
  • Join Jill and Sam as they uncover the groundbreaking rise of women in the land flipping industry. In this eye-opening discussion, they share their journey and insights into how women are reshaping the landscape of land flipping with their unique skills and perspectives. Discover how this traditionally male-dominated sector is evolving, and gain valuable tips and inspiration for your own ventures. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation about the unstoppable force of women in land flipping!

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • Join Steven Jack Butala and Jill DeWit for a special milestone episode of the Land Academy show! They reflect on the highs and lows of the past 10 years serving the land flipping community, reminiscing about memorable moments, big land flipping wins, and the amazing members who have been part of the journey, as well as the future of Land Academy.

    Experience the journey from the beginning by visiting landacademy.com/podcast to access all episodes, including the originals! Don't miss this celebration—tune in now! 🎊


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit and this is the Land Academy show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode number 2000, I can't believe it. We are calling it Acre by Acre, 2000 Episodes of Land Flipping. Jill and I will be covering the high and low points of the last 10 years serving the land community I guess, moments we remember, big land wins, and amazing members, and then ultimately Jill is going to cover at the end, the future of Land Academy.

    Jill K DeWit:
    What do you mean low points? Hold on a moment. What are talking about, low points?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I can summarize this whole thing like this. This is not anything what Jill and I anticipated.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    It's been like a windy, curvy, switchback-y road.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, no. For me it's been all peaches and cream, skipping through a field of dandelions. That's how this has been, so no. I mean, but seriously, this has been an amazing ride. I'm going to start right now because I peeked ahead on the script here and I know it's not in there, but I got to just remind everyone here, I'm not even supposed to be on this show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Oh, my gosh.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I was never intended to be ... It was the Land Academy Show, but it was never the Jack and Jill show. It was always Jack and the Land Academy show. And so day one, or not even day one, as we're pre-episode zero, episode negative two, negative three, as we're figuring this out and testing this and having guests, some of which showed up and some of which didn't show up, some of the shows that you recorded we could air and some of them we couldn't air. It's funny. We had one guy in particular, we can't cut that much of this up. This is G-rated. It's just not going to work. So back in the beginning I was just a fill-in guest.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    When people didn't show up, Jill would sit in and the numbers on the shows where she sat in were two and three times what the regular numbers and downloads were.

    Jill K DeWit:
    So that means three people.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    So yeah, [inaudible 00:02:11] it's five instead of three, both of our parents included.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We're going to cover some of the high and low points all the way through this, but Land Academy doesn't look anything like what we intended when we started it. And the real reason why is, and we will cover it in a few minutes, is we were constantly and are constantly listening to what our members want and not the changes that they want, and how we can better serve the land community is what this has been. And it ended up being through different products that we've released, which we'll talk about in a few minutes here.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I still think it's funny. You go back and dig if you really want to, you could find it on our YouTube channel and on our website, some of the old original ones. You would just call me at my desk and we'd talk for 45 minutes about the I'm doing.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    They're all on there.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    You know what? That's a great point. I didn't think of this. If you want to go back and laugh, they're on our website, so they're on the free portion of our website. You can go all the way back to zero. You can't do it on iTunes or wherever you listen to the podcasts or watch the podcasts usually. It's too much data storage, but-

    Jill K DeWit:

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Join Jill DeWit and Kimberly Crossland in this land flipping podcast as they discuss working with your spouse and real estate from the road. They share valuable tips and personal experiences. Whether you're a seasoned remote worker or aspiring real estate investor, this episode offers practical advice to thrive in today's dynamic landscape. Tune in for actionable insights!

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • In this podcast episode, learn how Jack and Jill successfully flip land. They emphasize the importance of experience and knowledge in the land flipping business, and highlight the value of learning from those who have been in the industry for a long time. They outline the 10 steps involved in flipping land, including identifying a target market, sending out mailers, managing inbound responses, acquiring properties, listing them with a real estate agent, and closing the deals. They also provide insights into what makes someone successful in this business, such as taking action, making quick decisions, and being willing to ask for help and funding. They conclude by encouraging listeners to be prepared, motivated, and committed to their land flipping endeavors.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode number 1,998, and today we are talking about how to flip land successfully.

    Jill K DeWit:
    You know what's cool? I need to add up the numbers, but we've been doing this now going on 10 years. Not just our land business, that's decades. We'll get to that later.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We've been teaching for 10 years.

    Jill K DeWit:
    But just teaching and sharing our business model now for going on 10 years. We have people who have been in Land Academy with us since the beginning. They're going on 10 years. So my point is-

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Totally, I didn't think about that.

    Jill K DeWit:
    If anyone is qualified to talk about how to make millionaires, and I don't like to drop numbers like that, but it's the fact, and really teach people how to start and grow and make a really successful land flipping business, it's us.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    So I have a whole framework about how for this episode, about how to actually flip land successfully, but Jill brings up a good point. I wonder if it's a good thing with all this experience or a bad thing.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's a great thing.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I do too.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Are you kidding? I was talking to somebody the other day and they even said it to me or they're like, "Duh, why would I want to learn from someone who's done 100 deals versus someone who's done 10,000 deals?" And we're going on and we have like 17,000 deals and these are our deals. I want to make sure everybody knows it's not the community deals. I can't even imagine as a community how many deals we've done, because we've got some heavy hitters that are just male and flip like crazy. They're always the quiet ones in the group. You don't hear about them very often, but they're there. I know they're pulling a lot of data. I see the charges go through and it's really, really cool.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    When I was young, I was always the smartest in the room professionally when it comes to computers. This is when Apple just started and Windows started to become names and products you could buy that could really enhance your business. And so as you can imagine from the older people that I was doing business with at the time or working for, there was a lot of pushback. They literally thought computers and technology was a fad.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, gosh.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    It was going to go away, and there's no real replacement for personal relationships. And I think half of that's true. So I do think there is no replacement for personal relationships and there never will be. It's the reason we still have real estate agents and we still go to buy a car to car dealership, God forbid.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    It's because people just need to have a face and talk to somebody. So I understand that, and the technology part, that'll apply too. It certainly applies to everybody. There are over the years since what, 25 years I've been doing this, the technology changes are staggering without going into the details.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, my gosh.

