Welcome to this probing, brand-new, fact filled episode of Light ‘Em Up.
We are currently being actively downloaded in 119 countries, globally.
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We tackle the topics that touch your lives!
We hear so much talk about the topic of Qualified Immunity — but few really know what it is and what it consists of in much detail. THIS episode will put to bed ALL of those questions.
Bringing a §1983 Civil Rights lawsuit against any government entity is not an easy task to accomplish.
Qualified immunity is a judicially crafted legal doctrine and concept created by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Pierson v Ray in 1967.
The doctrine was created to protect government officials, particularly law enforcement officers, from frivolous lawsuits and financial liability when they acted in good faith in legally unclear situations.
We discuss the requirement (as the law states) that there must be a constitutional violation that infringed upon the rights of a person that was “clearly established” at the time it was committed.
Many legal scholars argue that qualified immunity has no legal basis and is not grounded in the text or history of the relevant statutes at 42 U.S. Section 1983. Many argue that the doctrine signals a retreat from the protections afforded to Black victims of racial terror by the Civil Rights Act of 1871 (also known as the Ku Klux Klan Act).
Several of our guests on Light ‘Em Up have run face first into the stone-cold, hard truths and effects of qualified immunity.
— As a case study we’ll examine the fact pattern in a case called Betts v Brennan whereby an officer was sued for using his taser on a non-compliant motorist.
— We examine and amplify on the historic background of the concept of qualified immunity.
— Drilling down on the original intent, pro’s/con’s and purposes of the law.
— Search out how this doctrine, for lack of a better description, has become “twisted and perverted”, providing what for all intents and purposes is a never-ending “get out of jail free card” to members of law enforcement (and other governmental agents) — even when they violate the law.
We share inconvenient truths how qualified immunity (as it has been regularly implemented):
— erodes justice and public trust
— blocks accountability
— sets an unreasonably high legal barrier
— serves to further injure those who have already been injured — as victims must identify a near-identical precedent, meaning they have to cite a similar case that a prior victim experienced to challenge misconduct, as we mentioned, an often “insurmountable legal hurdle”.
As education is always a foundational pillar of Light ‘Em Up, we introduce you to the concept of Respondeat superior: A legal doctrine and Latin term that literally means, “let the master respond”.
It holds employers liable for the actions of their employees — which is also known as vicarious liability.
And we empower you with six of the Supreme Court’s landmark decisions that have further defined and carved out this judicial doctrine since its inception by the Warren Court.
This episode is jam-packed with rock-solid research and information regarding the legal concept of qualified immunity. After today, after tuning in, you will speak with authority about the topic — forever setting you head and shoulders above and apart from everyone else — who speak without knowing.
Tune in and be educated and empowered you with the facts, not fiction!
Follow our sponsors: Newsly & Feedspot.
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Welcome to this super-charged, explosive episode of Light ‘Em Up.
We're currently being downloaded in 119 countries. We tackle the topics that touch your lives!
On this episode we examine how our First Amendment (freedom of speech) and due process rights can be stripped from us and violated in a rapid series of cascading events that ultimately put our freedom and liberties in grave jeopardy.
We travel to Michigan to speak with our special guest, Alison Reedy, the mother of young Dillon Reedy.
The following events unfolded at Huron High School in New Boston, Michigan on December 8th, 2021.
This is a case that every parent of any school child anywhere across the nation should be extremely concerned about.
Imagine sending your 14-year-old son to school in the morning and by the afternoon he’s been arrested, never Mirandized (according to his mother) taken in hand cuffs to the juvenile detention facility where he was processed into the system and issued a state (juvenile) criminal ID number — and forced to submit to a mugshot — ALL for something he did not do.
The fact pattern showed that in a brief conversation with another student in class, Dillon was accused by the classroom teacher of making a terroristic threat to “shoot up” the school.
The teacher incorrectly overheard what she thought was a threat. She later allegedly admitted that she never herself felt threatened, according to Alison.
From there, common sense went AWOL.
Dillon was “in big trouble”— the school secretary said to his mom — when she called to inform Alison to come to the school immediately. Wrongfully accused, wrongfully charged. Let down by a host of adults who should have been able to understand the difference between a credible threat and one that was not credible.
This is a textbook case of a “rush to judgment” by over half a dozen school, municipal and county professionals and politicians, as well as the Huron School Board, any of which should have known better than to proceed with this case.
Initial news reports regarding this incident were defaming, libelous and salacious and most importantly WRONG! Alison maintains that the county prosecutor was “rogue” … as the county was in possession of evidence that exonerated her son — yet, they chose willingly to suppress and overlook those crucial facts.
“Negligence on all sides, a biased expulsion hearing and two off-record plea deals,” Alison stated.
No one desires to see any violence on any school campus. However, this zero-tolerance policy for even uttering the words “shoot” or “gun” is an unconstitutional kneejerk reaction by the legislature and has led school administrators to make rash and very costly decisions concerning student discipline.
The truth matters. Facts matter. Dillon Reedy’s rights matter!
If this happened to our guest and her son, certainly it can happen to you and your family.
After hearing the fact pattern in this case you’ll ask yourself:
— Is this America?
— Is the First Amendment still intact and applicable?
— How can abuses such as this take place, everyday across our nation?
Tune in to hear all of the explosive details. Follow our sponsors: Newsly & Feedspot.
You can follow Alison on Facebook. Her group is called: My Son on the Alter.
We want to hear from you!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Happy New Year, we welcome you back to Light ‘Em Up!
This is our 2nd installation of our brand-new 6th season! A double dip this month.
Who’s listening to us in Mozambique? We’re actively being downloaded in 117 countries, globally!
On this no holds barred, explosive, investigative, educational episode — we once again, shine the antiseptic light of the truth as we deliver this in-depth investigation that is focused on de-escalation of aggression as it relates to law enforcement activities.
We ask rhetorically, “Who will police the police”? Oversight of law enforcement is necessary in the 21st century.
In Latin this phrase translates to “Quis custodiet Ipsos custodes”. Literally, it means “Who shall guard the guards?
We hear the term “de-escalation of aggression” so often now-a-days.
What does it really mean?
In theory, de-escalation training has been widely implemented by U.S. law enforcement agencies in the wake of adverse public reaction to a rash of recent controversial police use of force (UoF) incidents.
George Floyd, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castille, Eric Garner, just to name a few.
How is it effectively put into practice on a daily basis, or is it really being employed or implemented regularly, at all?
The essence of de-escalation involves:
— Engaging the person with empathy and reserving judgement
— Maintaining a calming presence and
— Setting limits, but picking your battles
Our learning concepts for this episode include:
Educating you about the essentials of the de-escalation process that can aide you at:
— work
— home (in your interpersonal relationships) and
— in the mean streets
— We take a close up look at: Graham v. Connor | 490 U.S. 386 (1989) as it applies overall to the de-escalation process.
