A Walk in the Dark is a dark drama podcast series created in the spirit of the Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stephen King and features science fiction, horror, suspense, and psychological thrillers that often conclude with a macabre or unexpected twist. The short story format takes listeners on strange and often scary journeys lasting between 5 and 15 minutes each.
Video Rekkinn er þáttur sem kemur út alla mánudaga í umsjón Hildar og Ragnars.
Í hverjum þætti förum við yfir eina bíómynd sem tengist á einhvern hátt síðasta þætti — allt frá klassískum myndum til furðulegra perla.
Við erum engir sérfræðingar, bara bíónördar sem finnst gaman að ræða það sem tekst vel (og ekki svo vel) í myndunum.
Fylgist endilega með á Facebook-síðu Video Rekkans: -
Ever wondered what it would be like to have a chat with two real-life Broadway best friends? The Broadway Besties podcast brings you into the conversation, and gives you a front row seat to hear their secrets, what they love about each other, and why they continue to be besties! Part of the Broadway Podcast Network. Produced by John Zeitoun and Alan Seales.
Getting to the Heart, Soul, and drive of top performers in the entertainment industry. Clayton Howe’s guests share their paths, struggles, and lessons learned. Entertainmentx inspires, uplifts, and educates everyone interested in a deep dive look at entertainment professionals and industry luminaries.
MOVIOLA es un podcast dedicado exclusivamente a hablar de cine clásico de todas las décadas: rescatar nombres, historias, estrellas y anécdotas que hicieron el cine, con la intención de parar las aguas del olvido.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Este podcast habla sobre las miserias por las que atraviesan todos, TODOS, los cineastas independientes.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fjögurra manna hópur sem spilar Dreka & Dýflissur, fimmtu útgáfu. Spilið er hlutverkaspil sem byggir á spuna. Saman búum við til ævintýri með hjálp teninga. Hlaðvarpið er á íslensku, eða við reynum eftir fremsta megni að þýða það sem er á ensku. Aðal markmiðið er að hafa gaman og hlægja saman.
Dynasty As They Wanna Be is a podcast where hosts (and husbands) Derrik J. Lang and Kyler K. Jafari drill into every episode of Dynasty, the iconic 1980s television series starring John Forsythe, Linda Evans, and Joan Collins as members of the cat-fighting Carrington clan. Each week, Derrik and Kyler recap an installment of the landmark prime-time soap opera that defined an era with sequins and shoulder pads. For more, go to Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
See One Beautiful Soul is a Podcast which explores stories about the 3 F Words: Forgiveness, Failure, and Freedom. In each episode you heart will be lifted hearing about two unlikely souls forgiving one another and make sure to record the Tools you can use to live a life of more Freedom!
Finalist in PopCon 2022 Best Podcast in Spirituality and Religion Category -
This show will help singer artists evolve their mindset, practice, and business habits to build a career that will thrive!
How do I practice those high notes? How do I tackle all that rejection? How do I manage my time when singing is not my only job? Where do I start building my career after school?
Your host, Hrund Osk, is a freelance opera singer and vocal coach, and together with you, she will break drown these types of questions and so much more! She'll give actionable tips to help you along on your journey to building a thriving life as a singer! -