    Steven Jack Butala:

  • Jack Butala and Jill DeWit explore the real estate market, discussing the anticipated stagnation in 2024 and offering valuable insights for investors. Jack shares three crucial strategies to thrive in this shifting market: increasing offer volume, recognizing the rise in rental demand, and predicting demographic and relocation trends. With their expertise, Jack and Jill provide practical guidance for real estate investors adapting to changing conditions. Discover expert tips and strategies to excel in the evolving real estate landscape by watching this video.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode number 1,997, and today we are talking about three ways to take advantage of the 2024 real estate stagnation that is sure to happen this year. A little later we'll talk about how we're going to take a look at how you respond to change. This change is going to happen this year, not just in real estate.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Uh-oh. Is this a, "Jill, we're taking a deep dive into your psyche. How do you respond to things?"

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I would not dare.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, gosh.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    To put you center stage, and ask you all kinds of questions that put you out of your comfort zone. No joke.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Yeah, right.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    No, that's not what this is.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Thanks a lot. We left my comfort zone a long ... way back there a long time ago, like 10 years ago.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Were you ever in your comfort zone, do you think? Seriously?

    Jill K DeWit:
    Yeah. I mean, yeah. You know what? I was not in my comfort zone. I was in a comfort zone, and I hated it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Me too.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I felt trapped.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Me too.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I felt stuck. I couldn't stand it. I hit the ceiling of where I was working. There was nowhere to go, and then that's why ... I've had that a couple times in my life, and I had to make changes, and now that we run our own companies, I don't have that problem anymore.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We just had this exact talk about, I don't want to blow the episode here, but how risky a W-2 job is, and it's so ironic because you think it's the greatest thing ever, "Oh, I got this great job. I'm going to get a new car. I'm going to buy a new house. I'm finally going to do the stuff I want to do." It's totally the opposite.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's true.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    You should hunker down, especially this day and age, and prepare for that single point of failure to fail.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's true.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show we answer questions from our Land Academy member Discord forum, and review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and then we take a deep dive into two land-related topics.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Yup. All right, so Alicia wrote, "How many zip codes do you gauge your mailer on in the red yellow green test? So what I mean is, do you test 3 to 10 zip codes, and then if 6 out of 10 are good, and then 4 don't pass, what's your number? I'm sure I'm overthinking here." I like this question.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    How many is enough, and what's not too much?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    You're not overthinking this at all, and I have to tell you, I love your contribution to Discord, not as a person who's ... you are using Discord how we intended it when we set it all up. She's asking tiny little questions every single step of the way. I can read through Discord on most of the channels, and I can see where you are in your career.

    Jill K DeWit:
    That's sweet.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    And at some point I'll tell you, and I say this with passion, we're just not going to hear from you again. That's how this always happens because you're off and running and, "Thanks, guys-

    Jill K DeWit:
    That's true, "Loud, loud, loud, got it."

    Steven Jack Butala:
    "I got what I needed from you, and bye."

  • Join Steven Jack Butala and Jill K DeWit on the Land Academy Show as they dive into episode 1,996 discussing why tech layoffs create some of the best land investors. With insight into the upcoming recession and strategies for capitalizing on the influx of available properties, they provide valuable guidance for navigating the market. Tune in for expert advice on leveraging layoffs for success in land investing and learn how to make the most of changing economic landscapes.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And Jill DeWit. And this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode 1,996. Today we are talking about why tech layoffs create the best land investors. And a little bit later in the show three ways to take advantage of the huge amount of property that'll soon be for sale. How do we know this? This is our third time, our third cycle, Jill.

    Jill K DeWit:
    True. But I'm not as old as you. How is that possible? Are you sure? There's parts of me that I'm like, look at me. I have wrinkles. I've experienced...

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right, well.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Jill keeps getting skinnier and prettier, and that's the truth.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, thank you.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm not trying to win anything here.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Do you know what you won't see?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I keep getting less intelligent and wider.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Stop it. If I have my way and I do it right, you'll never see my gray hair. Now, you on the other hand, we're not going to go there. Could you imagine if I Just For Men'd you and you just showed up like... I wonder if there's a one-day washout? That would be kind of funny.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    What's a one-day washout?

    Jill K DeWit:
    I don't know. We could try it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    What is that?

    Jill K DeWit:
    I wonder if they have a... I bet they do. I bet there's a version of that. They have stuff for gals. I'm sure I could do it with you where I just put it in, and it only lasts a day until you wash it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    And then I don't leave the house because I'm a freak?

    Jill K DeWit:
    It would just scare everybody. Like, who is that guy? Like you just saw some late-night TV guy. He was on a commercial. I'm not going to name names. I don't want to throw him under the bus, but I kind of did. But he did an insurance commercial, and we're like, "Whoa, colored his hair."

