
  • In this episode The Heart Girls discuss our Inherent Value.

    Podcast Details:

    Value = Relative worth, merit, or importance

    We attach value according to others accomplishments, titles, or lack of title

    God created and determined our value before the beginning of time (Colosians 1:15-17 TPT)

    We are created IN CHRIST (Ephesians 1:4 TPT)

    We are NOT powerful enough to undo what the living God has ALREADY done

    Salvation doesn’t change our value, it changes our awareness

    Allow God to reveal to you how valuable you are

    Genesis 1:26-27

    The walls of our heart van NOT withstand the weightiness of Jesus' love

    You are LOVED, CHOSEN, and VALUABLE because Jesus said YOU ARE!

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    The Undivided Heart https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced by Nathan Buller at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Encountering God. The Heart Girls share about Encounter and how it has changed their lives.

    Podcast Details:

    Susan and Shanna explain their definition of Encounter

    Often times our version of who God is comes from others

    Our heart can stop our beliefs and skew our vision of who God truly is

    Encounter helps us see God through the right lens

    Encounter is a re-parenting of our hearts

    Encounter gives a landing place for us to receive the greatness in ourselves

    Encounters are powerful when you share them

    John 17:24-26 (TPT)

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

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  • In this interview with Ben Venable, Shanna & Susan discuss the process that leads us all to discover what we beleive about God and and why some of us go through a deconstruction process and how it can be very healthy. Ben shares his testimony and what he has learned through the process.

    Podcast Details:

    Ben shares his background and how he got started in the “deconstruction” process

    Ben explains what “deconstruction” means

    Ben shares what he has learned while going through this process in his life

    God is NOT afraid of our emotions

    John 13:35

    Ben shares where he is at now in his journey

    God is okay with us where we are at NOW

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    The Undivided Heart https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced by Nathan Buller at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna and Susan talk through this saying, hindsight is 20/20, and how much wisdom is in it. We can all see the situations better from a perspective of hindsight so why do we beat ourselves up over not getting it right in the moment? Join us this week as we discuss why this is.

    Podcast Details:

    "If I knew then what I know now..." is often said out of guilt and shame

    The majority of your belief systems are formed by the time you are 7 years old

    Our reactions and emotions come from a younger part of us that is "highjacking" us trying to survive

    Ask the Lord to show you a memory or root that causes you to be triggered and then allow Him to help you extend grace and forgiveness to yourself

    Don't use hindsight to beat yourself up

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Interview with Susan Fleming, a licensed therapist since 2014, Susan moved into the online space in 2019 as a Biblical Wealth Mindset Coach. She is passionate about leading impact-driven entrepreneurs to scale with integrity, authority, and generosity. This is done through her signature Multiplier Method, which incorporates neuroscience and scripture to rewire the brain for extraordinary success.

    Ways to Connect with Susan:
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/susan.fleming.92754

    Website https://www.heaventoearthllc.com

    Podcast Details:

    Susan Fleming explains how she learned to operate from a place of rest

    We only trust God to the degree that we believe He truly loves us

    We base our relationship with the Lord on the way others treat us

    God operates outside of time. There is no time limit with God

    Susan Fleming explains the process she goes through in leading her clients through encounters with the Lord

    When you have an encounter with the Lord, you should show up with no expectation and let God be Himself with you

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Breakthrough is one of those words we so often misunderstand. Shanna and Susan talk about their own experiences of breakthrough and how it is a process in our lives.

    Podcast Details:

    Breakthrough is a process

    Susan and Shanna share their personal stories of breakthrough

    Breakthrough helps you see yourself and God through the lens of truth

    Allow your breakthrough to produce breakthrough for yourself and others

    You will experience resistance before you experience breakthrough

    Give yourself permission to navigate the new space created by your breakthrough

    Breakthrough is powerful when experienced through community

    Give yourself permission to celebrate your breakthrough

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan talk to their friends Pam & Steve Vandenbulck with OaksRising. In this episode Pam & Steve discuss marriage communication and expectations we place on each other in marriage that cause us to misunderstand each others heart. The personality profile that Pam and Steve reference is called Life Languages.

    Connect with Pam & Steve: oaksrising.com



    Podcast Details:

    Steve and Pam share the things they feel are important in their marriage

    Steve and Pam share how they discovered their design in their marriage

    Steve and Pam share their Heart Healing journeys and how heart healing plays an important role in marriage

    Pam explains what a triangular relationship is

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • In this episode The Heart Girls talk about Authenticity.

