Simon G. Powell discusses his book Darwin's Unfinished Business - The Self-Organizing Intelligence of Nature.
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Darwin's theory of evolution is undoubtedly one of the most important scientific ideas of the modern age, explaining the existence of both life and consciousness without recourse to divine intervention. Yet how do we interpret evolution? How do we evaluate the ability of Nature to engineer something as exquisite as the genetic code or the human brain? Could it be that evolution is an intelligent process? Is Nature smart? According to most scientists, the answer is no. While humanity may be intelligent and purposeful, the natural processes that crafted us are deemed to be devoid of such attributes.
In a radical move away from orthodoxy, Powell extends Darwin's vision by showing that evolution is not just about the survival of the fittest but rather the survival of clever and sensible behaviour. Revealing the importance of the context in which things evolve, he explores the intelligent learning process behind natural selection. Rich with examples of the incredibly complex plants, animals, insects and marine life designed by Nature - from the carnivorous Venus flytrap and the fungus-farming leafcutter ant to the symbiotic microbes found inside the common cow - he shows Nature as a whole to be a system of self-organising intelligence in which life and consciousness are always destined to emerge.
Examining the origins of life and the failure of artificial intelligence to compete with natural intelligence, he explains how our scientifically narrow-minded views on intelligence are now acting as a barrier to our own evolution. As Darwin's unfinished business comes to light and Nature's intelligence is embraced, we learn that Nature's agenda is not simply the replication of genetic matter, but of expanding consciousness. By working with Nature's creative and innovative powers instead of against them, we can address today's social and environmental challenges with a new green science of evolution.
Simon's documentaries Metanoia and Manna
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Klaus Schulze 'Sense'
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Many ancient sites such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Stonehenge in England appear to have unusual acoustic properties which suggest that these places had a purpose not yet recognised by mainstream archaeology. Resonating frequencies and other forms of sound have long been associated with altered states of consciousness and other spiritual and mystical experiences. Certain properties of many ancient sites indicate that they were designed to focus, concentrate and in some cases generate powerful energies including sound. Is it possible that they served a sacred ceremonial function intended to affect the brain and body, taking us beyond our crude intellect and into a more intuitive state of mind?
The building methods used on many ancient sites also remain a mystery to us. Is it possible that sound played a part in their construction? Were the massive blocks of stone used in places like the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge perhaps quarried, transported and lifted into place by some subtle technology now lost in the mists of time?
Although there appear to be more questions than answers, the evidence suggests that in high antiquity, humans thought very differently than they do now. Their entire worldview and concept of what was possible seems radically different from our own, based on a more integrated state of mind unburdened by the left brain dominance that is responsible for much of the chaos and destruction in the world today. In looking back, maybe can we learn how to move forward.
www.infinite-connections.co.ukConference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Stellardrone 'The Divine Cosmos'
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Walter Cruttenden discusses some of the ideas in his 2005 book Lost Star of Myth and Time.
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The myth and folklore of ancestral peoples around the world hints at a vast cycle of time, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Plato called it the Great Year. Long believed to be a fairy tale, there is now new astronomical evidence to show it has a basis in fact. Moreover, because it is caused by the acceleration of our Sun around another star, we learn that the Earth should soon be carried into a region of space that will have a beneficial effect on our atmosphere, nudging mankind into a higher state of consciousness.
Lost Star of Myth and Time weaves together some of the latest archaeological evidence with cutting-edge astronomy to reveal a history of the world that finally fits with myth, folklore and the archaeological record. While the book explores some of the most interesting aspects of a once advanced civilization that covered the Earth, it is really about what happens to the Earth and consciousness as our solar system moves through space in the mysterious motion known as the precession of the equinox. Since the days of Isaac Newton, this astronomical phenomenon has been attributed to local gravitational forces wobbling the Earth's axis. Lost Star now shows us in no uncertain terms that the Earth's axis does not change orientation relative to objects inside the solar system at the same rate as it changes orientation to objects outside the solar system, meaning precession must be due to our Sun's binary motion around another star.
