
  • Historian Tim Barker and editor/organizer Ben Mabie join to discuss a thrilling episode in the history of American labor. Barker and Mabie are two co-hosts of Fragile Juggernaut, a Haymarket Originals podcast exploring the history, politics, and strategic lessons of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (or CIO). Along with co-hosts Alex Press, Gabriel Winant, Andrew Elrod, and Emma Teitelman, they've been telling the story of organized labor in the 1930s, the radical possibilities of that decade, and the eclipsing of those possibilities in the post-war years — with the onset of the cold war, McCarthyism, and anti-union legislation like Taft-Hartley.

    In a sense, this episode is a pre-history of the story we tell on Know Your Enemy. If you’ve ever wondered, what was it that so terrified reactionary businessmen about the New Deal era? How did they come to believe that revolutionary upheaval was a real prospect in America, that Communists were everywhere, threatening the social order, and that this peril demanded the creation and funding of a new conservative movement? Well part of the answer is: the CIO. From a certain angle, the right-wing fever dream was real, at least for a time: the CIO really was filled with Communists, labor militants really did take over factories and shut down whole cities, and it really did seem possible, if only briefly, that the American working class — including immigrants from all over Europe, black workers, and women — might find solidarity on the shop floor, consolidate politically, and threaten the reign of capital. That didn’t quite happen. And this episode will partially explain why.

    Further Reading:

    Andrew Elrod, "Fragile Juggernaut: What was the CIO?" n+1, Jan 24, 2024.

    Bruce Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoremen, and Unionism in the 1930s, U of Illinois Press, 1988.

    Robert H. Zieger, The CIO, 1935-1955, UNC Press, 1995.

    Landon R.Y. Storrs, The Second Red Scare and the Unmaking of the New Deal Left, Princeton U Press, 2012.

    Eric Blanc, “Revisiting the Wagner Act & its Causes,” Labor Politics, Jul 28, 2022.

    Rhonda Levine, "Class Struggle and the New Deal: Industrial Labor, Industrial Capital, and the State," U of Kansas Press, 1988.

    Further Listening:

    The podcast: "Haymarket Originals: Fragile Juggernaut," 2024

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Historian David Austin Walsh joins to discuss his excellent new book Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right — a fascinating re-description of the relationship between the far right and the American conservative movement from the 1930s to the end of the Cold War.

    How did figures like William F. Buckley, Jr. relate to figures on the further right fringes of right-wing politics, people like Merwin K Hart, Revilo Oliver, Russel Maguire, and George Lincoln Rockwell? And how should we make sense of Buckley and others' furtive efforts to sanitize the right of its more explicitly racist, anti-semitic, and conspiratorial elements? In this conversation, Walsh makes the case for viewing the conservative coalition, from National Review to the John Birch Society to white power movements and neo-Nazis, as embodying a "popular front." That is to say — like the American left in the 1930s — these groups thought of themselves as part of a unified movement with a common enemy; and despite their differences over strategy, tactics, and rhetoric, they shared a fundamental worldview and vision of the good. What's more, as Walsh demonstrates, figures of the fringe and mainstream tended to maintain relationships and contact with one another, even if formal ties were severed.

    Walsh's book is a major contribution to ongoing historiographic debates about 20th century American conservatism — of the sort we love to have on KYE — and he himself is a delightful source of detail and texture about the cranks and weirdos who make up a larger share of the right than many mainstream liberals and conservatives would like to believe.

    Further Reading:

    David Austin Walsh, Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right, Yale U Press, April 2024.

    John S. Huntington, Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism, Penn Press, Oct. 2021.

    Edward Miller, A Conspiratorial Life: Robert Welch, the John Birch Society, and the Revolution of American Conservatism, U Chicago Press. Feb 2022.

    Rick Perlstein, "I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved Me Wrong." New York Times. April 11, 2017.

    Peter Khiss, "KENNEDY TARGET OF BIRCH WRITER; Article Says He Was Killed for Fumbling Red Plot," New York Times, Feb 11, 1964.

