
  • For the first time ever on Leaders On Purpose Podcast, the host becomes the guest!

    In this special episode, host Manal Bernoussi hands over the mic to her friend—and very first guest of the podcast—Dina Lahlou. Together, they dive into the story behind Leaders On Purpose Podcast: what sparked the idea, why it’s a bilingual platform, and how it has evolved over time. But beyond the podcast, Manal opens up about her own personal growth journey, the challenges she’s faced, and the mindset shifts that shaped her path.

    A candid and heartfelt conversation between two friends about purpose, transformation, and stepping into one’s own voice.

  • Dans cet épisode exceptionnel de Leaders On Purpose Podcast, Manal Bernoussi reçoit M. Ryad Mezzour, Ministre de l’Industrie et du Commerce du Royaume du Maroc. Une conversation authentique autour de son parcours, les lecons de vie qui l'ont marqués, les transformations du Made in Morocco, du leadership et des défis économiques du pays.

    Au programme :
    - Les moments clés qui ont façonné son parcours personnel et professionnel
    - L’évolution de l’image du "Made in Morocco" et la vision du "Invented in Morocco"
    - La gestion des défis économiques et des sceptiques/"Nay Sayers"
    - Les ambitions du Maroc pour la Coupe du Monde 2030
    - Les valeurs essentielles d’un leader et la transmission du patriotisme aux jeunes générations
    - Son conseil aux entrepreneurs

    À découvrir et à partager !
    Pensez à vous abonner, à laisser un commentaire et une note 5⭐️ et à partager l’épisode avec votre réseau.

    📲 Rejoignez la conversation :
    📌 LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/manalbernoussi/
    📌 Instagram : @leadersonpurposepodcast @manalbernoussi

    Un échange inspirant à ne pas manquer ! 🎧

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  • Dans cet épisode en français de Leaders On Purpose Podcast, Manal Bernoussi entame une conversation profonde et inspirante avec Nihal Djebli, auteure du livre "Briser les chaînes, le cadeau de la transformation".

    Hypnothérapeute, maman, dirigeante et entrepreneure, Nihal partage son parcours et les enseignements clés de son premier roman, écrit avec le langage du cœur. Ce livre explore la nécessité de remettre en question les croyances limitantes et d’entamer un chemin de transformation vers sa vérité intérieure.

    Ensemble, elles discutent de personnages universels dans lesquels nous pouvons toutes et tous nous retrouver : Salma face au burnout, Laila face à une injustice professionnelle, Kamal qui hérite d'une entreprise familiale mais sacrifie sa passion, Sara passionnée par son travail, Zayn face aux défis et dégâts de l’ego en entreprise, etc.

    📖 Pour vous procurer le livre "Briser les chaînes" :

    Sur le site officiel : http://www.ladynspire.com Au Maroc, en commande directe via WhatsApp : 0633050282 A l'International : Sur Amazon au lien suivant

    💡 Si cet épisode vous a touché, partagez-le avec vos proches et amis et laissez un commentaire sur Apple Podcast, Spotify et Youtube. Votre soutien permet de faire rayonner ces récits qui font écho en nous tous!

  • Welcome to another heart-to-heart episode of the Leaders On Purpose Podcast! I’m your host, Manal Bernoussi, and today’s episode is a personal one, as we dive into the 12 lessons I’ve learned from 2024—undoubtedly one of the most challenging years of my life.

    Every year, I dedicate time to pause, reflect, and take stock of the moments, lessons, and growth the past year has brought me. This isn’t about resolutions but about integrating life’s wisdom into the way we live. One habit that helps me in this reflective process is something I’ve been doing for years: going through my photo gallery.

    Each photo tells a story—a meaningful moment, a challenge, or a joy—and it helps me process the experiences of the year. By revisiting these captured moments, I ask myself:

    What were the most meaningful experiences this year, and why did they matter? What challenges did I face, and how did I navigate or overcome them? Who or what brought me joy, and how can I nurture those connections?

    This simple yet powerful habit not only helps me document my journey but also allows me to extract lessons that I carry forward into the new year.

    Join me as I share the insights and stories behind these lessons, and I encourage you to reflect on your own year through a similar practice. My hope is that these lessons inspire you to embrace both the highs and the lows, live with intention, and grow into the best version of yourself in the year ahead.

    Call to Action:
    What lessons did 2024 teach you? Take a moment to reflect, revisit your photo gallery, and let those moments guide your intentions for 2025 —I’d love to hear from you!