Examine the origins of “officer induced jeopardy” and the ground-breaking ICAT training (Integrating Communication Assessment & Tactics) for the purposes of de-escalating a situation.
The “comply or die” mentality that often plagues these high stress encounters with the public – especially and disproportionately encounters with individuals of color.
“Officer induced jeopardy” is often the culprit in many violent encounters with the public. An officer can’t pick a fight — end it with bullets and then claim self-defense — but they do this with regularity.
This is the essence of officer induced jeopardy.
We’ll examine the Miami Beach, Florida Police Department’s body worn camera (bwc) video footage of the recent arrest of U.S. Olympic sprinter and bronze medalist in the Summer Paris Games, Fred Kerley, and the high profile, rough arrest of Miami Dolphins star wide receiver, Tyreek Hill.
And examine the Akron, Ohio Police Department’s shooting of Jazmir Tucker, a 15-year-old high school freshman — with a high-powered assault rifle.
You’ll hear the exclusive audio of these high-profile arrests as we share the fact pattern in these cases as our case studies.
Tune in to hear all of the explosive details.
Follow our sponsors: Newsly, Feedspot.We want to hear from you!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you!
Welcome to Season 6 episode 1 of Light ‘Em Up!
We launch 2025 with exciting news! We’re actively being downloaded in 117 countries, globally!
Without fear or favor — we follow the facts wherever they lead us.
We present the facts not the fiction that drive and support our theories forward!
We’ll shine the antiseptic light of the truth as we deliver this in-depth investigation that started some 14 months ago as we began to march heavily into the election season of 2024.
We’ll take an up-close and personal historic look at the United States’ oldest domestic terrorist organization — the Ku Klux Klan — and how some of what you are hearing these days from many MAGA Republicans — even from the recent victor in the presidential election, Donald J. Trump — harkens back to the goals and aspirations of the very same night riders — who burned crosses and terrorized Black people and pretty much anyone or anything that moved after the Civil War that wasn’t like them. White, nativist and Protestant.
Terror, vigilantism and murder were the Klan’s calling card.
We’ll look at the historic foundation of the Klan.
Like it or not, agree or not, the similarities between the 1920s Ku Klux Klan and Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement are stark and marked. Both movements have preached the centrality of being anti-immigrant. Both have been rooted in white supremacy. Both had and have a dark side of associated hate crimes. Both have wrapped themselves in the flag and pretended to be the most patriotic and pro-American.
Originally the Ku Klux Klan was established innocuously enough as a social organization by six ex-Confederate officers in the small Southern town of Pulaski, Tennessee.
In the spring or early summer of 1866, six men gathered one evening in the Pulaski law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones, the father of one of the founders, to create their new “fraternity”.
In 1867 former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became the first “Grand Wizard" (national leader) of the order.
The transformed Klan was to be organized along military lines in a rigid hierarchy with leaders elected at each level.
A Grand Cyclops was to be the leader of a local den, or chapter.
— Above him was a Grand Giant in charge of all dens in a county, who in turn was answerable to a Grand Titan.
— A Grand Titan reigned over a Congressional District, and in charge of the whole state was a Grand Dragon.
— They created an organization patterned after a previously prominent college fraternity, Kuklos Adelphon.
They adopted the basic ritual of this fraternity with some changes. They took the first part of the name, Kuklos, Greek for circle or band, altered it slightly to Kuklux and added Klan for alliterative appeal.
Thus, the Ku Klux Klan was born.
With our investigation, we submit that to understand MAGA, the Klan must be considered as a formative background influence.
MAGA didn’t spring full-blown from the mind of “stable genius” Donald Trump.
Many Americans love and strive to hide the deep-seated racism which is part of our history, and that is the case with the Klan. In the early 20th century, the Klan was far more influential than is now recognized.
Tune in to hear all of the explosive details.
Follow our sponsors: Newsly, Feedspot and Dayquil Vapo-CoolWe want to hear from you!
As we close out another fantastic year filled with one accomplishment after another for “Light ‘Em Up” — which included new sponsorships — and new underwriters — we wanted to focus on what is most important to us other than searching out the truth.
We wanted to take some special time to recognize you, our listeners for your TSL (time spent listening) to us throughout this past year.
We thank you for another fantastic year of growth and achievements and express our appreciation for your wonderful engagement and your role in helping us grow to 115 countries globally as we close out Season 5.
We never thought this kind of success would be something that we could attain, and we never were concerned about our growth at the inception of this project.
Initially we set out to tell the truth about topics of importance in the U.S. criminal justice system — and look what it has become!
We have been able to advocate for so many people.
The corporate plan is to take the remainder of the year off in order to rest for a week or so, recover and enjoy some quality time with our families.
We then will begin the process for Season 6 of Light 'Em Up where we strive to achieve new goals and break even more records with the reach of our podcast.
Also, to add more sponsors and underwriters.
The truth is under attack — and is worth defending!
We have labored tirelessly to dig deep, vast and wide to bring you a special insight that you really won’t find anywhere else regarding the U.S. criminal justice system.
We're loyal, consistent and dedicated to you, our listeners. We are truly here for you and because of you!
Our commitment to you here on Light 'Em Up is that we’ve endeavored to tackle real topics that touch your daily lives.
We’ve worked tirelessly to try to be the "Voice of the people"
Please consider joining our Criminal Justice Foundation Justice Rolls Down and its page found on Facebook as well as our worldwide presence on YouTube at: Rizzo's Protective Group.
Here is our complete catalogue. Here is our last full episode of the year regarding the conducted energy weapon known better as the Taser. Are they "less-lethal"? Do they Save Lives & Reduce Civilian Shootings or Facilitate Cardiac Arrests and are used in a Reckless, Punitive Manner?
This advocacy piece irritated a lot of people in law enforcement but was wildly popular and downloaded at a record (for us) and at a tremendous rate/amount.
Thank you to Feedspot — online at Feedspot.com as we are featured in their top 50 poll of the 50 Best Criminal Justice Podcasts. Visit their blog at www.Feedspot.com or simply follow this link: 50 Best Criminal Justice Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024 (feedspot.com)
And for all your news and current affairs check out our friends at Newsly by visiting https://newsly.me. Use the promo code L1GHTEMUP to launch your 10% savings.
We thank you and we look forward to you joining us in 2025!
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale & Happy Hanukkah and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to each and every one of our listeners.
You'll hear from us early on in January 2025.
Executive Producer
Phil RizzoWe want to hear from you!
Welcome to this electric, super-charged, high voltage brand-new episode of
Light ‘Em Up!As season 5 will soon be a rap and in the books, please tell a friend that lives overseas about us!
