Welcome to the Live Better Sell Better podcast with your host Kevin Dorsey of Inside Sales Excellence the #1 Patreon group and Youtube Channel for tech sellers and leaders.
Where we dive deep into tactical advice on how to book more meetings, close more deals, and lead sales teams to success.
Inviting the top experts in the software sales world to talk about every topic you can think of. From Cold Calling, Closing Deals, Storytelling, all the way to Sales Management and Brand Building.
We leave no topic untouched.
PLUS - This show is all about tactical advice, no fluff, no long backstories, just the juicy details.
But we don’t stop there, we also focus on the PERSON in sales person, making sure we also take care of that too. Mindset, mindfulness, goal setting, stress management, we cover it all.
Thank you for listening, and if you’re interested head on over to www.patreon.com/insidesalesexcellence to learn more.
Now with that, get ready, grab a notepad & let’s get into the good stuff!