We’ve got a lot to catch up on with weeks two and three of testimony in the prosecution’s case. We hear a lot about guns, ammunition and cell phone data. We hear from a lot of the people Alex Murdaugh screwed over financially and so does the jury. We have some key witness testimony from two prosecution witnesses who worked for and knew the Murdaugh’s intimately. If you don’t have time to watch 8 hours a day of testimony you’ve come to the right place because I did it for you.
Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe and leave a review or rating if you’re feeling generous.
I’ll be on joining Rekieta Law on Tuesday February 14th for some of the live stream and you can check that out at the link below. If you aren’t already subscribed to his YouTube channel what are you doing?
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
IG: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
This week we are back to talk about the Alex Murdaugh double homicide trial. We get into the openings statements and first witnesses for the prosecution’s case.
It has been a while and I am really happy to be back with everyone. Please like, subscribe and share, and most importantly dont forget to check out The Legal Mindset and Rekieta Law on YouTube this week for the streams I’ll be a guest for and just always because they’re awesome channels and awesome lawyers.
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Saknas det avsnitt?
WELCOME BACK I’m sorry its been so long but we are back with a very important episode. Today we are getting into the controversial owner of bot sentinel - Chris Bouzy and how he has somehow decided it is a good idea to go after the lawtubers. Specifically Nate the Lawyer. We’re talking about bankruptcy fraud (allegedly) and the defamation case Nate the Lawyer is bringing against Mr. Bouzy. Here’s hoping Mr. Bouzy doesn’t come after me and try to ban me from twitter like he did some other people today.
nate the lawyer re: explaining clipped video: https://youtu.be/_IPC0a2YKz8Good Lawgic Video re: text thread about landlord: https://youtu.be/hRE8eosnGsA
Legal Mindset Video re: Nate v Bouzy: https://youtu.be/moNQcEnSyl4
Runkle’ s Video re: Bouzy misquotes TUG: https://youtu.be/XmPqFBBow24
Nate The Lawyer’s Site with Bouzy Documents: https://natethelawyer.locals.com/post/2794293/bouzy-bankruptcy-complaint-bot-sentinel
Rolling Stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/youtube-hate-speech-targeted-harassment-study-bot-sentinel-1234590813/amp/
Washington Post article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/18/you-tube-mysogyny-women-hate/
Bot Sentinel report: https://botsentinel.com/reports/documents/youtube/report-09-13-22.pdf
Cash App: https://cash.app/$LegallyDirtyBlonde
Twitter: LDBlondepod
IG: LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
As promised, we have Unsealed Episode 2. This is the tea…this is the spice. The one you’ve all been waiting for. We get into the motions in limine that were made right before the trial began & discuss all the evidence the parties wanted excluded at trial and why. We’ll talk about what we think the judge decided since we don’t have that order. We also talk about how the MSM specifically the Daily Beast article is totally out of context uninformed biased nonsense. There is a whole of of information to point to that shows just how shady Amber’s lawyers were and all the shady evidence she wanted to exclude too. We also talk about how the AH supporters apparently don’t understand what feminism is & how they better leave Britney Spears alone.
Again linking below to the unsealed documents thanks to Andrea, the website with the Judge’s Orders from Fairfax county website, and to the cash app (basically another type of Venmo link for creators) where you can show support for the show. New links are the houseinhabit article about the Silicon Valley sex parties and AHs connection to them.
Andrea’s Social Media:
@aburkhartlaw (Andrea’s Twitter)
Andreas YouTube : https://m.youtube.com/c/aburkhartlawAll of The Unsealed Documents Thanks. To Andrea
Link to Fairfax Court Website for Judge’s Orders
https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/circuit/high-profile-casesHouseinhabit Article about Heard’s connection to Silicon Valley sex parties & black mail on Elon Musk
https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/eyes-wide-shut-creepfest-houseinhabit-substack-alleged-amber-heard-parties-goes-viralCash App Link to Show Some Love & Help Support LDB (its like a Venmo)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on social or via email and let me know what you think about the show & with any other trials you would be interested in hearing about. I love to hear from my listeners.