We are now actively being downloaded in 115 countries.
We expose and tell the truth in a world filled with confusion and bold-faced lies.
We delve into the facts not the fiction about: TASERS —Conducted Energy Devices (CED’s) also referred to as Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW’s): A weapon that is deemed to be “less than lethal” and has been touted as saving lives and reducing civilian shootings, but in reality, carries the heavy baggage of a complicated past that I’ve personally observed being deployed in a punitive, wanton and capricious manner.
We’ll investigate:
— how law enforcement is said to deploy this weapon and how they often truly deploy it in reality.
We’ll examine:
— several case studies
— the CEW policy of The Akron Police Department (as one of its officers recently fired a TASER at an alleged person of interest riding a bicycle)
— the NYPD and its use of the TASER throughout the capital of the world, New York City
— and peel back all of the critical layers of the onion as to whether these devices can increase the incidence of death from its use.
Have you ever been tased?
From reputable law enforcement officers, I’ve been told that you lose control of your bowels and bladder for about a week following being tased.
The TASER is an acronym for, believe it or not, (Thomas A. Swift’s Electronic Rifle), named after a favorite book of the inventor John Cover who developed the device in the mid 70’s. Cover was a NASA physicist.
The hand-held device can be used to incapacitate a person by transmitting a 50K volt electric shock delivered through two, small, barbed darts intended to penetrate clothing, puncture the skin and remain attached to the target.
The darts are connected to the main unit by a thin insulated copper wire and deliver a modulated or controlled electric current designed to disrupt voluntary control of muscles, causing temporary neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI).
If the heart is a muscle and it is governed by the electrical system of the human body, why couldn’t this device affect the heart muscle? In peer reviewed research in the scholarly journal “Circulation” from The American Heart Association – an article focused on: TASER: Electronic Control Devices Can Cause Cardiac Arrest in Humans.
In more than 1 instance, it has. The TASER is a branded name which can also be used as a stun gun by pressing it directly against the target’s body, thereby administering an electric shock. Similar to a “cattle prod on steroids”.
Many in the law enforcement community stand firmly behind the Taser and disagree vehemently that officers are cavalierly using Tasers on people who are passively resisting.
However, the fact pattern shows instance after instance where officers have deployed this weapon -- even when they face little danger -- as a means to subdue unarmed people or in a punitive nature for those already in police custody.
You be the judge. Watch this video. Officer Used Stun Gun on a Migrant Holding a Toddler, video shows.
Tune in to hear ALL of the shocking and electrifying details and mucho, mucho más.
Follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot here:
We want to hear from you!
Welcome to this brand-new episode of Light ‘Em Up!
Tell a friend that lives overseas about us! We are now actively being downloaded in 114 countries.
On this investigative, educational and impactful edition of Light ‘Em Up — we expose and tell the truth in a world filled with confusion and misinformation.
We delve into the facts not the fiction about: Protecting your Constitutional & Civil Rights and educating you on topics that we’re betting you rarely hear or know much about but should know everything about.
We drill deep on:
— Pretextual traffic stops (something we’ve given great attention to here on Light ‘Em Up)
— Section 1983 lawsuits
— and as a case study we examine Whren v U.S. (517 US 806 (1996), a landmark Supreme Court decision that relates directly to how law enforcement interacts with the public today.
With a fine-tooth comb, we examine the details as to what exactly is going on in Cleveland, Ohio as the Division of Police, which is currently under DOJ (consent decree) oversight, continues to allegedly cheat, stretch, break and violate the law by intentionally stopping and searching black drivers at much higher rates than white Clevelanders.
We explore “When cops become robbers”: When law enforcement officers use their badge and authority to “game” the citizenry as they violate the spirit and letter of the law.
We tell the story of the Tenaha, TX Police Department, whose officers were (allegedly) intentionally using their authority to “shake-down” the good people passing through their city limits. The lead officer directly involved literally expressed the intention of using “the money that they get from thugs “from a newly created drug interdiction program to pay the town’s bills.
A class action lawsuit asserted that their pretextual traffic enforcement scheme was bogus and was designed solely to enhance the city financially and the defendants personally.
Especially for you, we have exclusive audio of the Rehnquist High Court as the attorney on behalf of the petitioner (Whren), Lisa Burget Wright, argues their position before the high court on April 17th, 1996.
Whren vs U.S. says that “a stop or search that is objectively reasonable is not diminished by the fact that the officer’s real reason for making the stop or search has nothing to do with the validating reason”. (Meaning that it is acceptable for an officer to make up a reason to stop you.)
We explore and define a §1983 lawsuit, which provides an individual the right to sue state government employees and others acting under the color of state law for civil rights violations.
For your education and empowerment, we explore §242 of Title 18, which makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the U.S., and we provide crucial insights as to what your rights are when you are stopped by law enforcement. And we delve into pretextual traffic stops: What are they, and how they are used against you.
We also offer a “Know Before You Go” pre-travel safety check-list that will help limit your potential exposure and hopefully reduce the likelihood of being pulled over for any legitimate or pretextual moving traffic violations.
Finally, we review an in-depth analysis of what more than 17,000 traffic stops in the City of Cleveland has exposed in and among the CDP (Cleveland Division of Police) as it initially appears that they disproportionately pull over Black drivers with much more frequency than white motorists.
Follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot here:We want to hear from you!
Welcome back to this brand-new, explosive, visionary, investigative edition of Light 'Em Up.
We're currently being actively downloaded in 114 countries, globally.
Thank you for your unwavering, constant support.
Without fear or favor, we shine the antiseptic light of the truth on any topic that we undertake and report on.
On this episode we focus on and explore emerging ways of addressing critical issues in the criminal justice system and policing — drilling down on and beginning a focused conversation as to:
Rethinking how law enforcement is deployed and all too often traffic stop by police.
Public safety has long been treated as the near-exclusive province of law enforcement agencies.
Police are tasked with countless challenging and many dangerous duties, including but not limited to:
— Responding to active crime scenes
— 911 calls for service (that are made all the more unpredictable by the prevalence of guns on our streets and gun ownership in the U.S.)
— People who are in the grips of a mental health crisis
— Domestic violence situations
The most common 911 calls include: business checks, disturbances, suspicious persons, and complaints.
Simply put, the police are over-tasked and vastly undertrained to deal with a myriad of complex issues that 21st Century Policing encounters and demands — especially those that center around mental health.
The risk of being killed while being approached or stopped by law enforcement in the community is 16 times higher for individuals with untreated serious mental illness than for other civilians.
For the safety of the public and law enforcement officers equally, we have to begin to re-think, re-examine and re-engineer these concepts, whether it be the biased enforcement of traffic laws by police which drive racial disparities in the criminal justice system or topics like we’ve covered in the past such as “DWB” or Driving While Black in America.
