In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Clayton Payne, a pet and animal industry expert, podcaster and serial pet industry entrepreneur who is currently the C.O.O. at the Bug Factory. It is an insect company that develops industrial breeding systems for insects that are used in animal foods and feeds.
Clayton has worked in the pet and pet food industries all of his life. He has created, grown and sold multiple businesses in the sector. So, the information he shares here is invaluable and has been adapted to be especially relevant for owners of dog training businesses.
Think outside the box. Get creative. If you keep doing things the same way you will get left behind.
Trends change. Twenty years ago, dogs mostly ate canned food, now high meat content dried foods and raw meat are in high demand.
The dog training industry is changing too. The way people live has changed, so the way dogs live and the problems they need help with have changed too.
Adapting your training to a specific breed or personality type is a good way to specialise. The fact that you deeply understand that type of dog and have adapted how you teach to suit its needs is a huge selling point.
Sell why you are so good.
Appealing to people emotionally, using logic and creating urgency enables you to sell more.
Don´t get frozen by fear. Get on with things and learn from your mistakes.
Get customer feedback, so you are clear on why your product or service sells.
Try new products or services out with people you trust to get feedback. Several ways to do this are discussed in the episode.
As a service provider you can still create urgency by limiting demand.
If there are products you love why not sell them? It´s a win-win. Many manufacturers are interested in working with dog trainers to sell their products. Often, they will offer special deals and discount codes.
“If you keep doing things in the same way, you're going to get left behind.”
“From a young age, I was thinking - I'm going to have to innovate. I'm going to have to do things differently.”
“Look and think – Who´s buying this? And why are they paying money for it?”
“You have to change your mentality from a mentality of, what do I like, to what makes my customer part with their money combined with what I like, because you're not selling to yourself .”
“If you have a product or service, try and niche it. ”
“People struggle with criticism because they don't see it as a chance for learning.”
Mealworm kits - https://bugfactory-mealworm.com
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
For today's episode of Let's Talk Dog Business, Vicky & Jo do something a little bit different. They answer some of the questions that you've submitted to them via the Facebook group.
They cover how to increase your perceived value, getting clients to do what is asked of them, working out how much to charge and how to create your client avatar.
Offering something that other trainers in the area do not offer or providing 100% of what potential customers need helps to increase your perceived value.
Focus on attracting the right clients, don´t waste energy chasing people you are not a good fit for.
When clients book and pay for blocks of lessons, be clear about the date by which the sessions need to be completed.
There are several ways to work out how much you should be charging. During the episode, Jo & Vicky explain each one and highlight the best way to do it.
When working out what to charge, don´t just go with an hourly rate, especially not a low one. If you simply do that you are not factoring in what it costs to provide the service e.g. insurance and rent.
What you charge needs to reflect your expertise, you are sharing experience and knowledge that few people have.
You need to do more than earn enough to cover your bills. People will spend what they are happy to pay, if you are happy too, it is a win-win.
Factor in where your potential clients live when choosing which platforms to use.
“The perceived value of your client isn't necessarily your own perceived value,”
“If we're leaving it to the client and they're not doing it well, our job is to lead and guide them to make sure that the journey for them is absolutely amazing.”
“Everything should be really clear and simple for the customer.”
“You are responsible for that dog. You are there to care for it.”
“Without you, that person couldn't go on holiday, or they couldn't do what they're doing.”
“Everything should be really clear and simple for the customer.”
“If someone's happy to pay you £1000 for 5 training sessions and you're happy to receive it. It's a win-win.”
“Do you need to start using different words and phrases because of the age of your audience?”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Clara who worked for many years as a senior trainer and behaviour advisor at Dog´s Trust. In 2022, she founded The Muzzle Movement as a way to advocate for muzzled dogs and their guardians. Something she felt compelled to do when she adopted Tolly, who needed to be muzzled. The experience they had while out and about compelled Carla to change the public´s perception of muzzled dogs.
It also inspired her to shake up the muzzle space by developing a new type of muzzle. One that provides far more freedom of movement, while still being effective, comfortable and hardwearing. In under 2 years, 20,000 have been shipped worldwide. Carla shares her story, including raising £46,000 on Kickstarter.