  • In this solo episode, Manal Bernoussi reflects on her transformative experience at Tony Robbins' Date with Destiny event. After spending six intense days immersed in personal growth, emotional breakthroughs, and life-changing lessons, Manal shares her most significant takeaways, insights, and profound reflections. From being surrounded by like-minded individuals to experiencing deep emotional connections with strangers from all over the world, Manal delves into the transformative power of self-awareness, vulnerability, and action. Tune in to hear how you can harness these lessons for your own personal and leadership journey.

    In this episode, Manal shares:

    The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with High-Energy People: Why the environment we choose plays a crucial role in our growth and success. The Healing Power of Human Connection: Manal shares touching moments from the event, including stories of compassion, kindness, and life-altering transformations. The Role of Emotion in Transformation: How integrating emotions with knowledge leads to true growth and mastery. The Power of Asking Better Questions: How your primary questions shape your life and why shifting your focus can change everything. The Six Human Needs and Their Impact on Our Lives: A breakdown of Tony Robbins’ core theory and how it influences our behavior and relationships. Clarity and Goal-Setting: Why having clear goals is key to unlocking your potential and achieving success. Embracing Duality in Life: A reflection on the balance between light and darkness and how understanding this duality shapes our journey.

    Manal also touches on the importance of embracing challenges, staying true to your intentions, and the importance of focusing on the 99% of positive feedback, rather than the 1% of negativity.

    Links and Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    Follow Manal on Instagram and check the stories she shared from DWD: @manalbernoussi I Am Not Your Guru Netflix Documentary Leaders On Purpose Podcast on YouTube: Leaders On Purpose with Manal Bernoussi

    Subscribe & Review
    Thank you for tuning in to Leaders On Purpose Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast for more insightful episodes and leave a review to share how this content is making a difference in your life. Stay connected for future episodes, and remember to focus on the good, smile more, and laugh often!

  • In this exciting episode of Leaders On Purpose Podcast host Manal Bernoussi sits down with Dr. Fady Hannah-Shmouni, an esteemed endocrinologist and geneticist, to explore the transformative shift from "sickcare" to true "healthcare." Dr. Fady shares invaluable insights on becoming the CEO of your health, emphasizing the importance of managing stress, recognizing early warning signs of disease, and taking proactive steps to enhance energy and well-being.

    As a professor at the University of British Columbia and founder of Healthspan Digital, a cutting-edge longevity tech company, Dr. Fady's passion lies in precision medicine and empowering individuals with advanced technologies to improve their healthspan. Whether you're a health professional or just starting your journey to better health, this episode offers accessible and actionable advice that will inspire you to take control of your health and live your best life.

    Learn more on : www.shmouni.com

  • Deuxième partie de l'échange entre Manal Bernoussi et Ouadih Dada, journaliste, écrivain et présentateur rédacteur en chef du JT de 20h, infosoir sur 2M, la deuxième chaine de télévision nationale au Maroc.

    Pour ecouter la premiere partie, cliquez sur l'episode 45!

  • Dans cet épisode de Leaders On Purpose Podcast, Manal Bernoussi reçoit Ouadih Dada, une figure emblématique du journalisme au Maroc. Écrivain, conférencier et présentateur du JT du 20h infosoir sur 2M, la deuxième chaîne de télévision nationale, Ouadih a intégré 2M en mai 2006 et, en seulement quatre mois, a présenté son tout premier JT.

    Aujourd'hui, avec près de 2500 JT à son actif, il est devenu un visage familier pour des millions de Marocains. Mais au-delà de l’homme médiatique, c'est le fils, le père, le frère aîné, et surtout, l’éternel passionné que nous découvrons aujourd'hui. Un échange riche et authentique à ne pas manquer.

    Si cet épisode vous a inspiré, partagez-le avec vos proches et n'oubliez pas de taguer @ManalBernoussi et @OuadihDada sur les réseaux pour qu'ils puissent vous remercier et interagir avec vous. Vos retours sont précieux, alors rejoignez la conversation et faites part de vos réflexions et impressions. #LeadersOnPurposePodcast #LifelongLearning #PersonalGrowth

  • In this episode of Leaders On Purpose Podcast, host Manal Bernoussi focuses on the vital topic of getting back on track after life's inevitable setbacks. No matter how strong or prepared we may feel, life has its way of throwing challenges our way.

