
  • What does success look like? How can we live life to the fullest, remain true to ourselves and be kind to others?

    These are some of the questions I ask my friend, Ned Grossman, author of How to Succeed in Life: Ideas and Principles They Don’t Teach in School. Ned is wise, witty, and committed to keeping things simple and getting things done. As a prolific doer, Ned believes that actions speak louder than words. And in this heartfelt conversation, we talk about love, grief, and finding the courage to live life on your own terms.

    Links from this episode:

    Ned’s Books:

    How to Succeed in Life: Ideas and Principles They Don’t Teach in School

    How to Succeed in the 21st Century: Focus On the Things Over Which You Have Input, Impact and Control

    Connect with Keith:

    Email: Contact Keith Macpherson

    Website: Keith Macpherson

    Instagram: @keithmmac

    YouTube: Keith Macpherson

  • How can we learn to love ourselves and treat ourselves more kindly? How can we stop our negative self-talk and start to value our unique qualities and gifts?

    In today’s episode, I explore these questions with Nashville-based singer, songwriter, and Christian worship leader Sarah Kroger. We talk about faith, self-love, and self-acceptance, and Sarah shares the story behind her beautiful song Belovedness, which reminds us that we are all lovable, precious, and perfect just as we are.

    Learn more about Sarah:

    Website: sarahkroger.com

    Instagram: @skroger

    YouTube: youtube.com/c/SarahKrogerOfficial

    Spotify: spotify.com/artist/22cW8LmhiJAWAaFd0cfEbH?si=zSxIBrvxSN2D0cOSY38AqQ&nd=1

    Connect with Keith:

    Website: keithmacpherson.ca

    Instagram: @keithmmac

    YouTube: youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Recommended Books:

    Dark Nights of the Soul: amazon.com/Dark-Nights-Soul-Finding-Through/dp/1592401333

    Life of the Beloved: amazon.com/Life-Beloved-Spiritual-Living-Secular/dp/0824519868

    The Return of the Prodigal Son: amazon.com/Return-Prodigal-Son-Story-Homecoming/dp/0385473079

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  • What does it feel like to come home to yourself?

    How can you access your soul’s inner strength and live life with more compassion, grace, and joy?

    These are the questions I explore with my guest Dr. Melissa Moore, the co-founder of Karuna Training and author of The Diamonds Within Us: Uncovering Brilliant Sanity Through Contemplative Psychology. Melissa has been following the Buddhist path for over forty years and has extensive experience educating others about the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and loving-kindness. Today, we discuss how to stop looking for happiness outside ourselves, and Melissa shares the techniques she uses to quiet the ego, connect to the heart, and become aware of the strength and wisdom within us.

    Connect with Melissa: 

    Karuna Traning's Website: karunatraining.com

    Melissa's Book: thediamondswithinus.org

  • What does it mean to walk deep? And why does connecting with Nature, Self, and Spirit make us feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled?

    These are some of the issues I explore with my guest Abigail Prout, who wrote her first anthology of poetry, Walk Deep, during the Covid pandemic. In that time of enforced isolation, Abigail felt drawn to writing about her relationship with the forest landscape around her home on Lopez Island. Today, Abigail reads two powerful poems from her collection, and she urges us all to slow down, find some stillness, and appreciate the splendour that surrounds us.

    Get in touch with Abigail:

    Website: abigailprout.com

    Walk Deep Poetry Connection: amazon.ca/Walk-Deep-Abigail-Morgan-Prout/dp/195636823X

    Spiral Leadership: spiral-leadership.com

    Connect with Keith:

    Website: keithmacpherson.ca

    Instagram: @keithmmac

    Teacher, Take Care Book: portageandmainpress.com/Books/T/Teacher-Take-Care

  • What does it mean to be mindful? Does mindfulness always need to involve sitting in silence and concentrating on our breath, or can we find more creative ways to practise mindfulness that are better suited to our personalities and lifestyles? Today, I explore the topic of creative mindfulness with coach and singer/songwriter Katy Oberle, and we dive into what mindfulness means to us and how we can use it to relieve stress, enhance mood, and help us navigate through the inevitable ups and downs of life.

    Links from this episode:

    Keith’s New Group Coaching Program: Leadership Through Mindfulness Katy Oberle Creative Katy Oberle Instagram 
  • Welcome to the new season of Let’s Connect, where I reflect on the lessons I’ve learned from living through the pandemic and share some of the tools I’ve been using to help navigate these strange and challenging times.

    In this first episode, I dive into mindfulness and creative leadership and suggest practical ways to shift stuck patterns like people-pleasing and perfectionism. I also explain why applying for a private pilot’s license and completing a successful solo flight has helped me face up to my fears and given me an unparalleled sense of freedom.

