To watch all the videos, and join me on the Joy Journey, visit me on the Joy Journey Substack
Welcome to my Joy Journey. A 30 day journey to find more mini moments on joy in my life and encourage others to do the same.
After a break for the flu, I'm on day 10 of my Joy Journey and I talk about something that I have noticed coming up...the curse of overthinking.
Today I breakdown:
a great quote on overthinking that inspired this episode what overthinking is and why we do it the three types of overthinking and how to spot them in yourself. spotting overthinking in a baking show where to go from here.Article I reference today.
And just a reminder, this is the work I do in THRIVE, my 9 month happiness program for women in midlife, and it’s why I have had thousands of clients who have learned how to stop overthinking, build more self-worth, create unshakeable relationships, and walk through this world lighter and happier.
Spots available at ThrivewithKira.com
To watch all the videos, and join me on the Joy Journey, visit me on the Joy Journey Substack
Welcome to my Joy Journey. A 30 day journey to find more mini moments on joy in my life and encourage others to do the same.
I'm on day 8 of my Joy Journey. I check in on how it's going and some of the surprises so far.
But more importantly, today I breakdown the difference between the fixed vs growth mindset and why it matters. I share:
what a mindset is how you got your mindset the difference between the growth and fixed mindset how the fixed mindset stole joy from my life small ways you can start change your mindsetAnd just a reminder, this is the work I do in THRIVE, my 9 month happiness program for women in midlife, and it’s why I have had thousands of clients who have learned how to stop overthinking, build more self-worth, create unshakeable relationships, and walk through this world lighter and happier.
Spots available at ThrivewithKira.com
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Join me on the Joy Journey at my Joy Journey Substack.
Watch the video version here.
Here is the truth. Things have gotten really rough for me.
Between midlife/aging perimenopause, and just THE 🌎 in general, I feel like I am just pushing through and getting by…and it’s not working anymore. I’m not sure that has ever worked. But man that’s what I was taught. Suck it up buttercup and deal.Nope. I know better, so I’m doing something about it.
Welcome to my Joy Journey. A 30 day journey to find more mini moments on joy in my life and encourage others to do the same.
It starts this week (Wed the 21st), and I will be doing one positive psychology activity every day to raise my happiness set point and hopefully inspire others in the process.
Today the podcast is telling you all about the Joy Journey and what this is, why I'm doing it, and how you can be a part of it.
I'm talking about one of my favorite topics today that personally kicked off my self-help journey. Love vs Fear.
Today is a bit fancy because I break the episode down to 3 parts.
The basics behind the concept and the quote that changed my life. A personal story of how I have made decisions out of fear but thought it was love. Four places to spot fear in your life showing up.And a boatload more of sweary genius.
Grab sessions for 50% off through 8/7/24. $99 for 30 minutes and $199 for 60 minutes. Grab one (or a few) here.
Reference Articles
Four types of Fear article
You know all those things you were taught were going to make you happy?
Perfect job, relationship, house, body, etc...that once you had them, you were THEN going to be happy?
Turns out, all BS.
Today on the pod I go to my Happiness Basics and talk about the super interesting theory called the happiness set point. I talk about:
What it is and why it matters Why all the things you are doing ARE NOT going to raise your happiness set point What actually does. Where to get started.Have you checked out THRIVE? A brand new positive psychology program w/retreats for women over 40 to learn the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to thrive in midlife.
Unlearn the beliefs that don’t work anymore, get more joy on a daily basis, regulate your emotions, build deep self-worth, and learn how to feed & move the body you have NOW. Check out all the information here
Article referenced
Ready to jump on a no-pressure call with me to check out Thrive? My new happiness program for women in midlife. Grab a call here.
I mean, what is this fresh hell that is perimenopause? I didn't even know it was a thing until I was smack dab feeling the bullshit symptoms of it.
So, I decided to kick off a whole mini series in our midlife conversations episodes to talk about the mindfuck that is perimenopause & to see if some of the weird shit that you are experiencing is actually tied to hormone changes and perimenopause.Today I talk about:
*My own story with perimenopause...this far.
*Facts and stats about perimenopause that may surprise you.
*My addition of thorough hormone testing & reading that is completely included in the THRIVE program so we can start getting answers and support.
Ready to check out THRIVE? Go here.
Resource Articles for this episode
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Have you checked out Thrive yet? Apply now. This is a part 2. Listen to part 1 first to get the most of this episode. Everybody has stress. It's part of the human experience. But sometimes, that stress seems to NEVER go away and we become chronically stressed or go into "survival mode". Which can bring on a bunch of bullshit that can affect our lives, jobs, relationships, friendships, and even health. Worst part? It makes midlife just that much harder...and midlife is already rough. BUT! You can get out of it! Today on the episode I talk about: Questions to ask yourself to confirm if you are in survival mode. What to start doing to get OUT of survival mode. A bunch of sweary geniusy things.
"Trauma makes assholes out of all of us." - Dr. Stephanie Attwater Everybody has stress. It's part of the human experience. But sometimes, that stress seems to NEVER go away and we become chronically stressed or go into "survival mode". Which can bring on a bunch of bullshit that can affect our lives, jobs, relationships, friendships, and even health. Worst part? It makes midlife just that much harder...and midlife is already rough. BUT! You can get out of it! Today on the episode I talk about: What is survival mode & where it comes from. The 9 signs you might be living in survival mode and what to look for The effects on your life from survival mode. I'll be back with part 2 in a couple of days. From this episode: Comic by Nick Seluk of The Awkward Yeti Resource articles: Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
Cause you and I both know it is rough.