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
LDB is back for the Unsealed Episodes. This is part one and today we’re talking about the beginning of the recently unsealed court documents. Those include the Psych IME motions, the multiple motions to compel that were made during the pre trial period, and the motion for sanctions the sassy Ben Chew made because Elaine violated the protective order. The lawyers were not pleased with each other during pretrial (or trial for that matter).
Links below for Andrea’s unsealed documents website where you can read them all yourself, the Fairfax county website with the judge’s orders and the cash app (its the same as Venmo) if you’re feeling generous and want to support the show. You guys have been amazing & so incredibly supportive I want to thank everyone for making LDB happen because I truly couldn’t have done it without you.
Andrea’s Social Media:
@aburkhartlaw (Andrea’s Twitter)
Andreas YouTube : https://m.youtube.com/c/aburkhartlaw
All of The Unsealed Documents Thanks. To Andrea
Link to Fairfax Court Website for Judge’s Orders
Cash App Link to Show Some Love
Reach out to the show on social media and let me know what you think and what other trials you would want to hear about!
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
It’s safe to say I wasn’t a fan of this interview. I’m bothered and ranting and you’re going to learn about free speech and why using the phrase “you can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre” doesnt make the point you think it does and also why it pisses me off beyond belief. Come join me as we dismantle the crap Amber Heard spewed during her dateline special with Savannah Guthrie.
We also discuss how her appeals process will work & how she has no shot at winning her appeal.
At the end we get into some research from a fellow podcaster and from a book by a lawyer and social worker, Bill Eddy called: Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline Or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A link to buy the book is below.
If you want to show LDP some love you can contribute through the cash app link here:
Links for episode
Splitting by Bill Eddy
https://www.amazon.com/Splitting-Protecting-Borderline-Narcissistic-Personality/dp/1608820254/ref=nodl_?dplnkId=421fc360-4d4f-4956-85e4-a450d2748e6cGreat legal article on “fire in a crowded theatre” also @popehat on twitter
https://www.popehat.com/2012/09/19/three-generations-of-a-hackneyed-apologia-for-censorship-are-enough/All of The Audios - specifically in this episode I referenced the morning after the incident in Australia - give it a listen.
This is the Wiki for the SCOTUS case re: fire in a theater
I forgot to mention this in the show and I hope you see this because this Reddit is great. It points out all the lies she told on the stand.https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForJohnnyDepp/comments/vfe1s7/in_your_opinion_what_is_the_most_ridiculous_lie/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
Support the Show.
Since the verdict things have been pretty crazy. The main stream media is telling us not to believe our own eyes. It’s one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen. Today we are talking about the MSM & how survivors are reacting to being gaslit, were debunking the arguments about the verdict being “wrong” & “bad for women & survivors” Then things get more fun we get into Elaine’s press tour of lies.
Then we get really spicy because didnt you hear? Jason Momoa testified for AH according to the LA Times. WaPo calls independent outlets covering the trial “misinformation” and LawTube fights back. Dr. Spiegel makes a return & did you guys know that Captain Jack Sparrow is a racist?! Yup. According to a Professor at Stanford.
Thanks to you guys I was asked to take part of the monetization beta trial! You are amazing. The cash app is linked if you want to keep supporting LDB with a small donation.
IG: Legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: legallydirtyblondepod
Today show :
CBS Morning Show
Article 1: LA times article (this is with the edit - check out my IG highlight depp v heard 3 to see the uncorrected page of the article referencing Momoa) https://web.archive.org/web/20220604032157/https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-06-01/bad-and-dangerous-what-johnny-depps-victory-meansArticle 2: Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/02/johnny-depp-trial-creators-influencers/
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/LegalBytesMedia
IG/Twitter: @legalbytesmedia
Twitter: @HoegLaw
Article 3: By Joyce Maynard https://www.oprahdaily.com/entertainment/books/a40167619/depp-heard-trial-maynard/
Article 4: An independent outlet
Article 5: Spiegel
https://www.newsweek.com/i-testified-heard-vs-depp-backlash-horrific-1711386?amp=1Support the Show.