    Links from Episode: 

    Keith's Website: keithmacpherson.ca Keith's Instagram: @keithmmac Keith's Book: amazon.ca/Making-Sense-Mindfulness-Principals-Integrate/dp/1683509528
  • A solo episode of Let’s Connect is a real test of my confidence. Will I be good enough to carry the show? Will people like it? Is everyone laughing at me right now?

    How many times a day do you wonder if you measure up, or worse, convince yourself that you’re a total failure?

    The invitation in today’s episode is to start telling yourself a new story.

    This is the first show of 2021, so I thought it would be perfect to start the year by starting over.

    Confidence. I’ve spent a lifetime chasing how to live with it, authentically. Now, I want to help you find a way to stop second-guessing your every move.

    When I was in grade seven, I wanted so badly to be an actor. But something painful happened that made me start hiding and telling myself I wasn’t good enough. I will share that story in this episode.

    When did you start hiding and feeling like you weren’t good enough?

    I have a formula for self-assuredness to offer you today. It fights off the inner saboteur that wants to keep you feeling small, and it brings you back to the present, where your power is waiting.

    So let’s not wait another minute to get to them now, and leave what was then behind us.

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • Why do some people heal, while others don’t? Why are some of us content with just a little, while others can never be satisfied, no matter how much they get out of life?

    My guest today on Let’s Connect is someone I fondly call my ginger sister, Bonnie Schroeder, a healing practitioner who has traveled five continents over three decades working as a clinical researcher, in medical management, and doing energy work that merges science and spirit.

    Through this drawn-out pandemic, are you longing for a better moment than this one?

    Bonnie invites us to start small, taking baby steps towards ourselves with curiosity and heartfulness. Her deep call is to provide healing energy medicine, and how she works her magic is a little hard to pin down in words, but I have been through the energy work she offers and it is transformative.

    Resolve to be kind to yourself, starting today. Enjoy some music in this episode.

    And some more good news - the Making Sense of Mindfulness course has just been re-launched, and my personal gift to you is a free video workshop on stress and anxiety. Information on these offerings - and much more - can be found on my website, keithmacpherson.ca

    Bonnie is going to remind us now that our first relationship is with ourselves. Isn’t that a good way to look forward to 2021?

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • With Christmas just a few days away, I wanted to offer a gift from my heart to yours.

    This time of year, we have an opportunity to reflect on forgiveness and peace. As we’re all staying home, some of us suffering old hurts and new loss, I’m reminded that our souls - everyone’s souls - just need to breathe.

    We need to see the glory of the simplicity, harmony, and wonder of life, one day at a time.

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or another meaningful tradition, I believe it’s true that the power of music transcends whatever might try to divide us.

    The universal language of music is my gift to you today. You’ll also hear a contemplative reading of the work of Celtic mystic and poet John O’Donohue, my rendition of River by the great Joni Mitchell, and Maybe This Christmas by Ron Sexsmith, one of the nation’s best and most underrated singer-songwriters.

    I’ve also got a personal story to tell you about how the universe recently nudged me to pay attention to the call to give, wholeheartedly.

    My friends, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and season’s greetings to you and yours.

    May we all take care of ourselves, and especially our suffering brothers and sisters.

    Love on,


    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • What do you get when you put two professional life coaches and authors behind the mic at the same time? A provocative and inspiring conversation!

    As this episode of Let’s Connect begins, I burst at the seams in my excitement to announce a number of new projects that have been simmering on my creative stove for many months during the pandemic. I can’t wait to share these new offerings, all of which are about to be served up at the same time, as 2021 approaches. There’s definitely something in it for you.

    My guest on the show today is one of the most experienced, skilled, and respected executive coaches in the world. Karen Wright coaches executives and entrepreneurs around the world, helping them tune into that elusive combination of success, health, and happiness.

    Her book, The Accidental Alpha Woman: The Guide to Thriving When Life Feels Overwhelming couldn’t come at a better time.

    The book promises to help women stop feeling so alone and tired as they juggle it all.

    Full of relatable, practical wisdom from someone who’s been there, Karen joins me to share her own Accidental Alpha stories and the audacious hope she holds for her readers.

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • Right now, we’re all being brought together by something we don’t want to have in our lives.

    As we all navigate COVID-19, our individual experiences are unique. There are children learning from home while their parents try to juggle work and homeschooling at the same time. There are countless people who’ve lost their jobs and who aren’t sure how they’ll pay their bills. And there are those who mourn the loss of a loved one who was taken by COVID; a loved one who they didn’t even get to say goodbye to.

    In all of this, we feel it: sadness, fear, depression, worry, guilt, anxiety, and stress.

    What do we do with all these emotions? We can’t figure it all out, but we can accept ourselves for feeling what we’re feeling.

