
  • A new app popped up on my phone with one of the latest updates, and it's a journaling app! Did you get it, too? Did you try it? What do you think?

    I confess, even though I do some digital journaling (which I’ll talk about later in the episode), I haven’t tried any sort of journaling app yet. But I know there are several journaling apps out there.

    Have you wanted to check them out? Are you worried about the confidentiality of any of these apps? Do you think it might be cool to categorize your journal entries so you can find connected topics?

    Let’s take a look at some questions you can ask yourself to discern if a digital journaling app might be a good fit for you, and if so, which one you might want to try.



    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 146: Introduction to Journaling: Creating Your Own Journaling Routine

    · Episode 153: Can 5 Minutes Journaling Really Make a Difference?


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • In preparation for homeschool next year, I’ve been pre-reading some missionary biographies that we’ll be using for our history curriculum. And in the one on Amy Carmichael, it shared several times when she would spend the day in prayer, seeking the Lord on one question or another.

    For example, should she build a house for the Bible study she led with the “shawlies”? Should she and her group of children move to this city or stay where they were? Was it time to build a nursery for the babies?

    There are times when we might feel called to spend the day in prayer, too—seeking an answer for a specific question, like Amy Carmichael did, or interceding for a friend of ours, or even just wanting to be in God’s presence in preparation for a difficult season ahead.

    But what does it really mean to spend the day of prayer? How do you go about it? Where do you go? What do you do? What does it look like?

    It is my hope to offer you some practical tips and suggestions today so that you, too, might spend a day in prayer with the Lord.



    · Episode 56: How to Create a Personal Spiritual Retreat (And Reflections on My Own)

    · Episode 83: Posturing Your Heart to Hear from God, Part 2: Recognize


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

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  • When you are going through something like betrayal, depression, or deep grief, it can be hard to talk about what is going on inside of you. And I dare to say, there are times when talking doesn’t actually help the situation.

    I remember when I struggled with depression in college, and every time I talked about it, it just seemed to make things worse. I felt alone. I felt like no one understood. I felt like I should be able snap out of it and move on.

    Talking was not helpful to me. Have you been there?

    There are times when, for some of us, talking about an experience we’ve been through just doesn’t seem to help. And it is to those specific situations that I will speak to today. What might cause this? And what can we do in situations like those?

    So please keep the context in mind, and let’s ask God to guide us through this conversation and lead us to what we need to know.



    · Episode 49: Finding Your Stretcher Bearers: The People Who Can Help Carry You Through a Difficult Season

    · Episode 51: Who Can I Trust? Distinguishing Between Safe and Unsafe People When You Need Help

    · Episode 133: Can You Just Sit With Me? A Conversation About Grief with Natasha Smith

    · Episode 154: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals for Depression and Anxiety


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • When you are struggling with depression or anxiety, it can often feel heavy. Overwhelming. Hopeless.

    The worries and fears you carry around can impact every aspect of your life. The sadness can overshadow every other thing around you.

    I know, because I’ve been there. Have you?

    And in addition to counseling or coaching or seeing a doctor, journaling has also proven quite beneficial for those experiencing depression or anxiety. There’s just something about getting things down on paper that allows you to express what’s stirring inside of you, to release some of the heaviness, or to adopt a more playful or curious attitude about something that feels very serious and heavy.

    So today, I want to review five guided journals designed specifically for those experiencing depression and anxiety. I’ll share more about each one and how it is created so you can discern if it might be a good fit for you or a friend of yours.


    >> 5-Minute Journaling Session for Anxiety


    RESOURCES MENTIONED: (Amazon affiliate links)

    Depression Relief Journal, by Maggie C. Vaughan

    No Worries, from Bella Mente Press

    My Anxiety Journal, by Sophia Joyce

    Put Your Worries Here, by Lisa Schab

    21-Day Prayer Journal for Anxiety and Depression, by Dr. Garrett Nogan


    · Episode 122: Feeling Anxious? Try This 5-Minute Journaling Session

    · Episode 123: A Conversation with Marla Beech: Journaling as a Daily Practice

    · Episode 135: Identifying Signs You're Not Doing Well (And What You Can Do About It)

    · Episode 142: [Journal Reviews] Guided Journals and Devotionals for Advent

    · Episode 147: The Flip-Out Rule in Journaling


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • It wasn’t that long ago that I led my Journal Gently Mini Workshop, and during that time, I led women through three different journal prompts that focused on perspective.