Chapter by chapter it becomes clear that ancient cultures knew of precession, used it as the clock of the ages, understood it to be due to the solar system's motion through space, and realized this subjects the Earth to a cycle of waxing and waning stellar influences. It is these forces that affect our magnetosphere, ionosphere and indirectly create the larger seasons of the Great Year. This not only gives cause for a major rethink of human history and potential, but indicates we are approaching a tipping point in the awakening of consciousness.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Cwtch 'What Do Robots Dream About?'
Mark Olly discusses his book The Life & Times of the Real Robyn Hoode, a detailed investigation of a character who represents resistance to powerful and corrupt authority the world over.
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Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore who, according to legend, was a highly skilled archer and swordsman. Traditionally depicted as being dressed in Lincoln green, he is often portrayed as 'robbing from the rich and giving to the poor' alongside his band of Merry Men. He became a popular folk figure in the late-medieval period and continues to be widely represented in literature, film and television.
Delving deep into the history and archaeology of people and places, we attempt to separate fact from fiction in the possible or probable lives of Robin and the familiar cast of characters such as Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Maid Marion, the Sheriff of Nottingham, and King Richard the Lionheart. Along the way we visit locations such as Sherwood Forest and the city of Nottingham, exploring the momentous change, conflict and power struggles of Medieval England. Although Robin's true identity may never be known, the tale which emerges is every bit worthy of the high adventure and wild romance of a centuries old legend that lives on to this very day.
Previous interviews with Mark Olly: Revealing the Green Man The Disappearing Ninth Legion
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OS
John Michael Greer discusses his book Dark Age America - Climate Change, Cultural Collapse, and the Hard Future Ahead.
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As we lurch on into the early part of the 21st Century, converging crises in energy, economy, and environment are rapidly undermining the foundations of industrial civilization and the materialistic way of life which so many of us take for granted. Energy - because cheap, easily accessible fossil fuels are running out and industrial civilization as we know it simply cannot be sustained by renewables. Economy - because at almost every level, global, national, corporate, and personal, we are drowning in debt that cannot and therefore will not be repaid but whose unravelling will cause mass destruction of governments, banks, entire industries, and millions of lives. Environment - because centuries of industrial civilization have wreaked havoc on the biosphere, triggering catastrophic climate change while poisoning the ecosystems on which life on Earth depends.
Factor in population growth, mass migration, and escalating terrorist threats, and you have a dangerously unstable situation. Despite the protestations of puppet politicians, elite economists, and utopian scientists, no amount of wishful thinking, money printing or shiny new technology will ride to the rescue. The Prius of our dreams is heading straight for the brick wall of reality, and the current convulsions such as the Brexit referendum in the UK, the impending implosion of the European Union, and the election of Donald Trump as US President are but the latest wave of woes crashing on the shore of a fantasy future we fashioned for ourselves in a brief moment of gas guzzling madness. Under the illusion of invincibility we still tell ourselves that 'this time it's different' but as we shall soon discover, forces far beyond our control have other ideas. In his most uncompromising work to date, John Michael Greer maps possible futures for America during the hard times ahead and it's clear that before things get better, they're going to get a lot worse.
The Archdruid Report
Previous interviews with John Michael Greer: The Truth About Brexit After Progress The Long Descent The Ecotechnic Future Green Wizardry Decline and Fall
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'SURVIVE 'RR7349'
Douglas Lain discusses Advocate for an Indefinite Human Lifespan, a new Zero Books title exploring the life extension techniques and technologies of Aubrey de Grey and the SENS Research Foundation.
Human beings are perhaps unique among Earth's sentient beings in that, from a relatively young age, we know that we are going to die. Despite this knowledge, and the fact that life and death are but two facets of the great cycle of creation and destruction, as a species we live in dread and denial of death, which remains one of the last great taboos. Some say we need to set death aside in order to live, while others claim that only acceptance of death allows us to truly come alive. Whatever the case, most of us are consciously or subconsciously terrified by the thought of our own annihilation. The religious cling to the hope held out by the promise of an afterlife, while the secular place their faith in a life well lived, free from comforting delusions.
