bepresentnow #happiness #wisdom#inspirationalquotes #solopreneur #entrepreneurinspiration #solopreneurs #solopreneurlife #solopreneurcoaching #coachjasmynesays #transformativecoachjasmyne #BringYourBusinesstoLife #GetInspiredNow

    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped


    This is an understanding, not a belief. - Carolina Gallardo Barker

    I am speaking with Carolina Gallardo Barker. Carolina begins our conversation by discussing how she came to co-create the "How to Connect with Humans" series which is featured on YouTube and Facebook with Wayne Yates which features international special guests and teachers of the Three Principles. She elaborates by discussing her own journey and the way life inspires. Moreover, Carolina expands on the conversation by touching the essence of the Three Principles. She says: it is an understanding and not a belief.

    Carolina is a facilitator, coach, and mentor of the Three Principles in English/Spanish. She is a Community Leader in 3PESP (3 Principles in Spanish) Professionally Certified in Adult Education, she has worked in England specializing in adults for the last 20 years. Argentine by birth, she has lived in England for the last 23 years.

    Carolina found the understanding of the three principles over a decade ago, suffering from depression, panic attacks and insomnia: it changed her life. This has helped her through the most turbulent times in her personal history: from her father's suicide after suffering from cancer to being diagnosed with chronic fatigue herself.Inspired by her changes, her partner's, and the people she has worked with and is working with, she has decided to dedicate herself completely to expanding this understanding globally.

    She has created the Community of "The Three Principles Active Community"providing opportunities to find material in Spanish, webinars, meetings, talks, courses and much more.

    She is also a 3 Principles Global Community (3PGC) Registered Certified Professional.

    She is the co-creator of the "How to Connect with Humans" series which is featured on YouTube and Facebook with Wayne Yates with international special guests and featured teachers of the Three Principles. Carolina was invited as a speaker to the 14th 3PUK annual international conference from London this year.

    For more information on Carolina Gallardo Barker, please reach out to me and I will connect you. :-)


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

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    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped

  • QUOTE OF THE DAY:All the information is in the feeling. - Gary Stine.I am speaking with Transformative Coach, Gary Stine. We discuss ways of identifying the difference between thoughts and feelings. Gary shows how the remembered past or the imagined future deprives us of living each moment to the fullest. By using discernment, noticing when something is just a thought, we can choose not to assign meaning to it or believe that it represents the truth. Seeing this difference allows us to be present, joyful, and filled with limitless potential.

    For more than twenty years, Gary has coached hard-working individuals and organizations to tap into their unlimited potential. The result is an amazing combination of more success with less stress. Helping individuals tap into this limitless potential (which is available to all of us) brings them dramatically improved performance, and a sense of overall ease and well-being that may have been absent from their lives.

    For more information on Gary Stine, please reach out to me and I will connect you. :-)


    #theinspiress #solopreneurinspiration #livethelifeyouwant❤️

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    #DreamItDareItDoIt #LiveTheLifeYouWant #MakeitHappen #EpisodeDropped