— Police in the U.S. conduct more than 20 million traffic stops per year
— Some 42% of African Americans say that police have stopped them just because of their race
— 59% of the U.S. public believes that this practice of racial profiling is widespread
— 81% disapprove of it — or at least express the concept that they do
Civilian first responders dedicated to traffic and road safety can better serve communities by resolving traffic and safety issues without the potential for punitive law enforcement action.
Racial profiling is a significant policing and social problem. We all witnessed how fast the police incident with Miami Dolphins star wide receiver Tyreek Hill escalated quickly from the body worn camera of the officer on scene.
To mitigate the risk of harm to both the police and the public, many municipalities have tasked unarmed, non-law enforcement responders to address nonviolent social and medical issues such as mental health crises or have narrowed the scope of police discretion and duties in traffic enforcement.
How many times have we seen in the past where a citizen is pulled over for a minor traffic infraction and it has escalated into a deadly encounter?
— An expired registration
— A crack in a windshield
— Littering
It happens every day, don’t be fooled!
Click here to see the list of the top jurisdictions that have first responder programs across the U.S.
Tune in for ALL the explosive details and follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot.We want to hear from you!
Welcome back to this brand-new, investigative, in-depth, exposé exclusively featured on Light 'Em Up.
We're actively being downloaded in 114 countries, globally.
Thank you for your unwavering, support.
Without fear or favor, we shine the antiseptic light of the truth on any topic that we undertake and report on.
Tonight, we examine the officer involved shooting of Michael Jones — by our very own Akron Police Department in the early morning hours of August 17th outside of a Duke and Duchess gas station, in Akron, Ohio. The 15 second unnecessary struggle took Jones' life and re-opened deep wounds between the people and the police in Akron.
Jones, a 54-year-old black man, was shot at point blank range and killed by an APD Officer during an altercation inside a U-Haul Rental Truck.
In a Light 'Em Up Exclusive Visual Investigation we've analyzed the body worn camera (BWC) of the officer involved shooting — frame by frame, meticulously we've rolled back the footage of the fatal traffic stop to examine the causes and consequences of the "officer created jeopardy" in this specific case.
With Miami Dolphins Wide Receiver Tyreek Hill in the news for being dragged out of his car in Miami Gardens, FL — this fact pattern put the issue of excessive force and officer created jeopardy at the forefront of countless discussions.
Our learning objectives for this intense episode — which may very well save your life or that of a loved one — will be to drill down on:
— The fact-pattern in the killing of Michael Jones
— Reasonable, Articulable, Suspicion (RAS)
— and introduce to you the concept of "Officer Induced Jeopardy".
In the realm of criminal law and law enforcement, the term Reasonable, Articulable, Suspicion holds significant importance. It serves as a critical legal standard that determines whether law enforcement officers have sufficient grounds to justify various actions, such as: stopping individuals, conducting searches or making detentions. If you are under arrest, you must be told of the charge you are in custody for and immediately read your Miranda rights.
Understanding RAS is crucial for both law enforcement officials and individuals to ensure a balanced approach to justice.
To help you better to understand we'll delve into the:
— Concept of RAS
— Its legal significance
— and its impact on various aspect of law enforcement practices.
As case studies we'll discuss 2 cases regarding the concept of "Officer Induced or Officer Created Jeopardy".
"Officer Induced Jeopardy" involves situations in which police officers unwisely put themselves in danger and then use deadly force to protect themselves. It can include the actions of officers who, without sound justification, willingly fail to take advantage of available tactical concepts like distance, cover and concealment, willingly abandon tactically advantageous positions by moving into disadvantaged positions without justification — or act precipitously on their own without waiting for available assistance from backup.
Grave tactical errors such as:
— walking into the path of a moving car
— reaching into the window
— jumping onto a moving vehicle
— then using lethal force to defend against the danger — as appears to have been the case in the killing of Michael Jones.
We'll interrogate the "final frame" approach found in Graham v Connor where the U.S. Supreme Court says, "courts should not second guess the "split second" judgements officers make in the heat of the moment".
Vehicle stops happen more than 50K times a day on average across America — by far the most common interaction between the police and the public, which disproportionately impacts drivers of color.We want to hear from you!
Welcome to this incendiary, probing, brand-new installment of Light ‘Em Up.
We’re currently being actively downloaded in 1⃣1⃣3⃣ countries globally! Thank you, for your constant support!
In this intensive episode we’ll investigate and unpack the cold-blooded killing of Sonya Massey — a 36-year-old mother of two and resident of Springfield, Illinois. Ms. Massey was concerned for her safety and called law enforcement to her home for protection.
Sonya Massey, was fatally shot in the head by the now terminated and criminally charged former Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sean Grayson in her own kitchen over a pot of water that was heating on the stove.
Today, with all the tangible evidence from a multitude of past deadly incidents with law enforcement — the argument could be made that it no longer seems safe for individuals of color and/or anyone who may be “spiraling downward” in the grips of a mental health crisis to call law enforcement for any assistance.
When a person is stuck in the unrelenting grip of a mental health crisis and they are rapidly spiraling downward — they need help, compassion, empathy and understanding. They don’t need to be shot in the face and killed.
Law enforcement simply is not trained to properly handle such emergencies. A crystal-clear example of this was what happened to Daniel Prude in Rochester, NY.
Far too often the fact pattern turns out to be identical to the last senseless killing.
The officer dispatched to the call shows up on the scene:
— terrified (having little direct exposure to those who don’t look identical to him)
— short on time
— short on patience
— and far too often short on the requisite racial sensitivity for the communities they are charged with protecting and serving
— short on the requisite “humanity” one needs to see people who need help as people, not as constant and potential threats
Many aspects of this case are perverted. This case serves as a textbook example of “officer induced jeopardy”.
As we press deeper, farther and wider we’ll uncover the ever-expanding and troublesome issue of “Wandering/Roaming Cops”.
Wandering/Roaming Cops are law-enforcement officers fired by one department — sometimes for very serious misconduct, who then shortly thereafter find work in another agency.
A perfect example of this would be Timothy Loehman, who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio.
The defendant, Former Deputy Sheriff Sean Grayson, had not one, but two previous DUI convictions and a history of personnel problems, but was still hired by the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office.
Through an extensive number of exclusive Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA) we’ve obtained the:
💥 direct audio of Sonya Massey’s mother, (Donna Massey) calling 9-1-1 emergency dispatch providing the dispatcher with advanced notice about her daughter’s mental state.
💥 the last extensive communication from Sonya Massey as she called 9-1-1 emergency dispatch to notify them of a “prowler” at or nearby her home.
💥 the troubling, gruesome, audio from the body worn camera video in the kitchen where Ms. Massey was fatefully gunned down.
