There are 7 easy and effective ways to integrate Instagram Stories to your doTERRA business.
1. Show Your Product in Action
2. Use Pictures and Videos
3. Inspire Others Through Your Stories
4. Use Tags and Links
5. Engage the Community
6. Commemorate Holidays and Events
7. Highlight Others
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5 Principles to share doTERRA using social media in a fun and simple way.
1. Connect with people authentically and sincerely
2. Ask for Permission
3. Be Interesting
4. Be a Solutions Provider
5. Enroll Successfully
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room. To create a perfect business brand:
• Know who you are
• Know what message you want to send out
• Know who you want to attract
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Basic and Additional Tips and strategies on Placement
• Understanding where your person will thrive best
• Build security and strength in all levels of your leadership legs
• Try to Use the Power of 3 as a basic guideline for structuring
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Track your financial growth through effectively using commission reports.
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Access your team effectively by optimizing your Graphic Tree!
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There are different resources that you can access in your Back Office.
1. Our Advocate Tab. This tool provides available information including class kits, eBooks, flyers, and class presentations.
2. Empower Success Tab. The education portion that features tools and resources to help you be successful in your doTERRA business.
3. Dashboard Tab.
Another helpful tool under your back office is the Genealogy which allows viewing of and managing people under your team.
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Trust the process and keep your eyes ahead to achieve the next rank!
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Residual income is financial and time freedom. With doTERRA, there are 4 methods to earn a residual income, to replace, and multiply your income. These are:
1. Leadership Bonus
2. Unilevel Bonus
3. Power of 3 Bonus
4. Fast Start Bonus
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Sharing doTERRA has a number of benefits, including:
• Empowering ourselves and family
• Earn free products
• Build financial pipeline
• Create residual income
Some examples of bonuses you can earn to help you create a residual income are Fast Start and Power of 3 Bonuses.
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Tips and recommendations to Find and empower builders are:
• Start looking for builders among your existing customers and prospects.
• Identify who are committed business builders and capable.
• Familiarize with the characteristics of the people we are looking for.
• Continue to check in to those prospects who might not be ready yet.
• Let the pages of the Build guide invite the right conversations.
• Ensure that new builders go through the entire Launch Guide and complete Launch Overview.
• Conduct Success Check-ins with new builders.
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Use enrollees' first 14 days to learn all you can and then make the best placement decisions. Here are helpful placement tips to follow.
• Place each new enrollee where they will best thrive and be supported.
• Choose long-term vision and success over short-term needs.
• Sponsorship can be changed one time within their first 14 days.
• Consult with your upline mentor for placement strategy support.
• Keep long-term goals in mind when placing new enrollees and building team structure.
• Understand the basic difference between the Enroller and Sponsor.
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The main reasons for conducting a lifestyle overview are:
• Help new members use the products they have
• Help them create a customized daily wellness plan
• Help them maximize their membership through LRP
• Connect them to more resources
• Make sure that they know all of the possibilities open to them
The four steps to holding a successful Lifestyle Overview
1. Introduce doTERRA Lifestyle and Wellness Pyramid
2. Wellness Consult
3. Connect to Education and Community
4. New Member Follow-Up
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The 2 components of a successful follow up are :
1. Being consistent
2. Making it personal
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Enrolling is the climax of the presentation. The steps to help you get people to enroll are:
1. Give two kit options to choose from. Be very clear and cover what the kit contains and how much it is.
2. Mention any enrollment special that is going on.
3. Let them know that they can add single items for a specific purchase. Have a reference guide available for them to look things up.
4. Invite them to choose the kit best for their family.
5. Invite them to turn to the enrollment forms, explain Wholesale Customer vs. Wellness Advocate, instruct on how to fill theirs out.
Here are some Tips to motivate people to enroll.
• Encourage prospects to purchase a kit so they have multiple products on hand, not just one or two things.
• Share what you love about the kit you feel is best for them.
• Connect everything back to their health priorities and how the kits are designed to provide specific support.
• The confused mind says no. Avoid showing an excess number of items. Show a few, offer a special, and keep it simple.
• Enroll most everyone as a Wholesale Customer. Enroll those who want to share or build as a Wellness Advocate.
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Listen to Betty Torres as she shares her doTERRA story and use this example to help you create your own.
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The Share guide outlined questions that will help you remember and craft your doTERRA story. Take the time to answer these questions and memorize your answers, so you can always be ready to deliver a message to someone else.
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There are 3 Steps to holding a Successful doTERRA Class.
1. Preparation. Set the environment 30 minutes before guests arrive. Sample guests ahead of time, and give guests an oil experience as they arrive.
2. Holding an Effective Presentation. For an effective presentation, keep it concise, within an hour. For the first 15 minutes, meet and greet, welcome them, give oil experience, simple refreshments. For the next 30-45 minutes teach the class using a teaching sheet. Then, personalize the class to attendees' needs and help attendees feel guided and supported.
3. Keep Classes on Your Calendar. Book a class from a class an invite new enrollees to an upcoming class to continue their product education.
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The different ways you can present the doTERRA message are through:
• One-On-One
• Classes
• Webinars
• Videos
• Social Media.
Presentations can happen in
• Your Home
• Shop
• Office.
Steps on Conducting a Product Presentation
1. Make a Connection
2. State Your Intention
3. Talk About What Are Essential Oils, Why DoTERRA is Different, and their Health Priorities.
4. Teach About Lifestyle and doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack.
5. Explain Membership Options.
Steps on Doing a Business Presentation
1. State Your Inetention
2. Talk about the difference between Hauling Buckets Vs. Building Pipelines
3. Discuss about Why DoTERRA and what it takes to do the business
4. Go into their next steps.
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The four tips for getting people to say yes are:
1. Strengthen Relationships and Connect Everywhere You Go
2. Let Them Know the Value of Investing Their Time
3. Be Clear on What You Are Inviting Them to Do
4. Give People Two Time Options
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