Carla hired someone on Upwork to create the CAD plan for her.
The first muzzle was 3d printed.
Being able to feed and drink water while wearing a muzzle is a big benefit.
A dog wearing a black or brown muzzle looks scarier to most people than one that is wearing a blue or brightly coloured one.
Hire help as soon as you can. Your business will grow faster, and you will avoid burnout.
When Clara hired a team her turnover hit £1.2 million in 12 months.
Hire people who share your core values and passion for what you are doing. This is particularly important during the startup stage.
Be clear about your purpose. Without that clarity, you will not have the drive to get through the tough times.
Offer true solutions for actual problems, not something only you perceive to be an issue.
Stick to your values. Carla shares why they are doing this and why they turned down £2 million worth of orders.
Hire a mentor as soon as possible. It will accelerate your growth.
Regularly review what you are doing and improve.
As an industry we need to pull together and stop criticising each other. There is way too much negativity in the dog industry.
“I wanted to be able to feed my dog through the muzzle really easily.”
“I should have hired people sooner.”
“A business needs to make money to be able to continue being a business and be able to support more people in the future.”
“Your business decisions should be made off the back of those values.”
“We'll take that loss of £2 million orders that we could have had next year if it means that over time, the right things are happening anyway.”
“It impacted my business because I was surrounded by negativity the whole time.”
“I don't think they're fearful of what their potential clients would say, they're scared about the peer group.”
“Reach out to people and say that's amazing … it really helps the other person.”
Socials - @themuzzlemovement
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky take a look at why the dog industry is mainly made up of women.
They also discuss the differences between female and male energies and the pros and cons of the two approaches.
As well as talk about the common pitfalls your natural way of thinking and being can lead you into. Before explaining how to take account of all this and adjust the way you manage your business so that you can stay true to yourself, become a more effective business owner and take care of your family.
Most people involved in the dog industry, especially the women, really struggle to charge what they are worth.
The fact that so many trainers started their careers almost as a hobby, as a side hustle plays a role in people underestimating what they should be charging.
Frequently, the person setting up the dog business is not the main wage earner in the household. Certainly not, during the startup phase. This also has an impact on how much they are willing to charge.
Many women lean into the nurturing side of helping dogs and owners to overcome their issues, but to the point where they feel they should be offering that help unconditionally. An emotional thought cycle that can make it harder to charge for their time.
Some dog trainers find it hard to charge enough if they feel that the person in front of them is struggling financially.
Successful business owners learn to tap into both feminine and masculine patterns of behaviour.
At times being in business is tough, and you have to be tough too to get through those times. But it is not always wise to bring that energy home with you, where as a mother you are fulfilling a different role that requires a different energy.
When guiding clients, tapping into your masculine energy can be helpful. It makes it easier for them to accept that in this situation you are the professional.
“Multitasking can be a good thing, but it also can be negative, because you maybe don't complete the tasks.”
“With the transition of me growing as a person and growing this business, my role at home has now changed. I'm there a lot less.”
“I think there are elements of feminine energy in all of the men that we've worked with.”
“I do find that masculine and feminine energy really interesting because I see it show up in how people run their businesses.”
“That caring nature bit of but I can help, I want to help, I need to help. So, if I can, I will, and if you can only afford this, then that's okay .”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Gordon Burcham, a 3 times Martial Arts champion who runs his own martial arts school and has helped 1000s of other entrepreneurs to build successful martial arts businesses. He is also a public speaker, author and business & personal development coach.
Gordon shares his journey to help you understand the connection between personal development, happiness and business success. In the process of doing so, Gordon, Jo & Vicky explain how to empower yourself for growth.
Honing your business skills will only get you so far. The other half of the equation, the most vital part, is personal development. If you don´t work on yourself you won´t get much further than you are now.
Personal development and growth empower you to be your true self and equip you to navigate the storms of life.
You are the one that is holding yourself back.
Look internally for the answers.
Life is not about what happens to you, what you do with your experiences is what really matters.
Don´t fall into the trap of being a victim.
