
  • Chicago’s very own Kyle Smolinski is a rising star in the Open Bodybuilding scene, dominating some of the top NPC heavyweight contests—including a gold-medal win in the heavyweight division at the NPC Jay Cutler Classic in Virginia.

    But beyond his impressive size and stage presence, Kyle is also openly gay and known for his signature rainbow-colored hair.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that builds muscle with all the colors of the rainbow, including biceps, bronzer, and big queer energy.”

    In this series, we take a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today, the rainbow-colored beast Kyle Smolinski, joins us to talk about his rise to fame as an openly gay Open Bodybuilding champion. From his technicolor mane to his heavyweight victories, Kyle shares his journey in the sport and what it takes to stand out—both on stage and beyond.

    ★ instagram.com/ksmo92
    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    Plus all your questions!

    • Getting the body of your dreams means making sure your sleep is deep.

    • What’s the skinny on low glycemic natural sugars, artificial sweeteners & sugar alcohols?

    • Are cold plunges a scam?

    • How much does sexuality play a role in bodybuilding?

  • We’re living in a new golden age of bodybuilding, thanks in part to the Internet, which provides endless resources for building muscle, and to medical advancements over the past few decades in fighting HIV, AIDS, and cancer.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that tests positive for F.U.N. (and lots of performance enhancing drugs.)

    In this series, hosts Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion take a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today Canadian bodybuilder and immigration attorney Brian Yuen joins us for an inspiring conversation about bodybuilding and living with HIV, and how the AIDS crisis from the 90s and bodybuilding helped each other survive and thrive.

    Brian has been living with HIV for over 16 years and has achieved incredible success in the bodybuilding world, having competed in seven shows, including winning 1st place in Masters Open Bodybuilding at the 2021 Vancouver Island Showdown and securing 2nd place in Men’s Masters at the 2023 Vancouver Open.

    Tune in as we dive into essential supplements to keep your immune system thriving and why lifting weights can be a transformative journey for anyone living with HIV. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to start, the time is now.

    ★ instagram.com/brian604yvr
    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    • The wild history of testosterone replacement therapy.

    • Why switching from alcohol to edibles is a game changer for building muscle.

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Bodybuilding isn’t cheap- food, gear, training, and coaching can make the road to becoming a legend super expensive.

    Now that’s where the generous benefactors come in handy!

    Famous bodybuilders like Arnold Schwartzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and Kai Greene made money as muscle for hire and it wasn’t always as security detail. Muscle worship and muscle posing can sometimes bring in the bucks if you find the right audience.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that invites you to come to the muscle worship party, even if you’re not jacked yet.

    In this series, we take a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today long term listener, go-go boy and musical theater enthusiast Shaw Knight takes us behind the scenes of lavish muscle worship parties you’ve always heard about but seemed too wild to be true.

    Listen to Feast of Fun without any ads:
    ★ feastoffun.com/plus
    ★ patreon.com/feastoffun

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    • How to develop arms like a gymnast.

    • Why so many Instagram fitness influencers get asked for pictures of their feet.

  • For those struggling with fitness and building muscle, coaches can sometimes do more harm than good by not meeting clients where they are at.

    This can lead to people feeling overwhelmed, giving up on their goals and not living their best life.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that tells you:
    Don’t just stand there, lets get to it, strike a double biceps pose, there’s nothing to it. Pose.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today self described thique goddess, mobility coach and plus size supermodel Roy Belzer joins us to look at fitness for big folks, loving yourself unconditionally and working to have the best body possible with what you got.

    ★ instagram.com/roybelzerfitness

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion


    • Overcoming the deadly impact of sitting behind a desk all day long.

    • Water as the most underrated fitness supplement.

  • If you’re not used to going to the gym, working out can seem like you’re walking through a field of landmines.

    Am I doing this right? Will I hurt myself? Do I look good? They’re all going to laugh at me! And what happens If I run into the person I hooked up with last week and it didn't go so well because my Bulgarian Split Squats in bed didn’t impress them much?

    Let’s Grow Big Together - the podcast that likes big glutes and it can not lie!

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today we’re taking a look at gymtimidation, what causes folks to get anxious about going to the gym. Whether it’s your first time or you recently lost motivation to lift weights, we’ve got ideas to get you through the door and through a great workout.

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion


    • How bodybuilding poses and kisses help build muscle.

    • New York City’s largest police union is suing to use performance enhancing drugs without state interference.

    • Harm reduction: how to balance the use of hard drugs and performance enhancing drugs so you dont drop dead.

  • In the 1990s fitness guru Susan Powter rose to fame with her sassy late night TV infomercials, short cut platinum hair and her catchphrase: “stop the insanity!”

    Do you remember “stop the insanity?” Well the insanity never stopped.