💥 Finally, Light ‘Em Up was extremely fortunate to receive a sound bite from the Governor of Illinois, the Honorable J.B. Pritzker — specifically on the Massey tragedy.
Don’t move a muscle. Tune in to hear the shocking, sickening facts of this case.
In a time of uncertainty, facts provide clarity. Follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot here:We want to hear from you!
Welcome back to Light ‘Em Up!
Directly from your support, we are actively being downloaded in 1⃣1⃣3⃣ countries! Thank you so much!
There is so much trouble in this world. The threat vectors are endless.
This riveting, in-depth episode turned out to be one of our more educational, intensive and acclaimed episodes among our 80+ binge-worthy catalogue of work, now spanning 5 seasons.
With this new episode, we delve into the vast, intricate and complex process of radicalization – specifically, radicalization that leads to violence or violent radicalization (VR).
Radicalization is defined as: The process of supporting or engaging in activities deemed by others as in violation of important societal norms such as the killing of innocent civilians.
VR is a significant and growing threat domestically and worldwide.
VR can be understood as “an individual or collective process whereby normal practices of dialogue, compromise, and tolerance between groups/individuals with diverging interests are abandoned and one or more groups/individuals engage in violent actions to reach a specific (political, social, religious) goal”.
In a context of increased social polarization, Violent Radicalization is affecting both majorities and minorities, targeting different forms of “otherness”:
— racial
— ethnic
— religious
— political and
— gender-related as well.
This process is influenced by a myriad of inner-connected push factors.
𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞:
We’ll examine and define: Radicalization.
💥 Drill down into some of the pathways towards becoming radicalized.
💥 Ask why does an individual turn to violence as a means of achieving his or her desired goals?
💥 Discuss some of the strategies to attempt to prevent radicalization.
💥 We’ll expound on the concept of “othering”.
💥 Providing background and context to help you better understand the concept of radicalization.
💥 In a world built upon and bent on exposing your devaluation, we’ll examine how the process of socialization can lead to the use of violence.
💥 Interrogate how does the quest for personal significance constitute a major motivational and driving force that may push individuals towards radicalization and violent extremism.
💥We’ll present empirical evidence consistent with our premise and discuss its implications for policies of preventing radicalization and in the hope of deradicalizing an individual or individuals.
Fact: 4 U.S. Presidents have been killed by gunfire. Political violence is nothing new in the U.S., or globally. This is a problem that isn’t going away any time soon.
You’ll be out of breath after you tune in to hear ALL of the explosive details as we investigate those things that are done in the darkness. We expose them by shining the antiseptic bright light of the truth upon them.
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Welcome to this brand new, fact-revealing episode of Light ‘Em Up.
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As promised, we’d be there when there was any update of significance in the 2023 case of the mysterious death of Crystal McCrory Jones in Oak Grove, Louisiana.
We're very fortunate again to speak with Jana Guyewski Latigar (Crystal's sister).
The fact pattern shows:
💥 Within 1 hour and 45 minutes, the cause of death was ruled a suicide.
💥 Two days prior to her death — the Ring Doorbell Camera was cut off.
💥 Crystal’s husband Tony Jones at one time was employed by the “investigating” agency (W. Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Office).
💥 Law enforcement supervision allowed a friend of the deceased woman’s husband to “investigate” the case.
💥 Argument has been proffered that Tony changed his story multiple times as to his whereabouts on the day Crystal died.
💥 Shortly after his wife’s death, Tony vigorously tried to collect on a $63K group life insurance policy.
In early May, our guest, Jana, traveled to our nation’s capital to advocate on behalf of her deceased sister and others who have suffered a similar tragedy.
The purpose of the trip was to discuss and examine the inconsistencies in the Homicide Victims Family Rights Act of 2021 (sponsor Rep. Eric Swalwell D-CA) and to bring awareness to how the Act does nothing for families who wish to seek a new set of eyes on their loved ones’ investigations that are ruled an accident, undetermined or suicide.
This bill establishes a framework for immediate family members of a murder victim under federal law to request a review of the victim's case file if the crime was committed more than 3 years prior, the murder was investigated by a federal law enforcement entity, all probative investigative leads have been exhausted, and no likely perpetrator has been identified.
Law enforcement can argue whatever it wishes — working to save face doesn’t take any criminals off the streets.
Members of the Oak Grove community have expressed (some more quietly than others) that this case is tremendously sad and tragic on multiple levels.
It's a case plagued with far more questions than answers — because the authorities who should be actively seeking the answers are not.
They’ve shared that due to what they’ve described as the "impotent, bungled investigatory management process and the apparent piss-poor procedures, policies and practices in place within the West Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Department (from the outset), there still has been no resolution, nor any modicum of justice for the victim, family or anyone — nor do they feel there will ever be any resolution or justice meted out". This case breaks their hearts.
A death investigation is supposed to answer lingering questions, not generate more uncertainty.
No matter who you are or what you do in life, if your spouse is dead in your home under any circumstances you can expect to be considered a suspect. That never happened for Crystal’s husband in this case. Why?
Who cancelled the Ring Doorbell Camera contract and why?
Was this coincidence or evidence of pre-planning, conspiracy or an attempt to cover the tracks of a murder?
Who approved a former colleague of the husband to catch this case?
Why the rush to judgement? What was the hurry?
Optics matter! The truth matters!
Seriously? — there aren’t a ton of suspects in sleepy little Oak Grove, Louisiana.
Is a murderer walking the streets freely?
Join us as Jana delivers her deeply heart-felt, powerful remarks that she graciously delivered in Washington, DC.
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Welcome back to this exclusive, probing, fact-finding, comprehensive investigative edition of Light ‘Em Up …
We are currently being actively downloaded in 1⃣1⃣ 3⃣ countries, globally.
We shine the antiseptic light of the truth on the multi-billion-dollar world of sports betting and the criminality that far too often surrounds these actions.
Actions that most recently have encircled and swallowed more victims from ALL of the Major Sports Leagues:
⚾ Major League Baseball,
🏀 The National Basketball Association,
🏒 The National Hockey League,
🏈 The National Football League … and beyond.
We’ll dig into the crimes investigated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the probe centered around Major League Baseball’s mega super star Shohei Ohtani of Japan and The Los Angeles Dodgers and his former interpreter Ippei Mizuhara, now a convicted felon.And we’ll probe into the most recent lifetime ban of the San Diego Padres infielder, the Venezuelan Tucupita Marcano, as the 24-year-old was found to have bet on and against his former team.
These and many other scandals have sent shockwaves throughout the major league sporting community and raised questions about the integrity of the sports and have started to create a negative perception that the games are not “on the level”.
The U.S. Sports betting industry set a record with nearly $11 billion in 2023 revenue.
This huge year represented 44.5% year-over-year increase from 2022, which previously held the record.
