NFT Alpha is the spot where you can get the latest and greatest NFT news, project reviews, and NFT advice. Episodes coming to you twice a week where you can learn about some of the upcoming NFT projects and tokens that have major upside and potential. Follow us on this journey as we uncover what the world of NFTs has to offer!
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that we are not a professional advisor in business areas involving NFT’s, finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "NFT Update" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "NFT Update" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available. -
Top Startup and SaaS Podcast for Startup Founders, Entrepreneurs and Investors.
Learn how to optimize your growth strategy a SaaS startup entrepreneur from beta all the way to exit. We cover topics such as raising capital, acquisitions, leadership, B2B sales, growth marketing, scaling, hiring, M&A, conversion optimization, productivity, bootstrapping, venture capital, private equity, and innovation.
By sharing industry lead expertise, we want you to implement the best-proven tactics to help you scale your SaaS company.
Top Podcast Industry Nominations:
- 13 Best SaaS Marketing Podcasts | SaaS Marketer
- Top SaaS Podcasts for 2021 | Beamer
- Top 25 SaaS Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 | Feedspot
- Best 26 SaaS & Subscriptions Podcasts to Listen to in 2021 | 2Checkout
- Best 26 SaaS & Subscriptions Podcasts to Listen to in 2021 | KlintMarketing -
During each episode of the Technically Speaking podcast, we will be joined by an expert from our team, a vendor partner, or a thought leader, who will do a deep dive into relevant technology topics and trends. You will also get to know more about Keller Schroeder how we can help you alleviate the challenges associated with that episode’s topic or trend.
Hear from the leaders shaping the future of work for the better! The 4th industrial revolution, powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation, will change the face of work as we know it. How are innovators creating the future and preparing us for it? Join the conversation!
Schneider Electric vous emmène au cœur de l’industrie 4.0 en vous présentant les dernières innovations pour transformer votre industrie. Retrouvez des témoignages de professionnels de premier plan afin de développer vos connaissances, vos compétences, et votre entreprise. L’innovation n’a jamais été aussi près de chez vous.
Formidable Israeli startups pitch to angels, venture capitalists and industry experts. Join the candid give-and-take between pros with hard-earned wisdom and techies pushing cutting-edge advances. J-Tech Pitch Lounge offers a deep dive into the startup ecosystem that has transformed a tiny country into an outsized player on the world stage. To learn more visit us at
بودكاست يختص بمناقشة وطرح كل ما يتعلق بالتداول البورصة سوق الاوراق المالية قراءات تحليلية ومعلومات موثقة
ملاحظة مهمة جدا
ديلبريسو ليس مسؤول عن اي نوع من انواع الترويج لأسهم او صفقات ربحية والمعلومات التي سوف يتم مناقشتها هي لغرض زيادة الوعي وتعليم وتثقيف المستمع عن كيفية فهم التداول وشرح حركات الاسهم وليس الغرض ان يقوم البودكاست باعطاء نصائح تجارية
A Meel Original Podcast ©2020 -
Entrepreneurs ou aspirants entrepreneurs :
que pouvons-nous faire concrètement
pour faire notre part face aux grands enjeux de société ?
“Too Good to grow ?” c’est un format simple pour interroger celles et ceux qui cherchent à concilier activité économique et grands enjeux sociétaux ou environnementaux.
Au travers de ces entretiens nous vous faisons découvrir des invités, des parcours
mais aussi des solutions concrètes à la portée du plus grand nombre !
Bonne écoute ! -
Real Estate with Chris Alston is all about helping you better understand the Real Estate market through the eyes of a Real Estate Broker with over 20 years of experience and a licensed general contractor. Chris owns Live Play Real Estate, Inc. a high producing team of real estate agents, and is in the top 1% in sales, nationally along with Live Play Silicon Valley Construction, Inc.
His background allows him to deliver this amazing podcast that dives into the complexities of buying and selling homes, investing in rentals, writing contracts, negotiating skills, flipping, updating/remodeling, upgrading before selling, fixes that could be demanded,and many more construction issues. Fun and packed with valuable information, coming to you from
Silicon Valley, California. -
Toutes les semaines, écoutez les économistes de Desjardins offrir leur analyse des sujets chauds de l'actualité économique, dans un format qui va droit au but. Tour à tour, les économistes principaux Jimmy Jean, Hélène Bégin, Francis Généreux et Hendrix Vachon se succèdent au micro pour offrir leur point de vue sur l'actualité économique qui fait bouger les marchés. Ce que vous devez savoir sur l'économie est issu de Pour votre info, le balado québécois du monde des affaires. Découvrez Pour votre info partout où vous écoutez vos balados.
Bienvenue sur ma chaîne de podcast dédiée au développement personnel !
Ici, nous allons explorer ensemble différents thèmes liés à l'amélioration de soi, que ce soit sur le plan émotionnel, intellectuel, physique ou spirituel.
Je suis convaincu que chaque personne a le potentiel de devenir la meilleure version d'elle-même, et c'est pourquoi j'ai créé cette chaîne pour partager mes connaissances et mon expérience sur les différentes pratiques et techniques qui peuvent aider à atteindre cet objectif. -
HAUSgefragt von Dr. Klein: Der Podcast zur Baufinanzierung
Hier erfahrt ihr alles, was ihr auf dem Weg ins Eigenheim wissen müsst. In diesem Podcast kommen Expertinnen und Experten zu Wort und geben euch aktuelle Tipps zum Thema Baufinanzierung.
Zudem berichten Menschen, die eine Immobilie gekauft oder ein Haus gebaut haben, wie sie ihre Baufinanzierung gemeistert haben, welche Hürden es gab und was sie anderen Kaufwilligen raten würden.
Unser Podcast-Angebot erscheint freitags im 2-Wochen-Takt. Ihr habt Feedback für uns, Fragen zu einer Folge oder euch fehlt ein Thema, das euch beschäftigt? Dann schreibt uns gerne eine E-Mail an: [email protected]! -
Enter the exciting world of Property Technology. Explore the new wave of digital transformation that is disrupting the real estate. Zain Jaffer your host has extensive experience as a startup CEO & Founder and real estate investor. Zain interviews top real estate experts, venture capitalists and executives who are moulding the future of the PropTech industry. If you're looking to hear from industry experts on what the future of then you're listening to the right podcast.