    And here’s the kicker: I only offered five minutes for them to write about each one.

    But you know what? So many of them were surprised at how much they were able to cover in only five minutes.

    And I want you to discover that, too.

    Today, I want to address the myth that we have to journal for twenty or thirty minutes for it to have any impact on our lives. The truth is, five minutes can make a huge difference.

    Let’s talk about why, and then let’s explore some ways to get that five minutes to write, even when life is hectic.


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal



    · Episode 118: Tips for Journaling In Front of Others

    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 146: Introduction to Journaling: Creating Your Own Journaling Routine


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Have you ever had someone offer some sort of support or help to you that you didn’t necessarily want, but you didn’t know how to say no without hurting their feelings?

    When you are hurting or struggling or need some extra help, you do get to have a say in the matter. You can choose which counselor you want to meet with. You can decide which friends to confide in. You can determine which activities are healthy for you and which ones are not. You look at what’s available to you and make a choice.

    In short, you have the power to choose.

    Not everyone is going to understand your choices, and that’s okay. The important thing is that you are letting God lead you in those decisions and that you are staying close to Him. You don’t want to make decisions out of guilt or fear or because you’re mad at someone. But you do want to make smart, healthy, God-honoring decisions when you are hurting. And sometimes that means saying no to someone else.

    Today, I want to help you learn how to politely decline an offer of help—especially when it comes from someone you love.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book



    · Episode 11: How to Ask for Help When You Need It

    · Episode 49: Finding Your Stretcher Bearers: The People Who Can Help Carry You Through a Difficult Season

    · Episode 70: What to Do When You Don't Have Anyone to Encourage You, When It Seems No One Cares

    · Episode 78: Tips for When You're Afraid of Being Misunderstood


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Have you ever wondered what it was like to experience a spiritual direction session? What happens? What do you talk about?

    While some coaches will air live coaching sessions, I can’t very well do that, for two different reasons. One, I don’t do live spiritual direction sessions, since I focus on written spiritual direction. And two, spiritual direction is often deeply personal, and many women would hesitate to air that in front of an audience.

    But I still want to help you get a glimpse of what written spiritual direction can look like. So today, I am going to share with you some letters that a client and I have written to each other.

    Cindy has graciously given me permission to share these, and to use her real name, because she has experienced the power of spiritual direction in written form, and she is passionate about helping others experience that, too.

    I invite you to pay attention to anything that it stirs up in you: any questions, any desires, any beliefs. Write those down in your journal and talk about them with God.


    >> Sign up for Written Spiritual Direction



    · Episode 33: Written Spiritual Direction: How Letters and Messages Can Create Space for God

    · Episode 66: [Written Spiritual Direction Session] Loneliness

    · Episode 87: [Written Spiritual Direction] When Temptation Comes Your Way


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • A few weeks ago, I led the first Journal Gently Mini Workshop. During this time, I took one piece of the Journal Gently program and expanded it to an hour of teaching and writing exercises. We focused on perspective and the role it plays not just in our journaling but in our healing, as well.

    And today, I’m going to play a short section from the mini workshop where I talked about one very specific requirement of our journaling practice. A lot of things about journaling are flexible and personal, but this is one thing you can’t do without.

    If you found this part of the workshop helpful and are interested in joining the full 8-week Journal Gently program, you can do so at lovedoesthat.org/journalgently.

    Without further ado, here’s your behind-the-scenes look into the Journal Gently Mini Workshop.



    · Episode 54: 4 Simple Ways to Start (or Keep) Journaling

    · Episode 144: How to Create Both a Short and Long Journaling Routine


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • “Mom, I need a tank top!”