According to the American Gaming Association, 38 states and D.C. have legalized sports betting.
Only Utah and Hawaii have completely banned all forms of gambling.
We explore and investigate:
♦ The Chicago White Sox (dubbed the Black Sox due to the scandal) of Major League Baseball and the plan to fix the 1919 World Series.
♦ Jontay Porter (in the NBA),
♦ Tucupita Marcano (Venezuelan Infielder of The San Diego Padres in Major League Baseball),
And we report on Major League Baseball Rule 21 which states: “Any player, umpire or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform, shall be declared permanently ineligible.”
We probe into the signs and symptoms of a gambling problem and the behaviors that stem from “chasing your bets”. If you or someone you know may have issues with compulsive gambling 1-800 GAMBLER can provide educational resources and help to try to curb these harmful activities.
Gambling takes many forms, but it’s always about taking chances. There’s typically money or other possessions on the line, and whether it’s the lottery, slots, or cards – winning or losing is always random.
Problem gambling – or gambling addiction – involves the compulsion to take chances that are capable of damaging personal, family, or vocational pursuits. Unfortunately, the loved ones of the gambler are often affected as much as the gambler. It’s estimated that between 4 and 6 million Americans can be considered as having a gambling problem.
For each of these, there is a family who is also suffering. Don’t suffer! Get help!
Tune in for ALL the explosive details and follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot here:We want to hear from you!
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With the May 3rd, 2024, shooting and killing of Sr. U.S. Airman Roger Fortson in his off-base home in Fort Walton, FL, by an Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputy, we shine the antiseptic light of the truth in this deep, thorough and investigatory episode of Light ‘Em Up on the killing of black men in their homes by law enforcement.
Click the link to view the available Body Worn Camera footage + extra coverage on the Fortson case.
This isn’t a topic anyone is talking about or wants to hear — these are precisely the topics we cover. In a time of uncertainty, facts help guide and educate.
The cold hard facts bear out evidence that the 2nd Amendment’s “Right to keep and bear arms” as well as the Castle Doctrine DO NOT apply equally nor consistently for individuals of color as it does for Caucasians. Note well: (The Castle Doctrine is a common law principle which states that individuals have the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect themselves against an intruder in their home.)
In this episode we’ll unpack the:
♦ Actions taken by the Deputy Sherriff before, during and after the 6 shots he emptied into Mr. Fortson. We’ll examine what crucial dispatch and on scene information he had when he responded to the call.
♦ Examine similar fact-patterns in the cases of Amir Locke, asleep on the sofa in his cousin’s Minneapolis, MN apartment, Donovan Lewis (in his home in Columbus, Ohio) and the “Open Carry Rights” of young 12-year-old Tamir Rice (in Cleveland, Ohio).
♦ Introduce you to a little-known concept of “dispatch priming” (where the 9-11 dispatch officer “primes” the officer with information which can lead to “mistake of fact” deadly confrontations…as in the Tamir Rice shooting death with the Cleveland Division of Policing.
The fact remains: Good intel saves lives; bad intel gets people killed.
♦ We’ll review closely the language of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989) which is used daily to determine the legality of every UoF (Use of Force).
It's imperative that every person understands and comprehends the key components of the legal holding of this case, so much so that that we will itemize them verbatim in our “Show Liner-Notes” for this episode here.
♦ We’ll expose the harsh history of many of the founding U.S. states on how they perceived black people as “property” and spoke unequivocally regarding their “rights, privileges and immunities” to access to firearms.
This isn’t argument nor conjecture, but the real-world fact pattern that we are faced with. We feel like we constantly ask this same question: Where do we go from here? Why do we keep coming back to this again and again? Will anything ever change?
The most recent effort in the U.S. House, The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, is just as dead as its namesake.
We truly believe simply because this bill bears the name of George Floyd, no Republican will vote for it. It would be political suicide to do so. There seems to be no hope for it passing.
Tune in for the explosive details. Follow our sponsors Newsly & FeedspotWe want to hear from you!
When we last spoke with our special and honored guest, we were being actively downloaded in 104 countries. Now, it's 112!
Welcome to this edition of Light ‘Em Up.
We provide you with the facts, never the fiction — we have an exclusive in-depth interview with one of our law enforcement subject matter experts who has served in the capacity as a high-ranking police administrator with a smaller, rural police department in the State of Mississippi just for you!
Again, he speaks candidly on the promise of his anonymity, delivering the unvarnished truth that you rarely get when the topic is ways to improve the process and processes of law enforcement’s service delivery with the public. Law enforcement can be very guarded with the information that it shares with the public. While they are public servants — far too often they hold the public in contempt and it shows with the levels of trust among many communities, especially of color.
We dig deep and draw down on the civilian complaint process as it relates to law enforcement and the public. Have you ever filed a complaint or wanted to do so against a police officer? A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction.
Filing a complaint is a means of governmental redress — and one of the most basic tenants at the root and foundation of our 1st amendment constitutional rights. The receipt of a complaint should trigger the Internal Affairs process — so a smartly crafted internal protocol is essential.
Our special guest stressed the fact that “the complaint itself serves as a crucial piece of documentation and it becomes a discoverable public record which can be subpoenaed if necessary”.
"A complaint forces the hand of police supervisory officials to make a statement as to whether they approve of or sanction the official actions taken by their officers under the color of authority."
This process shines an intense, antiseptic light which examines the internal standards, policies, practices and procedures upon any given law enforcement agency. Conducting a thorough, accurate, relevant objective and timely investigation into every complaint can never be a bad thing — regardless of its ultimate outcome or the conclusions sustained.
The transparency, honesty and openness of the Minneapolis, MN, Chief of Police, Medaria Arradondo helped to assist him in keeping his job for 2 full years following the explosive, deadly actions taken by former MPD officer Derek Chauvin resulting in the death of George Floyd.
To do otherwise in the complaint process is highly risky behavior which can easily and quickly prove to be a death knell for the officer, department, city and Chief of Police.
The public should be encouraged that filing a complaint:
- Helps to make police brass aware of a given situation so that they have an opportunity to correct any alleged improper behavior.- Generates evidence in order to provide the best look at capturing a moment in time into what the current state of affairs are within the department.
- Can help shine an antiseptic light on and weed out the bad apples before it is too late, as one bad apple can spoil it for the entire bunch.
It’s unfortunate but reality that in today’s society — where everyone is a photojournalist and law enforcement is under an intense eye of scrutiny — you can be collectively judged by the actions of the least of you.
The purpose of taking a complaint isn’t to win an argument with the complainant — it is to better understand the situation that is being contested and evaluate how the law enforcement agency is functioning as the information is filtered up the chain of command.
Everything has a cost, even the truth.
