
  • In this podcast episode, learn about the hidden signs of childhood trauma as they relate to stuffing your emotions, dissociation, denying what you feel, pretending not to feel what you feel and three life transforming mind hacks that will boost your emotional intelligence, self awareness and success quotient. Lisa A. Romano shows you how to live an empowered life despite a painful childhood past.

    Follow along on Spotify http://bit.ly/2wndwHI_LARSpotify

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    Register for The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program and begin the journey back to feeling your authentic feelings.


    Want Lisa to be your coach and or mentor? Reach out to learn more about coaching packages;

    [email protected]

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  • Elevate Your Authenticity: Embracing Mistakes and Letting Go of Criticism

    Join Lisa A. Romano in this transformative episode as she guides listeners on elevating authenticity. Discover the power of embracing mistakes as stepping stones to growth and self-discovery. Learn to withstand criticism from others without compromising your true self. Explore the liberating practice of letting go of attachment to specific outcomes, allowing you to flow effortlessly with life's unfolding.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical tools for embracing imperfection, standing strong in your authenticity, and navigating the path towards self-empowerment.

    Ready to level up and to learn how to live a more authentic life? Lisa has created a three part coaching program to help you move from self abandonment to self actualization!

    Begin here;


    Contact Lisa at [email protected] for her expert guidance on how to heal and become your true self despite a painful past.

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  • Stop Being Afraid of Everything and Start Trusting Your Body's Intelligence

    In this episode, Lisa A Romano explores the concept of overcoming fear and learning to trust the innate intelligence of our bodies. She delves into the impact of fear on our mental and physical well-being, offering insights on shifting from constant fear to trust and empowerment.

    Join Lisa as she shares practical tips and strategies to help listeners break free from fear and embrace the wisdom of their bodies. Tune in to discover how to cultivate a deeper sense of self-trust and navigate life with confidence and resilience.

    Ready to begin the journey within?

  • Shadow work refers to the journey one takes to make that which is subconscious conscious, so to discover the lost facets of the self for the purpose of a more integrated sense of self and being-ness. In this episode, Breakthrough Life Coach Lisa A. Romano, author of the bestselling books The Road Back to Me, (2012) and the award-winning Codependency Manifesto and Codependent Now What? It's Not You, It's Your Programming delves into the specific shadow work necessary for a codependent people-pleaser.

    Lisa points out that shadow work is the most profound self-discovery journey anyone can take. It should not be viewed as woo-woo or pseudo-psychology but instead, as an opportunity to more fully integrate the not-so-likable and very likable yet denied facets of the self in order to become more fully self-actualized.

    Lisa has created several online courses and workbooks to assist with the self-discovery journey, otherwise called shadow work. Download the 21 Day Inner Child Healing Adventure Journaling Program today for only $27 and uncover the lost facets of the self so that you can more fully understand and thus integrate.


  • Narcissists can keep you emotionally and mentally enmeshed due to their mind games. If you are involved with a narcissist, you undoubtedly understand what it is like to walk on eggshells and freeze the moment they get in touch with you. You can be thousands of miles away and yet still react with anxiety when they reach out.

    Lisa A. Romano, renowned codependency recovery and narcissistic abuse recovery expert and life coach, offers you four mental health hacks to beat the anxiety that shows up when a narcissist texts you. Be assured, Lisa has lived through the anxiety loving a narcissist can cause you, and expect to gain invaluable wisdom in this episode.

    Stop wasting your time and learn the power tools, techniques, and mental training you need to get unstuck!

    Begin your mental wellness training and recovery journey with Lisa's 12 Week Breakthrough Program. https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp

  • Narcissistic friends enjoy pushing you around, minimizing you, and embarrassing you in the name of a joke. By suggesting their antagonistic communication is a form of play, they covertly incapacitate your ability to push back rightfully.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach, an expert in the field of codependency recovery and narcissistic abuse, explains the best way to confront a narcissistic friend. Learn about the psychological strategies that will help boost your confidence on how to push a passive-aggressive, narcissistic, and demeaning so-called friend back. Lisa will help you gain the clarity and the strength to hold your ground as you break the patterns that often cause us to be targets of narcissists at the level of the subconscious.

    Ready to breakthrough and to heal the subconscious energies, patterns, conditioning and programming that keeps so many humans living and reacting from below the veil of consciousness?

    If so, join Lisa's online subconscious healing and retraining program and put an end to feeling stuck, reactive, and not good enough!