Medical and material advances have extended human life expectancy well beyond what it was in centuries gone by, but de Grey's radical vision is of humans living longer - much longer - and in good health. Beyond the contested limits of sometimes controversial medical interventions, de Grey's plans have already drawn many moral and ethical objections: What would we do with a thousand year life? How would it affect love, family, work, and culture? And what of population and natural resources on an already groaning planet? Technology, we are assured, offers answers to all such doubts, and if the transhumanist wing of the life extension lobby have their way, a millennium of existence may one day seem like the blink of an eye. Augmented, upgraded, downloaded - for the man machine of the future, death may be but a distant dream. But are we becoming God or merely playing God?
Previous interview with Doug Lain: The Dream of Reality
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'SURVIVE 'RR7349'²
Dmitry Orlov discusses his book Shrinking the Technosphere: Getting a Grip on the Technologies that Limit our Autonomy, Self-sufficiency and Freedom.
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Over the past two centuries we have witnessed the wholesale replacement of most previous methods of conducting both business and daily life with new, technologically advanced, more efficient methods, but what exactly is progressive or efficient about this new arrangement is hardly ever examined in depth. If the new ways of doing things are so much better, then we must all be leading relaxed, stress-free, enjoyable lives with plenty of free time to devote to art and leisure activities. But a more careful look at these changes shows us that the rapidly evolving brave new world of gadgets, gizmos and constant connectivity is instead a metastasising matrix of manipulation and control in which we have become slaves to money and machines. Creeping ever closer to outright omniscience, the Technosphere is an emergent intelligence in its own right.
The harm to the environment, society, and our individual lives is plain to see, but is brushed off amid hollow mantras about productivity, progress, and the graven idol of economic growth. Shrinking the Technosphere guides readers through the process of bringing technology down to a manageable number of carefully chosen, essential, well-understood, and controllable elements. It is about regaining the freedom to use technology for our own benefit, and is critical reading for all who seek to get back to a point where technologies assist us rather than control us. The endgame of the Technosphere is total domination; the outcome will be total destruction. But can humanity take back control before digital Armageddon finally dawns?
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Yuri Morozov 'Human Extinction'
Dr. Mari Swingle discusses her book i-Minds: How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing Our Brains, Our Behaviour, and the Evolution of Our Species.
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We live in a hi-tech age, an era in which almost every aspect of our daily lives is mediated by some form of technology. The worlds of work, education, leisure, food, transport, health, communication and many, many more are now not only augmented and enhanced by technology, increasingly, they are impossible without it. But while some of the unwanted side effects of technology are recognised and well-known, are we too quick to dismiss them as a temporary phase affecting a lonely minority?
The advocates of 21st Century technology themselves are quick to point to an array of benefits, many undeniable, but at what point does our second life take over our real life, social media become anti-social? In our headlong rush towards techno-utopia, are we inadvertently breeding a generation of alienated, dysfunctional loners paralysed by endless choice and lost in a fantasy world of gaming, pornography, and all manner of virtual reality? Delving into the dark side of this brave new world, we examine the dangers of technological addiction and abuse, the debilitating psychological and physical fallout, and the potential to affect even the evolutionary future of the human race itself.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST' Dynatron 'Escape Velocity'
Frank Joseph discusses his book Our Dolphin Ancestors - Keepers of Lost Knowledge and Healing Wisdom.
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Wild animals avoid contact with humans, but wild dolphins seek us out to play and socialize, even going so far as to voluntarily rescue people from drowning. What explains this remarkable natural affinity? Revealing the evolutionary basis for our special relationship with dolphins, Frank Joseph explains how we are both descendants of the same ancient branch of humanity. Building upon the aquatic ape theory, he details how we both began on land but devastating floods forced our distant ancestors into the seas, where humanity developed many of the traits that set us apart from other primates, such as our instinctive diving reflex and our newborns' ability to swim. But while some of the aquatic apes returned to land, later evolving into modern humans, some remained in the cradle of the ocean and became our dolphin cousins.