    For the last 50 years, corporations have been making a lot of money by waging war on our bodies- stressing us out, forcing bad food and bad lifestyles on us, resulting in good people feeling out of shape, sad and broken.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! A podcast that’s like your very own broken beer bottle in the bar fight for your life.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today fitness guru and 90s talk show queen Susan Powter joins us to look at why there is still so much money to be made in keeping people sick.

    Susan fills us in on her adventures after being a TV fitness icon, and making right wing haters in Texas drop their jaws over her outrageous passion for muscle and fitness.

    Please enjoy this classic podcast episode.

  • When you’re busy making gains in the gym, it’s easy to overlook your own vulnerabilities.
    Because workouts can be exhausting, it’s easy to let your guard down and fall for bad ideas, snake oil supplements, scams or even worse.

    Let’s Grow Big Together!
    You got big dreams, you want big muscle? Well here is where you pay, with SWEAT.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today we take a look at bad ideas good bodybuilders fall for. Also known as bro science- how athletes fall prey to scams and conspiracies that stand in their way of success.

    Feast of Fun is made possible because of listeners like you, thank you!
    ★ Check out Shameless Care:

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    • A look at the fake fitness profile industry.

    • How you think about your food may be more important than you… think.

    • David Laid and Chris Bumstead pretend to be gay lovers for views, and we love it!

  • In the 1980s, actress and workout guru Jane Fonda popularized the mantra “no pain, no gain” as a way to suggest that discomfort is necessary for muscle growth.

    Unfortunately, this type of thinking can lead folks to ignore the very injuries that might be holding back their gains.

    Let’s Grow Big Together - The podcast that hurts so good it should be illegal, and sometimes it is.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today physical therapist Dr. Jesse Roles joins us to look at effective and outrageous things bodybuilders have done over the years to overcome injury and pain to maximize their gains.

    For over a decade, Dr. Jesse has used joint & tissue manipulation, dry needling and cupping to help everyday people and athletes look and feel their best.

    • Which supplements from the vitamin shop will help you recover and which ones are junk?

    • Foam rolling, yoga, and dynamic warmups, and the power of walking.

    • Love as the ultimate muscle building therapy.

  • We live during an extraordinary time for building muscle. What started out over a hundred years ago as a theatrical curiosity has grown to become a sport and art form that has millions of people pumping iron all around the world.

    And while genetics certainly plays a factor, from Hollywood to your friends at the gym, there are more jacked up folks around these days than ever. How do they do it?

    Let’s Grow Big Together: the podcast that starts off wearing a hoodie, then takes it off to reveal the pumped muscle hiding underneath.

    Today my coach Matt Claussen, powerlifting and bodybuilding legend, joins us to look back on my winning the silver in Classic Physique Masters Division at the NPC Mid American Winter Classic 2023, the contest that had the jacked up Santa Claus mascot warning us “Winter is Coming.”

    What are the attributes of successful bodybuilding athletes and coaches?

    ★ instagram.com/mattclaussen
    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    ➤ Kristen Stewart stars in deadly lesbian bodybuilding thriller ‘Love Lies Bleeding.’

    ➤ The Enhanced Games- an Olympic style competition where performance enhancing drugs are not only permitted but encouraged.

    ➤ The evolution of bodybuilding categories and controversy over the new Men’s Wellness winner, Brazilian non-binary bodybuilder San Moraes.

    ➤ All your questions that will even make an abductor machine blush!

  • There’s a belief that fitness and comedy are at odds with each other. We’ve seen many comedians get jacked and then they don’t appear to be as funny.

    Carrot Top famously said he stopped bodybuilding because it didn't fit his style. Dave Chappelle put on muscle and started trolling trans people, and who can forget those awful Bud Light TV ads from the 80s where Joe Piscopo dressed up in drag and flexed his bulging biceps?

    But even for all those comedic tragedies, Instagram is packed with muscle men who get the laughs and the lifts.

    Let’s Grow Big Together, I mean, Welcome to Feast of Fun! The podcast that always makes you sore in all the right places.

    Today comedian and obstacle course athlete Joel Bryant joins us to chat about racing, lifting and comedy.

    When he’s not working as a comedy host or doing stand up, Joel is dodging giant foam blocks in an American Ninja style race or crawling through the mud in a Tough Mudder.

    Listen as we pit Joel Bryant against the AI robot to see who is funnier, muscle man or machine?

    JOEL BRYANT: https://joelbryant.net

    ➤ The Feds issue new guidelines discouraging comedy from highway safety billboards and signs.
    ➤ The Smithsonian Institution releases over 4.5 Million historic images into the public domain,
    ➤ Rest in pudding Ron DeSantis’ political career.

