Larry Kreider welcomes Deryl Hurst and Wes Dudley back to the studio to share their personal journey of working together as a senior leader and executive pastor. Deryl and Wes highlight the essential qualities of humility, honoring others, and empowering and releasing leaders while offering practical suggestions for creating a personal plan of development for your team members.
Quotable Quotes:
“Different personalities on a team are a blessing!”“As we release others, there’s always something more that God has for us.”Highlights:
It is vital for the senior leader to cultivate a safe environment where other team members feel empowered and secure to openly communicate their feelings and insights.Maintaining mutual respect and honor, even in the presence of conflict and differing opinions, is important.2 Corinthians 10:13-17Releasing your team to walk in their spheres of ministry without micromanaging is key to fostering a healthy relationship and promoting the growth of leaders.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
DOVE Westgate ChurchPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership: Biblical Insights for Leaving a Legacy of Leadership & Influence by Larry KreiderThe 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. MaxwellDOVE Global Leadership & Ministry SchoolRelated Resources:
The Biblical Role of Elders for Today’s Church by Larry Kreider, Ron Myer, Steve Prokopchak, and Brian SauderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Larry Kreider is joined in the studio by Tom Barnett and Dave Smith, who discuss the process, lessons, and practical advice they gained from their successful succession experience at DOVE Christian Fellowship Elizabethtown. Tune in to hear the wisdom they share from their personal stories and the godly insights they have gained through their journey.
Quotable Quotes:
“It is the process, not the end which is glorifying to God.” —Oswald ChambersHighlights:
Leaders considering succession should start preparing and reflecting on not just what God has in store for their church or ministry, but also for themselves in the upcoming season.Ensuring clear and consistent communication with your eldership team and congregation is essential to foster their support. This helps your team and congregations acclimate to and take ownership of the changes that succession will bring.The preparation process—both personally and within their current position—is highly crucial for the individual stepping into the role as the new leader.Having a succession plan provides a safety net for both the congregation and the leaders involved.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
DOVE Christian Fellowship ElizabethtownNext: Pastoral Succession That Works by William Vanderbloemen and Warren Bird“Transition Markers for Leaders” by Keith YoderRelated Resources:
Succeeding at Succession: Founder and Leadership Succession in Christian Organizations and Movements by Peter Bunton“Dr. Peter Bunton on Succeeding at Succession”Navigating Leadership Succession bookletFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
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In this week's episode, Larry Kreider and Merle Shenk highlight the powerful impact of catalytic relationships, demonstrating how God uses these relationships to achieve more than you ever thought possible. With practical life stories and biblical examples, Larry and Merle encourage you to identify, value, and invest in those called to walk together with you in your life and ministry.
Quotable Quotes:
"You can do more together than you can do by yourself."“Don’t do it alone. Find others who have the same heart and same call that you have and together you can do so much more."Highlights:
Luke 10 Matthew 18:20When you find a catalytic relationship, pay special attention, and make room for it, as this can cause an environment where God can move supernaturally in special ways.Don’t overlook the key people God will add to your life to help you along the way. Take time to cultivate these relationships.We often think that people should and will think like us, but usually the people that God connects us with are those who have gifts and callings that are different to our own. Catalytic relationships can provide invaluable support during challenging times, as they involve knowing and understanding one another on a personal level. By praying together, opening up and sharing your vulnerabilities, these relationships can help you navigate and overcome difficult situations.Related Resources:
DOVE InternationalThe Merle Shenk PodcastFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Deryl Hurst and Wes Dudley, pastors at DOVE Westgate Church, join Larry Kreider to share valuable insights into identifying, nurturing, and equipping young leaders. Drawing from their personal experiences, Deryl and Wes provide practical and biblical wisdom on developing leaders to walk in the full potential of their God-given callings.
Quotable Quotes:
“Many people go into ministry with the combination of a calling and a gift. [However], it doesn’t take long until they become enamored by their gift and forget their calling.”“God often qualifies the called more than he calls the qualified.”Highlights:
Look for quality young people to affirm and call out their positive character traits and giftings.As a leader, it’s important to identify potential new leaders, cast vision to them, equip them, and resource and develop them.Be careful of becoming enamored by a person’s charisma and perceived anointing. First, look for character, spiritual depth, and a heart to serve.2 Kings 2A healthy environment for raising leaders should be tailored more like a garden for them to learn and grow rather than like a factory that manufactures leaders.Create opportunities for young people to get involved and serve who have grown up in your church and are familiar with your church’s particular DNA and culture.Mark 3:13-14Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
DOVE Westgate ChurchDOVE Global Leadership & Ministry SchoolFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
What does it truly mean to make disciples? Join Larry Kreider and Merle Shenk as they discuss the significance of discipleship, share practical tools they have learned, and how having a heart to release and empower those you are walking with is a key for healthy disciple-making.