Integrating scientific research on dolphin intelligence, communication, and physiology with enduring myths from some of the world's oldest cultures, such as the Aborigines, Norse, Greeks, and Celts, the author examines our physical commonalities with dolphins, including their vestigial thumbs and legs, birth processes, and body temperature. He explores dolphins' uncanny ability to diagnose disease such as cancer in humans and how dolphin therapy has had miraculous effects on children with autism, victims of stroke, and those suffering from depression. He provides evidence for dolphins' different attitudes toward men, women, and children, their natural affinity with cats and dogs, and their telepathic communication with other species, including ours. He explores dolphins' mysterious role in the birth of early civilization and their connections with the Dog Star, Sirius, and Atlantis and Lemuria - a bond still commemorated by annual gatherings of millions of dolphins. If we can learn to fully communicate with dolphins, accessing their millennia-old oral tradition, we may learn the truth about humanity's origins and our shared future, when humankind may yet again quit the land for a final return to the sea.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Loscil 'Altus'
John Michael Greer discusses the origins and potential outcome of the European Union's ongoing meltdown.
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The recent Brexit referendum in the UK was never meant to happen. The result of a miscalculated attempt by former British Prime Minister David Cameron to neutralize the right wing UK Independence Party, Brexit has plunged the nation into a constitutional crisis. While 48% of the electorate voted for the UK to remain within the European Union, 52% voted to leave. As a result, the country is now deeply divided, and the rancour of a bitterly fought campaign has merely intensified since the outcome became clear. The total lack of planning for a vote to quit the EU is also starkly evident in the chaotic in-fighting and back-stabbing that has marred the political aftermath. So just how did this unintended mayhem come about?
At the core of the crisis but unacknowledged by the political class, mainstream media, and society at large are serious systemic problems affecting the economy, the environment, and the very foundations of our industrial society. These problems existed before Brexit, and they exist now. They would have remained exactly the same whether we voted 'leave' or 'remain'. The problems are global and they are not going away. They are, in fact, getting worse. If you need any evidence for this, one need only observe the utter farce masquerading as the current US Presidential election or, closer to home, the ominous rise of the far right in most, if not all, European Union countries. Until these harsh realities are fully faced, the pundits, pollsters, and politicians will continue to get it wrong. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, and the sky is black with birds coming home to roost. When they do, they will reorder this world.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'Jim Williams 'A Field In England OST'
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The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the program was responsible for the landing of the first humans on Earth's Moon in 1969. First conceived during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower as a three-man spacecraft to follow the one-man Project Mercury which put the first Americans in space, Apollo was later dedicated to President John F. Kennedy's national goal of '''landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth' by the end of the 1960s. Kennedy's goal was apparently accomplished on the Apollo 11 mission when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Lunar Module on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Five subsequent Apollo missions reportedly landed astronauts on the Moon, the last in December 1972.
However, beginning just a couple of years after the final Moon landing, doubts began to emerge about certain details of these missions and even as to whether any of them had taken place at all. Skeptics expressed many concerns about the feasibility of the missions: photographs taken on and around the Moon appeared to display many anomalies; questions were raised about the technology of mission control, the spacecraft itself, and the space suits, and whether any of it was actually up to the task; there were concerns about radiation, not just on the Moon itself but within the Van Allen belt which circles the Earth, a deadly radioactive zone some say would be impossible to traverse. And, of course, there is the question as to why man has never since returned to the Moon. Surely with today's vastly superior technology, this would be much easier to achieve.
Despite being refuted in some detail by NASA and a host of other agencies and individuals over the years, the idea that the manned Moon missions were staged just will not go away. Critics argue that skeptics are simply distrustful of government in general and that the Moon landings serve as sort of poster boy for them. But there are compelling reasons as to why a government would want to pull a stunt like this, and with the debate as heated as ever, it would appear that just one thing will silence the doubters for good.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez 'Traffic OST'
Claire Rae Randall and Greg Moffitt in conversation.
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An increasingly common theme in popular science is the idea that our thoughts create reality, or that they at least interact with the physical world in some way. This trend has also been mirrored in some sections of popular culture. In fact, pop culture characterisations of mysterious mental powers long pre-date the current scientific interest in how mind might affect matter. Taken together with the theory that mind – not matter – is fundamental and that physical reality itself actually exists within some vast non-material cosmic consciousness, the entire Universe and everything in it begins to look like one infinite and unimaginably complex thought process.