    Manal reminds us that resilience is key, encapsulated by the quote, "It's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up." This powerful message highlights the importance of not just facing our setbacks but learning from them, mending our wounds, and moving forward with renewed strength and determination.

    Throughout the episode, Manal shares valuable insights on embracing the lessons that come from hardships and using them as opportunities for growth. She emphasizes that falling down is a natural part of life, but our true strength lies in our ability to rise again.

    With practical advice and motivational guidance, this episode encourages listeners to navigate their challenges and find their way back on track, stronger and more resilient than before.

    Join the conversation and share with us your thoughts on Linkedin or Instagram: @manalbernoussi

  • In this heartfelt episode of Leaders On Purpose Podcast, host Manal Bernoussi shares her personal journey of navigating grief after the loss of her father. With raw vulnerability and profound insight, she explores the complexities of loss, the journey of healing, and the enduring impact of love. Manal offers listeners a beacon of hope and a roadmap for finding solace amidst the pain of loss.

    We look forward to hearing from you and encourage you to share your own experiences of grief and loss in the comments of the related posts in Instagram or Linkedin @manalbernoussi. Or tag us on your stories and we'll reply to you the same day.

    Please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help reach others who may need and benefit from this important discussion.

  • Professeure Rajaa Cherkaoui est une pionnière dans le domaine de la physique nucléaire.

    Ses contributions notables dans des domaines aussi variés que la physique médicale, les hautes énergies et les applications nucléaires ont laissé une empreinte indélébile.

    Reconnue à l'échelle mondiale pour son expertise, elle a reçu de nombreux prix et distinctions, dont le prestigieux prix L'Oréal-UNESCO "Women in Science" et le classement des "50 over 50" de Forbes magazine.

    Dans cet épisode intimiste, nous passons en revue les moments clés qui ont marqué son parcours, les personnes qui l'ont inspirée, les croyances limitantes qu'il a fallu dépasser, les leçons de vie qui l'ont marqués...et bien plus encore.

    Un mot d'ordre à retenir: Ne Cherchez Pas La Perfection, Foncez !

    Plus d'informations sur les intrépides :

    Site web : https://www.intrepides.org/ Page Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lesintrepides_lwa3rate?igsh=MTBlbzFna2JwNHRidA== Lien vers lieux de vente : https://www.intrepides.org/#vente

    Rejoignez la conversation sur Linkedin et Instagram, contactez nous :

    Rajaa Cherkaoui : Linkedin et Instagram @manalbernoussi Manal Bernoussi : Linkedin et Instagram @rajaa.cherkaoui
  • Rania is a Palestinian American, constantly fighting for the humanity that unites us all. She has forged a life path as a voice for the silenced. Whether it’s raising up the issues of gun violence, climate change, immigration, women’s issues, or foreign policy, she fully invests her heart in every endeavor.

    For over twenty years, Rania has been lending her expertise across political, non-profit, and corporate spheres. She notably worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 run for US president.

    Rania has received many accolades and awards for her work, including the “Exceptional Women of Excellence” award presented by the World Economic Forum and the “Woman of Purpose” award presented by the Purpose Project.

    In this episode, we explore the battleground that is advocacy, where some choose to take a stance against conventional views and challenge powerful structures. Rania sheds light on how this important trait of #leadership, often involves taking a stand and embracing uncomfortable conflict as a means to drive positive change.

    We talk about the courage needed and the responsibilities that come with the opportunity to ignite change, even in the corporate world, to align business actions with proclaimed values, and to bridge the gap between words and actions.

    This conversation is a blueprint for how individuals and corporations alike can leverage their #power and #influence for the #greatergood, crafting a legacy that extends well beyond the confines of personal achievement.

    Connect with us on Linkedin or Instagram, we'd love to hear from you.

    Share this episode and tag us on.


    Rania: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rania-batrice-b9b67932/ Manal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manalbernoussi/


    Rania: https://www.instagram.com/rbatrice/ Manal: https://www.instagram.com/manalbernoussi/
  • In the inaugural episode of 2024, Manal takes the opportunity for a reflective solo session, sharing insights gained from the challenges and triumphs of the past year.

    Stressing the significance of retrospection, she encourages listeners to document their journeys, fostering self-compassion and growth.

    The episode unfolds with twelve valuable life lessons from 2023, ranging from being mindful of energy exchanges with others to the power of storytelling, embracing spiritual practices during trauma, and the importance of prioritizing self-care. She emphasizes the role of intentions over resolutions, shares her personal intention for the year and concludes with a heartfelt reminder of the transformative power of service and gratitude.