I don’t need to say much because you guys know what’s up - the jury verdict is in and Johnny has clearly been declared the winner.
Today we’re gonna talk about the verdict, compensatory and punitive damages and what to expect going forward with this legal case and specifically with appeals
After that I answer some of your legal questions about the verdict and basically about what all this legal & law mumbo jumbo really means.
Don’t worry it won’t be our last Johnny episode together because I still have a lot more to say so stay tuned and if you have a minute please leave the show a rating and review if you’re enjoying it!
I appreciate all you guys you’re seriously the best and you rock. Let’s keep LDB going with another trial! Let me know any ideas you have & don’t be a stranger
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
I genuinely cannot believe we’ve almost reached the end of our legal journey through the defamation trial of Depp v Heard. Today Johnny’s finishes his rebuttal, then Amber finishes her sur rebuttal and we get to the close of evidence & testimony. Just like we saw Johnny retake the stand yesterday today we saw Amber do the same. Let’s just say that Queen Camille is back and she is not playing around. And I am here for it.
If you’re enjoying the show please give a rating a little love note in the review section. I love hearing from you guys and would love to hear any other legal cases you would want covered, even if they aren’t being televised.
You guys rock thank you for helping LDB reach over 12,000 downloads this month. It’s been an amazing ride and I am so grateful for all the support.
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Wow guys I really can’t believe we’ve been together for almost a full 6 weeks now - this trial has been a doozy and I am so happy to have you all along for the legal law analysis ride.
Amber Heard rested her case on Tuesday morning in Court and from then on it was Johnny’s Rebuttal case. So the last two days have been all Johnny rebutting her testimony with his own and with her witnesses. On Tuesday we heard from Walter Hamada, the head of DC productions at Warner Bros. After Mr. Hamada we heard from Dr. Kulber who was Johnny’s hand surgeon for his finger. Then we heard from three of Johnny’s experts we had already heard from - Mr. Hollywood aka Richard Marks, Mr. Spindler and Mr. Bania - they were there to say hey everything that lady said yesterday was a joke. After them we had a true rebuttal witness Mr. Night who was the owner of the Hicksville Trailer Palace - and guys when i say this place looks dope I truly mean it and you should check it out at the link below. After him we heard from a real ethical psychiatrist Dr. Richard Shaw who rebutted all that crazy doctor Spiegel said yesterday. And lastly we had the pre-recorded deposition of Jennifer Howell which was somewhat anticlimactic. Oh and we heard about how Amber didn’t actually donate 3.5 million to the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital - shocking i know.,
On Day 22, or Wednesday we heard from 6 more witnesses including Johnny himself. First we got to hear from the infamous super model Ms. Kate Moss herself and Ms. Moss you look amazing. What it is your trick is please keep it up. Then we brought back Dr. Curry to rebut Dr. Hughes testimony. After Dr. Curry Johnny retook the stand and Rottenborn was the one to cross examine.
For the second half of the day we heard from a prior employee of TMZ who had some super hot tea about who told them about the TRO and to be there for pictures and who leaked them that video of JD in the kitchen assaulting cabinets. Our last two witnesses of the day were Mr. Neumeister who spoke to the metadata issues with Amber’s photos. Last but certainly not least we heard from an employee at the Washington Airport who witnessed Amber Heard assault her former partner and even tried to interject.
A very concise together and well strategized rebuttal so far. We will see what more we get tomorrow and then we’ll be at closing arguments on Friday so stay tuned.
Also to all the lovely listeners if you have any other upcoming cases you think are worth covering even if they arent being televised please let me know! Thats what I am doing here and I would love to cover what interests people.
If you’re enjoying the show please give a rating and a review if you have a minute it means the world to me!