    Leo Ribuffo, "The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Depression to the Cold War," Temple U Press. 1983.

    Sam Adler-Bell, "The Remnant and the Restless Crowd," Commonweal, Aug 1, 2018.

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy for access to all of our bonus episodes!

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  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Matt and Sam gab about "The Incomparable Mr. Buckley," a new PBS documentary on William F. Buckley Jr., which features Matt Sitman (!) as a talking head — along with a rogue's gallery of KYE friends and former guests: Perlstein, Tanenhaus, Tait, Gage, Burns, the whole gang... What do we make of the doc? Is it a whitewash? Is it too credulous about the conservative movement? Does it "get" Buckley, the man? (Does anyone?) And what does Buckley have to do with Donald Trump? This was a lot of fun. Good ol' KYE classico.

    Sources Cited:

    Barak Goodman, "The Incomparable Mr. Buckley," PBS (2024)

    Rick Perlstein, "An Implausible Mr. Buckley," American Prospect, April 17, 2024.

    Alexander Chee, "Mr. and Mrs. B," Apology Magazine, Jan 1, 2014.

    Ross Douthat, "'We're On Our Way Home Now, Duckie!'" Atlantic, Feb 2008

    Nicholas Buccola, "The Fire Is upon Us: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley Jr., and the Debate over Race in America," Princeton U Press, Oct 2019.

    Sam Adler-Bell, "The Conservative and the Murderer," New Republic, March 7, 2022

    Previously on KYE:

    Buckley vs. Vidal (2020)

    Buckley for Mayor (w/ Sam Tanenhaus) (2021)

    The Conservative and the Convict (w/ Sarah Weinman) (2022)

    In Search of Anti-Semitism (w/ John Ganz) (2023)

  • This conversation is a little different. We wanted to take a break from the election-year political jousting to talk to the poet Christian Wiman about Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair, one of the most singular books published in recent memory—part memoir, part commonplace book, part poetry collection. As with his previous My Bright Abyss, Wiman, more than any other contemporary Christian writer, manages to shake off our culture's desiccated religious tropes to write and talk about matters of ultimate concern in ways that are bracing, even exhilarating. How does poetry tap into reality, or, even better, what does poetry reveal about it? How does he think about the relationship between "life and art"? Why does he resist "Saul on the Road to Damascus"-style accounts of religious conversion? Why did he almost not write about his cancer diagnosis in My Bright Abyss? Why might postmodernism be good for religion, actually? How does the love of another person connect to the love of God? And how does any of this matter for how we live? We take up these questions and more.


    Christian Wiman, Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair (2023)

    — My Bright Abyss: Meditations of a Modern Believer (2013)

    — Ambition and Survival: Becoming a Poet (2004)

    — Every Riven Thing: Poems (2014)

    — "The Preacher Addresses the Seminarians" in Once in the West (2014)

    Matthew Sitman, "Finding the Words for Faith: Meet America's Most Important Christian Writer," The Dish, Sept 3, 2014

    Casey Cep, "How the Poet Christian Wiman Keeps His Faith," New Yorker, Dec 4, 2023

    Andre Dubus, "A Father's Story," in Selected Stories of Andre Dubus (1996)

    Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace (1947)

    Robert Bringhurst, "These Poems, She Said," from The Beauty of the Weapons: Selected Poems 1972-1982. Copper Canyon Press (1982)

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Historian Ronnie Grinberg's new book Write Like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals couldn't be better "Know Your Enemy" fodder. (Main characters include: Midge Decter and Norman Podhoretz, Diana and Lionel Trilling, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, and Mary McCarthy!) These writers, Grinberg shows, built and sustained a novel, secular, Jewish, and masculine concept of the intellectual life, an ideology that would profoundly affected the development of Cold War liberalism, neo-conservativism, Zionism, and right-wing reaction against feminism, gay rights, and black power.