    Steven Jack Butala:
    That's what I was just going to say. I mean, we've all seen old guys walking around that have 32-year-old looking hair, and it's so obvious.

    Jill K DeWit:
    See, I've been coloring mine for decades.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Yeah, but women, you can't tell.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Kind of like the recession we're coming into. You won't feel it. Stick with us. If you stick with us, my hair color won't change, and I'll make sure you keep making money. How's that?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    That's actually pretty true.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Thank you.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from our Land Academy member, Discord forum. We review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we take a deep dive into the two land-related topics by popular request. If you want a sneak peek of our Discord forum, go to landacademy.com. It's free.

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right, so here's our question. Julie wrote, "You can also try..." I guess this is a part of a thread talking about AI stuff. So Julie piped in, in this thread, and her comments were, "Hey, go ahead and try the reworked AI service. Just found out about it at a conference. They scrub on lists, and they give it a score based on the likelihood for a response rate and acceptance rate."

    Steven Jack Butala:
    So hold on a second.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Huh? Is this what I think it is?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Yeah, so somebody created an application where you upload a list. In our case it would be, I've done all my stuff in DataTree, and I got a mailing list ready to go.

  • Today, Steven and Jill offer crucial insights for successful land acquisition in the 2024 recession, emphasizing the need for the cheapest property and strategic deal creation. They also share experiences and advice on working with a spouse in the land business, highlighting the importance of open communication. Stay tuned for exciting announcements about Land Academy Ladies, a monthly gathering for female investors associated with Land Academy.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode 1,995 and today we are talking about what your land acquisitions need to look like to survive the recession that's going to happen here in 2024, and a little bit later we're going to talk about working with your spouse.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Yay. That's what I think.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    So much fun to work with your spouse.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's the best thing when people go, "Wait a minute, and you guys, you live together?" Uh-huh. "You travel together?" Uh-huh. "And you work together?" Uh-huh. "And you're here at the bar drinking together?" Uh-huh, now you know why we drink.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    That's the result of that.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Here we go. But we're still laughing.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I feel compelled to quote Homer Simpson.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Alcohol is the cause of and the cure for everything.

    Jill K DeWit:
    There we go. That's great, babe. That obviously sung to you 12 years ago.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    There we go. That's awesome. All right, so what are we going to talk about today? So land surviving, this is the interesting. I've had a lot of conversations, I'm glad you picked this topic. I've had a lot of conversations with people recently who are coming to us because of this. They're like, "Hey, I looked around. I've got so much figured out now, I understand there's money to be made in land, and it checks all those boxes, and now I'm trying to figure out, who's best to show me the way and navigate this? Because you're not the only ones anymore." I'm like, "Nope, you're right." "And we know that we're coming to you because you've been through a thing or two." Yep, you're right. Come on, we didn't, like you just said last week, it's been 30 years that we've been doing this, and pushing, we have around 17,000 transactions. I always clarify, that's not Land Academy, that's us, mostly him. And then we've been through three terms?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This will be our third full professional recession.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And we are still here. And boy, I can even remember since I got involved in '09, I can remember the actual names of people that were other investors with us and who didn't-

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Gone forever.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Weather the storm. They're alive, but they did not weather the storm, and I feel bad.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We're going to talk about how to avoid that here in just a minute. All of those key points.

    Jill K DeWit:
    This is good.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show we answer questions from our Land Academy member Discord Forum, review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars. I'm going to take a deep dive into two land related topics by popular requests.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We have a question, Jill.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I have to say.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I love this question, and I'll read it if you want because I would like you to answer it.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, okay, go ahead.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Troy says, "Today, I called up three realtors for a price opinion in a new area to me. Realtor one was driving and asked if I could text her the APN and she would get back to me by the end of the day. End of day is here and gone. No email, no callback. Realtor number two must have let a 2-year-old pick up the phone and say something about her toy in 2-year-old gibberish and ...

  • Dive into the ever-evolving landscape of land investing online with Jill and Jack in this revealing episode. They share insights into the dynamic world of mailer yield, tracing its evolution from the '90s to 2024. Discover how market shifts, tools, and strategies have shaped their success. Whether you're a seasoned land flipping investor or just starting, this episode unveils crucial truths about mailer yields and navigating the lucrative terrain of land investing. Don't miss the wisdom gained from years of experience and the exciting future of this thriving industry!


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Today, Jill and I are talking about, well, it's episode 1,994, and we're talking about the truth about mailer yield, this year in 2024, and a little later we'll talk about the three types of land to buy, and the two types I think you should probably avoid, especially this year.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, this is going to be good. We talked about topic number one ahead of time a little bit, but we did not talk about topic number two, so I'm going to be just as surprised.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    But I have a feeling I know what it is, you know what? I'm not new to this. Isn't that funny? It's a little bit funny when you talk to someone that's just learning about us and learning about land flipping and they're trying to wrap their heads around this.
    It's like part of me is I feel very proud to say how long I've been doing this and how long you've been doing this, but then I go, oh my God, how old are we? Then there's a part of me that goes, you're not 20 anymore and you're not 30 anymore. You're not even 40 anymore.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I don't have a problem with that. I like it.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I know it's a guy thing. You men.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Let's talk about this for a second.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    What's the problem with getting older?