Your critical inner voice is wearing you down, take the wins as your wins. You won because of your efforts and ability, not because of luck.
Self-love is vital. Love yourself for who you are, absolutely everything you are.
Judgement is horrible, it´s a virus, give yourself a break. Instead, accept yourself and others.
Toxicity comes from a lack of abundance, a lack of love. You worry that if someone else gets something or you share there won´t be enough for you.
Empathy is powerful, it enables you to stop judging.
Stop tearing each other down, accept that there is more than one way to do things. Not everyone has to do it like you.
Embrace change don´t fear it.
Be grateful for everything, even the small things e.g. the rain that grows your food, the sun that warms you. Living in gratitude generates joy and makes you happy every day.
“If I am looking externally for someone to help me, I lose all my power.”
“His passing was a blessing in many ways because it led to me writing Live Life Happy.”
“Get rid of the sh**t from the past.”
“I beat the person that I've been battling for years, which was myself.”
“The world is toxic because of judgement.”
“This toxicity comes in, and this is where we're actually destroying an industry from within.”
“Pause, don´t go straight in with that judgement.”
“Your personal development journey is never done, it´s never finished.”
Books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Gordon+Burcham
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Cat Topham who talks about her experiences of living with autism and working as a dog trainer. Cat shares a fascinating insight into the impact autism has on running a business. Including, how being autistic is both beneficial and challenging when training dogs.
Cat covers finding clients that fit with what you have to offer, dealing with social media when it´s all a mystery to you, being more understanding with clients and adjusting the way you communicate with them. She also explains how she manages where her energy goes to avoid burnout.
Autism is a bit like a breed difference e.g. terriers' and collies’ brains are wired differently, so they have different behaviour traits.
There is no point in ignoring difference, you have to adapt your approach e.g. if noise overwhelms you, recognise that and reduce your exposure to noise.
All business owners benefit from learning to manage their time and energy better day to day to avoid burnout.
Dogs don´t require you to mask how you are feeling, which is part of the reason neurodiverse people have such a strong connection to dogs.
Many autistic people become obsessed with things they are passionate about. This makes them very knowledgeable about those things.
Cat´s autism makes it hard for her to read people. She shares examples in the podcast.
Seek out the right clients for you, people who want what you offer.
Autistic people spot patterns, so can very easily pick up on precursor behaviours e.g. a dog's muscles tensing or ear moving just before it is about to do something.
Being diagnosed as autistic empowered Cat. She understood herself better and found it easier to adapt to the challenges she faces, while further strengthening the abilities autism enhances.
Social media does not come naturally to Cat, as it doesn´t for many dog trainers.
“The average neurodiverse person takes in 40% more of what's going on around them than a neurotypical person…that in itself is more tiring.”
“I only have 3 hours a day to speak to people face-to-face because communication is so much harder.”
“Many neurodiverse people have a connection with dogs.”
“As a neurodiverse person, it isn't like excuses. You just want accommodations in certain situations.”
“I just hate doing It (social media), that's the problem and I'm not bad at it.”
“The way I would speak is very, very direct. I have to be very careful to not be interpreted wrong, like to say the wrong thing.“
“Running a dog training business, isn't really about dogs, is it? … It's about people”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Collin Funkhouser from Pet Sitter Confessional. He and his wife run a pet-sitting and dog-walking company which employs 13 people, while homeschooling their kids. They also run a podcast and socials that help dog professionals across the globe to share their tips, experiences, and stories.
During the discussion, Collin touches on everything you need to know to establish and grow a dog business. But he goes into depth when it comes to deciding when to hire your first employee, finding the right people, training them, and nurturing their talents. He also explains how to create a company culture that ensures that your service continues to improve, and your business can grow without you being there every minute of the day.
If your business is seasonal smooth out the troughs by offering other services.
Let your business partner take control of the things you are not good at.
If you work with your life partner, don´t talk about the business during family time.
Hire good help as soon as you can. It makes your business resilient.
Hiring employees rather than relying on freelancers enables you to train them and keep standards high.
Hire people who are confident in their abilities yet humble enough to ask questions.
Put in place the right processes and continually improve them.
In a competitive market niching down works.