Link to Hicksville Trailer Palace:
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.com
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Today we get into what is likely the full final day of Amber Heard’s case in this defamation trial we’ve just entered out 6th week of in Fairfax, Virginia. We do some legal analysis of her experts and criticize some of their lack of knowledge of the evidence.
First we hear from expert orthopedic surgeon Dr. Moore who testified about the causation of how Johnny lost the tip of his finger. Next we hear from a very angry psychiatrist who also never treated Johnny but he has some really strong opinions on him. Last we hear from Amber’s expert in the Hollywood Biz and her huge damages and Johnny’s non-existent damages.
This trial is getting closer and closer to its end and Johnny Depp should be starting his rebuttal case and witnesses tomorrow. If you want to learn a little about the law and how defamation trials work with celebs then come take a listen. It’s certainly entertaining.
If you have a minute and are enjoying the show please consider giving a rating and writing me a little love note in the review section. You guys seriously rock and it has been awesome getting to know everyone through this trial.
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Wow we have a lot of trial testimony to get to today guys so I had to condense as much as possible. So on Thursday we heard from 12 witnesses. Yes you heard that right - 12 - 11 of them were via pre-recorded deposition so you’re welcome that I sat through this nap-fest for you. As a lawyer I can promise you this was super boring for even myself.
Before we get into this lets heard a huge happy birthday to our favorite and most entertaining trial witness - Isaac Barouch - Have a wonderful born day my guy!
So first we heard from Bruce Witkin a former friend and band mate of Johnny’s, then we heard from Johnny’s former talent agent & his former business manager. After them we hear from Johnny’s lawyer, Adam Waldman (who you may recall is the reason AH is countersuing JD for defamation). After Mr. Waldman we hear from the LAPD Domestic Violence Coordinator. Amber had an expert on social media and hashtags and fortunately I was hear to listen to the phrase “Amber Turd” get read into a court record #amberturd guys. To wrap up the dozen witnesses we hear from AH’s Pre/Post-nup lawyer, an executive from Disney, the second famous celeb at this trial, Ellen Barkin, Johnny’s psychiatrist, the lawyer who reviewed AH’s Washington post Op-ed and AH’s talent agent.
It’s even a lot for me to type. A number of these witnesses were there to try and break down Johnny’s damages claims, and others were there to bolster Amber’s damages claims. It was a lot to say the least. But come listen and get yourself caught up for Monday. Honestly guys this next week should be a real doozy with recalling JD and all the rebuttal we know is going to happen.
If you’re enjoying the show please give it a rating and review if you have a minute. It means so much to me to hear from you guys so please keep reaching out with yout questions and awesome comments. It’s really awesome. I have my contact info below and also dont forget to checkout the links for That Umbrella Guy and Incredibly Average and The Real Laura B which are below too!
Links:That Umbrella Guy YouTube Channel
Incredibly Average Brian YouTube Channel
The Real Laura B - Twitter
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Sorry in advance for basically screaming today guys. I’m a little cranky - you’re girl needs a nap before tomorrows episode. This trial testimony is so inconsistent that I am actually annoyed today, I promise - no yelling tomorrow. Geez I sound like AH.
So we hear from a bunch of ambers witnesses Snd we start with IO Tillet Wright. He says he’s not friends with AH anymore but we’ve got questions. He’s the one who called the cops on 5/21/16.It’s the ex best friend parade. Next we hear from her former BFF Rocky Pennington. She’s saying they don’t talk anymore too. Why? Because AH punched her in the face. Yet still Rock’s testimony helps Amber.
Up next is Josh Drew. His depo is from 2019 which is before the LAPD bodycam footage came out. No wonder he wouldn’t come back to testify. Yikes.
After Josh we get Whitney Heard/Henriquez - Amber’s younger sister. She attempts to tell us about the staircase incident and somehow most of us missed it bc the sorry was so different. Also - on cross they set her up for the perfect rebuttal witness that will completely discredit some of her testimony.