2 Timothy 2:2Matthew 28:19-20 One type of spiritual parenting is based on control, and one is based on releasing. Desire to pour into the next generation so that they can go further in God than you have gone.In order to be a healthy spiritual parent or mentor, ask people to speak into your own life and receive input yourself.A key test to know if you are controlling or releasing comes when the person you are walking with feels called to do something that is different than you had in mind for them. And that is the test: can you release them to follow God in that moment? In those situations, we have to be able to release, because it is about God’s Kingdom being built and not our own.Who are the people, in this season of your life, that you are called to pour into?Related Resources:
The Cry for Spiritual Fathers and Mothers by Larry KreiderDOVE InternationalFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Larry Kreider is joined once again by Steve Prokopchak as they wrap up their two-part series on finding sexual wholeness. Steve shares foundational biblical principles for overcoming pornography addiction and experiencing true freedom.
The Path to Freedom:
God is love.We all struggle to maintain a clean heart.Recognize that pornography affects the whole individual.Disclose and confess your sin to God, yourself, and others.Embrace conviction of the heart coming from the Holy Spirit.Be aware of the neurological aspect of this addiction and the brain chemicals involved.Locate any deep wounds from your past to discover how those wounds have affected you.Discover relational healing by purposefully mending broken relationships.Utilize appropriate resources.Go through deliverance ministry.Quotable Quotes:
“A true gift from God is often mocked by the enemy.”“The only true failure is when we don’t get back up.”Highlights:
2 Timothy 2:26Matthew 5:27-28Romans 1:24-251 Corinthians 6:12-18Psalm 51Galatians 5:17Proverbs 24:16Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
“Sexual Wholeness: Addressing Pornography (Part 1)” by Steve Prokopchak“Sexual Wholeness: Overcoming Pornography (Part 2)” by Steve ProkopchakConquer SeriesPure Desire MinistriesFaithful and TrueBe Broken MinistriesRelated Resources:
Identity: The Distinctiveness of You by Steve ProkopchakCalled Together: Pre- and Post-Marital Workbook by Steve Prokopchak, Mary ProkopchakStaying Together by Steve Prokopchak, Mary ProkopchakSteve's BlogFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Steve Prokopchak joins Larry Kreider as they embark on a two-part series on sexual wholeness. Steve shares the shocking statistics concerning pornography in today’s culture. Join Steve and Larry as they address the issues and challenges of pornography and how it is affecting people of all ages in society and the church.
The Conditioning Process:
First step – introduction or exposureSecond step – habit/compulsion leading to addictionThird step – intensificationFourth step – desensitizationFifth step – acting upon one’s own fantasy/imaginationsQuotable Quotes:
“Pornography will never take you where God wants you to go.”“God has had a wonderful plan for sex, [but] the enemy always produces a counterfeit.”Highlights:
Statistics show that the issue of pornography is sweeping through the nation and the church.Porn consumption can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of interest in one’s spouse.Viewing pornography not only supports the porn industry but also contributes to the exploitation of victims of human trafficking.Finding freedom begins by being honest with yourself, your pastor, spouse, counselor, and/or seeking group support.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
“Sexual Wholeness: Addressing Pornography (Part 1)” by Steve Prokopchak“Sexual Wholeness: Overcoming Pornography (Part 2)” by Steve ProkopchakRelated Resources:
Identity: The Distinctiveness of You by Steve ProkopchakCalled Together: Pre- and Post-Marital Workbook by Steve Prokopchak, Mary ProkopchakStaying Together by Steve Prokopchak, Mary ProkopchakSteve's BlogFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
In this week’s episode, Larry Kreider welcomes Megan Barnett to the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast. Megan brings a wealth of leadership experience along with a heart to see women’s giftings and passions nurtured and their voices heard. Megan shares stories from her own leadership experiences and how God has provided guidance throughout her journey. Join Larry and Megan as they discuss the pitfalls of comparison and the importance of not letting negativity be the only voice we hear.