I know not everyone learns best from reading. I don't. So I did a short podcast to tell you all about my brand new program called Thrive that I launched on Friday.
A brand new positive psychology program w/retreats for women over 40 to learn the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to thrive in midlife.
Unlearn the beliefs that don’t work anymore, get more joy on a daily basis, regulate your emotions, build deep self-worth, and learn how to feed & move the body you have NOW.
Because midlife is fucking rough.
If you prefer a video version or are ready to check out the program, head to ThrivewithKira.com
I'm back with part 2 with Can we actually change?
New Thrive Program
Maybe we are at midlife and not too proud of the person we have become, can we actually change it? Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Yup. If you know how to change and as it turns out...we never learned it! In this 2 part episode about changing in midlife (when we are a bit grumpier and stuck in our ways) I'm going to breakdown why we DON'T change. Today I talk about: The mindsets we need for change The different learning gaps that can get in the way. What are the real pieces we need in place for change. How I can help you get thereListen up. It's a good convo.
Maybe we are at midlife and not too proud of the person we have become, can we actually change it? Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
Yup. If you know how to change and as it turns out...we never learned it!
In this 2 part episode about changing in midlife (when we are a bit grumpier and stuck in our ways) I'm going to breakdown why we DON'T change.
I talk about:
My own personal story of how I grew up naive and how I created deep change in my adulthood that I am proud of. The six reasons we don't change and heads up, it has nothing to do with willpower or you being a bad person.Listen up. It's a good convo.
I think the toughest thing about midlife is that at one point we are forced to look at where we are at, what we have created, and think...is this it? Is this life? Is this all there fucking is?
Part 2 of my midlife conversation digs into when we wake up and realize we aren't happy:
What we can focus on that isn't helpful in our lives How our "strong work ethic" can become a word or success addiction Really smart facts that you probably didn't know about thriving in life.Listen up!
Articles referenced:
Being Special vs Happy
If everything is about Work then what is Life? -
I'm doing a new series over the next few days because I want to talk the absolute mindfuck that is midlife. Today I talk about:
The generational trauma that most of us over 40 are now dealing with with personal examples and stories How it is showing up and effecting our lives, happiness, and relationships now and why it mattersAnd a lot of other stuff. 😂
I'll be back tomorrow or Saturday with part 2.
LIsten up!
We all know about red flags, but what about green flags? What we should be looking for while dating. That's what I'm sharing today!
Like this? Take a workshop, do an intensive, & change your life!
Follow Kira & the show on Instagram:
Questions? Email the show at kira@reinventingdating.com
Instagram: @kirasabin
Facebook: @reinventingdatingTikTok: reinventingdatingpod
But it's not NOT about the carriage scene. 😂
Listen to the Bridgerton episodes breakdown on Rom-Com Rescue.
Like this? Take a workshop, do an intensive, & change your life!
Follow Kira & the show on Instagram:
Questions? Email the show at kira@reinventingdating.com
Instagram: @kirasabin
Facebook: @reinventingdatingTikTok: reinventingdatingpod
Check out my "Date Like You F*cking Mean It" Group Workshop for $99! GO here.
Today I talking about the social media conversation around "would you rather be stranded in a forest with a man or a bear?" and what that means for dating.
Date Rape Stats Resources
End the Backlog site.
Tiktoker I reference.
Like this? Take a workshop, do an intensive, & change your life!
Follow Kira & the show on Instagram:
Questions? Email the show at kira@reinventingdating.com
Instagram: @kirasabin
Facebook: @reinventingdatingTikTok: reinventingdatingpod
New podcast is up and it is so juicy with good info that this a two parter! If you missed part one go listen first.
Self-sabotaging in relationships involves engaging in behaviors, either consciously or unconsciously, that lead to the end of a relationship. This might involve pushing the other person away or finding reasons to get out of the relationship. Such behavior often stems from trust issues, past experiences, and poor relationship skills.
Every single day I see singles sabotaging their dates or potential relationships without even knowing!
So I created a list of 10 Anti-Sabotage Guidelines to make sure you are not unconsciously sabotaging yourself and keeping you away from love. I even made you this PDF to download so you don't forget them! Download it here.
Today I breakdown 6-10 and they are GOOD!
New episode is up and it is so juicy with good info there is going to be a part 2 next week!
Self-sabotaging in relationships involves engaging in behaviors, either consciously or unconsciously, that lead to the end of a relationship. This might involve pushing the other person away or finding reasons to get out of the relationship. Such behavior often stems from trust issues, past experiences, and poor relationship skills.
Every single day I see singles sabotaging their dates or potential relationships without even knowing! So I created a list of 10 Anti-Sabotage Guidelines to make sure you are not unconsciously sabotaging yourself and keeping you away from love.
Today I breakdown 1-5 and they are GOOD!
Resources from the episode:
Very Well Mind Article on Self-Sabotage
Mind Body Green Article
Like this? Take a workshop, do an intensive, & change your life!
Follow Kira & the show on Instagram:
Questions? Email the show at kira@reinventingdating.com
Instagram: @kirasabin
Facebook: @reinventingdatingTikTok: reinventingdatingpod
This week I am sharing the intro episode of my brand new podcast Rom-com Rescue! A smart & fun podcast from Couples Therapist, Dr. Isabelle Morley & myself where we teach life lessons from your favorite rom-coms.
We are kicking off the podcast with an intro episode to let you know who we are, our own personal love stories, & why we are doing this podcast.Check out the show, transcriptions, shownotes, resources, & more episodes at romcomrescue.com
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