Every dog owner has a different lifestyle, so the dog care each one needs is different.
Every time something goes wrong ask – what could I have done differently?
Your marketing language has a significant impact on whether the service you provide looks like good value for money.
Use video to connect with your client and show them how happy you make their pet. Providing the owner gives permission it is also great for marketing.
Remember that taking care of someone´s pet well makes a huge positive difference in their life.
Put in place boundaries and stick to them e.g. not working on your kid´s birthdays.
You are not alone, join an online dog business group to find support and understanding.
“Everybody's better when we're sharing and telling our own stories.”
“To be clear is to be kind…we want our employees to know exactly what it means to have done an amazing job.”
“Soft skills are the most important thing in the success or failure of people in your business.”
“We´re still learning.”
“Downtime takes practice because we're small business owners we're wired to …. get out there and conquer.”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Vicky and Jo delve into the complexities of fear, particularly in relation to personal and business growth. They discuss how fears are often learned from past experiences and societal conditioning, using examples from their own lives, including attitudes towards money and the pressures of holiday expectations.
Jo and Vicky also touch on the value of offering free content as a strategic tool for building relationships and trust with potential clients, emphasising that understanding one's worth and the outcomes of services is crucial for success.
Fear often stems from past experiences and learned behaviours rather than being inherently logical. Providing free content can be a strategic way to build trust and rapport with potential clients. Businesses should focus on the outcomes they provide rather than just the time spent on services. There should be a range of pricing options available in any industry, allowing clients to choose what fits their budget. Regular self-reflection is crucial for personal and professional growth.BEST MOMENTS
"It's such an annoying thing that our human brain does, isn't it? Every time you want to do something, you suddenly get slapped in the face with a, nope, can't do that, for no logical reason."
"If you're fearful of something, there's got to be past experiences that have led to that fear. So you've been through things that have created the fear and created the defence mechanisms around that fear."
"You can't possibly charge that amount of money. You can't possibly do this. You can't do that. People don't want this. Make dog training affordable. I'm like, what's affordable? What does that mean?"
"If you try and cater for everybody on a low ticket, you're going to have to work a fair amount of time in exchange for that money."
"If you allow your brain to take over and be controlled by fear, be controlled by the unknown, be controlled by everybody else's opinion of what you should be doing with your business, nothing is going to change."
Be the first to get your own copy of Let’s Talk Dog Business Strategy: The Dog Trainer's Guide to Ideal Clients, More Money and Freedom before it's out. Plus, get exclusive bonuses! Grab this guide to make your mark on the dog training industry!
Just, click and enter your details to join the priority list now:
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky announce the launch date for their first book – Let´s Talk Dog Business Strategy - The Dog Trainer´s Guide to Ideal Clients, More Money and Freedom. The only guide you will need to successfully launch and grow any dog business or ramp up the profits of a dog-related company you are already running. Jo & Vicky started generating 6 figures, just 8 months after they applied the strategies and processes they are sharing in their book.
This guide teaches you to build a brand, grow a loyal client base and navigate the challenges of running a business in an ever-evolving market. In this episode, Jo & Vicky briefly talk through lead generation, sourcing good customers, creating processes, and leveraging social media to provide you with a taste of what you can expect from their brilliant guide.
· Get on the priority list to secure the free bonuses.
· The dog business is always evolving, which means you have to constantly be tweaking and updating your skills.
· Waiting for customers to come to you leaves you struggling and missing clients that can add to your bottom line. Lead generation is essential.
· Most potential customers do not fully understand how serious the problems they will face in the future are going to be if they do not address behaviour issues in their young dog. You have to educate them, which in turn motivates them to buy.
· It is easy to spend a lot of money on ads that don´t work or to fail to turn leads into customers.
· Creating watertight processes and following them takes a lot of stress out of running your business.
· Finding customers that are a good fit for how you work is essential.
“We have poured every ounce of knowledge into this book that worked for us to turn an all-right business, into a business that collectively turned over £150k.”
“It's our mission in life to equip all of you dog folk out there with as many skills that are really going to help move the needle along in your business .”
“It's worth getting on that priority list for the bonuses.”