Megan Barnett has a master’s degree in theology and ministry and serves as the spiritual formation manager at Hope International, where she oversees staff discipleship. In addition to her professional role, she is actively involved at Newport Church, where she leads and supports various initiatives and ministries. Megan's passion for teaching and preaching is evident as she shares her insights not only at her home church but also at other congregations. Her dedication to serving extends beyond her work and church community, as she plays a crucial role in the leadership team of B.L.A.Z.E. Women’s Ministry. Megan and her husband, David, live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Quotable Quotes:
“The church that silences the women is shorn of half its power.”—Charles Finney“It’s important to listen to the cheerleaders just as much—if not more than—you listen to your critics.”“Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean that it’s not good.”Highlights:
Women frequently lead with a motherly heart, allowing for additional care and responding with patience.It is essential for leaders to spend quality time with the Lord so that they can be filled before they can pour into others.In dealing with negative feedback, it’s important to bring it before the Lord and genuinely evaluate it. However, do not let that negative voice be the only voice you hear.Women, your voice is needed, your story matters, and your gifts and passions are valuable.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
HOPE InternationalNewport ChurchB.L.A.Z.E. Women’s MinistryContact MeganRelated Resources:
“A Kingdom of Priests”“If He Can Do It in Nineveh”“El Roi (The God Who Sees)”For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Join Larry Kreider as he shares insightful wisdom from his book Hearing God 30 Different Ways. Larry emphasizes the importance of gratitude, pausing to pray and listen, and being open to God speaking in a way that often differs from what we anticipate. He offers valuable advice on the importance of measuring what we hear against God's Word and evaluating it by the peace we sense within our hearts and lives.
Quotable Quotes:
“He [Jesus] might speak in a way that is different than we are expecting.”“The problem isn’t God speaking; the problem is the hearing.”“One word from God will change your life forever.”Highlights:
Luke 24How you hear the voice of God is often influenced by how you were taught and trained.Living a life of thanksgiving helps us hear God’s voice.John 6:63Colossians 3:151 Kings 19:12Create time and space to listen and pray.Proverbs 16:21Acts 2:17-181 Corinthians 13:9An effective way to discern when God is speaking to us is to consider whether the message aligns with His Word, whether there is peace in our hearts, and whether there is peace in external circumstances.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Hearing God 30 Different Ways FREE eBook | Limited-time offerFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Danail Tanev joins Larry Kreider to discuss his new book, Psalm 23: The Bible LIVE. Through personal experience and godly wisdom, Danail shares how the promises of Psalm 23 can deepen your relationship with God, bringing greater peace, trust, and refreshment as you experience the transformative power of this psalm in your life.
Quotable Quotes:
“We are designed with the need to follow something or somebody.”“One of the most important things in life that we need to learn in order to succeed is to be self-aware.”“Every time we hear God saying 'no,' it’s because of love.”“Peace is living with God.”“[Peace] isn’t contingent on what happens to you but who is with you.”Highlights:
Psalm 23Our life and future are determined by who and what we decide to follow.Because God’s ways are higher than ours, obedience to God doesn’t require understanding or agreement.The peace of God is so different from that of the world because God’s peace is not dependent on circumstances.Hebrews 4:16Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Psalm 23: The Bible LIVE by Danail TanevRelated Resources:
Relationship Show YouTube channelDOVE Christian Fellowship Bulgaria YouTube channelDanail Tanev’s Facebook pageDanail Tanev’s Instagram pageFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Steve Prokopchak joins Larry Kreider to discuss the profound impact that integrity can have on all aspects of our lives. Steve shares biblical insights and practical steps, illuminating what walking in integrity entails and how we can embody this foundational and godly virtue in our daily lives.
Quotable Quotes:
“If we lack wholeness in an area, we will almost certainly lack some integrity in that area.”“[Integrity] is not just what we will not do, but it also includes what we will do.”“Integrity is always full of truth.”“Stay humble, stay real, stay accountable, be honest, and be trustworthy.”“It takes a lifetime to build integrity; it takes only a few minutes to lose it.”Highlights:
Integrity is a strict adherence to an ethical value.Integrity is a soundness of moral character.Genesis 1-31 Kings 9Job 27:6Integrity is a choice.1 Chronicles 29:17Titus 2:7Romans 12:3Psalm 25:21Proverbs 10:9Surround yourself with people who will ask you hard questions and bring accountability to your life.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
“Integrity Defined” by Steve ProkopchakStaying Together by Steve & Mary ProkopchakCalled Together by Steve & Mary ProkopchakIdentity: The Distinctiveness of You by Steve ProkopchakOther books by Steve ProkopchakFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Join Larry Kreider and Merle Shenk as they sit down with Steve Backlund to explore the key principles of empowerment in leadership, based on his book The Culture of Empowerment: How to Champion People. Steve will share insightful stories from his own leadership journey, encouraging listeners to recognize the untapped potential within their teams and to proactively empower them to make a meaningful impact. Don't miss this inspiring and challenging episode that will transform the way you lead and empower others!