Melanie Inglesses a friend of AH’s but also the makeup artist who did her makeup before the James Cordon show when she claimed she had two black eyes & a broken nose from the night before. Hmm.
Last up we have Ms Sexton. This is Ambers acting coach. She tells us how bad Ah struggles with acting crying and we’re all like yes we know we saw her trying.
These witnesses had a lot of inconsistencies in their statements and in their testimony about the very crucial incidents of abuse that AH is claiming. Contradictions all day. Also
And honestly this was the best trial day for Amber and her lawyers.
Love hearing from you guys please keep reaching out with any questions or comments or just to say hi.
Twitter @LDBlondePod
Instagram @LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: LegallyDirtyBlondePod@gmail.comIf you have a minute I would so much appreciate if you could rate the show and if you’re feeling really generous leave me a little love note in the review section.
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I am sick and tired people - Sick and tired of listening to Amber Heard be completley unable to tell the truth on the stand. Not gonna lie this episode is a little sloppy because I am super cranky and tired, but wanted to get this out to you guys ASAP.
SO today we are finishing up the cross examination of Amber Heard by Johnny’s attorney’/Lawyer Camille Vasquez. There is a lot to talk about today and a lot to impeach Miss Heard on so please come take a listen if you want to get caught up before we move onto other witnesses. Cross examination didnt go to well for Heard at this trial. Amber admits to never seeking medial treatment for her injuries. She also tells us or lies to us about her drug use. We get big legal news about the OpEd that is cetnrak to this case. Also if you want to see that videos of Amber at her divorce decomposition and make a slip about TMZ check out the IG page - I am also putting up the video of her leaving before the judge an d jury today. Thats a big no no guys. Either on the story, story highlight or a post.
Elaine’s re-direct - what a disaster. Elaine is Amber’s lawyer and at this part of the trial it is abundantly clear Elaine and Amber are not besties. We have some steaming hot tea about this attorney client relationship so I think you guys should stay tuned for this one. Oh yeah how could I forget - Elaine does her best Johnny Depp impression and Idont think you’l want to miss that one so come on in,..
Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
We have arrived at arguably the most important and definitely the most anticipated testimony of the trial - Amber Heard’s cross examination.
Before I say anymore, can I get a round of applause for Johnny’s attorney, Camille Vasquez. This woman is not only an incredibly intelligent badass lawyer but she also happens to be absolutely beautiful. She annihilates Amber on the stand and shows the blatant lies she has told.
We only got about 1.5 hours of cross today and if it is any indication of the rest of cross we are in for quite the show.
We get a lot of photos of Amber from times when she should have had very severe injuries and well lets just say things dont go super awesome for Miss Heard today.
We also get into those charitable donations she says she made to the ACLU and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. You’ll hear a clip played at trial from a 2018 TV appearance where Amber unequivocally tells everyone she has donated the full $7 million from her divorce settlement to charity as promised. You’ll want to hear about this one.
I’ll be posting many of the exhibits from her direct and her cross on my instagram so definitley check those out so you can see the evidence for yourself.
Also guys I have to say, all the feedback and support I’ve been getting from all of you makes me so happy. You guys truly rock and I appreciate all of you. Please reach out to me with any questions or comments or if you just wanna talk about this case or life in general! I may be a lawyer but I promise I’m not an asshole :)
Twitter: LDBlondePod
Instagram: legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: legallydirtyblondepodSupport the Show.
NOTE: I MISSPOKE @ 30 MINS; It should be 5/21/16 incident (I accidentally said 12/15/15. Sorry guys I didn’t listen until after I uploaded it & I just want to make sure I’m giving the right info.
After a long 10 days we are back at the Depp v Heard defamation trial & Amber Heard is finishing her last day of direct testimony before Elaine turns it over to Camille Vasquez for cross-examination.