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Welcome to this intensive, no holds barred, educational episode of Light ‘Em Up!
We’re working to tirelessly to expand our global footprint beyond 111 countries!
Tonight, we are honored to have back one of our all-time most honored guests.Our especial guest, Dr. Sandy Womack, Jr. -- who is no stranger to Light ‘Em Up -- is our tried-and-true source and resource who can unpack all of these hot and pressing topics for us and provide great clarity and wisdom to them to aide understanding.
Dr. Sandy Womack Jr. is a servant leader with over a generation of successful experience in urban education. He’s an NCAA All-American wrestler with a doctorate in educational leadership, author, principal, district administrator, equity trainer, motivational speaker, and urban school turnaround specialist.
We ask the same question to Dr. Womack as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. asked in August of ’67 when he addressed the 11th Annual Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in Atlanta, Georgia before over 100 Black leaders – “Where do we go from here?”
We’ve reached a critical inflection point as we examine several crucial issues that currently impact the nation, and Black America specifically, in 2024.
He tackles the critical topics of:
— Race & politics: In 2024, the impact of Blacks being the 3rd largest group in America as it relates to political power.
— The black youth and what might its collective future look like; violence & the impact on the perception of Black youth, “Killing them before they grow”
— as well as the intersectionality of the future of a public education, funding and race, examining the question: Is a public education in danger of becoming obsolete?
Some 55+ years after The Kerner Commission got it right, yet no one listened, poverty, crime and inequality still infect our society. (President Lyndon Johnson constituted the Kerner Commission to identify the genesis of the violent 1967 riots that killed 43 in Detroit and 26 in Newark, NJ). We are still, all these years later, plagued by the same issues.
A riot is the language of the unheard. America still has failed to hear many things and act upon the defaulted promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.
We are in an extended period of post-mortem reflection following the time during which racial justice protests were at their most intense.
We now have to ask ourselves:
— What has changed? And what hasn’t?
— Have power and privilege truly been disrupted?
— Has oppression been alleviated?
— What will be the legacy of this moment where we saw global protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd … has it all been for nothing?
Dr. Womack stresses the fact that there can be no testimony without a test. He went on to say that “I can’t be who I need to be if you’re not who you need to be.” And that the interconnectivity and focusing on what unites versus what divides is what is crucial for our collective advancement.
Womack stated that “Poverty is a huge cause of a variety of different things that impact upon the U.S.” and that “education is economic development”.
Through the education of the future of the world, our youth, he works in an indefatigable manner to change the heart of people and bring the focus back to faith, hope and love.
Tune in to hear a wealth of his wisdoms – we guarantee without a doubt that you will learn much. Follow our sponsors Newsly & Feedspot here:We want to hear from you!
Thank you for tuning in! Our global footprint has now reached 111 countries!
On this expanded, investigative episode we shine the antiseptic light of the truth on a 2019 murder case out of the state of Michigan. The People v Cabrera.
We are honored to sit down with Sarah Cintron, the mother of Juan Cabrera.
Juan was convicted of premeditated intentional murder at the age of 18 by a jury that only took 120 minutes to decide on a charge that mandated him by statute to serve Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole (LWOP) for a murder where the actual video evidence in the case did not in any way, shape or form show the face, clothing, nor any single, solitary identifying physical characteristic of the shooter. (View the video that the jury used in its deliberations here for yourself.)
How do you reach a unanimous determination of “beyond a reasonable doubt” with “evidence” such as this?
Material witnesses perjured themselves in statements given to police prior to trial and on the witness stand. Two material witnesses identified two totally different suspects other than Juan as being the shooter.
Two other key witnesses were given ENORMOUS sentence reductions, ultimately receiving probation on serious other felonies for their “alleged truthful testimony and cooperation” against Juan.
Stemming from the lying and colluding witness statements of party attendees, law enforcement put out a “BOLO” looking for a man named Claudio Estrada Jr., who wasn’t even in the state of Michigan when this crime took place.
One witness was permitted to communicate with other witnesses via Facebook Messenger during her police interview – in front of a female member of the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department.
Juan’s defense trial attorney (Chris Kessel, now the Michigan assistant attorney general) admitted under oath that he “reviewed the video evidence submitted by the prosecutor but did not conduct a frame-by-frame review of the video”.
When your client is on trial for his life, why not do so?
There were serious questions and concerns about a “conflict of interest” on the part of Juan's attorney, due to the fact that during his trial he took on another extremely high-profile case (the Flint, MI Contaminated Water Cases) working for the same State of Michigan that was trying to put his client away for life.
What do you do when the police immediately suffer from “tunnel vision” and “lock on” to a suspect who they think and believe committed a crime? When this occurs — it's close to impossible to get them to look at or pursue any other suspects.
States across the nation generally have laws prohibiting people from making false police reports — with our special guest, we ask and examine — the question:
What do you do if the police are the ones furthering the false claims and advancing those claims with shoddy investigatory practices that have produced nothing but lies from liars — from the witness stand and in their sworn affidavits and official reports?
Sarah provides tremendously helpful insight and important awareness as to how you can navigate such choppy waters.
Just after midnight on February 16, 2019, a group of teens gathered at a hotel to celebrate the belated birthday of a mutual friend.
Two of the party attendees have a verbal altercation in the hallway right outside of the room. A fight ensued. All hell breaks loose, and lives are changed forever.Tune in to hear the rest of the shocking details.
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We deliver the facts … not fiction, covering every story with integrity and passion.
In this explosive, follow-up, investigative interview, we further shine the light of the truth and drill deeper, farther and wider with Jana Guyewski Latigar (the sister of Crystal McCrory Jones).
♦ We have word that KNOE News Channel 8 has a team of investigators actively working this case and will soon have an investigative report on the fact pattern regarding Crystal’s mysterious, untimely and shocking death.
♦ We've uncovered shocking details regarding the Forensic Pathologist in this case — and devastating errors that led to the exoneration of the West Memphis Three.
On February 9th, 2023 in the sleepy town of Oak Grove, Louisiana, (population: ~2,275), Crystal was found dead in her home from what was reported to be a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound to the head.
The West Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Office (WCPSO) had this case “solved” in 105 minutes — less time than it takes to drive from Oak Grove to Shreveport, LA.
From the initial deputy being notified by WCPSO to perform a “welfare check on the deceased” — law enforcement would've had to find Crystal’s body; secure the crime scene, gathering, bagging and tagging all relevant evidence; canvass the neighborhood; track down any and all investigatory leads; interview any/all relevant suspects; complete all investigative written reports, while preserving the chain of custody … in under 2 hours!
This would be amazing if it happened. In fact, it DID NOT happen this way! Police reports were strewn with misspelled words and inaccuracies, timelines of the spouse that don’t match up. Premortem bruising was ignored and overlooked — which is a clear indication of a pre-death vicious struggle.