    Jill K DeWit:
    Because men look better. Men get distinguished and women get old. Not kidding.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I disagree with that. You look, and I'm not blowing smoke or trying to get anything out of this. You actually look better with the age, and I'm really serious about this.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Well, if I could grow a beard and hide some of my wrinkles, I would, you know what I'm going to do?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Oh my God. We should have one of our guys put a beard on you and just keep it there for this camera.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Great. Now that you said that Alex is going to do it. There's going to be a beard here in a minute. I know it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I think this age thing is ridiculously perceived.

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I think that there's a certain population or a certain part of the population that sees real value in very young women and you don't want to hang out with this people.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Anyway, I couldn't, if I was getting into this right now and I saw some kid, especially a kid standing next to a Ferrari, I'd be like, nope, not my people.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Any version of that.

    Jill K DeWit:
    But if I just saw anybody that looked less than 30, "I've got this. I can teach you." I'd be like, "Son, first of all, call me when you're old enough to shave and then," you know what I mean?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    If I was really young and we were in Land Academy and I had a few deals under my belt, this is what I would say, "I'm really young, but I have a lot of credibility and I have an incredible knowledge in how do you use the most current tools that are available to buy and sell land? Is it a replacement for experience? No, but it's a slight edge."
    Because I had that when I was really young, a really serious edge with computers and all of that. I was surrounded by people that were baffled by, let's say, Excel. Back then it was Lotus and so it was a huge edge and I used it to my advantage and here we ar...

  • Today, we had an interview with James Beckman Land Academy Member Interview.

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • Welcome to the Land Academy Show! Join Steven and land investor Sean in this episode as they delve into Sean's journey from a college graduate to a successful land investor. Inspired by an adjunct professor, Sean's initial success with a tax-delinquent mountain lot in Colorado marked a transformative moment, shaping his focus on land investing. This episode offers valuable insights and tips on land investment success. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more real estate wisdom from the Land Academy Show. https://landacademy.com/join/

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • On this weeks podcast episode, Samantha Lathus, Land Academy Ambassador, joins Jill DeWitt to discuss the successes of our elite group of land gals, working with your spouse and why Samantha chose to quit her 9-5.

    Tune in as they share insight on land flipping and discuss deals (the good and the bad).


    Jill DeWit:
    I am Jill DeWit.

    Samantha Lathus:
    I'm Samantha Lathus.

    Jill DeWit:
    And this is the Land Academy Show. Today is episode number... I don't know. Do you know?

    Samantha Lathus:
    I have no idea.

    Jill DeWit:
    Someone's going to fill that in. Well, as you can see, this is a very special show today. I am so excited and so happy that I have my sweet ambassador, Land Academy Ambassador, Samantha Lathus with me in my office today, and we are having a whole lot of fun. How are you?

    Samantha Lathus:
    I'm doing great. I'm enjoying the Arizona sunshine, getting out of the cold Chicago so-

    Jill DeWit:
    There we go.

    Samantha Lathus:
    ... it's been really refreshing.

    Jill DeWit:
    Yeah, and please tell us a little more about the flight in. Please share with us for a moment, if you will, what Karl decided to talk to you about as you're boarding the plane.

    Samantha Lathus:
    I know. I know. So we get on the plane. He's like, "Do you know what model number we're on?" I'm like, "No." He's like, "Have you listened to the news in the last week?" I'm like, "No. What's going on?" He's like, "These are the same model that are losing their doors mid-flight." I'm like, "Oh, why are you telling me this now?"

    Jill DeWit:
    Now? "Wait. You mean the same plane that my whole family's on, my whole life, you and our two children who are right next to us?" Minor details.

    Samantha Lathus:
    He's like, "Just don't sit near the exit row."

    Jill DeWit:
    Like, great.

    Samantha Lathus:
    There we go.

    Jill DeWit:
    I just thought about that. People used to pay extra, because of the extra leg room, for that.

    Samantha Lathus:
    Yes, I wonder if people-

    Jill DeWit:
    Now it's going to be like, "I want to get some compensation if I sit there."

    Samantha Lathus:
    If you sit right there. Thanks.

    Jill DeWit:
    That used to be a good thing. "Do you know how to open and operate..." I'm sure, I feel so bad saying this, especially because I'm a pilot. My dad was a professional pilot and then I come from that background. I worked at American for years, but I got to say it, when they say, "Do you know how to open and operate the door?" And they're giving the little safety speech, I bet everybody's going like, "Doesn't it open by itself?"

    Samantha Lathus:

    Jill DeWit:
    So yeah, "I'm not needed, right?"

    Samantha Lathus:

    Jill DeWit:
    Exactly. Okay, so back to the show. This is going to be fun today. So while we are recording, the guys are in Jack's office recording, so this is going to be really good and nobody knows what each person's talking about, so I don't even know what order you're getting this, but you're getting one week of Carl and Jack talking and you're going to get, the next week, Samantha and I talking. And we're going to share, Samantha and I are going to talk about something informational first. Then we're going to talk about a deal. We're going to give some good deal chat, 'cause that's why we're here, this is what we do. And then we're going to wrap it up with something inspirational too for you. Just so we have a couple good things lined up.
    So let's dive in. Informational. We've been talking about this a lot. You and I talk about this all the time, but it's amazing to me. There's two things I've noticed. One is, over the last couple years we've had more strong women-

    Samantha Lathus:

    Jill DeWit:
    ... Come into Land Academy, not just as couples, just on their own, and I love it.

    Samantha Lathus:
    Me too.

    Jill DeWit:
    What do you think?