  • Last weekend in Bloomington, Illinois, over 210 bodybuilders showed up to go for the glory at the NPC Mid-American Winter Classic. The competition was intense, but surprisingly friendly and juiced up with sportsmanship.

    Let’s Grow Big Together!
    The podcast that reminds you the biggest prize of all is the friends we make along the way.

    Today we take you to the NPC Mid-American Winter Classic, where I as a first time novice stepped onstage to compete in Men’s Classic Physique, and like all roller coaster rides, it was scary as hell and tons of fun!

    • What’s it really like backstage at a bodybuilding show?

    • The steps you need to take if you want to compete yourself!

    Emma Hyndman, the Posing Pro
    ★ https://youtu.be/v1lxXCEXebA?si=nK9UaIlGwB8jYH9z

    Kick your bodybuilding to the next level, fitness consultation now available for $99 (on SALE from $149) for a hour we look at your current workouts, nutrition, supplements and more, answer all your questions and set you on the right path to growth! Message me on social media: "Let's Grow Big Together."

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ facebook.com/faustofernos
    ★ twitter.com/faustofernos

    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion
    ★ facebook.com/marcfelion
    ★ twitter.com/marcfelion

  • When training for any athletic event, a lot can go wrong. Even worse: your mind can start playing tricks on you. So it helps a great deal to have a great coach guide you on the road to become a legend.

    Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that climbs the Stairmaster along with you, but not on the same machine, cause people are gonna look.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today, I’m just a few weeks out from my first bodybuilding contest at the young age of 51, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to my coach Matt Claussen.

    As a powerlifter, Matt Claussen is highly regarded as a four time National Powerlifting Champion.
    As a bodybuilder, Matt Claussen has won five major championships including first place in the 2005 NPC East Coast Classic and guided over 75 clients to get stage ready for their own contests.



    • Getting ready for your first coach.
    • Coming out of the closet to your parents as a bodybuilder.
    • Are powerlifters really using butt plugs to stabilize their core?
    • Weightlifting horror stories to put a chill down your spine.

  • Almost a third of American gym goers will use performance enhancing substances at some point in their lives.

    There’s always risks to consider when supplementing to get big muscles and many doctors just don't have the training or knowledge to help prevent serious complications. So what do you do?
    It’s the podcast that squeezes the juice to the last drop.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today, bodybuilding coach Tyler Fluitt joins us to look at harm reduction for anabolic steroids.

    Tyler specializes in training natural athletes to compete as well as helping enhanced athletes compete in safer ways. Tyler is a popular bodybuilding coach in Austin Texas and now Nashville, and is training for his 19th bodybuilding competition.

    TYLER FLUITT: https://instagram.com/level_up_physiques

    Plus-- New DEA rules could make it harder for everyone to get telemedicine for testosterone replacement therapy.

  • Bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman loves to say “Everybody wants big muscles but nobody wants to lift no heavy ass weights!”

    But lifting heavy ass weights isn't the most difficult part of bodybuilding for everyone. For some, the biggest challenge to coming home with that sword in a competition is the ability to shred body fat without losing muscle mass.

    Let’s Grow Big Together - It’s the only bodybuilding podcast that slays at the gym, on the stage and the runway baby!

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today tech developer, daddy and up and coming NPC Classic bodybuilder George Ward joins us to talk about getting ready for the stage, his adventures in bodybuilding and working with Dorian Yates to build an impossible physique.

    We met George Ward at the food court at the Arnold Sports Festival and were so charmed by him we had to get him on the show.

    ★ instagram.com/georgewardfitness
    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

  • When it comes to building muscle, eating is fundamental.

    Besides being incredibly good looking, bodybuilder and film star Derek Bolt is great at fixing yummy things in the kitchen to help build his legendary physique.

    Let's Grow Big Together: the podcast that shows you the things you need to put in your body to make it grow!

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today we chat once again with Derek Bolt- amateur bodybuilder, architect, film star, and overall renaissance man on maximizing your meals for building muscle.

    ★ instagram.com/derekboltfit
    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion


    ➤ How did Derek do in his last competition when he entered under his name assigned at birth?

    ➤ Why are athletes susceptible to political and nutritional misinformation?

    ➤ Low carb pizzas: the good, the bad and the freaky.

    Episode #3072

  • Bodybuilding can be very lonely as you toil away at the gym, make your meals and rest a lot all by yourself.

    So in the endless pursuit of building muscle it’s important to always be looking for inspiration that reminds you of why you fell in love with it in the first place.

    Let’s Grow Big Together- the podcast that screams “come with me if you want to lift!”

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today we find inspiration to recharge our batteries in the neverending quest to build muscle, as we look back at our amazing weekend at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio.