♦ What was the hurry? Why the rush to judgement?
♦ Why the hostile, combative responses from the Sheriff when family members of the deceased simply sought information into the death of their loved one? Isn’t it normal for a devastated family to have questions, to seek answers?
In this exclusive interview Jana sheds personal insight from her trauma-informed experience on courageously, (slowly) working her way through the life-altering grief stemming from her sister’s death. She shares insightful coping strategies for anyone dealing with similar traumas.
♦ We talk about Complicated Grief, which can occur as a result of the traumatic and unexpected death of a loved one. We explore the Cycle of Grief. Everyone experiences grief — it is part of our human experience.
♦ Other residents of West Carroll Parish have shared their concerns that there’ve been other cases that were quickly ruled a “suicide” when the facts weren't so clear.
Follow Justice for Crystal McCrory Jones (the Facebook Group honoring Crystal’s life and memory) and sign the Change.org petition which seeks to press law enforcement officials to re-open an investigation surrounding her mysterious death.
Tune in and be educated and empowered!
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲!
Note well: All persons are innocent unless proven otherwise in a court of law.
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Welcome to this explosive episode of “Light ‘Em Up” — actively being downloaded in 108 countries!
Thank you so much for your enormous response to our previous multiple record-setting episode!
As we continue to speak truth to power and shine an intense spotlight on the error-filled autopsy report and the unsubstantiated claims of the coroner, as well as the shoddy, crooked, backwoods investigational practices of the West Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Department and the shady, collusive actions on the part of the 5th Judicial Circuit District Attorney Ms. Penny Douciere — we offer this brand new fact-based, investigatory episode to you.
We submit that those involved in the “investigation” of this case willfully have chosen to look the other way. THAT is a text-book definition of corruption and a dereliction of official duty under the color of authority. We ask, why? Why wouldn’t the Louisiana State Police open an investigation? Why the rush to judgement on the part of the coroner?
On February 9, 2023 in Oak Grove, Louisiana (population 1,441), Crystal McCrory Jones was found dead in her home from what was reported to be a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound to the head.
Her husband, Tony Jones (who reportedly at one time was an employee with the same W. Carroll Sheriff’s Department charged with “investigating” the case) was reported to be the last person who saw her alive, at or around 8 am on the day of her death.
Within 1 hour and 45 minutes of the knowledge of Crystal’s death, the case was ruled to be a suicide.
The fact pattern shows that there was extensive bruising on her hands, inner thighs, and a fingernail was broken off of her left hand: evidence of a pre-mortem struggle.
Bruising is bleeding into the surrounding tissue and there's no bleeding if the heart isn't pumping. Bruising is indicative of clear signs that there was an intense struggle, before she died — as once the heart stops pumping blood --- there can be no bruising.
As education is always a foundational pillar of Light ‘Em Up, in this fact-packed episode we drill down on:
♦ What is a medico-legal death investigation — and why it is of the utmost importance that it takes place in a timely, professional and painstakingly thorough manner. It didn’t!
We define:
♦ What an autopsy and autopsy report are, the cause and manner of death and criteria for determining a suicide.
We ask:
♦ Who called in a “welfare check” on Crystal in her home, and why? Were they trying to establish an alibi?
We investigate:
♦ The difference between a suicide and a homicide.
We highlight:
♦ specific Louisiana laws governing coroners’ duties, autopsies and investigations — which expose officials as derelict in their duty.
We clarify:
♦ the 4 major problems in conducting death investigations.
♦ And we instruct on the 5 objectives of an autopsy and a ton of other compelling aspects of this mysterious case.
How is it that every aspect of the criminal justice system and those officials charged with honoring their oath to protect and serve and do their sworn duty failed Crystal?
Crystal loved life — her presence blessed everyone who encountered her.
The sad truth is that if this can happen to her — it can happen to you!
We’re in this fight! We’ll continue with this case until we see some form of “justice” delivered to Crystal's surviving family members.
Follow this link to the Change.org petition for Crystal as well as the Facebook page remembering her here.
All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.We want to hear from you!
Thank you for joining us! We’ve now penetrated 108 countries globally, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 because of YOU!
This case stunk from its inception.
Tonight, we explore the death of Crystal McCrory Jones, a sweet mother of 2 and a friend to all who were blessed to know her.
You’ve heard of homicide, defined as the unlawful killing of one human being by another. We’re betting you may not have heard as much about uxoricide. The killing of one’s wife. You’ll have to determine for yourself, but there are very suspicious details.
We were very fortunate to sit down with Jana Guyewski-Latigar (the sister of the deceased).
On February 9, 2023, in the sleepy town of Oak Grove, Louisiana, (2020 Census population: 1,441), Crystal was found dead in her home from what was reported to be a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound to the head.
Within 1 hour & 45 minutes, cause of death was ruled a suicide.
Here are just a few more of the highly suspicious facts:
♦ Two days prior to Crystal’s death, the Ring Doorbell Camera to her home was cut off. Coincidence, or evidence of pre-planning or conspiracy?
♦ Fact: Her husband, Tony Joe Jones, was an employee of the West Carroll Parrish Sheriff’s Department — the department charged with “investigating” the case.
♦ No matter who you are or what you do in life, if your spouse is dead in your home, under any questionable circumstances you can expect to be considered a suspect.
That never happened in this case. Why not?
♦ There is argument that Tony changed his story as to his whereabouts and specific location on the day Crystal died.
♦ Google Location Data place him near the home, consistent with and in conjunction to the time of death initially listed on Crystal’s Death Certificate.
♦ The Parish Coroner initially changed the time of death from 10:35 AM to 5:05 PM, why?
♦ Shortly following his wife’s death, Tony vigorously pursued efforts to collect on a $63K group life insurance policy.
♦ Soon thereafter, facts show that the husband had Crystal’s body cremated. Was this evidence of a “guilty mind”, establishing the necessary legal “mens rea” in an effort to destroy any physical evidence or prevent any hope of a 3rd party, independent forensic exam of the body?
♦ Upon Crystal’s death Jana and Crystal’s surviving family members were denied an investigation into her sister’s death by the Louisiana State Police Department. Why?
♦ Why the rush to judgement with so little, if any, investigation?
Help to give her life and legacy a voice. Help to solve Crystal’s murder. Tune in and hear the rest of the salacious details.
I’ve witnessed a lot of examples of bad policing throughout my career— having spent many years as an investigator. THIS case may very well be the worst example of unprofessional, shoddy, backwoods, good ol’ boy, overt and intentionally corrupt actions on the part of law enforcement to cover up a murder that evidence suggests that perhaps one of their own may have been involved in — that I have ever heard of in my life.
Note: All persons are innocent unless proven otherwise in a court of law.
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