    As we discovered in this conversation, it's impossible to make sense of the creative and scholarly contributions of the New York Intellectuals — good and bad — without gender as an essential lens. Moreover, Grinberg shows how scholars can easily misapprehend the deeper motivations for neoconservative reaction (among those such as Podhoretz and Decter) if they are not attentive to the centrality of gender, sexuality, and patriarchy in these thinkers' work.

    Further Reading:

    Ronnie Grinberg, Write Like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals (Mar 2024)

    Sam Adler-Bell, "The New York Intellectuals Were a Boys' Club," Chronicle of Higher Education, Apr 10, 2024

    Matthew Sitman, "Midge Decter to Howard Meyer, April 15, 1987," Friends and Enemies, Apr 8, 2024

    B.D. McClay, "Of Course They Hated Her: The Uncomfortable Honesty of Mary McCarthy," Commonweal, Dec 18, 2017

    William Barrett, The Truants: Adventures Among the Intellectuals (1982)

    Mary McCarthy, The Group (1963)

    Tess Slesinger, The Unpossessed (1934)

    Norman Podhoretz, Breaking Ranks: A Political Memoir (1979)

    Irving Howe, World of Our Fathers (1976)

    Further Viewing:

    D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus,"Town Bloody Hall" (1979)

    Further Listening:

    KYE, "Midge Decter, Anti-Feminist Cold Warrior (w/ Moira Donegan and Adrian Daub," Jul 28, 2023

    KYE, "What Happened to Norman (w/ David Klion)," Jan 16, 2020

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    It was inevitable that Know Your Enemy would eventually discuss Arguing the World, the 1998 documentary about four Jewish intellectuals who emerged from the alcoves and arguments of City College in the 1930s and influenced American politics and letters for much of the rest of the twentieth century, and beyond: Irving Howe, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, and Nathan Glazer.

    Why now? Most of all, it's the kind of documentary we love—the personal rivalries, the gossip, the self-conscious intellectuality, and the, well, arguments. But we'll also be publishing an episode next week with historian Ronnie Grinberg about her new book, Write Like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals, and while the overlap in subject matter is not perfect, this documentary would make for a great primer for listeners (since we know you're the kind of listeners who do not despise homework). It's also an excellent chance to revisit the history of the left, old and new, and their fraught relationship with each other; to consider the place of intellectuals and thinking in a time of urgent action; and, as ever, to talk about the ways the subjects of Arguing the World might fit into America's right turn and "how we got here."


    Arguing the World, dir. Joseph Dorman (1998); YouTube, PBS, IMDB


    Irving Howe, "This Age of Conformity," Partisan Review, Jan-Feb 1954

    Irving Howe, "Socialism and Liberalism: Articles of Conciliation?" Dissent, Winter 1977

    Irving Kristol, “Memoirs of a Trotskyist,” NYTimes, Jan 23, 1977

  • Why are Republicans and the right losing their minds over Taylor Swift, the gifted songwriter and globe-bestriding pop star? Why do they think her NFL-playing, Super Bowl-winning boyfriend is secretly gay—precisely because he's dating Taylor Swift? Why is this slice of Americana being portrayed as a deep-state op meant to hand the 2024 election to Joe Biden? To try to answer these, and other, similarly bewildering questions, Matt and Sam talked to writer B.D. McClay, whose Substack, Notebook, has become the essential guide to understanding Taylor Swift, her place in our culture and politics, and why she drives right-wingers (but not just right-wingers!) crazy.


    B.D. McClay, "taylor derangement syndrome: on losing the normies," Notebook, Feb 3, 2024

    — "cruel summer is going number one," Notebook, Oct 22, 2023

    — "your future is me: let's talk about (sigh) swifties," Notebook, Oct 7, 2023

    — "Taylor Swift studies takes a detour," Sept 4, 2023

    — "Taylor Swift, Rockist," Notebook, Aug 4, 2023

    — "Taylor Swift studies, contd," Notebook, July 3, 2023

    — "(but I'm only looking at you)," Notebook, May 29, 2023

    — "A Decade of Sore Winners," The Outline, Dec 31, 2019.