    And, we can move through COVID-19 in healthy ways that will support us.

    In this episode of Let’s Connect, I will help you move through it by offering some teaching on how to be with your feelings without allowing them to take over your mind, and your life.

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • No one is you and THAT is your superpower.

    But how can you embrace your unique design when life’s experiences and relationships push you into self-doubt and fear of making bad decisions?

    In 1987, a Montréaler named Ra Uru Hu had a week-long mystical experience that birthed the Human Design System, which has been taught around the world. Human Design combines ancient mystical insights with personalized scientific data, and it promises to help people freely and unapologetically be themselves.

    On this episode of the podcast, my guest is Emma Glass, an Indiana-based Confidence and Human Design Coach, and parent of two young children. Emma primarily coaches mothers who want to experience life with calm confidence and total liberty from the confines of what other people think.

    I invite you to open your mind to explore a compelling path to personal growth that you’ve probably never heard of before. Let’s Connect with Emma Glass!

    Emma has a free E-book on Human design if you are interested in diving deeper into the concept

    Grab it here https://www.emmanellglass.com/ 

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • Are toxic people who refuse to respect your boundaries showing up in your face and stealing your peace?

    We’ve all been there. Maybe your mother-in-law tells you how to live your life. Maybe a partner or coworker keeps hurling hurtful words at you.

    Or maybe, you’re noticing a pattern with troublemakers who are inexplicably drawn to you and just won’t go away.

    Hearing “It’s not about you” or “Don’t take it personally” might not be especially helpful without getting more of an explanation.

    So, in this episode of Let’s Connect, I will explain, and share stories and tips to help you step into your power and find some lasting peace of mind.

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • Behind all the headlines are journalists who try to bring meaningful stories to life.

    In a world where it’s becoming harder and harder to know what’s real in the news, this episode of Let’s Connect is a chance to hear first-hand from a storyteller toiling in the trenches who works every day to separate facts from fiction.

    Alison Hall is a national correspondent with Inside Edition in New York. She’s covered top stories like the Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby trials, Black Lives Matter protests and even the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markel. Today, she’s on the COVID-19 beat.

    This is a wide-ranging, no-holds-barred interview. Alison shares her journey of dreaming about becoming an actress, to pursuing a journalism career instead, and she talks about why people gravitate to the most negative news they can find.

    Let’s Connect now to this behind-the-scenes exposé with Alison Hall.

    You can connect with Alison here




  • We’re living in a time where it’s becoming more and more difficult to discern what’s real and what’s a racket.

    The social networking systems we’re being informed by are feeding us a steady stream of content that complex algorithms have decided is what we’re craving. Perhaps most concerning is that so many of us are just going along largely unaware of the forces of manipulation that are competing for our headspace.

    So, how can we breathe, get still, observe, and be aware of the truth? What are the secrets waiting to be revealed to us when we go inward? And how do we even do that?

    With all that we’re witnessing right now in an unstable world, I’m ready to put the brakes on this roller coaster.

    I welcome you to join me now on Let’s Connect to share in a transformative reality check.

    A better reality really does exist above all the noise and chaos.

  • “Can I speak with you in private?”

    These are the chilling words that 24-year-old fitness trainer Matthew Ode heard from his doctor, before finding out that his body was being consumed by cancer.

    Matthew went into a coma. His organs started shutting down.

    Then he had a heart attack.

    It was looking dire. But he chose to fight for his life.

    In this week’s episode of Let’s Connect, we’re about to hear what it takes to shift from thinking, “Why is all this happening to me” to “How is Life Happening FOR me?”

    Matthew will share his ride from expected death to a fully alive life coach.

    And together, we’ll experience the soul and spirit connection that lives between the tragedies and triumphs of the human experience.

    Let’s get to Matthew’s incredible story. Let’s Connect!






  • As I sat down to record this particular episode of the podcast, I had a major internal battle with myself. I was trying to be “perfect” and appear to have things all together, when inside of me, something just didn’t feel right!

    After 24 hours of struggling to get this podcast recorded, I finally came to understand what this inner battle was all about! I was distracted and preoccupied with all the noise around me (including my phone buzzing, my to-do list, and many of the habits that have unconsciously crept into my life over the past few months). I realized that I had lost touch with my inner spirit.

    In our world, there is so much emphasis on delivering results that we often lose focus of other important things that equally matter; our physical, mental, and emotional health. And in the process of getting to the end result, we can develop deteriorating habits that negatively impact not only our peace of mind but more significantly, our own productivity. How do we counter this? How do we let go to find space and foster a perspective of living mindfully?

    In this episode, I vulnerably share my own struggle with striving for perfection and offer some newfound tips that I am also integrating into my own daily life.