    As the podcast enters its third year, Manal invites listeners to participate by leaving reviews and shares warm wishes for the upcoming year, expressing excitement for the shared journey ahead in 2024.

    12 Lessons Learned (or Reaffirmed) in 2023 :

    1. **Be Conscious of Energy Exchanges:** Recognize and manage relationships by identifying energy givers and drainers, setting boundaries, and surrounding yourself with those who uplift and support.

    2. **See the World Through Stories:** Understand the profound impact of storytelling on shaping perceptions, emotions, and responses, and choose narratives that promote hope, compassion, and a sense of purpose.

    3. **Turn to Spiritual Practices Amidst Trauma:** Embrace spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or connecting with nature during ongoing trauma, finding refuge and hope in shared narratives through practices like narrative therapy.

    4. **Release Self-Judgment:** Allow vulnerability and openness by sharing your truth with trusted individuals, acknowledging that self-judgment is common, and creating a soft place to land in challenging times.

    5. **You Can't Please Everyone:** Accept that, despite good intentions, criticism and negativity may arise. Invest deeply in relationships with those who truly know and support you, gaining perspective and understanding.

    6. **Purify Your Intentions:** Regularly assess and purify your intentions, understanding that they serve as the compass guiding your journey, influencing how you navigate life's challenges.

    7. **Schedule Big Dreams and Invest in Growth:** Act on persistent thoughts and dreams, scheduling experiences, travel, and personal growth opportunities. Share these memories and experiences with others.

    8. **Be Patient During Personal Growth:** Understand the importance of patience when undergoing significant personal changes, allowing yourself time and grace to evolve into the person you aspire to become.

    9. **Life's 3 Choices: Accept, Change, or Leave:** Recognize that when faced with challenges, you have three choices – accept the situation, work to change it, or decide to leave. Understand that persisting in unchangeable circumstances can lead to madness.

    10. **Mind Your Mental Diet:** Proactively feed your mind with positive thoughts, eliminating mindless scrolling on social media and surrounding yourself with content that elevates and empowers.

    11. **Prioritize Self-Care:** Acknowledge that prioritizing your emotional, spiritual, and physical health is not selfish. Recognize that taking care of yourself enables you to be more present and supportive for others.

    12. **Set Powerful Intentions:** Replace rigid resolutions with powerful intentions that guide your actions and mindset toward desired outcomes, providing clarity without limiting possibilities. Manal shares her personal intention for the year – expansion – and encourages listeners to share their intentions as well.

  • In this captivating episode of the 'Leaders On Purpose Podcast with Manal Bernoussi', our host Manal is joined by Camilia Berrada, a thought leader in the field of personal development. They explore the transformative power of personal development in cultivating purpose-driven leadership. Engaging in enlightening conversation, they delve deep into the concept of authenticity and its pivotal role in inspiring organizational change and personal growth. Listen to this episode as they draw insights from leaders like Kumi Naidu, renowned activist and former Secretary-General of Amnesty International, shedding light on the essence of personal development and leadership.

    The podcast takes a holistic view of a leader’s journey- from corporate life in often taxing environments to entrepreneurship, underlining the significance of aligning an individual's passion and purpose with their professional endeavors. How can leaders foster a nurturing environment that helps individuals thrive and create a legacy of impact? 

    This episode introspectively explores the concept of freedom and its evolving understanding in the personal and professional realm. Camilia and Manal unearth the notion of inner freedom which demands courage to confront inner resistance, elucidating how discomfort can be transformed into a source of strength and resilience.


    00:03:08: Camilia's personal development journey

    00:09:03: Tensions in corporate life

    00:09:17: Millenial's and GenZ's quest for purpose

    00:13:28: The meaning of freedom in corporate and entrepreneurial worlds

    00:25:51: Understanding One's Purpose

    00:33:55: Victim Mindset and Taking Responsibility

    00:41:48: Saboteurs, Positive Intelligence, and Mindset Growth

    00:48:03: The Power of Possibility and The Danger of Dimming One's Light

    00:50:52: Balancing Empathy and Authentic Expression

    00:51:56: Tips for Starting Off the New Year

    00:52:56: Envisioning Your Future Self

    Connect with Camilia and Manal on :

    Instagram : @CamiliaBerrada and @ManalBernoussi Linkedin : Camilia Berrada and Manal Bernoussi
  • Abdou Souleye Diop est associé gérant du cabinet Mazars au Maroc et membre du board de Mazars pour l’Afrique et le Moyen Orient.