    Podcast Details:

    Authenticity is NOT “Being Real”

    Authentic = Genuine, true, of undisputed origin; in opposition to that which is false

    Being Authentic is being true to who you are and who you are created to be

    2 Core Needs: a) Attachment b) Authenticity

    Authenticity is being able to show up with your beliefs, your values, and your motives

    Allow yourself to be seen by YOU

    Autenticity is NOT the same as Honesty, Consistency, or “Being Real”

    Authenticity does NOT equal Vulnerability

    Philippians 4:7 (TPT)

    “The Myth of Normal” by Gabor Mate - purchase on Amazon https://amzn.to/3LRuNh6

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced by Nathan Buller at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan talk to their friend Esther Weaver about the DISC personality profile. Esther is full of spunk and energy. She along with her husband, Jason, are passionate about helping people learn about their inherit greatness and love to help people discover who they are.

    Connect with Jason and Esther: jasontweaver.com

    Podcast Details:

    Esther explains her journey of discovering her identity through the DISC test

    Esther shares how the DISC test works in her marriage

    God meets us where we are and communicates to us in our own style

    How you see God is how you see yourself. Seeing yourself as God sees you helps you discover who you are

    The goodness of God comes about because of what you bring to the table

    Discovering who you are is a process. Give yourself grace for the process

    When you agree with what God says about you your language will change

    Your weakness is your strength overextended

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • The Heart Girls give an Intro to Season Five of the podcast and let you know what they have been up to.

    Podcast Details:

    When you practice Encounter you grow and understand love better

    We determine our value based on what we do or don’t do

    To see yourself authentically you have to be able to look at your whole self

    Susan and Shanna explain what to expect in Season Five

    Susan gives an update on the healing center at The Retreat At Canyon Ridge

    Shanna discusses the topics they will cover in Season Five

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    The Undivided Heart https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced by Nathan Buller at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan have a discussion with Bethany Burkholder talking about how getting our heart integrated helps us see what we weren't able to see before. How it elevates our view and perspective.

    Podcast Details:

    - When you embrace the process of becoming whole, healing happens a lot faster
    - We can look at the promises in Scripture to discover the areas where we are not living in the fullness of who God created us to be
    - Celebrate how far you've come on your journey but never stop growing
    - Don't beat yourself up over what you don't know, because healing is a process and a journey
    - When you expect others to live up to YOUR expectations that they are unaware of, you put pressure on them and that is unfair
    - Be open to allowing the Lord to reveal to your heart areas that need healing so you can live in the fullness of who God has called you to be

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Introducing Connie Murrell to The Undivided Heart Team

    Shanna & Susan want to introduce a new team member. Connie has joined The Undivided Heart team and we are so excited to have her! She brings so much wisdom and truth and we loved getting to share this conversation with you.

    Podcast Details:

    - Connie shares her heart healing journey
    - Connie shares how changing her theology helped her fulfill her purpose
    - God wants to co-create WITH us
    - Heart healing can uncover a piece of your identity that was lost, hurt, or hidden
    - Connie explains how she partnered with the process of heart healing

    Connect with Us ❤️
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    YouTube Channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-MCzIryn2ZPSzKdbvr0wA

    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna and Susan get to spend sometime interviewing Ryan Pena, the National Director of School of Kingdom, who has an amazing way of revelating the principles of the Kingdom. Today the Heart Girls talk with Ryan about Discernment.

    Podcast Details:

    - Understanding creates a strong foundation when it comes to wisdom
    - Understanding: To establish, fix in place, to discern
    - You not only have faith in God but you have the faith OF God
    - Prophecy is the overflow of your communion with God. All of us have communion with God and can share a prophetic word
    - Discernment is a spiritual sense that makes you aware of what is happening in the unseen realm
    - When you understand the fullness that's in you there is NO limit to what you can do
    - When you are motivated by LOVE, discernment will kick in- Philippians 1:9
    - Ask: What is the fruit of what I'm discerning? Hebrews 5:14

    Connect with Ryan:
    Discernment Intensive sign up theryanpena.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manywatersglobal/
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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan discuss their kingdom perspective on our original intent given by God in the garden and being born again into the Kingodm.

    Podcast Details:

    - Genesis 1:27-28; We were created to create and have dominion
    - Salvation is NOT about performance or being good enough
    - John 3:16-18
    - The law is what condemns us; there is NO salvation in the law
    - John 3:3
    - The kingdom comes to reside within us in the Born Again experience
    - Born Again = Born From Above
    - All that is required to be born again is to BELIEVE a. Jesus is the Son of God b. You are joined into the family
    - Ask the Father to help you to relive your Born Again experience through encounter- it will change the way you see yourself

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan continue through John 15.

    Podcast Details:

    - John 15:9-17
    - We cannot be separated from God
    - God calls us to step into a place of ONENESS with Him
    - We can live in a place of peace and joy when we choose to reside in the Father's love
    - We can change the world by loving people well
    - When we love well we are called His cherished and intimate friends
    - It is Jesus' pleasure to reveal to us everything the Father says

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan talk through John 15.