    “Okay, borrow one of mine.”

    “Mom, I’m out of body wash.”

    “You can use my soap until we get you some more.”

    “Mom, I can’t find my brush.”

    “Go ahead and use mine.”

    My daughter is now at the age where she is starting to share and borrow some of my things. And most of the time, it’s completely okay.

    But I will admit that there are some things she asks to use that I am a lot more reluctant to say “yes” to.

    Like some of my art supplies.

    Or my favorite chocolate.

    Or my seat on the couch.

    Why is it that I hold these things more closely than the others?

    It’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. And I’ve been paying more attention to other places where I might be feeling possessive, too.

    So I thought I might explore this idea together with you today. What are you feeling possessive of—and why? And what might God be inviting us to do with it?



    · Episode 130: Is Your Hurt Preventing You From Loving Others Well?

    · Episode 135: Identifying Signs You're Not Doing Well (And What You Can Do About It)

    · Episode 98: Grief Has A Way Of… Well, Getting In The Way: A Personal Letter From Me To You


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • It’s almost a If You Give a Mouse a Cookie type story. You know the one? If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk. If you give him a glass of milk, he’ll probably ask you for a straw.” And so on.

    Well, if you vacuum while the dog’s sleeping, then you’re going to wake him up.

    If you wake him up, he’s going to need to go outside.

    If he goes outside, he might get all muddy from digging in the dirt.

    If he gets all muddy, he’s going to need a bath.

    If you give the dog a bath, you’re going to get all wet.

    If you get all wet, you’ll need to change your clothes.

    And on and on it can go.

    There are a lot of responsibilities we juggle as women, and while maybe a bit silly, I think my example shows that we can have some guidelines to keep us focused on what matters most and taking advantage of opportunities that come our way.

    Let me share a few more examples of how we might prioritize our tasks and still finish what needs to get done by keeping things in their proper order.



    · Episode 32: Using Pockets of Time in Your Schedule to Encourage Others

    · Episode 48: The Power of Pre-Deciding in Difficult Seasons


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • “I don’t want to face that again. It feels like too much.”

    Many of my clients have experienced tremendous grief or trauma in their lives, and as we seek God together through our writing back and forth, there is often a pressure they are feeling—whether from themselves or family members or friends—to use journaling to write about their deepest wounds.

    And friend, you already know I believe in the power of journaling. It is a great practice that can help us process difficult experiences and emotions and be more aware of how God is moving in our lives.

    And yet… we do have to use some wisdom in what we write about. We have to pay attention to how our journaling is impacting us.

    Because there are times when you might fear that journaling about a specific experience will be too much, that it will bring back memories or feelings that you have no desire to re-live. What do you do in that situation?

    Today, I want to teach you about the Flip-Out Rule and what it means for both your journaling practice and your journey of healing. I think it will be a great guideline as you discern what you should—and should not—write about. Are you ready?



    · Journal Gently Mini Workshop: http://lovedoesthat.org/jgworkshop

    · John 16:12-13 (NLT): “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.”

    · Bonus Episode 15: I Will Not Be Afraid


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • When I say the word journal, the image that might very well pop into your mind is that of a woman sitting with a notebook at a quiet desk, writing for 20 or 30 minutes about her deepest thoughts and fears.

    Or maybe you think back to your teenage self, when you recorded the day’s events and poured out your heart on paper.

    Or your grandmother, keeping a diary of the prices of eggs and what birthday cards she sent out.

    The truth is, journaling takes a lot of different forms, and I believe it’s important enough for everyone to practice it in some way.

    So today, I’m going to give you a crash course in journaling—including what it is, why it’s important, and some of the benefits of journaling—along with some things to consider as you create your own journaling routine. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.



    · Lightworks Lenten Retreat: http://lovedoesthat.org/lightworks

    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 118: Tips for Journaling In Front of Others

    · Episode 54: 4 Simple Ways to Start (or Keep) Journaling


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Diligent.




    Those are some of the words I’ve held through the past four years as a way to set an intention for the year, a focus or theme to keep me moving in a particular direction.