    Clare Coffey, "Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince," Notebook, Sept 25, 2023

    Mark Harris, "Taylor Swift’s ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ Is the First Pure Piece of Trump-Era Pop Art," Vulture, Aug 30, 2017

    Edmund Smirk, "Swiftian Normality and the Freak Right," The American Mind, March, 7, 2024.


    Taylor Swift arguing with her Boomer Republican father about Tennessee U.S. Senate race (YouTube)

    Taylor Swift, folklore: the long pond studio sessions (2020)

    Bob Dylan, "Murder Most Foul" (2020)

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • What can four generations of men named "L. Brent Bozell" tell us about the trajectory of modern American conservatism? Well, quite a lot. In this classic KYE bonus episode from February 2021, newly unlocked for these last weeks of Lent, Matt and Sam discuss one of the first families of the postwar right, which ends up being a story about faith, fanaticism, and the "awful grace of God."

    From the union-busting, ad-man scion (Brent Sr.), to the fiercely brilliant and troubled National Review editor-turned-Catholic zealot (Brent Jr.), to the insipid media watchdog and Trump apologist (Brent III), and finally, to the ball-cap-wearing January 6 capitol siege participant (Brent IV, aka "Zeeker") — the Bozell epic has all the elements of a great family saga: pathos, intrigue, tragedy, farce, decline, and even a bit of redemption.

    In classic KYE fashion, we over-prepared and over-imbibed to bring you this story. Please enjoy responsibly!

    Further Reading:

    Jeet Heer, "Meet the Bozells, America’s First Family of Right-Wing Violence," The Nation, February 22, 2021

    Jon Schwarz, "Accused Capitol Rioter Brent Bozell IV Comes from Right-Wing Royalty," The Intercept, February 17, 2021

    Timothy Noah, "The Rise and Fall of the L. Brent Bozells," The New Republic, February 19, 2021

    Eve Tushnet, "Order, Chaos, Peace," The American Conservative, November 18, 2016

    L. Brent Bozell Jr., "Freedom or Virtue?" National Review, Sept 11, 1962

    Daniel Kelly, Living on Fire: The Life of L. Brent Bozell Jr., Intercollegiate Studies Institute, January 2014

    Further Listening:

    "Conservative Intelligentsia with Sam Adler-Bell & Matt Sitman," The Dig, February 18, 2021

  • The right's romance with odious foreign dictators didn't start with Putin or Viktor Orbán, and their profound contempt for democracy long predates January 6. In his new book, America Last: The Right's Century-Long Romance with Foreign Dictators, Jacob Heilbrunn traces this tradition on the right—in many ways their most deeply rooted and enduring tradition in foreign affairs—back over a century to the embrace of Kaiser Wilhelm during World War I and envy of Mussolini to the present. In this discussion, Matt and Sam ask Heilbrunn about the connection between race science and fear of democracy in the early 20th century, what the right saw in Italian fascism, the machinations of the right's pivot from Nazi revisionism to the onset of the Cold War, Jeane Kirkpatrick and the supposed distinction between authoritarianism and "totalitarianism," the profound consequences of the failure of neoconservatism, the coming disaster of a second Trump term, and more.


    Jacob Heilbrunn, America Last: The Right's Century-Long Romance with Foreign Dictators (2024)

    The Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons (2008)

    RJB Bosworth, Mussolini (2010)

    J. Valerio Borghese, Sea Devils: Suicide Squad (Regnery, 1954)

    Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, "Dictatorships & Double Standards," Commentary, Nov 1979.


    Know Your Enemy, "The American Right’s Hungary Hearts, (w/ Lauren Stokes and John Ganz)"

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Matt and Sam return to René Girard via Pope Francis—whom Matt personally met at a recent general audience at the Vatican, and whose homily at that audience addressed the problem of envy, and what Christianity might have to teach us about it. Topics include: how to think about Girard's Christianity, in terms both of how it informs his work and his own attachment to it; the politics of Jesus, and whether or not any of the preceding can actually help us avoid the apocalyptic violence Girard thought was building as we hurtle toward "the end times."