    Samantha Lathus:
    I absolutely love it. When we were on the pro call the other day, it was funny, I noticed there was about 10 of us all meeting, and besides Carl and Jack,

  • This week on the Land Academy Show, Karl Lathus, Land Academy Ambassador, shares how he started flipping land by joining Land Academy and Career Path and how he’s managed to achieve such great success in the business.

    With the help of Land Academy, Karl and wife, Samantha really dedicated themselves to starting their land business the right way and their discipline and consistency in sending mailers is paying off.


    Jack Butala:
    I am Jack Butala. This is a Land Academy show. Today, I'm here with Karl Lathus. You may know him as the Land Academy ambassador. He and his wife Samantha have been with us now, geez, since Career Path, for I guess over two years. He happened to be in town. His wife's in town, too. In fact, Jill's recording with her as we speak. Probably going to air on different Wednesdays. We'll see how it goes. I guess we've been talking about all kinds of other stuff except work, what I'm intrigued with is how'd you guys make this work for you? Or, was it just a natural thing? Everybody wants to know what the secret is.

    Karl Lathus:
    I mean, there's a lot that goes into that. I mean, I say discipline has a lot to do with it. Samantha and I are very disciplined when it comes to this business. This is a great business. Jack has set this up for us. We've learned from his teachings and through Land Academy, through Career Path. We did all that. Most importantly is we've taken those things that we've learned, and we've actually applied them. We've been disciplined with them. We consistently send out mail when we say we're going to send out mail. We consistently answer our phone when we're going to answer our phone. We do what we say we're going to do. We've learned all the subtle nuances that make this business profitable and doable and easy, and we focus on those. We don't get distracted, very often, from those. So, I think our discipline towards this craft, towards investing in land, and towards building this business has really been pivotal for us.

    Jack Butala:
    I mean, you came to this with entrepreneurial experience and corporate experience on your belt already. Right?

    Karl Lathus:
    Yeah. Absolutely. I own a construction company. I started that when I was 25 years old, and we built that business. I've said it a million times, but when I started that business, I couldn't afford extension cords. We couldn't afford to make a singular mistake. We built that business from the ground up, and it's been great. After that, we moved into real estate, buying and selling houses, flips, you name it, the nightmares.

    Jack Butala:
    How'd that go?

    Karl Lathus:
    Yeah. Well, I'm not doing flips anymore. I'll tell you that. We made money. There's money to be made there. I know you guys have made money doing it too, but I don't see you guys doing very many flips, either.

    Jack Butala:
    I choose life.

    Karl Lathus:
    Yeah. Right. We built a rental portfolio that we're proud of. We still do own and operate. When we really did come across this land and how this business works, it resonated with us, the data aspect of things. Samantha is just, as you know, just wonderful at that.

    Jack Butala:

    Karl Lathus:
    I have so much faith in the way she aggregates our data and the way that she sends out our mailers. I have so much faith in that process that it really helps me do what I have to do because I do a lot of what Jill does. I answer the phones, and I use that. I'm that part of the business. It's nice to have faith in my partner who is really getting out the mail so consistently, and I have faith in what she says we could pay for the property. I know that that's somewhere where we need to be.

    Jack Butala:
    I don't think it's any surprise to anybody that we have a ton of married couples like Karl and Sam, and obviously Jill and I, in our group. Well, I did this for a really long time, for decades without Jill. It was a whole different... Do you run your construction company by yourself, entirely,

  • Considering buying property listed on the MLS? Are you still wasting time searching listings and bargaining with property owners?

    Tune in to this week’s Land Academy Podcast episode to find out why flipping property the Land Academy way is a better, more successful approach and requires a lot less work! We’ll teach you how to create the deals instead of chasing them.

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • Dive into the world of land business in 2024 on the Land Academy Show, episode 1988. Jack and Jill discuss the evolving land industry, the rise in buying and selling land, and insights into new Land Academy members. Explore responsible side gigs, entrepreneurial spirit, and the journey from failure to success in the land business. Get valuable advice, anecdotes, and success stories. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new, enroll in Land Academy for a chance to thrive in 2024.

    Transcript: N/A


    Thanks for listening, and finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts.

  • Are you wondering where to send mail in 2024? On this week’s podcast episode, we share the tools and tips we give to our members when selecting the best areas to send mail. There is no secret list and we put a lot of thought behind this. Depending on how much you want to make and how many deals you want to do to get there, we’ll teach you the Land Academy way of testing different areas for the best possible results

    Catch episode 1987 to find out how you can access these tools and tips and start making money flipping land. We'll also cover how to tackle your biggest land business concern.


    Steven J Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit. And this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven J Butala:
    This is episode number 1,987. Today we are talking about where to send your land mailers in 2024. And a little later in the show we'll talk about tackling your biggest land business concern. We all have them, even Jill and I have them. It's going to be interesting to see what hers are, I know what mine are.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I have personal concerns and then I have land business concerns. Let's just be clear. I will share the professional ones today, I'll leave the personal ones for another day.

    Steven J Butala:
    Oh, I want to hear the personal one. No, they're going to work their way into the show I'm sure.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Oh, they probably will. That's true.

    Steven J Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from the Land Academy member Discord forum, review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we take a deep dive into two land-related topics by popular request.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven J Butala:
    Let's take the first question.