If you ask me, it seems like Elaine is trying to do some damage control after seeing all the posts the last 10 days pointing out all the weird inconsistencies in Amber’s testimony the first two days. We learn that Amber is now saying she forgot the first abuse incident was actually a year before what she testified to. Weird. And this is only one of these blatant contradictions and changes. Also, it certainly seems like Elaine and Amber chatted over these 10 days. This is a big no no for her lawyer Elaine. And she knows better. Come listen to find out why.
After backtracking some of her prior testimony Amber goes on and details a few remaining incidents including Thanksgiving 2015, her 30th birthday and the infamous bed turd, and then the 5/21/16 incident that finally led to the divorce.
We hear Amber’s nonsense about why she needed to get this TRO and of course nothing that is bad is ever her fault right?
From a legal standpoint I had a lot of problems with her testimony today. She makes some straight up inaccurate assertions and also keeps proving she has no corroborating evidence til back up her claims. Honestly she has set herself up to be destroyed on cross examination and i cannot wait. That episode will be up in just a few minutes too.
I LOVE hearing from you guys. It has truly been an amazing couple weeks hearing from people and I just want you to know how much i really appreciate the support. Please keep reaching out and if you haven’t yet I’ll be escorting you after this episode!
Instagram: LegallyDirtyBlondePod
Gmail: LegallydirtyblondepodSupport the Show.
Today we are getting our legal fix while the trial is on hold for the week & if you want to get caught up for cross examination on Monday come hangout. I’m also answering a lot of questions I got from listeners this week on this episode.
So on this episode we talk about a lot of things including the status of the trial going forward including Amber’s case presentation & Johnny’s rebuttal and what witnesses they’re both likely to call. So if you want to hear the game plan & what to expect going forward you’re in the right place.We also talk about some really important audio recordings. Specifically we talk about a long recording that the lawyers on either side have not played for jury. That is linked here (from incredibly average YouTube) and it is worth the listen - I promise.
One more time for the folks in the back - why the UK ruling is not relevant to the US trial - important opinion letter from the VA judge is linked and gives a great explanation.
We also discuss the VA laws about IMEs and how that applies to Dr. Curry. We also get into some legal analysis of possible verdicts in this trial . We talk about inconsistencies in AH testimony and what I think she’ll be attacked with on cross examination. Also we love Kate Moss and I’ll tell you why.
We get into the statements made my spokespersons from team Depp & team Heard. We’re talking about the opinions & thoughts of real abuse survivors on AHs testimony. & I’ll say it again - survivors are the real experts and their opinions hold a ton of weight for me and they should for anyone listening.
So come hangout and get yourself up to date before the defamation trial of Depp v Heard resumes on Monday May 16 2022 with the cross examination of Amber Heard.
If you’re enjoying the show & can spare a minute I would love to hear your reviews & if you have any questions don’t you dare hesitate to reach out to me - I am so happy to explain these complicated issues.
Incredibly Average Brian’s video of uncensored Australia audio after the finger incident we can hear that AH says she “didnt mean to” hurt JD’s finger & we hear Dr. Kipper and Nurse Debbie discussing the incident and its very clear AH did not the sustain the injuries she alleged https://youtu.be/VDP9NVQmiXwJudge Azcarate’s Opinion Letter denying AH’s pretrial motion to dismiss - this is well written and explains the legal reasons for denying her motion based on the UK ruling in more detail than I went into. Worth the read! https://deadline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/depp-heard-trial-decison-.pdfThis is a link to the Virginia Statute regarding IMEs (independent medical examinations) https://casetext.com/rule/virginia-court-rules/virginia-rules-of-supreme-court/part-four-pretrial-procedures-dispositions-and-production-at-trial/rule-410-physical-and-mental-examination-of-personsThis is a link if you would like to read the judgment from the Judge in the UK trial https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html
Twitter: @LDBlondepod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.com
Important LinksSupport the Show.
*SKIP THE FIRST 18 MINS IF YOU WANT TO GET RIGHT INTO THE TESTIMONY & YOU’RE NOT INTERESTED IN CAMILLE’S EPIC DAY OF HEARSAY OBJECTIONS **TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual abuse, domestic violence and physical absue are discussed in graphic detail so if that’s not something you want to hear about (and believe me it made me feel physically ill to listen to her say it myself) then maybe skip this one and join us again next time.