  • Narcissistic abuse is a real thing, and since 90% of the population is considered to be somewhat codependent, it is imperative to find as many empowering and valid reasons to ensure we do not fall prey to emotional manipulators. In this episode, you will find the confidence and encouragement you need to go no contact with those with narcissistic personalities.

    Narcissists exhibit pervasive patterns of antisocial behavior, and according to Lisa A. Romano, if you can remain aware of how their thinking and communicating reveal their lack of empathy and grandiosity, you can initiate and maintain the emotional detachment required to gain the objectivity you need to avoid contact. The clearer you understand their way of communicating and how you, as a wounded adult child and codependent, can become enmeshed and locked in toxic dynamics for a lifetime, the greater your desire and ability will be to stop wasting your precious time! Use Lisa's wisdom to help you find your way back to your authentic self. This episode is full of wisdom and clarity!

    Lisa's online coaching program has helped thousands transform their lives! To begin finding the strength, courage, systems, processes, and tools you need to take your power back, visit the link below.


  • Were you raised to feel not good enough and invisible, and were your emotions treated with indifference? And are you struggling to better understand your attraction to narcissists, sociopaths, or even psychopaths? If so, you're not alone. Many women who were raised by toxic parents, find themselves attracted to people who exhibit narcissistic tendencies, such as intentionally withholding love, in order to reinforce emotional dependency, for the sake of dominating the power in the relationship.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, the Breakthrough Life Coach and expert in the field of codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery, speaks to the heart of what makes someone susceptible to narcissistic abuse. The good news is that Lisa shows us why it's not our fault that we attract these types of personalities and offers us a way out of these toxic subconscious patterns so that we might one day set boundaries, learn to love the self, and begin living a truly empowered authentic life. Lisa has done it, and so can you!

    Ready to breakthrough the veil of consciousness, and ascend the patterns, programs, limiting beliefs, and self sabotaging habits that keep you stuck and stumbling through life? If so, visit the link below to begin your healing journey with Lisa A. Romano's 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, step one in her Conscious Healing Academy System


  • Are you stuck in a toxic relationship and can't seem to end it? And do you feel like you are in a one way relationship and no matter how you try to get heard, the person you are dealing with cannot, will not, or refuses to hear you or meet you half way? If you identify as a codependent, you may recognize that it is not easy for you to stand up for yourself, to speak your truth, or to say no. You may take care of others at the expense of yourself, and then feel incredibly wounded when others do not seem to consider your feelings, wants, or needs.

    You may or may not be aware of how often childhood emotional neglect, parental gaslighting, and being raised by parents who only offer conditional love have conditioned you at the level of the subconscious to seek approval, all while subordinating yourself to others. So if you are an adult child of an alcoholic, narcissist, or were raised in a home that was unpredictable, critical and lacked emotional authenticity, this episode is for you, especially if you are aching to understand why you attract narcissistic people into your life.

    Ready to breakthrough and start living above the veil as opposed to recreating unhealthy childhood dynamics? If so, begin your Conscious Healing Journey with Lisa A. Romano's 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program, designed specifically for the adult child who is ready to find their authentic self, despite a painful past.


  • If you are codependent, you don't know who you are, you lack a sense of self, feel like a feather in the wind and tend to agree with others because you never learned to honor the self. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano the Breakthrough Life Coach, reveals the secrets to why codependents who have suffered childhood emotional neglect tend to develop personality traits that make them a target for narcissistic, toxic and unhappy relationships.

    The good news is, Lisa has broken the codependency code and has discovered a holistic healing approach to healing the faulty beliefs that were downloaded into your subconscious mind when you were an innocent child.

    So, if you're ready to learn more, let's dive in to this episode!

    Serious about getting in touch with your authentic self? If so, visit https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp to learn how you can begin your journey back to the divine you, the one faulty default settings of the brain have prevented you from accessing all outside of consciousness.

  • Narcissistic mothers are hard to spot. All children have a tendency to see their mother through a tainted lens, one that causes a child to take responsibility for how a dysfunctional mother might cause them to feel rather than being able to comprehend the challenging dynamics. For example, a highly narcissistic mother, may exploit their child's need for approval, love, and validation. When those necessary needs are exploited, a child will naturally assume blame for not gaining a narcissistic mother's love. This results in feelings of shame and will also create emotional triggers tied to abandonment, rejection, and the fear of disapproval.