Cutting edge science increasingly lends credence to this and similar ideas which apply at each level of reality, from personal to planetary to galactic and beyond. What's more the process appears creative, and imbued with meaning and purpose, even if mainstream scientific materialism continues to refute any such possibility. But if you discovered that you are a cell in the organising intelligence which underlies everything, what would change?
Previous interviews with Claire Rae Randall
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Gregory Shushan discusses his book Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilizations: The Origins of the World’s Afterlife Beliefs
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Taking readers on a thought-provoking journey into our ancestors’ beliefs about death, dying, and the afterlife, Shushan reveals the powerful influence of near-death experiences (NDEs) on religious beliefs and ritual practices throughout human history. Focusing on five ancient world regions in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, and Mesoamerica, the author expertly explores each civilization’s afterlife beliefs. He explains how each of these civilizations developed independently of one another, yet there is a series of similarities among afterlife beliefs too consistent and specific to be mere coincidence. This leads to the profound implication that afterlife beliefs are not entirely invented by cultures: they also stem from universal truths derived from NDEs.
Drawing on anthropology, psychology, and philosophy, the author explores how each civilization interpreted NDEs and how afterlife beliefs develop over time. He also explores the metaphysical implications of his discoveries, including what an actual afterlife would look like. Revealing that NDEs have occurred throughout human history, Shushan shows how they continue to influence our understanding of what lies beyond death to this day.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Richard Kretz and Greg Moffitt discuss the so-called Age of Aquarius and the potential for planetary change.
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For millennia, humans have gazed at the stars, seeking meaning in their patterns. Today, a growing chorus senses a shift, an electric hum of change in the air, hard to name but impossible to ignore. For many, most of the tectonic changes now underway on Earth are profoundly negative: political, social, economic, and environmental crises coupled with growing conflict, and trends in technology and artificial intelligence, all of which threaten the very existence of the human race.
Weaving together astrology, astronomy, and mythology, Kretz proposes that although the future looks highly uncertain, a metamorphosis is currently underway, disrupting old patterns, awakening new awareness, and restructuring for what is to come. As in the past, earthly upheavals seem to be mirrored by events elsewhere in the solar system and wider cosmic rhythms. The total solar eclipse of March 2034 may be important, but it’s our choices that will shape what comes next.
Other interviews with Richard Kretz
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Anthony Peake discusses the life and work of Philip K. Dick. Anthony’s biography of PKD is here .
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Philip K. Dick was one of the most imaginative and original science fiction writers of his era, and since his death in 1982, his novels have continued to be discovered by each new generation of sci fi fans. His stories have been adapted for the screen many times including Total Recall, Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, The Man in the High Castle and, most famously, Blade Runner.
PKD – as he became known – was a periodic drug user with a colourful and sometimes chaotic personal life, a life which increasingly resembled those of some of the characters he himself created. Recurring themes in his work include the nature of reality, of time, of perception and of identity, alternate realities, artificial intelligence, dystopian futures, authoritarian governments, drug use, and altered states of consciousness.
Previous interviews with Anthony Peake
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Cwtch ‘What Do Robots Dream About?’
Steve Taylor discusses his book Time Expansion Experiences: The Psychology of Time Perception and the Illusion of Linear Time
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Although we often encounter the phrase ‘time is just an illusion’, everything about our subjective inner experience seems to suggest otherwise. The outer world too seems to conform to the same patterns, the flow of events and the apparently inescapable path from past to present and future. From the repetitive activities of our everyday lives to the vast cycles of life and death, of nature and the cosmos, all seems tethered to the tyranny of time. But what if time itself is merely a human construct, a way of trying to make sense of what is apparently happening?
What if all that exists is in fact an eternal ‘Now’ from which everything that is, ever has been, and ever will be, arises? Millennia of indigenous cosmologies, spiritual traditions, and now cutting edge science strongly suggest that mind, not matter, is fundamental. Time, and even space, would therefore lose their place as defining dimensions of reality, replaced by an infinite mindfield in which all possibilities are present and from which the events of our limited five-sense, three-dimensional perception appear and disappear. But if the past still exists and the future is already here, what does this mean for the present?
Previous interviews with Steve Taylor
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Christian Morris and Greg Moffitt discuss some of the tumultuous events of 2024.