    René Girard, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (1999)

    Scott Cowdell, René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis (2015)

    Pope Francis, "Envy and Vainglory," Full text of general audience remarks, Feb 28, 2024

    John Ganz's Unpopular Front series on Girard: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

    Herbert McCabe, "Class Struggle and Christian Love" in God Matters (2012)

    James Alison, The Joy of Being Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes (1998)

    James Allison, "Girard's Breakthrough," The Tablet, June 29, 1996.

    Patricia Lockwood, "When I Met the Pope," LRB, Nov 30, 2023.


    Know Your Enemy, "René Girard and the Right" (w/ John Ganz), Feb 26, 2024


    Pericle Fazzini, "The Resurrection" (statue in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Vatican City)r

  • The late René Girard, former Stanford professor of literature and mentor to Peter Thiel, is having something of a moment on the right these days—as Sam Kriss recently put it in a Harper's essay, Girard's name is being "dropped on podcasts and shoved into reading lists," and "Girardianism has become a secret doctrine of a strange new frontier in reactionary thought." Why might that be the case? To unpack this question, Matt and Sam welcomed back John Ganz, whose four-part series on Girard is one of the best primers available. What does Girard have to say about who we are as human beings, why we want what we want, the origins of both violence and social order (and what they have to do with each others), the uniqueness of Christianity, and the nature of secular modernity? What use is all this to the right? And to what uses do they put it?

    Also: please pre-order John's book, When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s — it's sure to be excellent.


    John Ganz's Unpopular Front series on Girard: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

    René Girard, Deceit, Desire, and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure (1976)

    Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World (1987)

    The Scapegoat (1989)

    I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (1999)

    Sam Kriss, "Overwhelming and Collective Murder: The Grand, Gruesome Theories of René Girard," Harper's, Nov 2023

    Scott Cowdell, René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis (2013)

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Matt and Sam return to some historiographic questions from our episode with Kim Phillips-Fein — especially how to think the relationship between "right" and "far right" — and then discuss the troubling return of scientific racism to mainstream conservative thought.

    Further Reading:

    James Alison, "Facing Down the Wolf," Commonweal, June 10, 2020.

    Matthew Sitman, "Time in the Eternal City," Commonweal, Dec 24, 2024.

    Samuel L. Popkin, Crackup: The Republican Implosion and the Future of Presidential Politics, Oxford UP, May 2021.

    Joseph E. Lowndes, From the New Deal to the New Right: Race and the Southern Origins of Modern Conservatism, Yale UP, June 2009

    John S. Huntington, Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism, Penn Press, Oct 2021.

  • As listeners might have noticed, 2024 is a presidential election year, and already the prospect of Donald Trump returning to power is looming over the campaign and the media's coverage of it. In a second term, Trump has promised to weaponize the Justice Department to punish his enemies, deconstruct major portions of the administrative state, and mobilize the largest deportation force in US history — to cleanse the nation of immigrants who, as Trump says, "are poisoning the blood of our country."

    The key to achieving these goals, conservatives believe, is ensuring that this time — unlike in 2016 — Trump is surrounded by the right people: populist true-believers who are sufficiently loyal and sufficiently competent to implement his extreme agenda. "Personnel is policy" is the watchword. And think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) are busy building rival rosters of ideologically-vetted political appointees. (And pissing each other off in the process.)

    This episode explores how movement conservatives are refashioning the "conservative pipeline" for an anti-establishment era — through their efforts to recruit, credential, and train political professionals for a second Trump term. The question is: can these initiatives overcome the candidate's own erratic style, his weakness for sycophancy, his preference for hiring devoted courtiers over disciplined ideologues? If push came to shove, would Trump submit to the Heritage Foundation's plans for his presidential transition? Or would he resent being managed by these self-understood "adults in the room?"

    In other words, can the eggheads of the conservative movement clean up the mess that is MAGA? Or is that just another intellectual fantasy? After all, as we often say on Know Your Enemy: "MAGA is the mess."