    The consequences of being raised by a narcissistic mother are wide, varied, and lifelong. The fear of criticism, the fear of engaging with others socially, the need to isolate, and avoid social interactions can also be tied to feeling rejected by a narcissistic mother. The stupendous news is, you can heal from maternal narcissistic abuse, IF you are willing to come out of denial, and accept your inner child's truth. Lisa A. Romano is a renowned Life Coach and expert in the field of healing parental narcissistic abuse, and codependency.

    If you are a victim of narcissistic abuse and you want to know the absolute, proven steps that will help you take your life back, and assist you with individuation as a autonomous human being despite never receiving your mother's love, reach out at [email protected] for next steps, or begin your healing journey today with Lisa's proven program The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp

  • Are you concerned about diving back into the dating pool? If so, that's a great sign according to Lisa A. Romano, renowned Life Coach and expert in the field of codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery. According to Lisa, not being concerned is a red flag, especially if your relationship history is not all that wonderful.
    In this episode, learn about how you can be assured you're ready to find love again! Learn about the signs that indicate you're operating above the veil of consciousness and are aware of past patterns and programs to avoid. Lisa is committed to helping others awaken from the faulty, negative, childhood programming that plagues all those who are codependent, seek approval, abandon the self and fear rejection.

    Growing up feeling invisible, not good enough, and as if your emotions were irrelevant sets the stage for CPTSD, fawning, people-pleasing, fixing, rescuing and caretaking. Lisa A. Romano creates systems and processes that those who are ready to leave their codependent ways behind can benefit from.

    Ready to elevate your consciousness with knowledge that has allowed Lisa and thousands of her clients to find healthy love? Contact her and her team at [email protected]

    To start you healing journey back to the divine self click below.


  • Emotional manipulators rely on DARVO, which is an acronym for deny, attack, and reverse victim-offender roles. If you have ever been involved with a narcissist, overtime you noticed a pervasive pattern of denying they did anything wrong. Even when you are convinced you are right, somehow, a narcissist is able to play the victim. IF this happens often enough, a target can develop CPTSD, anxiety, crippling self doubt, and depression. Victims of narcissistic abuse can also isolate as they no longer trust their version of reality.

    Lisa A. Romano is a renowned Life Coach and expert in emotional regulation, codependency recovery, and narcissistic abuse. She develops systematic, re-performable trainings that assist people with regaining their sense of self, identity, and confidence in their decision-making faculties and perception of reality. In this episode, you will learn about DARVO and how to avoid being pulled into this crazymaking behavior.

    Lisa is the founder of Conscious Healing Academy, a three-part coaching system centered on raising students' consciousness beyond the level of the subconscious and the neurological consequences of emotional trauma, for the opportunity to access the authentic self.

    To start your conscious healing journey contact Lisa and her team [email protected] or visit https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp

  • If you've ever had to confront a narcissist, you've undoubtedly been met with projection, gaslighting, blame-shifting, accusations, and the twisting of the truth. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, renowned Life Coach, bestselling author, and founder of Conscious Healing Academy, helps you better understand what to say and what not to say to a narcissist. As you begin to understand how a narcissist's mind operates to maintain power and control over their target's emotions, perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors, the clearer the boundaries you need to set.

    If you are someone who has been raised to seek approval, who feels unworthy, and not good enough, you must do what you can to heal the beliefs that subconsciously control your perception of self, and your behaviors. As you elevate your consciousness, you step out of the negative paradigms of the past and step into your authentic life. This is a process of transformation, and although it is not easy, it is your life's greatest quest.

    If you are ready to begin your transformation, Lisa A. Romano has created three life changing courses that will help you ascend and transcend the limitations of the past.

    Contact Lisa and her team at [email protected]

    Or begin your transformation journey today at https://www.lisaaromano.com

  • Mental health and wellness include feeling confident in your decision making abilities, and the ability to overcome life's challenges. It also includes the ability to make clear and conscious decisions regarding what relationships work in your life and which ones are a source of emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial destruction. It also includes the courage to end relationships that make your life worse as opposed to better, the ones in which you are taking care of others at the expense of your own mental and emotional wellness.

    Often, we are unaware of how our brains operate to keep us safe, rather than happy. If you were raised in a toxic environment, and you felt unsafe when you expressed an emotion, you may have been subconsciously programmed to fear expressing your authentic self. Below the veil of consciousness, you may unknowingly operate your life and make decisions out of survival, and out of needing to deny yourself for the sake of safety, rather than making decisions from a place of authenticity. Although this is not your fault and it is normal, unless you awaken and make mental and emotional adjustments, it is possible your authentic self will remain silent while default processes of the brain and mind control your decision-making.