“I changed the way I delivered my service because I was chasing the money.”
Be the first to get your own copy of Let’s Talk Dog Business Strategy: The Dog Trainer's Guide to Ideal Clients, More Money and Freedom before it's out. Plus, get exclusive bonuses! Grab this guide to make your mark on the dog training industry!
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
Today, Jo & Vicky launch their long-anticipated book - Let´s Talk Dog Business Strategy - The Dog Trainer´s Guide to Ideal Clients, More Money and Freedom. The guide that Jo & Vicky wish they had had when they started their dog businesses. In it, they share everything you need to know to either start a dog business from scratch or turn one you are already running into a far, far more profitable venture.
Together, Jo & Vicky have a combined 27 years of experience running dog businesses and coaching other entrepreneurs. So, you know that the strategies and advice they share in their book are both practical and effective.
Setting your business up in the right way makes it easier to grow. The foundations you lay matter. Developing the right mindset right is essential. If you don´t the rest won´t work, which is why this is included in their book. When you do not feel safe, you make bad decisions. Having a strategy to follow stops you from feeling lost and desperate. Trying to replicate the business model of a well-established company rarely works. Especially, if you are a startup because you are just not ready to do things that way. Following a business blueprint is important, but you also have to get creative, have fun and do what you want. Many people have self-limiting beliefs about how much money a dog business can make. Using real-world examples Jo & Vicky bust those myths and show you how to make 6 figures. Putting in place services that bring in regular income helps stop the mental burnout and stress that leads to bad decision-making. If you have lost the love for your existing business this book is also for you, it shows you how to change direction, provide a better service and make more money. Understanding modern marketing techniques and investing in the right technology makes it easier to find and retain clients. Jo & Vicky explain how.BEST MOMENTS
“This is basically what I wish I'd had when I started my dog business.”
“It's your business. It's your life. You create whatever you want to off the back of it.”
“Really, the whole book is about mindset… if you don't get that bit right, the rest won't work anyway.”
Be the first to get your own copy of Let’s Talk Dog Business Strategy: The Dog Trainer's Guide to Ideal Clients, More Money and Freedom before it's out. Plus, get exclusive bonuses! Grab this guide to make your mark on the dog training industry!
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
ABOUT THE HOSTSMeet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Rymel Dmot an elite business coach who helps entrepreneurs to scale their businesses to £250k+. He also runs The Elite Millionaire Group teaching business owners how to invest and grow that way.
Rymel shares his journey from being a professional dancer and teaching assistant to becoming a serial entrepreneur and sought-after coach. The advice shared is to the point and tailored to those running dog businesses.
Investing in a business mentor to teach you the right way to run a business is no different to investing in a driving instructor to teach you to drive. Don´t let friends and family put you off. Don´t inadvertently devalue your service. How this can happen and what you can do to avoid this classic mistake is explained during the episode. Discounts are a win for a customer, but if you are doing twice the work, for you it is a loss. Instead, offer arrangements that benefit both parties. In the early stages focus on one or two options. That is how all successful businesses get started. Give customers a choice. Let them decide whether to opt for the cheapest or the more expensive option. Tempt customers by giving them exactly what they need. Provide true value – make hiring you a no-brainer. Do your market research before launching a new service. Rymel explains how. Show customers that you understand their pain e.g., the problem is my dog won´t come when called, the pain is I can´t take him anywhere without worrying he will run away. Humans will do more to get away from pain than they will to experience pleasure. Use that fact to hone your marketing efforts.BEST MOMENTS
“Generating revenue is simply offering a real exchange in value.”
“Don't panic and worry about affordability …. just create choices.
“Present the harsh reality of what happens if the problem is not solved.”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky discuss why getting out of your comfort zone is essential when running a dog business. Why do you need to push yourself to learn how to run a business professionally, start charging what you are worth, invest in your education by getting a mentor, and surround yourself with people who will help you grow?