    ★ instagram.com/faustofernos
    ★ instagram.com/marcfelion

    • Far out and brilliant fitness products we saw at the Arnold.
    • Who started the butt grabbing tradition between Chris Bumstead and Ramon Rocha Queiroz?
    • Why setbacks are an inevitable part of the growing process.

    Episode #3069

  • Every great adventure begins with an explosion that sets our heroes on a new path, and bodybuilding is no exception. When the journey begins, it’s great to have the wisdom of a good teacher to help illuminate the path towards building muscle.

    Let’s Grow Big Together - where sticks and stones may break your bones but squats make you a badass.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today Shea Menchaca, Austin’s bodybuilding glamazon, coach, guru, chef and owner of the legendary gym Metroflex ATX, joins us to talk about inspiring others to overcome their struggles and build lots and lots of muscle.

    SHEA MENCHAKA: instagram.com/shea_glamazon_of_metroflx_ifbb

    FAUSTO FERNOS: instagram.com/faustofernos
    MARC FELION: instagram.com/marcfelion


    • Bodybuilding on the cutting edge with peptides, stem cells and hormone replacement therapy.

    • 100 repetition finishers for biceps and triceps, do they work?

    • Do you put whey protein in your coffee?

  • If you want to be big, you have to eat big. When it comes to building muscle, the cornerstone of bodybuilding is nutrition, not just what you eat, but when you eat it to keep those gains in motion.

    But it’s not always that easy, for some people it’s incredibly hard to get the calories and protein they need to grow in size.Let’s Grow Big Together- the podcast that is on the ABCDEFG diet plan: Always Be Consuming Delicious Edible Food! (Goddamit.)

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to putting on muscle.

    Today bodybuilding coach, nutritionist and boxer Chris Bickley joins us to look at bodybuilding nutrition and the outrageous things bodybuilders have done over the years to get big or die trying.A jacked up 5’10” 230 lbs, Chris turned to becoming a full time coach and nutritionist during the pandemic, and judging from the results of his clients, Chris knows what he’s talking about.

    CHRIS BICKLEY: instagram.com/ctbickley
    FAUSTO FERNÓS: instagram.com/faustofernos
    MARC FELION: instagram.com/marcfelion

    Hire Chris Bickley as your coach or nutritionist:

    ➤ Are German gummi bears anabolic? Why highly branched cyclic dextrin is awesome and is there any benefit to doing hard drugs before hitting the gym?

    ➤ Protein rich pumpkin pie and Mexican chicken thighs al pastor.

    Protein Rich Pumpkin Pie:

    Chicken Thighs Mexican Pineapple "Al Pastore Style"

    Episode #3066

  • One of the drawbacks of following bodybuilders on social media is you come across a few muscle giants who unfortunately have fallen for a lot of right wing nonsense, sexism and bigotry.

    Thankfully, the kids are all right and a rising tide is shifting to invite everyone to pump iron and bring on the gains.

    Let’s Grow Big Together - the podcast that helps put meat on the bone and then slathers it in gravy.

    In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains.

    Today Canadian bodybuilder, fashion model and fitness influencer Carter Kissick joins us to talk about bigotry as the ultimate gains goblin. Listen as Carter takes on the haters while squatting a whole lot of weight, and of course while wearing fabulous fashion.

    CARTER KISSICK: instagram.com/classic_kissick
    FAUSTO FERNÓS: instagram.com/faustofernos
    MARC FELION: instagram.com/marcfelion

    Swallowing raw eggs to build your chest arms and legs.

    Does Viagra work to get a pump in the gym?

    Are you an alpha, beta, delta, sigma, omega or lambda male? Take our quiz and find out!

  • Folks used to discourage training your legs because they thought it would make your butt too big! Today we know better, weightlifting not only gives you a strong core and legs, but now everyone wants a muscular booty!

    Let’s Grow Big Together - the podcast that loves big butts and can not lie even when others try to deny.

    Today Erica Nix, a very famous, Austin specific workout guru joins us to talk about bodybuilding, fitness and her journey of self discovery as seen in her debut film “Erica’s First Holy Sh!t” which premieres next week at San Francisco’s club Oasis.

    Erica loves fitness culture and even appears in the last workout video Richard Simmons ever made. Today, Erica works with people outside of normative physical culture to rediscover bodybuilding, fitness and living their best life.

    ERICA NIX: https://workoutwithericanix.com
    SCREENING OF "ERICA'S FIRST HOLY SH!T": https://www.sfoasis.com/events

    ➤ Listen as we talk about the highly legitimate practice of pec and boobie hypnosis.

    ➤ Coping with a diagnosis of MS.

    ➤ The legacy of Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding.

    ➤ How we originated the modern lesbian pride flag.

    Episode #3062