    Diligent and rooted were for those first years of business, doing what I needed to do to build a strong foundation and get things started right, in a way that was honoring to God. Ask represented not just a mindset of curiosity—ask lots of questions—but also a challenge to stretch out of my comfort zone and extend what seemed to be impossible invitations to others. And unhurried demonstrated what I hope to be our lifestyle of homeschooling and being together as a family and being fully present.

    I could say that I chose the words, or it might be more accurate to say the words chose me, or that God invited me to step into that word as a way to draw closer to Him.

    There is no doubt that having a word for the year can provide direction, focus, vision, even hope. It can offer encouragement when life feels hard, and it can help you make decisions based on your priorities and season of life.

    But once you have your word, what do you do? How can you be intentional to hold it close throughout the entire year and not just let it fall by the wayside?

    Today, it is my hope to offer you some ways to hold your word of the year close all year long. To do so, I’ll share my word for 2024 and specific ways I am intentional with keeping that word in front of me. As you listen, see what might work well for you and put that into practice here as we begin the new year—and even later on, if you happen to be listening to this months later.



    · Book | One Word Journal, by Jon Gordon and Dan Britton


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • One of the things my clients often ask about is how to journal while they are on vacation, or if family is staying over, or even now, over the holiday season, when schedules and routines are different than the norm.

    And I think that is such a great question.

    Something that has really helped me—and them—is creating two different journaling routines. One is the normal, perhaps longer journaling session, and the other is a shorter, more focused session. Both help us get our thoughts and feelings down on paper, but we’re structuring them in a way that fits our season.

    Today, I want to help you create both a long journaling routine and a short one, so that you remain consistent in your journaling practice and stay close to God, even when life looks a little different.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book:



    · Episode 138: Holy Hush or Holiday Hustle: Which Will You Choose?


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • "Start noticing what you enjoy."

    That was my journal entry for September 10, 2023.

    And to be honest, it wasn't even handwritten in a journal. It was on the Notes app on my phone.

    I had been reading an article online by a mixed media/abstract artist, and her words gave me pause.

    What do I enjoy?

    Today's conversation is short and sweet, but it's also a powerful invitation to notice how God is moving in your life. I can't wait to share this idea with you.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book:



    · Episode 137: 3 Easy Ways to Journal When You Don't Know What to Write About

    · Episode 131: Healing in Layers: What Art Taught Me About Grief


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • How are you getting ready for the mystery of Christmas?

    That is a question I learned to hold when I served as a children’s ministries director. Our curriculum described Advent as the time to get ready for the mystery of Christmas, and Lent as the time to get ready for the mystery of Easter.

    A mystery, indeed. For why would God become flesh? Why would He choose to live among His people? How did it all happen? It truly is a wondrous season, full of curiosity, joy, and delight.

    And that’s why I want to help you to get ready, to prepare your heart for the mystery of Christmas.

    To do that, we’re going to look at three guided journals and devotionals for the Advent season. Each one invites you to slow down and enter into this special time of year more intentionally, preparing your heart to worship and commune with God.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book:



    · Episode 138: Holy Hush or Holiday Hustle: Which Will You Choose?

    · Adore: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation, by Fr. John Burns

    · Be Still & Know: Seeking Still Moments in God’s Presence This Advent Season, by Celia A. Miller

    · When Your Silence Night Feels Empty: An Advent Resource, by Kari A. Bartkus


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • There are times when people come to us and end up interrupting something we were already doing.

    Like when our kids need help filling up their water bottles.

    Or when a dear friend is having an especially tough day and just needs to be with someone.

    Or when a family member calls and needs to figure out how to handle a situation they’re in.

    How would you respond in these situations?

    I think there are a lot of times I used to resent being interrupted. It distracted me from getting things done or it got in the way of my own quiet time. But thankfully, God has been changing my heart in that.

    And that’s why today, I want to talk about offering the gift of your presence, especially over the holiday season. And specifically, doing this by being interruptible.

    We’ll talk about what being interruptible means, three signs that indicate if you are interruptible or not, and some of the challenges of being fully present.


