You‘re a Voice Actor. You‘re an Entrepreneur. You‘re a VOpreneur!
The Everyday VOpreneur Podcast is your Guide Through the Business of Voice Over. Each new episode presents actionable, practical advice designed to help you grow your voice over business through more confident and effective marketing and business tips from the pros in their respective fields.
Having great skill in the recording booth isn‘t enough anymore. You also need to think and operate like a business owner. Among the tasks you could be responsible for including marketing your voice over business, managing your books, invoicing and tax preparations, providing customer service, understanding voice over rates and negotiation, protecting yourself legally, using social media channels like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and others to build brand awareness and add value to your audience and soooooooo much more!
If it‘s related to voice over marketing or the voice over business, odds are it‘ll be covered in the Everyday VOpreneur Podcast with Marc Scott.
Listen online at
Voice Over Marketing Coaching at
Request a custom voice over audition and quote at
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Join two barely known career sluts Zack Signore and Gabby Bryan for an unabashed look at the world through their eyes. Recorded at a day-spa, these two are admittedly "not like other girls". Listen to them absolutely GUSH about everything from BOYS to red wine SANGRIA. Is this a podcast? Or simply just a sleep over? The answer is buried in an underground castle beneath a runway somewhere in Milan.
An inside look at life in the television and film industry. Join your host Ryan M. Perez as he speaks with actors, directors, and artists more about how the industry works and how to not only survive but to thrive.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Show off znamená předvádět se nebo dát vyniknout. ShowOff je podcast Institutu umění - Divadelního ústavu, který reflektuje responzi oboru scénických umění na aktuální oborová i společenská témata. V jeho epizodách dáváme vyniknout tomu, o čem se v oboru hovoří, a snažíme se zvýraznit i to, co se teprve rodí. Hlavním tématem jednotlivých epizod je adaptace divadla, tance a nového cirkusu na dobu (post)covidovou, s níž úzce souvisí také otázky spojené s udržitelností oboru i kvality života současné civilizace. Ačkoli voláme po návratu k "normálu", je právě dnes odpověď na otázku, čím tato "normálnost" bude, ta nejméně jasná. Jednotlivé audioeseje jsou inspirovány mezinárodními diskusemi “The Show Must Go ON/OFF Line” s hosty a moderátory z řad divadelních a tanečních umělců, kurátorů, kulturních manažerů i teoretiků z České republiky a zahraničí. Podpořeno Mezinárodním Visegrádským fondem a programem Kreativní Evropa.
International Opera Singer, Joshua Dennis, gives his advice on the art of singing. Anything from the technique of singing to the emotional toll of being a singer to just plain ol' inspirational thoughts that will inspire you to be the best singer you can be. By making our singing voices more secure and beautiful we will all make the world a more harmonious place to live in!
Learning the language of story -
Welcome to The Arts in Conversation presented by the National Arts Club. This podcast is an extension of the mission of the NAC: to stimulate, foster, and promote public interest in the arts. In this podcast, we want to welcome you into our club by introducing you to world-renowned artists, inviting you to our live events, and sharing innovations happening in the arts—across a variety of mediums—today.
Britten Sinfonia is one of the world's most celebrated and pioneering ensembles. The orchestra is acclaimed for its virtuoso musicianship, an inspired approach to concert programming which makes bold, intelligent connections across 400 years of repertoire, and a versatility that is second to none.