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right, Greg Rhodes, "Wrapping up my fourth year with Land Academy," congratulations. Did you see, I don't know if you read our newsletter, but that we highlighted all the first year people, we highlighted the five-year people. I was just... Sorry Greg, I want to pause for just a moment and just talk about that for just a second. The right people get in here and you're with us, man, and we're on this journey together. And as your business grows and your needs change and whatever it is, which we are right here with you, we've been that way from day one. "Hey, we need this product." "All right, I think we can do this." "Hey, we need help solving this problem." "Okay, we could do this." "Oh, hey, DataTree is not working, we need help with another alternative data solution." "All right, we got this." If I was on my own, I'd be-

    Steven J Butala:
    Oh geez.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I would not be successful.

    Steven J Butala:
    I'll tell you, that's what we want. That's what Jill and I want. We want this to be doing transactions with the same people forever. We are not in the business of onboarding-

    Jill K DeWit:
    Turn and burn.

    Steven J Butala:
    42 new people who don't understand the relevance of a deed in a real estate transaction. So thank you Greg, we're glad you're here too.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Same. Thank you. All right, so back to Greg's question. So, "Wrapping up my fourth year in Land Academy and each year has been more profitable than the previous, more than doubled my profits this year compared to last. I gave my," what a great note, "I gave my W2 boss my letter of resignation yesterday. That was exciting. Looking forward to keep building in the years to come."

    Steven J Butala:
    I thought he was going to say, "I gave my W2 boss the middle finger."

    Jill K DeWit:
    Maybe that was hidden in the resignation. It was drawn very lightly on the paper.

    Steven J Butala:
    Congratulations, Greg. We're super glad you're here and let us know, and this goes for anybody who's been a Land Academy member for more than a year, let us know if you have a new product idea, if there's something that you think we're better together. Jill and I have a whole big list, in fact we're meeting on this right after we record this,

  • Are you hoping to be more successful in your land business in 2024? On our latest podcast episode, we share how vital a schedule is to our business and accomplishments. It may sound like a silly task, but it’s January and if you want to meet your end of year goals, it’s important to map it out now so you can easily stay on track and adjust as needed.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode 1,986, and today we are talking about a couple of things. Number one, scheduling 2024 so you can hit your accomplishment and succeed. And then, a little later on the show, we'll talk about the laws that actually govern your land transaction. It's an interesting, funny, anecdotal story about some people that we sat next to at dinner last night, and I'm not sure that they understand-

    Jill K. DeWit:
    What they were saying?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    What's governing their real estate agent driven failure.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    That's funny. Exactly. I want to stop and say happy New Year.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K. DeWit:
    So it's now 2024. As you can see, if you are watching us, we are coming to you from the Rig. We are traveling again. I don't know how many weeks we'll be gone this time, but probably this will be a little bit of a shorter trip than we did last summer, for those of you who are in our world and follow over that, but what's funny is, I got to tell you, we go from our home to this and it's like we couldn't be happier.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Most people would be like, "Are you kidding me?" I'm sure even our friends are like, "You guys are weirdos." You have this big beautiful home and it's warm and sunny here, and you want to get into that and drive somewhere cold and be in a little mountain town, in a little rig, in a sweet little RV park and I'm like, "Yeah, that's really what we were going to do."

    Steven Jack Butala:
    We're in Durango right now, by the time this airs.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Who knows where ... we'll probably still be here.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Yeah. Maybe we will.

    Jill K. DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Durango is a blast, by the way. I can't say enough good stuff.

    Jill K. DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Everybody we meet. It's just the nicest people in the world.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    We are learning the lay of the land here. We're going to go check out Pagosa Springs and Creede and all kinds of good stuff coming up. So I'm excited.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show we answer questions from our Land Academy member Discord forum, and we review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we take a deep dive into the two land related topics that are requested. If you want to sneak peek of our Discord forum, go to landacademy.com, it's free.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Actually. It's hidden.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    It's what?

    Jill K. DeWit:
    It's hidden, by the way.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Because because of our ... you know what? There's some sensitive stuff going on in there.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Like what?

    Jill K. DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    No. Come on. Seriously, I want to know.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    No, there's some really good conversations in there and I want our members to speak freely, so it's kind of blurred out right now. FYI, just so you know, I let him-

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Can you please let me in on it?

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Well, I just did.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    No, can you let me in on what are people doing deals with each other?

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Yeah. Yeah.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Is that what-

    Jill K. DeWit:
    Yeah, there's APNs flying around and some really personal information flying around there, so I'm like, yeah, we close it back up. So just so you know, it exists. If you go there, you'll find a nice little banner on it saying "Not for you." Sorry.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    My goodness.

    Jill K. DeWit:
    I don't mean it like that,

  • Have you ever wondered how the experts in land investing became so successful? Don’t miss this week’s podcast episode as Jack & Jill share their personal journeys to living their best lives. They’re the perfect example of hard work paying off and don’t mind sharing what they’ve learned along the way, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. If you truly have the desire to become a successful land investor with little work and a lot of pay, you’ll make it work.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is The Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Today, we are talking about ... Well, we're going to hear about Jill's personal story, and a little later, we're going to talk about my personal story.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Can I pick ... Does it have to be the story of me, or can I just pick a story-

    Steven Jack Butala:
    You can tell us the story of what happened to you last week if you'd like.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Okay. Cool.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This all came about, because a guy that produces the show, we asked him, "You post the stuff, you handle the whole thing." He's like, "Well, it really turns out, everybody wants to hear some version of your personal story."
    This is completely out of my comfort zone. I don't want to sit around here and talk about myself, but that's what they want. I think it's going to be pretty interesting.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's what you want.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    I want to hear Jill's story. I want to hear what your version of this is, because-