    Podcast Details:

    - We tend to view scripture through the lens of an angry God
    - John 15 (TPT)
    - Father God cares for the vine, nourishing it, and tending it-WE are the vine
    - Ask yourself: What lens am I looking at MYSELF through?
    - How do we know the TRUTH? We remain in life union with THE TRUTH-JESUS
    - We are already ONE with the Father; we don't have to do things to please Him or have union with Him
    - We can put ourselves in positions where we are unaware of our ONENESS with the Father
    - The Father speaks LIFE over you; we need to speak LIFE over ourselves

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    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan discuss how they are reforming the mental health industry with encounters.

    Podcast Details:

    - In 2020 280 Billion Dollars was spent on Mental health
    - When your belief systems are out of line you can't line up with the truth of who God says you are
    - 50% of belief systems are created by the age of 4; 80% by the age of 8
    - Belief systems are created by experiences
    - You experience NEW belief systems through encounters with the Lord
    - Susan and Shanna explain the Healing Through Encounter process
    - 2 ways you can begin to lead yourself through this process:
    a. Begin to take note of certain emotions or reactions that are becoming recurring patterns
    b. Ask the Lord to show you where you are seated with Him in Heavenly places

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    The Undivided Heart Website


    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Shanna & Susan share about what they have been up to and the awesome things coming this season and through The Undivided Heart.

    Podcast Details:

    - Susan and Shanna share what they've been up to this summer
    - The Frequency Factor
    - Susan and Shanna share what's coming up at The Undivided Heart
    - A preview of what's coming on this season's podcast:
    a. Reading Scripture through a Kingdom lens
    b. How to facilitate an encounter with the Father
    c. Heart healing and marriage
    d. What it looks like to operate from a position of rest

    Connect with Us ❤️
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theundividedheart/
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    YouTube Channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-MCzIryn2ZPSzKdbvr0wA

    The Undivided Heart Website https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • In this episode we talk to our amazing friend Regina aka Principal Life Coach about her journey and how to learn form yours. She is a master teacher and is so much fun and she's brilliant!

    Regina L. Henry is a Certified Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Trainer with a commitment to empowering and equipping every person she connects with to identify, clarify, & amplify their Genius, and to lead with resilience and authenticity. Having spent most of her professional life in a variety of educational roles and environments, Regina has now committed to supporting a different "classroom" of high-achievers, the Working Parent. Regina’s insightful perspective of life in today’s dynamic world provides a clear lens through which others may plot their path to reach their goals, without parental guilt or shame. She applies her expertise in human & brain development, proven strategies, and proprietary frameworks to create practical solutions for the professional parent to succeed, both at work and at home.

    In this episode we talk to our amazing friend Regina aka Principal Life Coach about her journey and how to learn form yours. She is a master teacher and is so much fun and she's brilliant!

    Connect with Regina L. Henry www.reginalhenry.com

    Podcast Details:

    - Regina shares her journey in starting her business
    - Vision drives discipline
    - Regina explains what the Genius Lab is
    - Regina explains how she stepped out of the box to do what she loves
    - Remember you either win or you LEARN
    - Have prepared responses for when circumstances don't go your way
    - There is power in community

    Get signed up for the next event HERE https://www.theundividedheart.com/events

    Join in the conversation through:
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    The Undivided Heart https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]

  • Leslie Davis and Helen Reyes are best friends who really consider themselves sisters...and they are so much fun! We had to invite them to join in the Kingdom relationship series!

    Helen Reyes is a wife, mother of two, with 7 grandchildren. She has 20 plus years experience as a university tenured professor of nursing. She is currently the Prophetic Director for School of Kingdom and is the founder of You are Amazing, LLC.

    Lezlie Davis is a prophet, prophetic trainer and Kingdom Mother who serves as co-Prophetic Director for the School Of Kingdom. She also serves as the AVP for Philanthropy Operations at WTAMU. She is a wife, mother, and “Cakey” to seven grandchildren. She is a gifted speaker, teacher and loves a good storm chase.

    Connect with Leslie Davis: https://www.facebook.com/lezlie.davis

    Connect with Helen Reyes: https://www.facebook.com/HelenBReyes

    Podcast Details:

    - Helen and Lezlie share how they met and their journey as friends
    - Kingdom relationships will develop a language that can be spoken and shared between each other
    - Helen and Lezlie explain how they honor, value, and respect each other
    - To cultivate a kingdom friendship you MUST learn to love unconditionally

    Get signed up for the next event HERE https://www.theundividedheart.com/events

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    The Undivided Heart https://www.theundividedheart.com

    Podcast produced and Edited by Nathan at Straight Up Media LLC email him at [email protected]