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In their own peculiar way, the national elections in the USA, UK, and Ireland and events surrounding them were microcosms of tectonic shifts underway around the globe. As former British Prime Minster Tony Blair famously said in the wake of 9/11, “The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux.” While the UK and Ireland have elected governments of incompetence, the incoming Trump administration is set to usher in a seismic shift in direction for the US, and by extension, the world.
Meanwhile, happenings in other realms get weirder by the day, the recent UFO/UAP phenomena and raging forest fires being interpreted by some observers as nothing less than manifestations of the trauma haunting the collective human psyche. In an era beset by uncertainty and trepidation, high strangeness is the New Normal.
Previous interviews with Christian Morris
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Neil McDonald discusses his latest book In Search of Ancient Wisdom
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Across the ages, myths and legends tell of secret knowledge hidden from the mass of humanity and guarded by shadowy organizations and mystery cults dedicated to its preservation and use for their own nefarious purposes. Although the origins of this knowledge – sometimes referred to as The Perrenial Wisdom – are lost to the mists of time, at certain pivotal points in history evidence for its existence emerges, even if its true nature remains obscured. The legends of Atlantis, King Solomon, The Knights Templar, The Holy Grail, and Rennes-le-Château all point toward secret paths to immense wealth and power.
In the modern era, the elite echelons of the Nazi SS also tried to turn non-material forces to their advantage until their apparent defeat. But was it simply the German people who lost the war while the Nazi occult network went underground? In this wide-ranging discussion we probe the anatomy of The Perennial Wisdom and Western Mystery Tradition, revealing powers innate to humanity but accessible only by the most dedicated and determined.
Previous interviews with Neil McDonald
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Ruhr Hunter ‘Denned Earth / Decay and Rebirth’
In a talk inspired by the 1959 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, Mark Stavish discusses the preservation of knowledge – in particular occult and esoteric knowledge – as the world plunges into an ever more uncertain and unstable future.
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From an over-reliance on technology, to a lack of preparedness, and widespread general apathy, the potential threats to the entire library of human knowledge are growing in size and number. Spellbound by the myth of progress – the belief that progress is linear and ever upward – we are blind to the harsh lessons of history: the dark ages, wars, and catastrophes – man-made or natural – which mark the downfall of peoples, nations, and entire civilizations, and the heritage of their time. Although ancient knowledge has a way of surviving aeons of trial and tribulation, in this era of perhaps unprecedented danger, we would do well to consider what is in peril and what can be saved for our own sake and for the sake of those who come after us.
A Canticle for Leibowitz is a social science fiction novel by American writer Walter M. Miller Jr., first published in 1959. Set in a Catholic monastery in the desert of the southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, the book spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself. The monks of the Albertian Order of Leibowitz preserve the surviving remnants of man’s scientific knowledge until the world is again ready for it.
Previous interviews with Mark Stavish
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Keith Thompson discusses his book The UFO Paradox: The Celestial and Symbolic World of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
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In case after case related to UFO encounters and other unknown aerial phenomena (UAP), the same impasse is reached: testimony from witnesses on one side, dismissive responses from the authorities on the other. In the fertile void of this deadlock, however, lie extraordinary possibilities about the nature of mind and matter, spirit and soul, transforming the UFO into a celestial, metaphysical event.
Focusing on the possibilities found by exploring both sides of the debate, veteran UFO observer and reporter Keith Thompson shares profound insights and experiences from his several decades of research, revealing that the UFO phenomenon is decidedly real yet perhaps not what either side of the debate expects. He looks at UFOs as a genuine unknown, from outer space or manifesting from hidden dimensions, as well as the theories of skeptics and debunkers who insist that UFOs can be explained as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misidentified phenomena. He explores the modern flying saucer era against the backdrop of visionary experience – angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, religious miracles, and fairy tales – and shows how UFOs are simultaneously physical and spiritual, presenting a form of intelligence capable of altering the perceptions of witnesses.
Thompson reveals how the UFO phenomenon ultimately represents a call from the cosmos for humanity to open to greater dimensions of reality and recognize that our understanding of the universe is still far from complete.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘Iota Ceti Contact’
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