I have been teaching the Daf for nearly 40 years. I get up at 3:30 am to prep and share the Shiur at 5:30.
The Shiur keeps things short and simple and you can expect to also learn more about real-life learnings from the Talmud (with some baseball knowledge as well).
If you are just starting the Daf or thinking of joining, I highly recommend you spend 2 minutes reading below.
Initiated by Rav Meir Shapiro back in 1923, the completion of each cycle has included more and more participants every cycle, so that today perhaps 100,000 or more Jews around the world have actually studied all 2,711 Dapim during this cycle. This milestone is truly remarkable in the annals of world projects. It is a tribute to Rav Shapiro that his initiative has continued to grow almost a century after it began. Being involved with Daf Hayomi for over forty years myself, here are some of my observations regarding this important and life-changing project:
1. Anyone can partake, scholar or otherwise. No background education is necessary to study Torah.
2. Don’t be reticent to start out of fear of not being able to commit to completing 7 and ½ years of Cycle 14, beginning this coming Sunday. Even studying one day is better than not at all. Even coming late to a shiur is worthwhile; you can learn something from every line of the Talmud.
3. There is no need to start at the beginning of a tractate. Any day that you study, either online, in person, on the phone, or on your own with a translated Talmud, you will derive spiritual and intellectual benefit.
4. Rav Sabato explains that the Daf Hayomi has three great qualities: completion - if you can make it through 7.5 years; regularity - you are forced to do something every day; and partnership – the great feeling of partaking in project together with tens of thousands of others.
5. It is important to study the current day’s Daf on that day, because the Siyata Dishmaya, Heavenly aid, for multitudes is greater than for the individual, just as prayer in a quorum of ten brings the Shchina (Heavenly Countenance) to us. If you fall behind, still try to learn the scheduled day’s Daf on that day.
6. Some feel that a Daf per day is too fast and superficial to absorb all intricacies of the Talmud, and they are better off studying the Talmud more slowly and in greater depth. But will they be studying every day with the same drive that the Daf Hayomi forces upon us, with no breaks for Shabbat, fast days, weddings, Bar Mitzvah’s, and other commitments that take up our time?
7. Someone once boasted to a rabbi that he had gone through the entire Shas. The rabbi replied, “but has Shas gone through you?” Try to apply something you learn each day into your practical daily life.
8. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t keep it up or can’t attend each day. Do your best, and you will gain from every word you absorb. Think of this: if you don’t do Daf Hayomi, how will you be spending your time instead? You will never regret studying Daf Hayomi, but you may regret not trying.
9. Do this for yourself, not to gain approbation or appreciation from others. Then you will never be disappointed.
10. I can be reached at [email protected]. Good luck and happy learning! -
Tehillim (Psalms) Series with Rabbi Yosef Mitzrachi As of 2011 Rabbi Mizrachi has spoke in more than 4000 lectures, participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows, and others in English and Hebrew. These events have affected the lives of thousands of Jews which became observance of Torah and Mitzvohs. In 2004 Rabbi Mizrachi started a very successful website called that contains hundreds of lectures and videos in English and Hebrew.
There are literally thousands of Baaley Teshuva from all the activities, many of them learning Torah in some of the best Yeshivas in Israel and the USA. -
This is a weekly chabura on erev Shabbos. We are learning chelek aleph of Nesivos Shalom. It covers the most essential and foundational topics in yiddishket and how to practically live by them.
The sefer Nesivos Shalom is one of the most popular Seforim in the world. Most people learn the Slonimer Rebb’s Torah on the Parsha and Moadim. However, he also wrote Seforim on foundational topics in Yiddishkeit. Emunah, Bitachon, Dveykus, and Purifying one’s Middos are a sample of these topics. In this series we’re working on purifying our middos.
If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected]
Check out the other chaburas
Nesivos Shalom - Shabbos
Likutei Moharan - Rebbe Nachman
Niggun Chabura
Bitachon For Real
The Holy Book Club
Iyun Nafshi -
Welcome to -The Midrash: Examining Ethics & Philosophy - podcast series, where the vibrant tapestry of Jewish tradition comes to life! Whether you're a seasoned scholar or a curious explorer delving into this captivating world, join us on an enriching journey through the classic Midrashic texts.
🔍 Curated Segments: Carefully selected segments from the Midrash cater to a diverse audience, offering something compelling for everyone interested in Jewish ethics, philosophy, polemics, and stories.