Most self-employed people and sole traders have zero business training. Even people who have held senior corporate positions only have a limited understanding of what it takes to run an independent business. Winging it will only take your business so far. Be patient with yourself don´t try something once, and then immediately give up because you think it hasn´t worked. Flitting from one thing to another is a sure way to waste your energy and resources. Always think about whether what you are planning to do will fit in with your long-term bigger picture. There is no need to feel uncomfortable about charging a decent amount for the service you provide. People are coming to you because they can´t do it themselves, they need your expertise. It is not your job to second guess how much someone can afford, you need to set your rate and stick to it unless you are running a promotion. Give value by providing the basics for free. Choosing someone to teach you everything you need to know is far more efficient than trying to learn things piecemeal.BEST MOMENTS
“That job didn't teach me the skills that I needed to be a business owner.”
“It's a good comparison…. we are like, little reactive dogs.”
“Business is a journey. The same way as you learning about dog behaviour is a journey"
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
ABOUT THE HOSTSMeet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by the amazing business strategist Lisa Johnson, to talk about passive income. Lisa helps businesses make much extra income using passive and semi-passive income streams, such as courses, the membership model, and more. Lisa has extensive experience in all aspects of marketing. Over the past few years, Lisa´s own business has generated a turnover of £20 million.
People buy from people they have something in common with. Be authentic and share who you are. Most markets are saturated or nearly saturated, so to stand out you need to go beyond your primary message of what you do and how you can help customers. You need a secondary message. Your secondary message does not have to relate directly to your business, it could be sharing what you are doing about something you care about e.g. the environment. Don´t fear being canceled, bullied, or not liked. It´s not pleasant, but it happens to everyone and will not stop you from achieving what you want. You must build an email list rather than relying 100% on 3rd party platforms e.g. Instagram. Don´t feel you have to be perfect. Be yourself, flaws, and all. Ignore the gurus, you can be extraordinarily successful without having to be unethical. It doesn´t matter if 95% of people don´t agree with you or like you. The 5% who do will buy from you, which is more than enough. People buy courses that contain information they can get for free because they know they won´t do things unless someone is supporting them in doing it.BEST MOMENTS
“People buy from people that they like.”
“The only way to live is to show up as if you have already been cancelled.”
“You can be professional and make mistakes.”
“The more value you give, the more likely people are going to want your support and work with you.”
SOCIALS AND IMPORTANT LINKShttps://www.tiktok.com/@letstalkdogbusiness
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
ABOUT THE HOSTSMeet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
Today, Jo & Vicky are joined by Victoria Stillwell from It´s Me Or The Dog and The Dog Academy, TV fame. She runs an academy to teach people to be dog trainers. Victoria has been a dog trainer and behaviour expert for over 20 years. During this varied and interesting discussion, they end up talking about why money is not a dirty word and how you can be super powerful in your business.
They also discuss what those in the industry can do to support each other and improve the industry overall. Victoria also explains, step-by-step, how to create a course that works and keeps clients engaged.
Always be authentic and genuine and people will trust you and your business. Don´t be afraid to promote yourself. Celebrate your knowledge, share it, and make sure you are paid what you are worth. Spend time on shaping and growing your business instead of worrying about what others are doing. Find your why, your reason for being in the dog business. It does not have to be big; it could be as simple as I enjoy this work. You have to like people. Dog training is a tough business, and the value of the services provided is underestimated. Don´t be afraid of failure. If you have an idea ask – How am I going to do it? Reach out and collaborate with other dog trainers in your area. Be flexible, explore, and focus on what you are doing in your business rather than what other providers are doing. If you are looking for courses to reinforce what you are teaching clients look into the resources at positively.com.BEST MOMENTS
“If you are authentic, it will shine through.”
“Dog-centred first then client-centred, but both are really important.”
“Every course has got to be a story. It's got to have a beginning and a middle and an end.”
“Be proud that you are making money and go out there and do the best you possibly can.”
Socials - @victoriastilwell and @itsmeorthedog
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organizations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky sit down to share their experience of using online spaces to create passive income for their dog businesses. They dive deep into the realities of creating and marketing dog training courses and also provide information on the membership and Live training session models.
By the end of the episode, you will have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of using online spaces to create passive income. It will enable you to work out whether it is worth doing for your business, what the best approach and how to make it happen.