    When we sit down with ourselves, take a deep breath, and really open our minds; we find the space and ease that we need in order to get to the end result that we want.

    Join me as I sift through helpful tips to live life mindfully, and talk about negative habits to watch out for! In this episode of Let’s Connect; slow down, create space, and achieve freedom in a bustling world.

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • Mental health is now a subject of open discussion, a dramatic change in the perception of what used to be an extremely sensitive topic.

    I have always been interested in the subject, especially as I learn to take care of my own mental health through meditation.

    In this episode, my goal is to find out as much as I can about mental health; especially the demographics.

    Here’s the important question: who is most likely to get depressed?

    According to an article on forbes.com, individuals belonging to high-income groups are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

    To gain a deep and meaningful insight into mental illness, I invited Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, a psychotherapist who works with people and families in the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and the European Union. He holds a doctorate in law, a Bachelor of Arts in economics, and a Master of Arts in clinical psychology with a focus on family dynamics.

    Dr. Paul’s work revolves around people who go through a silent but deadly crisis characterized by trauma, substance-abuse disorders, addiction, physical and emotional infidelity, personality disorders, and gender dysphoria.

    Strangely, most of his patients are either famous or wealthy. In fact, more often than not, they are both.

    Dr. Paul believes that there are an ingrained hostility and resentment towards the upper class. After all, they should have what it takes to be happy and healthy. Little do we know that their wealth is a blessing as much as it is a curse. It would appear that the underlying cause of a lack of access to proper mental health care lies in wealth itself.

    In fact, a counterproductive means of dealing with modern-day loneliness and depression is to invest in extravagant quantitative aspects of life, like fame, money, and validation, if only to achieve a sense of security.

    Dr. Paul advances a whole new different perspective on the demographics of depression: rich people can have it, too. In his emphatic words, every human being deserves culturally competent care. No matter who you are.

    Check out his book about this topic, Fragile Power, on Amazon!  link here. 

    Listen to the whole podcast here: *LINK*

    Connect with Dr. Paul Hokemeyer

    Website: https://drhokemeyer.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrPaulsFamilyValues/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/drpaulnyc/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr_paul_hokemeyer/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/drpaulnyc?ob=5/

    Connect with Keith Macpherson

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • How will you practice gratitude if you are facing a $30,000 house repair?

    This was Keith Macpherson’s personal experience when he was challenged to practice gratitude in his most challenging times, just like facing a $30,000 bill to repair his house in Canada.

    Keith lives in Winnipeg, Canada, and it's quite common for houses in Canada that shift foundations because the city was built on a waterbed system.

    Despite this, he calls himself lucky to have a moving house.

    Keith is a wide range reader, and the book by Florence Scovel Shinn about gratitude changed his perspective in life.

    Florence says, “Gratitude is the law of increase, and the complaint is the law of decrease.”

    And in the $30,000 bill that he’s facing for the repair, he sees it as a symbol of gratitude or thankfulness to whatever service is provided for him.

    Through and though, Keith continues to practice the law of gratitude and navigates and moves through life’s difficulties with a gratitude state of mind every single day.

    And on money, he says, “Financial Freedom is God's idea for a man what God has done before he can do for me and more opens doors.”

    Keith wants to know what you think about gratitude as well, and share your experience also.

    Drop it in the comments section or message him. Link below.

    Listen to the full episode here: *LINK*

    Website: https://www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/keithmmac

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithmmac/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keithmmacpherson/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/keithmmac

  • In this episode, I’m joined by Kat Trimarco, a spiritual quantum teacher, life-coach, published author and public speaker. 

    Kat Trimarco is an Evolutionary Thought Leader, Spiritual Quantum Teacher & Life Coach, published author & speaker.She teaches people to understand and work with Universal Laws, their thoughts, emotions, energies and different dimensions of consciousness to experience deep internal fulfillment as well as to manifest and co-create a beautiful life, actualizing & embodying their highest available timelines of reality into the physical realm. Kat has a certificate in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, is a certified Coach, and the author of Self Approved - A guide to accepting, loving and expressing the person you truly are
    (Available worldwide on Amazon) Her work has been featured in major publications including Good Morning La La Land, LA Talk Radio, Thrive, Authority Magazine, Identify LA, Voyage LA, Best Self Magazine and Taylor Magazine and she has appeared as a keynote speaker at the world renowned Wanderlust Festivals.

    If you would like to learn more about Kat, visit her website at www.kattrimarco.com and follow on @Kat_Trimarco on Instagram and Facebook

    Find out more about Keith:

    Keith's Website: www.keithmacpherson.ca

    Keith's Instagram: @keithmmac

    Keith's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWjeL-G-Oqt0Z7ut7SH_mDg