Steve Backlund is the co-founder of Igniting Hope and is senior associate director for Bethel Leaders Network. He is an author of numerous books and a leadership developer who travels extensively throughout the world, encouraging churches, leaders, and organizations to develop cultures of empowerment. Steve and his wife, Wendy, were senior pastors for seventeen years and now reside in Redding, California.
Quotable Quotes:
“Every organization has some kind of culture. A wise leader shapes culture intentionally and chooses a model where empowerment is the norm.”“My goal is not to build a big church but to build big people.”—Bill Johnson“Empowerment creates a culture of feedback.”“If we look to those we lead to meet our needs, we ask them to empower us instead of the other way around.”Highlights:
Empowerment is giving away power to your team so they can have an impact, authority, and autonomy, allowing them to make decisions and contribute to the overall goal.As a leader, be influenceable, allowing your team to be empowered to influence you.Seek first to understand before you seek to be understood.The nature of most relationships when we first meet is excitement, then disappointment, then either disconnection or connection.Luke 6:45One of the greatest things a leader can do is believe in their people.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
The Culture of Empowerment: How to Champion People by Steve Backlund, Phil Backlund, and Melissa AmatoThe Culture of Empowerment: How to Champion People audiobook by Steve Backlund, Phil Backlund, and Melissa AmatoThe Culture of Empowerment: Business and Organization Edition by Steve Backlund and Dr. Phil BacklundIgniting HopeIgniting Hope AcademyFully Convinced: The Art of Decision Making by Steve BacklundVictorious Emotions: Creating a Framework for a Happier You by Wendy BacklundDeclarations: Unlocking your Future by Steve BacklundRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanIgniting Hope PodcastRecorded live at the 2024 DOVE International Leadership Conference
For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Larry and LaVerne Kreider conclude their twenty-one-part series, "Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," by emphasizing the importance of living by the principles of the Kingdom of God as the foundation for thriving and growing in both life and leadership. By prioritizing a Kingdom-minded approach and placing less emphasis on our own self-interests, we can experience the righteousness, peace, and joy that Jesus brings.
Quotable Quotes:
“An effective leader focuses on the eternal Kingdom.”“Are we building our kingdom or are we building God’s Kingdom?”“We don’t care who gets the credit as long as God is glorified.”Highlights:
Luke 4:43The Kingdom is greater than us and what we are doing.Matthew 6:33Luke 17:20-21John 17:21-23Romans 14:17-18Hebrews 12:2Ecclesiastes 11:3Be mindful of too much introspection. Sometimes situations in life occur without clear explanation. Trust the Lord and discern between the clear tests of life and the unexplained events that just happen.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Larry and LaVerne Kreider dive into the topic of waiting on God's timing and embracing the season of life we are in. They share insights into how God prepares and works in us during times of waiting, even when we may not fully comprehend His purposes. Throughout the discussion, they challenge listeners to find their identity in Christ rather than the circumstances of their current season, and to cultivate a sense of peace while trusting in God's perfect timing. Join them for an uplifting conversation that offers encouragement and perspective for those in seasons of waiting.
Quotable Quotes:
“Wait on the timing of God and embrace your season.”Highlights:
Ecclesiastes 3:1Psalm 32Staying in step with God’s timing is important, because He sees the bigger picture.Genesis 8:22It is often in our waiting season when God is doing preparation and amazing work in us.Proverbs 16:9Hebrews 12:5-6We need to be defined by God, not by the seasons in our lives.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
On this week’s Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast, Larry and LaVerne Kreider share insights on the importance of responding to success with a teachable heart, recognizing the dangers of pride and competition that can take hold when we achieve success, and understanding that true success comes from practicing the presence of God in our lives. Join Larry and LaVerne as they impart biblical wisdom on how to walk out success in a way that is healthy and pleasing to the Lord.
Quotable Quotes:
“Effective leaders never forget where they came from.”“Leaders need to stay teachable.”Highlights:
Joshua 1:8Pride and competition can lead our lives down a path of deception and destruction.It’s more important how we handle and respond to success than success itself.Deuteronomy 8:12-142 Chronicles 26:16There are seasons in our lives that might not look or feel successful, but there’s a bigger picture as God is working to fulfill His purposes in us.Acts 16:27Job 16:14As a believer, true success is practicing the presence of God in our lives.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderThe Practice of the Presence of God by Brother LawrenceRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Join Larry and LaVerne Kreider as they discuss the significance of persevering through life's seasons. The Kreiders highlight how the process of perseverance is often more important than the ultimate outcome, and how God delights in the journey, granting us grace as we navigate His work in and through our lives.