    >> Grab your copy of my Courageous Care book:



    · Jeff Goins article: The Key to Success: Being Interruptible


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • I have an announcement for you: I wrote a book. An actual book that you will be able to buy in paperback form that I plan to launch this book later this month, right as we’re going into the holiday season.

    Because holidays can be hard, and I know you. You want to find ways to serve and care for those who are struggling this holiday season. And this book will help you do just that.

    It’s called Courageous Care: Helping Others Even When You’re Afraid. Throughout the book, I teach my C.A.R.E. framework for discerning how to support loved ones who are struggling, with C.A.R.E. being an acronym for each part.

    We explore those obstacles that often get in the way of taking the first step, we discover how God has divinely designed each one of us with specific skills and personality traits to care for others, we practice listening for God’s guidance in each situation, and we end by looking specifically at our friend and what she needs.

    One of my early readers said this about it: “The C.A.R.E. concept is such a creative and impactful way to invite us to be more intentional about reaching out to the hurting people in our lives. I, myself, felt very convicted and encouraged as I read through it.”

    And so today, I wanted to share with you a chapter from my book, one that focuses on recognizing those sacred nudges from God to reach out. You know the ones. That thought inside you to send a card, to stop and say hi, to bring over some groceries.

    Be sure to stay around until the end of today’s episode to find out how you can join the launch team and share the book with those looking for this kind of practical support and training.



    · Pen Your Way to Peace Holiday Workshop: http://lovedoesthat.org/holidayworkshop

    · Imagine Devotional: http://lovedoesthat.org/imagine

    · Episode 5: Discerning How to Help a Grieving Friend

    · Episode 43: When Helping Hurts: Establishing Boundaries When Caring for Others with Counselor Nicole Fryling

    · Episode 81: Encouraging and Caring for Others as an Introvert


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • It is now November, and that simple change in month means that so many of us are starting to think about the holidays—planning and buying gifts and decorating.

    But for some of us, holidays also bring along a bit of sadness or stress. Holidays can be hard for numerous reasons.

    It could be that a loved one has passed during the year, and so it’s our first time celebrating without them. It could be that we are unable to gather with our family or friends, and being alone doesn’t really feel like much of a reason to celebrate.

    But the question is, is it even possible to celebrate and give thanks when you are grieving? I believe you can. And that’s why I want to offer you three truths today that I want you to remember as we head into this holiday season.



    · Pen Your Way to Peace Holiday Workshop on November 9: http://lovedoesthat.org/holidayworkshop

    · Episode 95: Blue Christmas Mini Service: Holding On to Hope in the Midst of Suffering and Loss

    · Episode 42: Offering a Blue Christmas Service to Honor the Loss and Cling to the Hope


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys

  • Can I confess something to you? I don’t always look forward to the holiday season.

    Perhaps it’s my previous years in ministry, planning ahead for the events and programs and using every last ounce of energy to pull it off, only to fall exhausted on the couch when all was said and done. Sometimes when you’re in ministry or volunteer roles, you get busy leading the programs and don’t necessarily take the time to celebrate the holiday yourself.

    But this year, I am actually looking forward to it. Want to know what has changed?

    I’ve decided to embrace the holy hush instead of the holiday hustle. And that, my friend, has made all the difference in the world.

    Today, I’m going to invite you to join me in embracing the holy hush. And at the end of the episode, there is a special offer for you to put your pen to paper and be intentional about what this holiday season will look like for you, too.



    · Pen Your Way to Peace Workshop: Planning Tips and Journaling Prompts for an Overwhelming Holiday Season: http://lovedoesthat.org/holidayworkshop

    · Episode 92: Practicing the Holy Hush Instead of the Holiday Hustle: Intentionally Inviting Moments of Deep Silence


    >> Free Journaling Workshop: 3 ways to encounter God on the pages of your journal


    >> Journal Gently: An 8-week program designed to help you process grief and trauma with God


    >> Written Spiritual Direction: Recognize God’s presence in your pain


    Music by DappyTKeys