    Sam Adler-Bell, "The Shadow War to Determine the Next Trump Administration," New York Times, Jan 10, 2024

    Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Devlin Barrett, "Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term," Washington Post, Nov 6, 2023.

    Charlie Savage, Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Swan, "Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportation: Inside Trump's 2025 Immigration Plans," NYTimes, Nov 11, 2023.

    Jonathan D. Karl, "The Man Who Made January 6 Possible," Atlantic, Nov 9, 2021.

    Zachary Petrizzo, "Trumpworld Is Already at War Over Staffing a New Trump White House," Daily Beast, Nov 16, 2023.

    Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen, "Behind the Curtain — Scoop: The Trump job applications revealed," Axios, Dec 1, 2023.

    Ian Ward, "The Brash Group of Young Conservatives Getting Ready for the Next Trump Administration," Politico, Nov 3, 2023.

    Michael Hirsh, "Inside the Next Republican Revolution," Politico, Sept 9, 2023.

    Dylan Riley, "What Is Trump?" New Left Review, Nov 2018.

    Timothy Snyder, "Not a Normal Election," Commonweal, Nov 2, 2020

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Journeyman actor Peter Crombie, who appeared in films such as Seven, Born on the Fourth of July, and Natural Born Killers, died earlier this month, on January 10, 2024, at the age of 71. But his most famous, or at least memorable, role probably was his five-episode arc in season four of Seinfeld as "Crazy" Joe Davola, a struggling writer who becomes obsessed with Elaine and believes Jerry is sabotaging his career.

    The "Crazy" Joe Davola episodes come at a major turning point in Seinfeld's nine seasons. The grittier, nearly vanished working-class New York City that's depicted in its earliest episodes, filled with dingy laundromats, struggling actors, immigrant relatives, and people who are literally poor, begins to drop out of view as Jerry's career takes off and the settings, references, and concerns of the show becomes more absurd and removed from the day to day life of ordinary people in Manhattan and beyond.

    Using the death of Peter Crombie as the thinnest of excuses to do an episode on the politics of Seinfeld, Matt was joined by KYE producer Jesse Brenneman and historian Gabe Winant to explain its "Jewish humor"; how the class politics of New York City in the 70s and 80s informed the show; the deeper meaning of its many references to dictators, Nazis, communists, and others; the Dinkins vs. Giuliani race for mayor; and more!

  • When did the American conservative movement begin? Who were its chief protagonists? What were their main motivations? Is the conservative movement a social movement, like any other, or is it something different? Should scholars have "sympathy" for their conservative subjects in order to study them? And are there important distinctions to be drawn between "conservative," "the right," and "the far right?"

    These are the sorts of questions historians ask each other and themselves. The changing ways they answer them — and the reasons their answers change — is the subject of today's episode. In other words: we're discussing the historiography of the American right. (Fun!)

    In a highly influential 1994 essay, historian Alan Brinkley referred to conservatism as "something of an orphan in historical scholarship." By 2011, when our brilliant guest, Kim Phillips-Fein, surveyed the historical literature on conservatism, she found a dynamic, prolific, even "trendy" field, but one with many unsettled methodological debates. In 2017, friend of the pod Rick Perlstein wrote that historians, himself included, had made a mistake, privileging the more respectable and intellectual dimensions of conservatism over the more irrational, rank, and racist. "If Donald Trump is the latest chapter of conservatism’s story," Perlstein mused, "might historians have been telling that story wrong?" Since then, several studies and popular books have emerged which correct the record, and take up Perlstein's call to study "conservative history’s political surrealists and intellectual embarrassments, its con artists and tribunes of white rage."

    To start off the year — an election year, no less — we're taking up these questions again. What is the state of the field of conservative studies now? Have historians, popular writers, and/or podcasters over-corrected, in the Trump era, for the mistakes Perlstein cites? What might we be missing this time? We're so very lucky to have long-time friend of the show Kim Phillips-Fein, the Robert Gardiner-Kenneth T. Jackson Professor of History at Columbia University, as our guide. Let's get big picture and take stock. 2024, here we go.

