
  • Enjoy this podcast featuring my guest, Arthur Wood. Arthur is a former drug addict who transformed his life and overcame a 20-year addiction. With a background in sales and marketing, his contagious enthusiasm for connecting with people is truly inspiring. Through his powerful story, you'll discover valuable and innovative tips on engaging with others.


     More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     Engagement always creates new possibilities It's such a gift to have my life back.

    Arthur Wood is an Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator and Abuse Hold Practitioner. He works with Access Consciousness as the Global Engagers Team Lead, exploring different ways to engage with people.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Right Recovery For You - https://www.marilynbradford.com/rightrecovery Access Consciousness Bars - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/accessbars/ 
  • Diva shares how her left-turn choices, made out of curiosity, changed the trajectory of her future. She knew when she needed to make bold choices, take risks, jump ship, and go for it. She looks forward to all the big changes coming for her future, embracing all the left turns and knowing that they lead to something greater.


     Learn more about Diva Diaz - http://www.divadiaz.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     The elegance of creation - you don't need to push against the wall, you can just walk around it. Change can be implemented quickly by asking questions and listening!

    Diva is an Access Consciousness facilitator, global speaker, kids author, and entrepreneur, cooking ideas on her laptop and traveling and loving life.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access X-Men - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/xmen/ Castello di Casalborgone - https://castellodicasalborgone.com/ 
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  • Explore the joy of being with Moira Bramley and explore awareness and consciousness on this episode. Moira has always been willing to ask questions and make many choices that other people were not willing to make. She changed her childhood of poverty to one of wealth, and along the way, she discovered happiness. She learned to ask questions instead of living in conclusion and created a life that works for her.

    * Learn more about Moira Bramley - https://www.moirabramley.com/
    * More with Marilyn Bradford- https://www.marilynbradford.com/

    Key Takeaways: 
    * Acknowledge your energetic awareness. You are energy!
    * The joy of being is true wealth!

    Moira Bramley is a wealth coach, savvy investor, and Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness. Moira combines kindness, compassion, and generosity of spirit with pushing the boundaries of possibility for herself and for her clients. One of her greatest joys is being a catalyst for changing people’s realities.

    Mentioned during the Podcast * Access Consciousness- https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ 

  • My guest Sylvia Puentes exudes joy, kindness and generosity of spirit. Join us as we explore trusting yourself and knowing what will work for you - even if it makes no sense to anyone else.

    Sylvia Puentes is a leading lady in magic and life-changing work with Access Consciousness. She is an international speaker and facilitator empowering people to rediscover their gifts and joy in living. She works with the global Access Consciousness team as the Americas Regional Coordinator and El Lugar Resort Communications Coordinator.


     Learn more about Sylvia Puentes - https://sylviapuentes.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     What can I choose that I am not choosing? Everywhere I go, I am embraced by consciousness

    She facilitates classes and private sessions on consciousness, business, being you, and having your voice in the world with curiosity, kindness, and her unique sense of joy-filled possibilities.

    Sylvia has developed a range of unique and inspiring workshops and programs, including the Academic Parent Coaching Program, which has assisted youth, parents, and teachers in finding alternative methods to inspire and rediscover the joy of learning.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ 
  • Enjoy this fun conversation with Désirée DuMonde as we explore some of the magical left-turns in her life. She shares with us how she created the things she desired in her childhood and how she brought that magic in her adult life. She did not buy that fairytales were a lie and knew that she could create a living magic.

    What if you are far more miraculous and magical than you know?


     Learn more about Desiree Dumonde - http://www.theworldsdesire.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     Every time I tried to choose being serious in my life, I would dig in and realize that was a lie. I created an enchanted life for myself. Noone is going to validate what you know is true for you.

    Désirée DuMonde is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Professional Spinto Soprano, Vocal Instructor, Life Coach, and Active Dreamweaver. She has merged her many passions and career endeavors into her own heaping “incantation of consciousness” for anyone desiring greater possibilities, in any aspect of their lives.  

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ 
  • How do you handle big changes and pivots in your life? My guest Christel Crawford shares her story of choosing the power of aloneness. She knew she had to walk a different road.

    Big changes in your life can totally transform your life - what choices can you make towards this? Christel gave us lots of tips and tips on pivots!


     Learn more about Christel Crawford - http://www.christeljoycrawford.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     What are the questions you can ask and the choices you can make to move forward? What do I want my life to look like? You can build a business in so many different ways!

    Christel has been an active facilitator of Access Consciousness for 10 years. She's described as clear, direct and real and she catalyzes choice, possibilities and expansion.

    Her favorite things are facilitating, sales, building new systems, and finding creative connections. When she's not doing that, she loves on (or fights with) her partner and creates new things.

    Christel is an Access Consciousness and Talk to the Entities Certified Facilitator, an Access Bars and Body Process Facilitator, a business and money coach, an up-and coming author, show host and she's excited to see what's next.


    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ Joy of Business - https://www.accessjoyofbusiness.com/ 
  • Sarah Grandinetti shares her journey of self-discovery, finding her unique gifts and talents. During this journey, she became a facilitator of Access Consciousness, learning to rely on herself and seeing her inner strength.