I told everyone on Twitter i would be stanning Camille Vasquez this week and I am a woman of my word. The first 18 minutes of the episode are devoted to Camille Vasquez, Johnny’s bad ass attorney who will be doing the cross examination of Amber Heard. We listen to her insanely effective objections & we thoroughly enjoy how much they pissed off Amber Heard. Cross examination is going to be lit with Camille at the wheel & we can’t wait. I’ll explain to you some of the objections and what their legal reasoning for using them is.
If you don’t want to hear Camille’s objection compilation & learn about the different objections skip to 18 minutes.
We’re talking about Amber Heard’s heinous and graphically detailed description of sexual abuse allegations during her second day of direct examination. There is so much to unpack and dissect here guys I actually ran out of time to get you my full analysis & I have a lot more to say which I’ll get to in our next episode. Don’t worry we have a week before the next trial day. We get through the horrific sexual abuse allegations & I try not to scream about the absurdity of it all. There’s a lot of suspect things said today that need to be discussed at length…..
Most people don’t understand what it’s like to be a survivor of abuse. If you are most people please consider checking out the podcast “Narcissist Apocalypse” & you’ll hear first hand the stories of abuse survivors. This week they have a male survivor speaking his truth on the show. That is an issue that is very central to the discussion around this case so I think if you’re listening to my show you would and should appreciate the importance of hearing the stories of all abuse survivors including men. The link to that show is below.
We get more into things next episode and break down some of the problems with her allegations and her story. Things just aren’t adding up for Amber.
As an update, Court is not in session this week because Judge Penney had a prior engagement. Proceedings resume a week from the day of this episode (5/16) and by then we will be all up to date and done with our legal analysis of the case up until this point - and then we get the cross-examination which will be epic and you wont want to miss, We will definitely have a couple of episodes during this week off from trial to discuss some of my insight as a lawyer, how the trial will be different going forward, and I’m going to answer some of the questions I’ve gotten from listeners so please stay tuned for that!https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/narcissist-apocalypse/id1452117002
Twitter: @LDBlondePoD
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Gmail: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
There’s a difference between being prepared and fully scripted for direct examination. I’d love to hear what you all think was the case here.
Amber Heard takes the stand to defend the claims of sexual & physical abuse made in her 2018 Washington Post OpEd against Johnny Depp.
We’ve got some things to say about this. Amber Heard’s claim go back to 2012 which is the very beginning of their relationship. We hear about the first incident at his home where she has a lot of things to say about a dirty carpet.
Another story involves a backhand that seemingly had the velocity of an elite boxers power punch because there was blood spattered on the wall afterwards.
Then she starts to go into these brand new sexual abuse allegations she has claimed for the first time after being sued by Johnny. She tells the jury that Johnny conducted a cavity search on her looking for cocaine.
On a plane to Russia she took MDMA with Johnny & a flight attendant. Things didn’t go too well this time either according to Amber.
Her last story today involved his children and I just have to say I think this is absolutely disgusting of her to do. There was no need for his kids to be brought up whatsoever.
You can decide if you agree with me & if you don’t let me know why!
Please reach out with any questions, criticisms, or further information you think is worth sharing - I’m happy to hear all of it. I love to hear from people so don’t hesitate to reach out - I promise I’m a nice lawyer! Haha
Twitter: @LDBlondepod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
We finish up the testimony of Amber’s expert forensic & clinical psychologist Dr. Dawn Hughes. In my opinion the only experts that any of us need to hear from here are actual survivors of IPV and DV. Stayed tuned for next episode where we start to dissect all that we’ve heard from Amber herself so far on direct.
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Twitter: @LDBlondePod
Instagram: @legallydirtyblondepod
Email: legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.comSupport the Show.
- Visa fler