    Further Reading:

    Alan Brinkley, "The Problem of American Conservatism," The American Historical Review, Apr 1994.

    Kim Phillips Fein, "Conservatism: A State of the Field," The Journal of American History, Dec 2011.

    — Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal (2010)

    — Fear City: New York's Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics (2017)

    Rick Perlstein, "I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved Me Wrong." New York Times, Apr 11, 2017.

    Richard Hofstadter, "The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt," The American Scholar, Winter, 1954.

    Willmoore Kendall, The Conservative Affirmation (Regnery Publishing, 1963)

    John Huntington, Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism (2021)

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Writer Osita Nwanevu joins for a rip-roaring conversation about legendary prose stylist, "new journalist," and novelist Tom Wolfe. Reviewing a new documentary about Wolfe ("Radical Wolfe" on Netflix), Osita writes, "Behind the ellipses and exclamation points and between the lines of his prose, a lively though often lazy conservative mind was at work, making sense of the half-century that birthed our garish and dismal present, Trump and all."

    Answered herein: is Tom Wolfe a good writer? What kind of conservative is he? How does his approach compare to other "new journalists" like Joan Didion and Garry Wills? And what's the deal with the white suit?

    Further Reading:

    Osita Nwanevu, "The Electric Kool-Aid Conservative," The New Republic, Jan 5, 2023

    Tom Wolfe, "The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby," Esquire, Nov 1963.

    — "The Birth of ‘The New Journalism’; Eyewitness Report," New York Magazine, Feb 1972.

    — "Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny’s," New York Magazine, June 1972

    — The Bonfire of the Vanities (1987)

    — A Man in Full (1998)

    — The Kingdom of Speech (2016)

    Peter Augustine Lawler, "What is Southern Stoicism? An Interview with Professor Peter Lawler," Daily Stoic, March 2017

  • For our final main episode of 2023, we're dipping back into the Wills well to discuss Garry's under-appreciated 2010 book, Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State. Joining us is our great friend Erik Baker, lecturer in the History of Science Department at Harvard University and an editor at The Drift magazine.

    In Bomb Power, Garry Wills elegantly demonstrates how the imperatives of secretly conceiving, building, and deploying the nuclear bomb fundamentally changed American democracy — massively empowering the presidency, disempowering Congress, and setting the nation on a permanent war footing. At the same time, secrecy and deception metastasized through the American system, enabling the rise of extra-judicial assassinations, coup plotting, domestic surveillance, torture, and clandestine war. "Secrecy emanated from the Manhattan Project like a giant radiation emission..." writes Wills, "Because the government was the keeper of the great secret, it began specializing in secret keeping.”

    Also discussed: Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer (2023), Henry Kissinger (RIP), Bush and Obama, Snowden, Ellsberg, and the ways in which Bomb Power is a profoundly Catholic book. Enjoy!


    Garry Wills, Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State (2010)

    Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear Planner (2017)

    Barton Gellman, Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State (2021)

    Archbishop John Wester, "Living in the Light of Christ's Peace: A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament," Jan 11, 2022

    Erik Baker, "Daniel in the Lion's Den: On the Moral Courage of Daniel Ellsberg," The Baffler, June 17, 2023

    John Schwenkler and Mark Souva, "False Choices: The Unjustifiable Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki," Commonweal, Oct 14, 2020

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • In this episode, Matt and Sam are joined by Stanford historian Jennifer Burns to discuss her new biography of Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist whose influence would reach far beyond the academy when, during his last decades, he became one of the most effective popularizers of libertarian ideas—in books, columns, and even a ten-part PBS program, Free to Choose. How did the son of Jewish immigrants in New Jersey come to hold the often radical ideas that made him famous? How does Friedman's variety of libertarianism differ from, say, that of Mises or Hayek? What made Friedman, unusually for the times, someone who valued the intellects and work of the women around him? And what should we make of Friedman now, as Trump and elements of the conservative movement and Republican Party supposedly jettison the "fusionism" of which Friedman's free markets were a part?