    She also spoke about her experience as a parent and how she empowers her children to make choices for their lives.


     Learn more about Sarah Grandinetti - https://www.sarahgrandinetti.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     Some people are in our lives for a season, some are there for a reason, and others are for a lifetime. Spreading my wings to choose led me to discover what I wanted my life to be. What wonder can I add here?

    Sarah Grandinetti is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness who inspires people to choose more and actualize their dreams. As the former owner of a celebrity hair salon in Los Angeles, Sarah brings a wide range of experience to her creations and facilitation with people.

    Whether presenting to an audience, facilitating classes, or working one-on-one in a deep-dive session, Sarah offers a rare combination of humor, warmth, and insight that invites people to feel empowered, release limitations, and truly BE themselves.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ Conscious Parents Conscious Kids - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/conscious-parents-conscious-kids/ 
  • Marilyn and her guests, Steve and Chutisa Bowman, discussed embracing uncertainty and taking risks in life and business. They also chatted about making choices that create greater possibilities rather than sticking to traditional paths, being a catalyst for change, embracing diversity, and asking questions, which can help leaders let go of fixed points of view and embrace new possibilities.


     Learn more about Steve and Chutisa Bowman - http://www.catalystforchange.com/  More with Marilyn Bradford - https://www.marilynbradford.com/ 

    Key Takeaways: 

     Start to look for ways to create the biggest change with the least amount of effort  Life is full of opportunities

    Steven Bowman is a seasoned business and leadership adviser with a great depth of experience and skill, facilitating business leaders to have clarity of their vision, mission, and strategic priorities. He has held numerous senior executive, CEO, and Board positions with some of the USA and Australia’s most prestigious organizations and authored and co-authored over 14 books on business strategy, governance, risk, and conscious leadership.

    Acknowledged as a pioneer in strategic awareness, Steven has built a reputation worldwide as an adviser who empowers his clients by offering multiple perspectives on any given challenge.

    Chutisa Bowman is a dynamic transpersonal change facilitator, speaker, author, documentary producer, designer, and blogger. Her expertise in strategic awareness, creative imagination, and consciousness have made her a pioneering figure in conscious living.

    Her work encompasses various aspects, including health and wellness, happiness, and the pathways to success.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness - https://www.accessconsciousness.com/ 
  • Maya Dayan shares her experiences as a mom who homeschools her children and how discovering the tools of Access Consciousness contributed to creating ease with childbirth, postpartum depression, and pregnancy. 


    Learn more about Maya Dayan - www.mayadayan.com More with Marilyn Bradford - www.marilynbradford.com 


    Key Takeaways: 

    I would love to invite the world to question
    What if asking a question could expand what you thought parenting should be?

    Motherhood opened a huge door for Maya to explore consciousness and ask for more change and presence in her world and family life. 

    Maya Dayan is an explorer of alternative worlds and an eternal student since 2005. She is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, and a Translator and Coordinator for Access Consciousness. She is also a mom and homeschools two kids!

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness Bars - www.accessconsciousness.com/bars Conscious Parents Conscious Kids www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/conscious-parents-conscious-kids/ 
  • A lover of left turns, Alison Cox shares the adventure and exuberance of living in this episode. She also shares how being aware of entities affected her and how she navigates all the energies she is aware of.

    Alison Cox is an enthusiastic entrepreneur, gifted Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, and Founder of myacousticlife.com and Alivio Massage Therapy, Inc. in Denver, CO. She has worked professionally with people, entities, and animals for over ten years!


     Learn more about Alison Cox: www.myacousticlife.com  More with Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com 

    Key Takeaways: 

     What if your left turns inspire others to have more fun in their lives? Energy never dies.

    After discovering and applying Access Consciousness®, Talk to the Entities®, and Conscious Horse Conscious Rider®, her bodywork, communication skills, business, money flows, life, and living have transformed in unique and dynamic ways.

    Alison is spreading awareness of consciousness, choice, and happiness through classes, workshops, and private sessions worldwide.

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness: www.accessconsciousness.com Conscious Horse Conscious Rider: http://tinyurl.com/4duuvrm4 Talk to the Entities: http://tinyurl.com/mr2e86tu 
  • We're celebrating the amazing gifts of Suzy Godsey on this episode. She is a magical combination of an animal whisperer, a tech wizard, a facilitator, and a steward of the earth. Her story is a reminder that life is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Suzy chose to follow her path by moving to the United States from Germany after a couple of left turns of not attending college and realizing studying farming was not the direction she wanted to pursue.

    Learn more about Suzy Godsey: www.suzygodsey.com 

    More with Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com 

    Key Takeaways: 

     Animals don't speak our language, they are very fluent in energy and they perceive the energy of what is going on in your world and do their best to contribute to you. The more we listen to animals, the more we receive from them.

