Fyrir um 25 árum fæddust tvær litlar stelpur á Landspítalanum í Reykjavík sem eru nú sestar hér fyrir framan tvo litla míkrafóna sem senda raddir þeirra rakleiðis í sætu litlu eyrun þín kæri Homo sapiens. Velkomin í hlaðvarpið ÞETTA FULLORÐNA FÓLK ER SVO SKRÝTIÐ þar sem Björk Guðmundsdóttir og Annalísa Hermannsdóttir kryfja breyskleika manneskjunnar í gegnum ýmsar kenningar og rannsóknir sem tengjast mannlegu eðli, menningu og gríni.
Stef: K.óla -
Hello and welcome to the Come Fly With Me podcast where I discuss dream holiday destinations and career plans with my guests. I am your host/pilot Kenneth Fairweather and it is a pleasure to have you on board.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Félagsskapur þeirra sem segja sögur af sorginni, sársaukafullar sögur sveipaðar harmi en líka grátbroslegar sögur sem láta þig hlæja þegar þú átt síst von á því.
Gunnar Smári Jóhannesson er þáttastjóri og fer hann ítarlega í saumana á sinni sorg ásamt því að fá til sín nýjan gest í hverjum þætti sem deilir sínum reynslusögum.
Við bendum á að hópurinn sem kemur að gerð þessara þátta er einnig með leiksýningu í Tjarnarbíói. Ef þér líkar við þáttinn hvetjum við þig til að kaupa miða! Ljúfsár og sprenghlægileg sýning um húmorinn í harminum.
Adam Ferrara brings his comedy improv skills welcoming fascinating personalities such as comedians, actors, writers, car enthusiast, x-gamers, musicians, detectives and more. Come join Adam and his friends as we meet all these cool people, with great reflection and humor. You'll be glad you did!
For advertising opportunities please email at [email protected] -
I denna självutnämnda succépodd surrar Hanapee (programledare, influencer och bloggare) och bästisen Nea om barnuppfostran (hur överlever man pms med sitt barn?), ger starka trendtips (alla borde ha kort lugg i år!) och pratar om Neas år med bröstcancer och cellgifter. Det är nära, inbjudande, roligt och bjussigt i Sveriges nya, stora måstepodd för alla kvinnor mellan 25 och 45. Ställ en fråga eller önska ett ämne på https://www.surretpodcast.seEn podcast från Perfect Day Media.
Does your family think you're crazy? So does mine. Join me, your host Mystic Mark two or more episodes a week as we discuss out of the box concepts with people who take the road less traveled. From bizarre events, conspiracy, mystery, intrigue, spirituality, paranormal, supernatural, alternative, ancient, lost to forbidden knowledge, ancient wisdom and so much more! Not exactly dinner table conversation, right? ...Join us on The My Family Thinks I’m Crazy Podcast every week where these topics and discussions are right at home. Support us on Patreon or with a one time donation this show is primarily supported by listeners please help keep the show on the air 3 times a week!
Der er ikke nogen, der går gennem livet uden at begå fejl. Når det sker, kan man vælge at grave sig ned og skamme sig helt ind i knoglerne - eller man kan dele sine dårlige valg med andre og se på det som en vigtig lektie. Og måske endda prøve at grine af det.
Det er præcis, hvad vi vil gøre i denne podcast. Vi vil hylde og elske alle de ting, vi roder os ud i og efterfølgende fortryder. Det gør vi hver uge, hvor vi inviterer en gæst i studiet til en snak om, hvad de virkelig, inderligt fortryder, de har gjort. Velkommen til 1000 regrets. -
The Confidante Files is a weekly podcast hosted by Renuka Sharma and Ase Wang.
Real talk between two friends who live very different lives and often have opposing points of view on the same subject.The Confidante Files brings you a perfect mix of topics that bring joy and serious issues that keep us awake at night, so join the conversation for a laugh, cry or eye roll. -
The GSP And Me Podcast is dedicated to bringing German Shorthair Pointer lovers together. In this podcast I will be talking about popular topics within the GSP community, I will bring on experts to talk about topics like nutrition, hunting, training and more! The purpose of this podcast is really just to share the love I have for the breed with other owners (and to raise awareness about the breed). The goal is to have fun and entertain you all with personal stories and stories from my friends and family members who also have Shorthairs. I'm your host, Madeline Schmidt and my co-host is Henry Von Schmidt a 4 year old mama's boy with an attitude!
This weekly podcast will be uploaded every Wednesday at 5PM (Central)
Head over to our Closed Facebook Group (GSP Lovers Only!)
Follow us on Instagram @GSPandMe @HenryVonSchmidt -
Go behind the memes with Stefanie Parker (@shesallbach) and Jackie Maroney (@jackiemaroney_) as they discuss The Bachelor franchise and the drama that surrounds it. Listen for real life encounters, interviews with alumni, recaps, reality TV news, and so much more. Plus, every Friday, join in for Sound Off in the Comments Below, where the listeners submit pop culture questions and topics.