Creating a dog training course does have the potential to generate some passive income. The average conversion rate, even if you have an email list of active followers is only between 7 and 10%. So, you need a big list to generate enough buyers. It takes a lot of upfront work to build a big enough list to sell to. Content creation and marketing will consume more of your time than you think. When people do buy, if you do not offer them some support, the chances are they will not complete the course, which is disheartening. The membership model can include support but running it will take up some of your time. Sharing live training has some advantages over delivering a standard course. Do your research, and make sure that there is demand for what you are thinking of delivering. Whatever you deliver has to be suitable for your audience. During the research phase find out what people want and how they want it to be delivered.BEST MOMENTS
“To make something like that work you need a very large audience.”
“You need proof of concept.”
“You have to know exactly what that course, that membership does. How does it support somebody? ”
“When you're putting the customer at the heart of everything you make your service that much more attractive, and you can absolutely do that in the online space.”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Will Polston to talk all things mindset and about using your North Star to create and live the life you love. Will explains how working out what your North Star is will guide you in all areas of your life and lead to success.
He shares strategies anyone can use to create a mindset that ensures you are clear about what you want from life and are taking the right action to get it.
Instead of setting goal after goal and constantly chasing something use your North Star (your life mission) to guide your life. Success is 80% mindset, 20% skills and mechanics. Use an annual review to see how far you have come and remind yourself of where you are going. Live to your values. If you are saying “I ought to”, or “I have to” do this or that, the chances are you are living using someone else´s values. Be self-aware. If you feel something work out why. All emotions, positive and negative are a signal to us. Surround yourself with people that uplift you and have your back. Find yourself both direct and indirect mentors and bounce things off of your peers. Mentor others. Teaching is fulfilling and cements what you know. Don´t be afraid to share your knowledge and give unconditionally. It sounds counterintuitive but is incredibly beneficial. Every single fear that anyone ever has, boils down to either a fear of gaining something that they don't want or losing something they do. Tap into the innate drive that most of us have to help other people.BEST MOMENTS
“A lot of people burn out because they are not spending enough time doing the stuff that they love.”
“If you don´t like something change it. If you can´t change it, change the way you think about it.”
“The only person that you want to be running against is you. Make sure that you are ahead of the best version of you.”
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky talk about strategies any dog business can use to generate a bit of quick cash. They explain how to leverage the relationships you already have with clients, without damaging those relationships, along with using social media, and mailing lists more effectively.
Jo & Vicky also explain why no business should rely solely on quick, short-term, cash generation strategies.
For many businesses, cash flow is a big issue. Most have dry periods when they struggle to cover the bills. Before launching a short-term cash generation project, check that it still aligns with the purpose and values of your business. Don´t focus on cold calling – trying to attract brand new customers. Reach out to people who have already worked with you and trust you. Go back to people who have made enquiries about your services in the past. They may now be ready to buy. Stay in regular contact with people on your email list. Paid ads can work, but bear in mind that there is also a risk you could lose money. Don´t get too comfortable. Keep working to grow even when your cash flow is good. Often, it is easier to sell one high-ticket service than it is to sell dozens of lower-ticket ones to make the same amount of money. Don´t sell yourself short. Your skills took a long time to learn.BEST MOMENTS
‘Allow your brain to feel creative … start thinking a bit outside the box. ´
‘You have got to have a long-term strategy playing in the background. But it´s OK to inject a bit of short-term strategy.’
‘Going back to people you already know, is always the best place to start.’
¨You have these superpowers in you. You have the ability to craft something so incredible that nobody will believe the amount of impact you can have on your life. ’
Alex Hormozi books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Alex-Hormozi/author/B099H3YM3R
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Andy Nisevic a workplace performance specialist and the MD of One Degree. Today, they sit down to talk all things DISC profile. So, get ready to learn all about your personality profile and how it is affecting your business.
Andy also explains how he and his team teach leaders to be able to recognise what each person in their team needs to be able to optimise their workplace performance. Importantly, Andy explains how dog business owners can use what he teaches to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as adapt how they communicate to better suit the personality of the people they are teaching.