    In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, respected Life Coach, best-selling author, and creator of Conscious Healing Academy, imparts valuable insights, lucidity, and mindfulness to assist you in enhancing your self-awareness regarding your thought processes, emotional responses, and decision-making. Her guidance aims to support you in cultivating conscious decision-making that resonates with your true, authentic self.

    Contact Lisa and her team to begin your conscious healing journey, [email protected]

    Or begin your conscious healing today https://www.lisaaromano.com/12-wbcp

  • Narcissistic people are not always easy to spot, especially if you struggle with codependency, have been raised in a dysfunctional home, and by those who emotionally neglected you or routinely minimized your emotions. When you are neurologically and subconsciously programmed to look outside of you for a sense of worthiness, and you meet a narcissist, you will easily become swept up in a crazymaking relationship, where they hold approval over your head. And outside of consciousness, an adult child may not be able to recognize they are dealing with a narcissist, because these dynamics seem so normal and familiar.

    In this episode, learn from esteemed Life Coach and bestselling author; adult child advocate Lisa A. Romano as she unpacks the signs that you are dealing with a narcissist so you can peel back on losing yourself trying to get through to someone who cannot and will never hear you, or agree with you. Once you understand the #1 thing that keeps a narcissist from being able to relate to others in a fair, respectable, empathic way, it will be far easier for you to let go.

    If you are an adult child and you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of unhealthy relationship dynamics and you are interested in a proven action based, consciousness training program that will increase your mental toughness skills and empower you to become the authority in your life despite a painful past, Conscious Healing Academy is for you.

    To learn more contact Lisa and her team at [email protected] or start your journey here;


  • Gaslighting is essential to understand. When dealing with a narcissist or toxic person, it is essential to understand this destructive form of communication. When dealing with a narcissist, you will eventually discover that their agenda is to confuse their victim so that the victim does not have the confidence to own their version of reality. With a narcissist inflicting crippling self doubt it is nearly impossible to stand up for yourself, when gaslighting is present.

    In this episode, learn what you need to know about gaslighting and arm yourself against this destructive form of manipulative and toxic form of communication.

    If you are ready to take your emotional intelligence to new heights, first by healing limiting beliefs created in childhood, contact Lisa A. Romano and her team to learn more about how you can begin your inner transformation journey with The Conscious Healing Academy.

    Email: [email protected]


  • Childhood trauma helps give rise to specific personality traits. Are you codependent, a helper, fixer, perfectionistic, anxious or controlling person, and wonder how your childhood may have helped shape how you live in the world? If so, this episode is for you. Listen in as renowned Life Coach and bestselling author Lisa A. Romano carefully explains how growing up in a dysfunctional home impacts the developing personality.

    As she explains, our authentic self is waiting to emerge, however, without inner child and emotional recovery work, our trauma personality remains a mask. The good news is that it is possible to find the road back to the authentic self, set healthy boundaries, and cope with troubling family dynamics in healthier and more productive ways.

    Learn more about Lisa's groundbreaking approach to healing from codependency and reprogramming the subconscious mind, at https://www.lisaaromano.com

    To reach Lisa for one to one or group coaching contact her at [email protected]

  • In this episode, learn how to better manage strong negative emotion with Lisa A. Romano's explanation of the necessity of developing a new cognitive pathway. If you struggle with emotional regulation, it is helpful to understand why before trying to manage strong negative emotions. Feeling invalidated as a child teaches you to deny your emotions. In addition, when you are taught your emotions are wrong, or you should not trust them, as an adult, you are not always conscious of how these faulty pathways can interrupt one's ability to effectively manage strong negative emotions.

    In this episode, you will discover Lisa A. Romano's third pathway; one you can use to help you better develop emotional regulation.

    Learn more about Lisa A. Romano's Conscious Healing Online Programs Here:


  • In this episode, learn about 5 specific forms of abuse caused by narcissistic parents and some of the mental health challenges adult children of narcissistic parents have to face as a result.

    Narcissistic parents exploit the emotions, needs, emotions, and inner reality of their children through gaslighting, parentification, and invalidation, to name a few. In this intriguing and empowering episode, Lisa A. Romano, the Breakthrough Life Coach and bestselling author of The Road Back to Me, explains five forms of emotional abuse narcissistic parents use against their children and as a result, cause mental health issues later on in adult life.

    It may take a year, but your transformation is worth it. Learn more about Lisa's most popular groundbreaking 12 Week Breakthrough Program, recently endorsed by psychologist Robin Bryman PhD.