    Née à Dakar, élevé en Inde et en Malaisie, c’est au Maroc qu’il choisit de poser ses valises. Depuis plus de 30 ans, il a su se bâtir une réputation solide qui lui ouvre les portes au plus haut niveau et le fait côtoyer les élites du continent africain. Sans cesse entre deux avions, il parcourt l’Afrique plus de 200 jours par an. Au Maroc, Abdou Souleye Diop est incontournable dès lors que l’on s’intéresse à l’économie du pays et au développement de son secteur privé sur le continent. Passant sans problème du français à la "darija", l’arabe dialectal du Royaume, le plus marocain des Sénégalais rejoint en 2015 le conseil d’administration de la confédération patronale marocaine, la CGEM, dont il devient président de la commission Afrique.

    Dans cet épisode fascinant, explorez les moments déterminants de son parcours, notamment l'influence de son mentor, feu Abdelkader Masnaoui, fondateur du cabinet Masnaoui Mazars. Découvrez ses choix, ses convictions, et sa vision inspirante pour la jeunesse africaine. Abdou partage également des leçons tirées de ses erreurs, son secret pour batir un réseau de qualité...faisant de cet épisode un véritable trésor de sagesse et d'inspiration.

    Ne le manquez pas ! 🎙️ #LeadersOnPurposePodcast #Inspiration

    Contactez Manal et Abdou sur Linkedin ou Instragram:


    Abdou Souleye Diop: Cliquez ici Manal Bernoussi : Cliquez ici


    @abdou_souleye_diop @manalbernoussi
  • On 8 September, at 11:11 pm local time, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit central Morocco. Its epicentre was in the High Atlas Mountains, southwest of Marrakesh city. This is considered the most powerful earthquake in a century to strike Morocco.

    The King of Morocco Mohamed VI has called for 3 days of mourning. Over 2000 people lost their lives and as many people are seriously injured.

    In the wake of these tragic circumstances, Leaders On Purpose Podcast is uniting with the relief efforts.

    My hope is that this episode offers a sense of relief to those who may need it and inspires many more to join the collective efforts today.
    I hope this provides a space for you to acknowledge the heavy emotions we are all experiencing; it can be overwhelming at times, and it's important to recognize that.

    Moroccan people are strong. Moroccan people are resilient and the one thing that is deeply rooted in our DNA is our sense of solidarity.

    Now is the time for us all to honor and rise up to the legacy left by our ancestors. Together, we will rebuild again.

    Call to action:

    Morocco has released information regarding the bank account the country will be using to collect contributions and donations for people affected by Friday’s devastating earthquake.

    Those in Morocco seeking to send relief contributions to the bank can do so on account number 126 at the following RIB: 001-810-0078000201106203-18.

    People outside Morocco seeking to contribute through financial donations can do so via IBAN: MA64001810007800020110620318.

    Ndir Lkhir is a non profit organization that I have been working with for many years now. I can testify to their seriousness and commitment to making a positive impact in our community.
    Send me a DM on Linkedin or Instagram, join us as we prepare relief packages at Ndir Lkhir warehouse.

    Lets connect! https://linktr.ee/manalbernoussi

  • In this episode, Aviva Steinberger takes us through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, sharing her insights on embracing authenticity, cultivating meaningful change, and finding balance across different aspects of life. Through her journey, Aviva inspires us to unleash our full potential and live with purpose.

    Aviva Steinberger is the Director of Innovation Diplomacy at Start-Up Nation Central. In May 2023, SNC co-hosted with their Moroccan partner CPR, a 3 day event at Marrakesh which brought together women from Bahrain, Benin, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, the United States, and others, focused on the shared challenges faced in the Middle East and Africa. In 2009, Aviva was the Director of World Trade Center Business Recovery and Industry Development at the NY State Governor’s office responsible for the economic development and recovery efforts to revitalize lower Manhattan after 9/11, allocating $800M in funds to more than 14,000 businesses.

    Aviva’s experience in business, government and non-profit helped to forge her passion for collaborating across boundaries and appreciate the potential of unlikely partnerships.