    Jill K DeWit:
    My version of the story, and then you're going to give me the real story. It's going to be no, no, no, sweetheart, that won't really happen at all, but, okay.
    Hey, I want to pause and say Happy Almost New Year.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    This is it, we have days, as this airs, just a couple days before it's 2024. I was thinking about it today, I'm already starting to write ... There's some years, you're like, "I'm halfway to February and I'm getting the year wrong." I have no idea why, but I'm so excited about this next year.
    I'm actually already finding myself putting 2024 on things ahead of time. I'm doing the opposite, and I don't know why it's happening but it is. It's really funny. Are you doing that at all?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    No. Not at all. That never crossed my mind. What crosses my mind at this time of year is what am I going to do about next year? What worked last year? What worked next year? Honestly, I love this time of year, because you just get a restart button.
    More and more and more, it's not about money. It's just more about other stuff, which is a really nice place to be in, Jill.

    Jill K DeWit:
    True. I completely agree.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from The Land Academy Member Discord forum. We review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we take a deep dive into two land-related topics by popular request.

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right. Josiah wrote, "I'd like a consensus on this. We're under contract for a 10 acre parcel adjacent to a major interstate accessible via dirt, two track road, in a rural area. We're struggling to find comparable properties that border the highway. In your view, does proximity to the highway negatively impact the value of a property like this?
    The property's physical address access matches up with the legal access," so that's good. We have physical and legal, so it's a two track-

    Steven Jack Butala:
    First of all, Josiah is a Career Path alumni.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Incredibly successful member, and so for him to ask this question, first of all, it's super cool of you to do this. Thank you. We all learn from things like this. I do, for sure. I think everybody else does. He's not a new person who came up with his first deal here.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I have a question, though, I'm curious. A two track road, I'm assuming that it's adjacent to the interstate and I'm assuming fr...

  • Do you have the right personality to be successful at land investing?

    In their latest podcast episode, Jack and Jill discuss taking a break from land acquisitions during the holiday season and the 5 steps to completely succeeding in your land career.

    Both topics relate to personality, determination and ultimately, how badly you want to succeed at buying and selling land.

    The amount of time you dedicate to your land business is completely up to you, but whether you succeed is determined by the amount of work you put in.

    We think one of the greatest things about the land investing business is the opportunity to plan ahead so that you can continue to effectively manage your business while also enjoying the holidays and spending time with friends and family.


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit. And this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Today we are talking about taking a break from land acquisitions during the holiday season. Spoiler alert, is it a good idea or not? Jill's got some strong feelings about it. And then a little later on in the show, we'll talk about the five steps to completely succeed in your land career.

    Jill K DeWit:
    It's funny, as you were reading the topic for the first one, taking a break, it's almost like it sounds like we're promoting it. Yep, here's what we're doing as far as taking a break, and a lot of people do that. There's one person I like on social media. It's Marie Forleo. And she's very loud at letting the planet know her whole office and her whole staff takes a full two weeks off for Christmas. We have a very different world. We can't do that. I'm like, if we took two weeks off for Christmas, holy moly, what would I miss? I'm not kidding. Spoiler alert. We would miss a lot.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from our Land Academy Member Discord forum. We review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars and we take a deep dive into two land-related topics by popular request. If you want to sneak peek at all this, please check out our Discord forum. Go to landacademy.com. It's free.

    Jill K DeWit:
    What is our question here? Zane wrote, "Hey, all. What is the difference between the situs address and the actual mailing address? The addresses from my mailer are all the same, situs and mail, in most cases all in Ohio." That's funny. You want to explain it?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Yeah. So in the simplest terms, and I'm really glad you asked this because a lot of people were wondering the same thing. This falls under one of those things where Jill and I are... We know what it is, but that's just because we've had so many years of experience doing this, so I'm glad you asked this very clear and simple question. And here's the answer. Situs address is where the land is. The mail address is where the tax bill gets sent. So, everybody gets a tax bill, everybody. It's a pretty cool system when you think about it. It's set up for us all to make a bunch of money. Probably your home address or your business address is where you get a bill sent so that you can actually old-school-

    Jill K DeWit:
    Pay the taxes.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    ... tear it off, write a check, send it back in. If you're 182, that's what you're going to do. That's how you pay your taxes. That's how-

    Jill K DeWit:
    Property taxes.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    ... it would go on forever. The reason, quite simply, is that most land doesn't have a post office address. Nobody lives there, and no one has applied for it. I didn't know this until I started buying and selling land. You have to apply for a post office address. It's not automatic. And so, what you have is two very clear addresses in every single dataset, a situs address, which is usually blank, and then a mailing address, which is a full-blown post office address where you get mail sent to.
    The reason Zane's asking this, I think, is it poses this interesting question when you're doing a ...

  • Tune in to Jack & Jill's conversation on navigating financial pitfalls associated with borrowing money – a practice we avoid. Wondering why? Discover a superior approach with an equity partner and ample funding opportunities within the Land Academy community. Let 2024 be a year marked by wise financial choices!


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I am Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is the Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Today we are talking about Land Academy's really unique position to get members' deals funded. It separates us from everybody else out there, in my opinion. And our advice a little bit later in the episode on how to not get sucked into some of the financial tricks out there that we're all subject to, car loans come to mind, and we'll talk a little bit how that bleeds into or can bleed into-

    Jill K DeWit:
    Real estate.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    ... our land businesses. Yeah.