DISC is a low cost yet effective personality profile tool. Using DISC, you can identify which of the four personalities each person is and quickly pick out what they need and who they are likely to clash with. We all have a natural personality style and adaptive one we use in certain circumstances e.g. starting a new job. Most of us are a blend of the four personality styles. Usually, one of them dominates. You must not use the personality trait you have as an excuse. Instead, use that knowledge to catch yourself doing the wrong thing and correct things. Blending the right people together makes a huge difference to how likely it is to be successfully. Adapt the way you teach and the learning materials you use so that they work for people with different personality traits will make you more effective. Andy explains how. Use what you learn from Andy in this episode to quickly assess what personality type each client is and adapt your approach accordingly.BEST MOMENTS
‘DISC looks at how we communicate as individuals. ´
‘They are great empaths...really good at understanding what other people need in order to be secure.’
‘The longer we stay in that adapted profile the more detriment it has to us.’
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky discuss how to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable. Those entrepreneurs who are ready to innovate to meet the changing needs of dog owners and to take advantage of new ways of doing things always do well. Their skill set grows, people start to talk about their business and because they are always moving with the times, they meet the needs of dog owners as their needs and how they live change. But innovating does require you to step outside of your comfort zone.
Jo & Vicky share examples of how they have done this and how you can do the same.
We all want security, as a result, we all tend not to change willingly. But this is not always good for our businesses. The way people live and how they think about their dogs is always evolving, which means what you offer and how you communicate needs to evolve too. When you offer something a bit different it gets people talking and attracts people who have tried dog training in the past without experiencing complete success. Don’t do things differently just for the sake of it, do it to meet a genuine need. Regularly pause and ask you what is and is not working. If your clients are not getting the right result or you are not making a decent profit from one of your services, it is time to make changes. Test your changes out with small groups and tweak things before you fully launch your new service. When you get used to pushing yourself a bit, you end up learning a lot about yourself.BEST MOMENTS
‘How many times have you changed something in your business ´
‘Then pretty much 80% of that group enrolled with me on 12-month one-to-one coaching.’
‘Just test it.’
‘If you don't feel passionate about everything you do, then something will need to change.’
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
In this episode, Jo & Vicky sit down with their mentor Shari Teigman to talk all things personal development and dog business. She is a performance mentor and creative strategist who works with people to unlock and unleash their inner maverick.
She, Jo & Vicky discuss how she builds trust and uses her expertise to enable people to solve problems, develop as people and grow their businesses.
If your business does not truly reflect who you are and fit your life, you end up creating a business that works for everyone but you. You want to be proud of the work you do. Success needs to look like you want it to, not to be measured by someone else´s metrics. To grow your business, you have to undergo personal growth. Periodically check in with yourself to make sure you are still heading in the right direction. Reflect on where you have come from and celebrate your progress. If you hate where you are now, know you can change it and celebrate the little things, e.g. making that tough phone call or serving your one client well. The more you ask questions, the more you uncover what is blocking progress. People are coming to you in their worst state to get to their best state. When you build trust, anything is possible. Become yourself first and your business will grow. Make time for yourself so you can recharge. If you don´t you will burn out.BEST MOMENTS
‘I like certainty, I hate change, but I love growth.’
‘They are coming to you in their worst state to get to their best state.’
‘I don´t believe in positivity all of the time. I think we have to feel what we feel.’
‘My social toner ran out because I used it 24 hours a day.’
Balance in Business with Shari Teigman - Real Women Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/balance-in-business-with-shari-teigman/id1582829441?i=1000584026213
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
The ultimate hub for dog business enthusiasts!
Join hosts Jo and Vicky as they unravel the entrepreneurial journey within the canine realm. This podcast delves deep into the business side of owning a dog business, spotlighting inspiring stories of individuals who've seamlessly woven their passion into a profitable lifestyle. Tune in for candid discussions on the human behaviour behind dogs, strategies to attract dream clients, and a behind-the-scenes look at Jo and Vicky's collaborative training ventures. Get ready for client interviews, tales behind the dogs, and insightful perspectives from actual dog owners on what they seek in a trainer. This is your go-to source for navigating the dynamic world where business meets the wagging tails.
- Visa fler