Three Life Seasons:
The honeymoon seasonThe problem seasonThe perseverance-to-victory seasonQuotable Quotes:
“We must never put our dreams of success as God’s purpose for us; His purpose may be exactly the opposite. We have an idea that God is leading us to a particular end, a desired goal; He is not. The question of getting to a particular end is a mere incident. What we call the process, God calls the end.”—Oswald Chambers“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from taking a swing.”—Babe RuthHighlights:
1 Corinthians 9:24-27God is at work within us and He delights in the process.Hebrews 12:12 Timothy 4:7Proverbs 24:10James 1:2-4Philippians 3:121 Corinthians 9:27Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
On this week's Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast, Larry and LaVerne Kreider explore ways to break free from the cycle of comparison. They delve into the detrimental effects of comparing ourselves to others, such as feelings of depression and pride. By embracing our identity in Christ, rejoicing with others' successes, and finding joy in our own unique giftings and journeys, they offer biblical and practical insight into overcoming the pitfalls of comparison so we can experience true freedom.
Quotable Quotes:
“When we compare, we lose sight of who we really are.”“Comparison is the thief of joy.”Highlights:
2 Corinthians 10:12Comparison is often a result of having wrong beliefs about ourselves and about who God is.Romans 12:6Ephesians 4:132 Corinthians 10:5Being thankful for how God created us, rejoicing in other people’s success, and learning from them helps us find freedom from comparison.1 John 2:6Psalm 5:12Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderBread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith by Henri NouwenRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
Larry and LaVerne Kreider bring clarity and practical wisdom to the subject of money and finance. Tune in to hear how God provides for us in various ways, how provision can look different for each of us, and the importance of honoring each other in our individual financial journeys.
Ten Potential Sources of Provision:
Tentmaking (Acts 18:1-3)Supernatural provision (Matthew 17:27)Support team of family and friends (Luke 8:1-3)Local church support (2 Corinthians 8:3-4)Living from the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:7-14)“Honor” gift given to a leader who is sent (1 Timothy 5:17-18)Inheritance (Proverbs 13:22)Investments and business (Matthew 25:14-18)The ant method—work and save (Proverbs 6:6-8)Kingdom breadwinning (Luke 10:7)Quotable Quotes:
“Money is simply a tool that God gives to help us complete the job He’s assigned to us.”“Being content in every situation is so important when it comes to finance.”“What is faith to one person might be different to another person.”Highlights:
Philippians 4:121 Timothy 6:6-11, 17-19Our perspective about money is a heart issue.Luke 6:38Luke 16:10-11Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
In this powerful episode of the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast, Larry and LaVerne Kreider tackle the issue of unmet expectations and the negative impact they can have on our lives as believers. Drawing from biblical principles and their personal experience, the Kreiders explore the subtle tactics Satan uses to distract and derail us from our God-given destiny. They provide practical steps to recognizing and overcoming the enemy's plan, releasing our own unfulfilled expectations, the expectations placed upon us by others, and surrendering to God's divine will.
The 10 D’s of the Devil:
Disappointment from unmet expectations is a plan from the enemy to keep us from fulfilling our destiny.Proverbs 13:12John 10:10When it comes to expectations, the true test is how we respond to disappointment.Matthew 11Hebrews 12:15Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderWhen God Seems Silent by Larry and LaVerne Kreider10 D’s of the Devil by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
In this week’s episode of the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast, Larry and LaVerne Kreider continue their conversation on the tests leaders face by discussing the transformative power of God’s grace. The Kreiders provide valuable insights into the distinction between grace and mercy and how grace operates in our lives. They shed light on how embracing God's grace can lead to a newfound freedom in our journey with Jesus.
Quotable Quotes:
“Effective leaders know success depends on the grace of God.”“You can’t walk in grace and walk in pride at the same time.”Highlights:
2 Corinthians 9:8Colossians 1:27Mercy is God not giving us what we deserve, but grace is God giving us what we do not deserve.1 Corinthians 15:10James 4:6Walking in grace is receiving a pouring out of God’s divine favor on our lives.Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderPraying Grace: 55 Meditations & Declarations on the Finished Work of Christ by David HollandLiving in the Grace of God by Larry KreiderBiblical Foundation Series by Larry KreiderRelated Resources:
DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne KreiderFor more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.
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