    Check out episode 32 "I am Remarkable" with Dona Raz Levy from Google! Also do not miss episode 6 "Embracing the Power Of Vulnerability"

    Let's connect- Contact us on Linkedin or Instagram:

    Aviva on Linkedin Manal on Linkedin and instagram (@manalbernoussi). More info on Women Connect to Innovate here. You can find photos from the experience on my instagram account.
  • Recently, I asked you on Instagram about what life situations you were struggling with the most. In this episode, we delve deeper into these life situations, we uncover that at the core, there's a common thread of fear. Fear of not being enough, fear of not being loved, fear of missing out or not being valued...

    Those negative feelings can usually be traced back to one of 3 core fears. 1- Fear of failure, 2-Fear of success, 3- Fear of judgement.

    When you overlap all 3 circles, at the center, is self doubt... We're on this journey together. Let's dive in!

  • Dand cet épisode, j’ai le grand plaisir d’accueillir M. Mohamed Horani, Président du Conseil d’Administration du Groupe HPS. Consul Honoraire de Singapour à Casablanca et membre du Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental au Maroc. M. Horani a fondé en 1995 la société Hightech Payment Systems (HPS) qu’il a dirigée en tant que Président Directeur Général jusqu'à fin 2021. Précurseur de l’expansion de la monétique au Maroc, il a réussi à faire de cette entreprise cotée en bourse un fleuron de l’économie marocaine et un acteur majeur international de l’industrie du paiement électronique. En 2013, M. Horani a été décoré par Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI du Wissam Al Moukafaa Al Watania de l'Ordre de grand officier.

    Une success story 100% marocaine. HPS opère dans 90 pays et compte près de 1000 collaborateurs présents à Casablanca, Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Dubaï et Singapour.

    Comment l'idée de HPS a-t-elle germé au tout début ? Qui sont les personnes qui l'ont inspiré ? Quelle est sa définition du succès ? ...et bien d'autres choses encore. Une conversation à ne surtout pas rater !

    Rejoignez la conversation sur Linkedin et instagram @manalbernoussi

  • The word gratitude is one of those words that are often overused, especially in cultures like ours where we find ourselves using it automatically in almost each interaction.

    In this episode, we delve into the Power Of Gratitude, highlighting its ability to shift perspectives, elevate energy, and rewire the brain.

    We touch on obstacles that get in our way and uncover examples of toxic gratitude, when we practice it the wrong way.

    We get into how we can find gratitude in challenging times and when expectations go unmet.

    Join the conversation on Instagram and Linkedin @manalbernoussi. I look forward to connecting with you, hearing what resonated the most. Share on your stories and tag me, I'd love to know!


    Professor Robert Emmons, find his work and research on gratitude here Dr Scott Barry Kauffman


    Introduction to the episode and acknowledgement of schedule challenges and life adjustments. Emphasis on the importance of commitment, consistency, and balancing multiple roles. Reassurance of dedication to providing valuable content for personal growth and leadership journeys.

    [The Concept of Gratitude]

    Highlighting the overuse of the word "gratitude" in society, often without a deep understanding. Emphasizing the significance of practicing gratitude in challenging times, not just when things are going well. Exploring the transformative power of gratitude in changing perspectives and personal energy. Mentioning the impact of gratitude on personal vibration and the energy exchanged with the world.

    [Practicing Gratitude in Difficult Situations]

    Acknowledging upcoming holidays and potential stress triggers during family gatherings. Discussing the human tendency to focus on what is wrong and the need to shift towards what is right. Sharing Tony Robbins' quote: "What is wrong is always available. But so is what is right!" Encouraging a focus on gratitude for what one has rather than fixating on what is missing or challenging. Citing psychologist Robert Emmons and his research on gratitude's ability to rewire the brain and shift focus to the positive.

    [Obstacles to Gratitude]

    Exploring three common obstacles to gratitude: ego or entitlement, resentment, and cynicism. Highlighting cynicism as an underrated obstacle that can hinder genuine gratitude. Discussing how expectations of negativity can block gratitude and limit possibilities.

    [Toxic Gratitude]

    Introducing the concept of toxic gratitude and its misuses. Providing examples of toxic gratitude: grandstanding the positive while ignoring the negative, using gratitude to shame or manipulate others, and using gratitude as a justification to stay in an unhappy situation. Encouraging genuine gratitude that acknowledges both positive and negative aspects of life.


    Reiterating the profound impact of genuine gratitude on well-being and decision-making. Stating the importance of fostering a healthy work environment through open communication and empathy. Reminding that gratitude can be a catalyst for positive change and personal growth. Closing remarks and invitation to subscribe, leave comments and reviews for the podcast.