
  • Are you a “none?” Many people today claim to have no religious affiliation. Indeed there are so many religions and so many ways to look at reality it is difficult to commit to any one viewpoint. But these questions of ultimate reality cannot be put off forever. At some point in your life, you will have to make a choice. Even not choosing will be a choice in the end. Here we begin to look at the story of Anjali Kumar and her quest to answer those ultimate questions.

    Recommended Apologetics Resources: https://www.worldviewsummit.org/recom...

    Anjali Kumar: My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar (0:14-0:30; 4:13 - 5:38; 15:26 - 15:58)
    Richard Dawkins: What would persuade Dawkins to believe in God? (1:00)

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  • The core message of Christianity consists of four main points: 1. God loves us and he created us to worship and glorify him. 2. We have failed to worship and obey God. 3. In his death and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and therefore we can be forgiven by God. 4. We each need to make Jesus the Saviour and Lord of our lives.

    Christian apologists defend these four points in various ways. One way is that used by Dr. William Lane Craig in which he provides several arguments for the existence of God, and also historical arguments for Jesus' resurrection from the dead. To see more about how Craig defends his arguments, you can check out his debates by searching for him on YouTube.

    Worldview Summit Website - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/

    Recommended Apologetics Resources - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/recommended-resources


    Richard Dawkins: What would persuade Dawkins to believe in God? (1:00)

    George Carlin: George Carlin On Religion (15:29 - 15:36)

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  • When some Christians first learn about apologetics they can get excited about "proving" that Christianity is true. But "proving" that it's true is not as simple as it might sound. It's not that Christianity lacks sound evidence. (There is plenty of evidence.) The problem is that what counts as proof to one person, does not count as proof to another. This is especially apparent in the case of Richard Dawkins. When he was asked what would persuade him that God existed, he responded with "I'm starting to think that nothing would." If nothing can persuade an atheist like Dawkins, that should demonstrate how difficult it is to "prove" that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

    Worldview Summit Website - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/

    Recommended Apologetics Resources - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/recommended-resources

    Richard Dawkins: What would persuade Dawkins to believe in God? (1:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vG_8wkwhr0

    Muslim Cartoon: Family Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Stories | The Story Of Khadija (RA) | Quran Stories (18:04 -18:19)

    Sean Carroll: The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (page 123)

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  • Stand-up comedian, George Carlin, says that God does not exist and that the Bible is (essentially) a book of fairy tales. Apologetics is all about examining and critiquing these types of claims. The Bible says in 1 Peter 3:15 that Christians should always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in them. When Christians use apologetics to engage people with “gentleness and respect,” they take the time to understand what other people believe, care about them as individuals, and respectfully challenge their ideas. Many professors and scholars use “apologetics” in a negative sense but that is not how apologists understand the term.

    Worldview Summit Website - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/

    Recommended Apologetics Resources - https://www.worldviewsummit.org/recommended-resources

    George Carlin: George Carlin On Religion (5:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVVo036N9OY

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Joe Rogan Experience 1159 - Neil deGrasse Tyson (46:15)

    Muslim Cartoon: Family Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Stories | The Story Of Khadija (RA) | Quran Stories (18:04)

    A Broken Court (8:09)

    Peter Doherty: Peter Doherty: Knowledge Wars, Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2015 (15:29)

    Scientific Evidence: 15 Things Christians Say to Atheists (And Shouldn’t) (7:44)

    Archeology: Beyond Today – Three Proofs the Bible is True (20:19)

    World Religions: Jesus (pbuh) is not God but a Messenger of God - Dr Zakir Naik (1:03)

    Sexuality: An Ex-Christian And An-Atheist Answer 10 Questions (7:09)

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  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson alleges that when the religions of the world claim certain things to be true, they are just declaring “personal truths.” However, this is a perversion of what those religions are all about. For example, Islam’s adherence to strict monotheism is certainly not something that Muslims regard as a mere subjective, personal claim. This can be seen from the fact that the earliest Muslims were willing to suffer for their beliefs. Some Muslims will also kill, or threaten to kill, those who leave Islam. But that is not the type of behaviour one would expect from someone who thinks their religion is just a “personal truth,” akin to one’s favourite flavour of ice cream.

    This fact even applies to those religions, such as Hinduism and Bahaism, which claim that all religions are true. That is, when they say that all religions are true, they are making an objective claim about all of reality. These claims are either true or false. Anything less is a distortion of what they are all about.

    Worldview Summit Website:

    Recommended Apologetics Resources:


    Neil DeGrasse Tyson | Joe Rogan Experience # 1159 - Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Muslim Cartoon:
    Family Of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Stories | The Story Of Khadija (RA) | Quran Stories

    Ali Dawah:
    Before You Convert to Islam, WATCH THIS! - (see 2:37 min)

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  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson claims that "religious truths" are just "personal truths." If this was correct, it would put Christian truth claims such as, "Jesus rose from the dead," in the same category as claims such as, "Bubble ice cream is the best flavour in the whole world." But this is a serious distortion of what the Bible teaches and how Christians have always understood their own beliefs. Jesus, his disciples, and generations of Christians have been willing to suffer and die for what they held to be true. That's not something that people will do for personal, subjective truths akin to one's favorite flavour of ice cream. Tyson's view of religious claims is disrespectful and a perversion of what Christianity is all about.

    Worldview Summit Website:

    Recommended Apologetics Resources:


    Neil DeGrasse Tyson | Joe Rogan Experience # 1159 - Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Lee Strobel | S1:E7i | My Story | Lee Strobel | Genexis 2019

    Nabeel Qureshi | Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: The Christian Testimony of Nabeel Qureshi

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  • Michael Shermer alleges that the arguments and evidence for Christianity only convinces those that already believe. But this is not true. Many people have examined the evidence and changed their minds. Sometimes they go all the way and become a follower of Jesus, and sometimes they just take steps in that direction. One example of this is the late Antony Flew. Flew was a professional philosopher and committed atheist who became known as a spokesperson for atheism. However, toward the end of his life, he began to have doubts and he eventually concluded that some type of divine being existed.

    Worldview Summit Website:

    Recommended Apologetics Resources:


    Michael Shermer: Zac Sechler interviews Michael Shermer about Why People Believe in God (SCIENCE SALON # 46)

    Antony Flew Speaking:

    BBC article about Flew:

    Interview of Antony Flew:

    C.S. Lewis:

    Lee Strobel:

    Alister McGrath:

    Paul Williams:

    Nabeel Qureshi:

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  • Michael Shermer alleges that the arguments and evidence for Christianity only convince those that already believe. But this is not true. Many people have examined the evidence and decided to put their faith in Jesus. One example of this is Jordan Monge who started her studies at Harvard University as a committed atheist. While studying there she realized that the case for Christianity was a lot better than what she previously thought and so she decided to put her faith in Jesus.

    Worldview Summit website:

    Recommended Apologetics Resources:

    Jordan Monge's homepage:

    Jordan Monge's articles in the Harvard Ichthus:


    Michael Shermer: Zac Sechler interviews Michael Shermer about Why People Believe in God (SCIENCE SALON # 46)

    Jordan Monge: Beyond The Page #2

    Jordan Monge: The Faith of An Atheist

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