    Jill K DeWit:
    That's true. Isn't that amazing? I mean seriously. Remember, I was just thinking about that. I remember buying a car back in the day, only brand new, because it was 0.9% financing and I'm like, "Well gee, duh." I'm sure that was all baked in somewhere, probably in the sticker price, but I'm like, all I heard was 0.9% financing. How can I not buy this car? How can I not do that? So, yeah, did it. But the good news is I'm not going to tell you what kind of car it was.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Thank you.

    Jill K DeWit:

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Because I'm having a good day.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Exactly. Let's just say there were little kids involved and so, anyway, and I did drive that car all the way through the whole thing and then for several years after it, so I did pay it off and then drive around a free vehicle for a while, which was nice. Not free, but paid for vehicle for a while. That was really good. That's always in my thing now. You know what? I can't do car payments. I would just like... I can't take it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Neither can I.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And that's a financial thing. "Oh, just come on. Look at the payments." Nope, not doing it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Well, we're going to cover all that. Okay, here's a spoiler alert. There's a few components to all of this, only one of which you have control over, and we'll talk about that later.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I can't wait to hear.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from our Land Academy member Discord forum, we review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we take a deep dive into two land related topics by popular request.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And by the way, if you want some help, you want to learn more about us, you want to talk to somebody, easy, reach out to my team via [email protected].
    All right. So here's the question. Paul wrote, new member in the corrupt state of Illinois. I love this. My wife and I are retired engineers. I speak Excel fluently, so I'm definitely the data guy. I am also a member under another mentor, which I have learned a lot, but I realize he's only done a few deals and Jack and Jill are crushing it real time, so I jumped in on this opportunity. Yay. One difference in training is the other program has us sending neutral letters saying, "If you want to sell your land, please call." I got less than 10 responses from 1,500 letters. Jack and Jill have us send an offer in the initial letter, which seems much better to me, although I haven't mailed it yet. So what response rates are you all seeing?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Boy, I'll tell you what, we've been doing this for a while, 10 years next year. I can tell you-

    Jill K DeWit:
    As Land Academy.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Yeah, we've done 35 years really, but 10 years next year. Well, it's 30 years and 10 years. Geez. And I can tell you guys are all set up for this. If you've got technical backgrounds, you're retired, so you've got time, you've got a bunch of experience behind you, and I think that you made the right choice,

  • Have you put a pause on your land business this month? If so, we highly recommend reconsidering your end of year strategy. Regardless of the holidays, we know from experience that people are still buying and selling land this time of year.

    If you stop sending mail and answering the phone, you’re most likely going to miss a home run deal. You still have time to get those offers out and close on a really great deal before the end of the year!

    Tune in to this week’s podcast to learn more about Jack & Jill’s end of year strategies, December could be your best month yet!


    Steven Jack Butala:
    I'm Steven Jack Butala.

    Jill K DeWit:
    And I'm Jill DeWit, and this is The Land Academy Show.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This is episode 1,981. And today, we are talking about first, our year-end checklist for our land business, and then a little bit later in the show, the biggest challenges we think we're going to face in 2024.

    Jill K DeWit:
    I just realized, we were talking this morning and I put notes on my phone and screenshots of some things. Should I have those with me now? Because I don't.

    Steven Jack Butala:

    Jill K DeWit:
    Okay, good.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    No, Jill.

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Just sit there and look pretty.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Okay, good. I made notes. You're like, "You've got to bring this up." I'm like, "Oh, sure." Now I totally forgot. Anyway, we're all good.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Each week on the show, we answer questions from our Land Academy member Discord forum. We review land acquisitions from our weekly member webinars, and we took a deep dive into two land related topics by popular request.

    Jill K DeWit:
    By the way too, if you want to know more about Land Academy, please just drop my team a note at [email protected], or if you go on our website, go to landacademy.com, there's a place right on there you could schedule a call with Christopher, and he will fill you in.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    [inaudible 00:01:11].

    Jill K DeWit:
    All right, so here's the question. Stacey wrote, "What is the most recent adjustment you guys have made in your land business to the new real estate market we are in?" Love it.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Very interesting question. You know what the point is here, I love this question. We're constantly making adjustments. I think that there's a sentiment maybe that's not just with the land business, but anything in life, where there's this huge learning curve, then there's this period of reward, and then it's like you can pat yourself on the back and you've made it. I've never experienced that third phase.

    Jill K DeWit:
    [inaudible 00:01:56]. You are always in the third phase, you just don't even know it. That's hilarious, really, seriously. What are you running around doing crazy right now, not a lot of anything? Packing for a trip, planning some over land adventures. What else you got?

    Steven Jack Butala:
    That's all true.

    Jill K DeWit:
    See. You don't even know you're in the third phase and you've been there for quite some time, sir.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    Spent a bunch of time on the podcast today.

    Jill K DeWit:
    Okay, that's good. You worked today. We'll call that done.

    Steven Jack Butala:
    This ties into what we're going to talk about today, what we're actually working on for year-end stuff, year-end checklists and all of it.

    Jill K DeWit:
    What's funny is I'm in other Facebook groups and I've seen this theme in other not even land groups, but other, let's just say general real estate investor groups that I'm in. And people are ... It's funny, I'm watching them pivot to things we've been doing the whole time. And one of them was someone pivoting from house flipping to not doing the remodel. I'm like, "Hello? We stopped doing that years ago." And they're just catching up. And the comment was something along the lines of, "I don't suck at buying them," kind of thing, "But now, I'm just reselling them to somebody else because I'm not hitting my numbers.