This podcast was created to help parents around the world with the “biggies” of family life. Play Therapy Community will present a fresh, insightful episode once a week, usually on Thursday mornings.
On this podcast, we will cover topics such as picky eaters, struggles in school, behavioral issues, grief and loss, and so much more. We’ll also delve into specific diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. Difficult topics, such as parenting through separation/divorce, depression, anxiety struggles, relationship struggles, and such will be explored as well.
As the host of Play Therapy Community, I feel honored that you are joining us on this journey for knowledge to truly help our children in a way that honors their mind, body, and soul. My name is Jackie Flynn, and I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist, Registered Play Therapist, Education Specialist, Adolescent Life Coach and a Parent Educator. -
Bio Radio er et tilbud udviklet til studerende på bioanalytikeruddannelsen og diplomingeniøruddannelsen på Professionshøjskolen Absalon. Alle andre interesserede er selvfølgelig mere end velkommen til at lytte med. Disse podcast er udviklet som et supplement til undervisningen.
Bio Radio is a podcast developed to support the teaching in the Biomedical Research Scientist programme and the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology at University College Absalon. Everyone are more than welcome to listen and use these podcasts. The podcasts have been developed as a supplement to the relevant teaching.
Al materiale tilhører Bioanalytikeruddannelsen og Diplomingeniøruddannelsen på Professionshøjskolen Absalon. Materiale kan benyttes til andre formål ved henvendelse til Kim Blanksø Pedersen ([email protected]).
All the material presented is the property of the University College Absalon. If the material is going to be used commercially or in other contexts please mail Kim Blanksø Pedersen ([email protected]) -
ELTERNgespräch ist fast schon die Mutter der Elternpodcasts! Seit dem Host-Wechsel im Januar 2024 spricht nun jeden Donnerstag die Journalistin und Autorin Christine Rickhoff Woche für Woche mit wechselnden Expert:innen und anderen Gästen zu allen Fragen rund ums Familienleben. Christine ist vierfache Mutter (mit Kindern im Alter von 3 bis 17), verheiratet und lebt in der Nähe von Hamburg. Egal ob ihr Kinder im Wickel- oder Wackelzahnalter oder “Pubertiere“ zu Hause habt, mit Vereinbarkeits-, Erziehungs- oder Paarthemen beschäftigt seid: In den etwa halbstündigen Interviews bekommt ihr neue Perspektiven und fundiertes Wissen frei Haus. Es gibt nahezu nichts, was da nicht schon eingehend besprochen wurde: Attachment Parenting, Finanzielle Vorsorge, Nachhaltiges Leben oder alle Fragen um die Entwicklung und Gesundheit von Kindern findet ihr hier umfassend beantwortet. Zweimal im Monat beantworten Christine und Dipl.-Psychologin Elke Schicke sogar EURE FRAGEN. Schreibt uns dazu gerne an [email protected] und wir antworten euch in der Sendung. Unter selbiger Adresse freuen wir uns auch über Lob, Kritik oder Themenvorschläge. Außerdem erreicht ihr uns auf unserem Instagram-Account @elternmagazin.
Oder folgt Christine auf Instagram @christinerickhoff.
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Eine Produktion der Audio Alliance.
Foto (Kachel) : Mareike Klindworth
The LOMAH Podcast is an award winning show that runs topical series deep diving into an issue for 10-12 episodes with interviews from expert guests, including self advocates. Your host, Kim, has a teenage daughter with level 3 non speaking autism who will require 24/7 support the rest of her life. Like many parents, Kim has a lot of important questions. She does not claim to know the answers for her child nor yours but does promise to search for them and share what she is discovering along the way. You will notice a striking difference in the earlier shows compared to the most recent as she has grown and evolved as a result of listening to expert guests and self advocates.
Succes I Veterinær Praksis Podcast - Sammen om at blive bedre - Sunde patienter, tilfredse klienter og et meningsfyldt arbejdsliv
Min mission er at hjælpe danske dyrlæger med at blive bedre et skridt ad gangen. Jeg vil gøre det nemt for os at dele vores erfaringer med hinanden. Vi har så mange faglige kompetencer, og vi kan hjælpe hinanden med at blive bedre dyrlæger.
Jeg interviewer interessante mennesker med en historie at fortælle og taler med eksperter, der kan lære os noget om deres felt. Til hver interview hører en artikel og når jeg har nok, samler jeg det til en serie i et online læringsforløb. Alt det skal jeg nok fortælle mere om.
Jeg har også brug for din hjælp. Det her Nyhedsbrev For Dyrlæger vil kun skabe værdi for os, hvis vi er sammen om det.
Nogle ønsker ikke at dele deres erfaringer, tanker eller små fifs med os andre. De er måske bange for, at andre skal snuppe de gode ideer og blive bedre end dem selv.
Denne podcast er ikke for dem.
Den er kun for os, der vil dele. I de første mails vil jeg spørge om hvilke emner du har mest brug for at vide noget om, hvilke eksperter du vil høre fra, og hvordan jeg bedst kan servere det for dig. -
Our Dog Show is a podcast meant for pet parents and dog lovers. We discuss important issues of the day as well as training concerns and light hearted pet related stories. Our Dog Show is a bi-weekly podcast available in both video and audio formats. Certified dog trainers, rescue organizations, and pet store owners and products will be guests on the show to talk about the latest and greatest in pet care. Whether you have a full grown adult dog, or a 12 week old puppy you can learn a lot by watching just one of our 15 minute video or audio podcasts.
We encourage parents who are expecting twins as well as experienced moms and dads of multiples. Together, we explore the unique challenges new parents face when raising two or more children of the same age. Join us as we embrace the joys of parenting when you’ve got double the duty.
A Waldorf Journey is a blog and podcast started by a trained and experienced Waldorf teacher who is passionate about sharing what she has learned on the journey. Stay tuned for interviews, resource recommendations, tips and suggestions for making your Waldorf journey an incredible, life-giving experience.
Being a single mom comes with a wide variety of challenges. Challenges like the lack of help, effective budgeting, mom guilt, poor of self-care management, and coping with depression.
It is by far one of the hardest jobs you will ever have.
That is why every Monday on the podcast, I share tips to help you survive the challenges that come with being a single mom, self-care management, and how to cope with your depression. AND amazing lineup of guests that will give you actionable tips to implement in your life and business.
But most importantly, I want you to rock at single motherhood!
Say goodbye to the "I can't do this" mindset and hello to loving your single motherhood journey.