    Mentioned during the Episode

    Suzy's YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/SuzyGodsey1 Access Consciousness: www.accessconsciousness.com Conscious Horse Conscious Rider: www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/chcr Talk to the Animals: http://tinyurl.com/4wae7jz9 ESSE: http://tinyurl.com/3y2bj37a 
  • Join my guest Sarah Watt where she shares her meandering path to discovering happiness and joy and the contributions horses have been to her life.

    Sarah Watt is a regional creator for Access Consciousness and the worldwide co-ordinator of Live Translation for Access Consciousness, as well as a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness and Conscious Horse Conscious Rider Facilitator & Joy of Business Facilitator, having previously worked in managerial positions, including the RSPCA.

    Sarah has used the Access Consciousness tools to create a greater life for herself, her clients and her animals, and is continuously changing, and growing – with less judgment, more joy and more adventure. She enjoys traveling the world inspiring people to know that if something isn’t working for them, they can choose something different.

    Learn more about Sarah Watt: www.sarahwatt.com.au 

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com 

    Mentioned during the Podcast

    Access Consciousness: www.accessconsciousness.com 
  • Choosing to create a life far beyond anything he thought was possible is a theme Viktor Anderson has been creating for five years. He shares some of his journey from unconsciousness and avoidance through alcohol and drugs to consciousness and the enjoyment of being alive. Viktor has discovered the value and greatness that he is.

    Learn more about Viktor Anderson: www.accessconsciousness.com/en/public-profiles/viktor-anderson 

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com 

    Mentioned during the episode:

  • What if choosing for you does not mean you're selfish? My guest Francesca Fiorentini talks about being kind to yourself, choosing what works for you and staying true to yourself in this episode of Left Turn Podcast. Discover the unknown space of you every day!

    Francesca Fiorentini is a life and wealth coach, business mentor, seasoned entrepreneur, facilitator of change, and proud mother to a strong beautiful young woman.

    Drawing on her experience as a savvy business leader and events professional, Francesca is currently the Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness®️. She is also a certified facilitator of Access Consciousness®️ classes, including Joy of Business, Body Processes, and the Access Bars.

    Learn more about Francesca Fiorentini: www.francesca-fiorentini.com  

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com 

    A great book on this topic is Being You Changing the World

  • What if you created your life with your body as a creation partner? My guest Donnielle Carter invites us to explore our amazing capacities with energy and our bodies. What would your relationship with your body be like if you included it as a partner in everything you did?

    As a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness & Right Body for You, she travels the world facilitating online and in-person classes inviting people to that shiny amazing world of possibility no matter what they may look like, act like, think of themselves, judge about themselves, secretly hope for or secretly fear.

    Learn more about Donnielle Carter

    More with Marilyn Bradford


    Body Resources

    Right Body For You BookGetting Out Of Burnout RecordingClearing the Addiction to Image RecordingBodies and Size Clearing LoopBodies and Pain Clearing Loop
  • John Wheeler has always been a curiosity seeker. As a child, his family always gave him the new things to figure out how they worked. Join this conversation as we explore John's willingness to stir the pot, ask questions and never settle.

    John Wheeler is a licensed professional clinical counselor, certified life coach and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. After many years of working with people from around the world, he aims to provide services that empower people to acknowledge what they know, be who they would like to be and choose everything they desire to have in their life, living and business.

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com

    More with John Wheeler: www.john-wheeler.com 

  • My guest on this episode of Left Turn Podcast, Kalpana Raghuraman is always on the move! This is partially because she is a dancer and has created an incredibly innovative dance company, but also because for her, every moment is filled with new possibilities. 

    Whether mentoring dancers, writing a bestseller, or facilitating Access Consciousness classes, Kalpana makes the most of every moment.

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com

    More with Kalpana Raghuraman: www.kalpanaraghuraman.com

  • Have you ever yearned for something more? Known that there had to be something beyond what this world seemed to offer? My guest Cassy Summers let that insatiable desire for greater guide her into huge leaps of change into the unknown.

    A large part of that quest was to search out tools and techniques to empower people looking for a greater, happier and more consciousness life. She’s still and always in pursuit of what else might be possible. 

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com

    More with Cassy Summers: www.asifbymagic.space   


    A great book about trusting the magic

    Magic You Are It Be It Book

  • In this episode of Left Turn Podcast with guest Katarina Wallentin, explore the tenacity in never giving up, the excitement in choosing new possibilities and the invitation that creates for more left turns in your life. This inspiring conversation might have you looking at some of the left turns you have chosen in your life. Katarina Wallentin is a facilitator, author, and producer, as well as an avid explorer of the magic that is possible when we step out of conclusion and into question, especially with our bodies.

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com

    More with Katarina Wallentin: www.katarinawallentin.com

  • What happens when you allow yourself to tap into and trust your innate knowing? When you move from your Scientific mind to what’s true for you? When you choose things that might go against the norm?

    My guest Emily Evans Russell shares wonderful stories about choices that have taken her to museums in London, turtle beaches, and even traveling to Australia from the United States.

    Learn more about Marilyn Bradford: www.marilynbradford.com

    Explore more with Emily Evans Russell at www.emilyevansrussell.com