⌛ Concise Insights: Explore complex and thought-provoking topics in Jewish thought through succinct explanations. From ancient heroes' tales to profound theological concepts, our series provides accessible insights for all listeners.
🧩 Modular Learning: Tailored to your interests and knowledge level, easily pick and choose episode topics that resonate with you. Dive into specific themes or stories that captivate your curiosity.
🌍 Multilingual Content: Experience the richness of the original Ancient Hebrew texts while following along with our comprehensive English explanations.
🗓️ Aligned with the Weekly Parsha Cycle: Stay synchronized with your weekly study schedule as our episodes align with the weekly Parsha, providing timely wisdom exactly when you seek it.
📪 Engage & Interact: Be an active part of our community! Submit questions and share comments, enriching your learning experience and fostering engaging discussions.
“The expounders of verses say: Do you wish to recognize the One who spoke and brought the world into being? Learn Aggadah”
- Sifrie, Eikev 49
Don’t miss out! Subscribe to the podcast and leave a review if you enjoy the captivating insights and stories we share. Thank you for being part of our journey! -
La parasha de la semaine par Joshua Fitoussi d'Olami Marseille
Chaque semaine, Joshua explore un thème de la parasha de manière simple et humoristique.
Un cours écrit par Eliahou Assoun, produit par Olami Marseille
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Olami Marseille, l'association de la jeunesse juive à Marseille
de 18 à 30 ans, étudiants, jeunes actifs, jeunes couples, tout le monde a sa place au sein d'Olami Marseille.
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le judaïsme, la culture juive, la torah, et nos activités, nous vous proposons une série de contenus en podcast et sur notre chaîne YouTube
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
This energizing podcast with Rabbi Nachum Albin will be enjoyed by those looking to develop their understanding and appreciation for the meaning of the Siddur.
Rabbi Nachum's experience teaching at all levels ensures that this podcast is approachable to those who've never participated in formal Jewish prayer, as well as containing fresh perspectives for synagogue veterans.
It's especially appreciated by those who are familiar with the routine, but not the meanings of the Tifilot (prayers). -
Je m'appelle Ben, je vis à Londres et je vous propose d'apprendre l'anglais avec moi.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Le podcast qui va t' apprendre l'anglais pour voyager. Adeline et Régis t'apprendront les bases de l'anglais, du vocabulaire sur des thèmes liés au voyage et à la vie quotidienne, mais aussi plein d'autres astuces pour améliorer ton anglais et quelques anecdotes de voyage. Prêt(e)?! C'est parti! Tu peux soutenir le podcast via le lien suivant :
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Correctrice au journal "Le Monde" et auteure de "Au bonheur des fautes", Muriel Gilbert manie la langue française et les mots avec une grande agilité. Dans ce podcast, elle vous fait découvrir la signification d'une expression, son origine et surtout son bon usage. A retrouver chaque samedi et dimanche dans RTL Matin.
Un voyage au coeur de mon univers de sorcière multi-casquette.
Je propose d'échanger ensemble autour de la spiritualité, de développement personnel, de l'énergétique, des questions existencielles et des médecines alternatives.
Seule ou accompagnée, je cherche à vulgariser et à simplifier les thèmes que TU choisis pour te donner pleins d'astuces dans ta vie de sorcière et de sorcier moderne.
Es tu prêt(e) à partager avec légèreté, authenticité et gaieté ?
Découvre mon univers : (
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance! (
The plot of the play is simple. Valerie, our French tutor, gives one-on-one lessons to beginner students. Valerie has three rules for her students:
1. Complete the assigned lesson on the website and memorize new vocabulary on the flashcards before coming in for one-on-one studies.
2. You can talk about anything, as long as you employ grammar introduced in the lesson.
3. Don't be afraid to switch to English if you don’t know how to say something in French - but switch back to French as soon as you can!
Follow our heroes from Act 1, with conversation mostly in English, to Act 30, where they speak mostly French!
Together with Valerie's colorful students, you will learn the fundamentals of French grammar and expressions. Your vocabulary will expand rapidly and naturally, and your comprehension skills will improve dramatically.
Enjoy the characters, their secrets, desires, and motivations to learn French! Follow the 3 Valerie’s rules and learn with our students, Michelle, Jack, and Kevin! Bon voyage!