    As mentioned in the episode's introduction, listeners might want to revisit episode 16 with economist Marshall Steinbaum for a broader, and more critical, look at the Chicago school.


    Jennifer Burns, Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative (2023)

    Jennifer Burns, Ayn Rand: Goddess of the Market (2009)

    Naomi Klein, "40 Years Ago, This Chilean Exile Warned Us About the Shock Doctrine. Then He Was Assassinated." The Nation, Sept 21, 2016.

    Tim Barker, "Other People’s Blood," n+1 , Spring 2019.

    Pascale Bonnefoy, "50 Years Ago, a Bloody Coup Ended Democracy in Chile," NY Times, Sept 11, 2023.

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!

  • Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/knowyourenemy

    Know Your Enemy Latin America correspondent David Adler returns to breakdown the (terrible) election results from Argentina, where Javier Milei, a deranged disciple of Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, and Austrian economics, who consults his cloned dogs for political advice and promises to tear down the Peronist state with a chainsaw, has won the presidency.

    David is the General Coordinator of the Progressive International, and despite what he tells people at parties, unrelated to Sam.

    Further Reading

    Quinn Slobodian, "Monster of the Mainstream," New Statesman, Nov 20, 2023

    Murray Rothbard, "Right-Wing Populism: A Strategy for the Paleo Movement," Rothbard-Rockwell Report, Jan 1992.

    John Ganz, "Murray Rothbard's America," Unpopular Front, May 30, 2022.

    Manuel García Gojon “Will Argentina’s Next President Be a Rothbardian?” The Mises Institute, Jul 4, 2022.

    Philipp Bagus, "Javier's Milei's Populist Strategy in Argentina Is Working," The Mises Institute, Sept 14, 2023.

  • In this episode, Matt and Sam welcome the Nation's Jeet Heer to the podcast to continue their journey into the work of Garry Wills—in particular, Wills's under-appreciated 1982 masterpiece, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power. The book might be thought of as a sequel to his earlier Nixon Agonistes (1970). As Wills puts it in his introduction to the most recent edition of The Kennedy Imprisonment, "I had written a book about Nixon, and it was not a biography, but an attempt to see what could be learned about America from the way Nixon attracted or repelled his fellow countrymen. Why not do the same thing for the Kennedys?"

    The result of Wills's efforts is a devastating portrait of an Irish-Catholic family who strove to be accepted at the most rarified heights of American society—and then, when they weren't, relentlessly pursued political power. Along the way, the family patriarch, Joseph Kennedy, used his money and influence to create a series of myths surrounding his sons, most of all the son who would become president, John F. Kennedy. It is these myths at which Wills takes aim, showing how Joseph Kennedy bought his second son good press, a heroic war record, and even a Pulitzer Prize. And it was Joseph Kennedy who taught his sons what was expected of them as men: to use and dominate women (many, many women), to valorize virility and daring and risk, and to understand power as enlightened leadership by the best and brightest (most of all, the Kennedys), not as harnessing the popular energy of mass movements. What begins as a book exposing the Kennedy men as wannabe aristocrats bent on conquest, both sexual and political, ends as an indictment of the liberalism they came to represent.


    Garry Wills, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power (1982)

    Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man (1970)

    Garry Wills, Bare Ruined Choirs: Doubt, Prophecy, and Radical Religion (1972)

    Joan Didion, "Wayne at the Alamo," National Review, Dec 31, 1960

    Hugh Kenner, The Mechanic Muse (1988)

    Hugh Kenner, The Pound Era (1971)

    Richard E. Neustadt, Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan (1960)

    John Leonard, "Camelot's Failure," New York Times, Feb 25, 1982

    Norman Mailer, "Superman Comes to the Supermarket," Esquire, Nov 1960

    ...and don't forget to subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon for access to all of our bonus episodes!