
  • Strap in folks, this episode takes all kinds of twists and turns! This was not necessarily the episode we wanted to come back with, but it’s happening regardless. You’ll have to excuse the randomness and unstructured format of it as we go off on several different tangents. Be a fly on the wall as we lay and talk in aftercare from our Rough Body Play class hosted by Filthy FemDom and Filth Syndicate Events. This episode gives a closer look at our dynamic and how we debrief after a class or playtime. We are tossing around the idea of doing more episodes like this because we’ve gotten feedback that people enjoy the sneak peek into the intimacy of our 24/7 dynamic. So if you enjoy this type of content from us, please leave us a note or send an email!

    Pack your bowl, make sure your vapes are charged, or roll something…either way, get ready for a wild time. And we’re going to play a little game so you need to be prepared: every time Parker says the word “interesting,” you take a hit!

    Key topics:
    ● How it feels to get back into rough body play
    ● The art and dance between a top and bottom
    ● The responsibilities of a top in a scene
    ● Overcoming obstacles of virtual education as educators
    ● Discussing the possibility of recording longer demos because they get cut short
    ● Jell-o wrestling and how to make it as safe as possible

    Calls to action:
    ● Be sure to leave a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parkerleigh2.0

    Support the Show.

  • This week’s show was so much fun to record! And it has been a long time coming! After many scheduling attempts, we finally got Jessica Gonzalez, aka The Mommy Jane to join us in the lounge. We talk a little bit about what NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is and how it’s useful. There were more than a few hilarious moments where we talked about imposter syndrome and what it’s like to be an influencer. We chat about the importance of language and how we talk to ourselves. Jessica shares a terrifying experience that changed her life that all started with olive oil. We got the scoop on a new app where you can track your cannabis usage and the effects it has on you. Our conversation flows and we cover so many different topics so you better strap in for this one!

    Jessica Gonzalez is a California cannabis patient, NLP and mindset coach, wife, and mother of two young girls, residing in Northern California. After trading her prescription drug and wine abuse for plant medicine back in 2015, she discovered a wealth of health and knowledge from her own research and personal experiences regarding cannabis and plant medicine, which allowed her to overcome a myriad of physical and mental health issues.

    Knowing how impactful plant medicine was, but realizing the lack of education and awareness on social media, Jessica wanted to help others discover their path to health, wellness and success. As a mom on a mission, @themommyjane was born: a social media community dubbed “The Neighborhood'' where people could be educated, entertained and inspired. Jessica works hard every day sharing her knowledge and power with others and believes wholeheartedly that mindset, mindfulness and Mary Jane are the key to a fulfilling and abundant life.

    Key topics:

    ● Becoming “the mommyjane”

    ● Parenthood and cannabis

    ● The terrible stereotypes of stoners

    ● Mindfulness with Mary Jane

    ● Cannabis as the anecdote to the pandemic

    ● Some of Jessica’s favorite products

    ● Great cannabis resources


    ● https://www.themommyjane.com

    ● Instagram: @themommyjane

    ● Sarah Landry: https://thebirdspapaya.com

    ● SheWeed: https://sheweed.com

    Calls to action:

    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge

    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast

    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee

    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee

    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh

    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Miss.Parker.Leigh

    Support the Show.

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  • Hello everyone! We have an amazing episode for you this week! Shani Hart, the founder of The Noir Leaf, joined us in the lounge to talk all about her company and THC’s sober cousin: CBD. The idea for The Noir Leaf was born in 2019 when Shani noticed that there were not a lot of places where she lived that were accessible to buy and learn about CBD products. In fact, she realized many African Americans didn’t even know what CBD was. That had to change.

    Shani has over 6 years of experience in the retail business for sensual and sexual health and pleasure. As a certified Sexuality Coach, the owner of Noir Leaf CBD & Co. understands the sensual and sexual needs of women of color. Her dedication to provide quality products and educate her community of the benefits of CBD is something she was born to do.

    Shani shares all about her experience starting her company and some of the obstacles she ran into in the process. You’ll get a glimpse into her “hoe-phase” and how that helped propel her into her career. For those who may not know a lot about CBD and its benefits in the bedroom, as well as outside of it, this is a really great episode filled with tons of knowledge and hilarious conversation. Shani is as real as they come and we cannot wait to have her back on the show.

    Key topics:

    ● Shani’s desire to help educate women of color on CBD and their pleasure

    ● Learn about some of the science of CBD

    ● Benefits of using CBD products over THC products

    ● Things to look for on labels when shopping for products

    ● Some of her more popular products, including arousal oil and how to use it!

    ● Favorite ways to use CBD outside of the bedroom

    ● THCa and Delta-8


    ● Shani on Instagram with her Linktree: https://www.instagram.com/sexstuffwithshani

    ● Hart’s Desires on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hartsdesires

    ● The Noir Leaf: https://www.thenoirleaf.com

    ● Coupon Code for The Noir Leaf: GANJAGODDESS

    ● Hart’s Desires: https://hartsdesires.com/

    Calls to action:

    ●Leave us a Review

    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge

    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast

    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee

    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee

    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh

    Support the Show.

  • The Ganja Goddesses are back! We have missed you all and know that you’ve missed us too. Pandemic life got the best of us and we dove into our resin business. This episode is all about updating you on what we’ve been up to. We also talk about our experiences switching to virtual work when everything shut down. There’s tons of moments where we just laugh and are silly, as we usually do. And guess what? We didn’t even smoke before recording! We talk a great deal about education and upcoming classes so you won’t want to miss this one. We are just so happy to bring you a new episode and hope you enjoy it.

    Key topics:
    ● Our resin business, the Crafty Goddess Gallery
    ● What has been our favorite part about starting this new business venture
    ● Teaching virtually and what we enjoy most about it
    ● Upcoming classes
    ● Transitioning back to in-person sessions

    ● Crafty Goddess Gallery shop: http://www.missmackenzee.com/shop
    ● Crafty Goddess Gallery on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/craftygoddessgallery
    ● Follow the Crafty Goddess Gallery on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/craftygoddessgallery
    ● Cam Fraser: https://www.cam-fraser.com/
    ● Sign up for the education mailing list: http://www.missmackenzee.com/teaching
    ● Upcoming classes: http://www.kicloungepodcast.com/education
    ● Book an in-person session with Miss Mackenzee: http://www.missmackenzee.com/prodomservices
    ● Book an in-person session with Parker Leigh: http://www.missparkerleigh.com/contact

    Calls to action:
    ● Be sure to leaves a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • Welcome to another wonderful week here at the Lounge. We decided to throw something a little different in the mix for this week’s episode. We came up with a long list of questions to ask each other. This was fun because we got to know each other better and you get to hear our thoughts on different topics as well as personal stories. Strap in and spark up, it’s bound to be an exciting ride.

    We share some tales from our younger years, including what we wanted to be when we grew up. We came up with some great questions to ask on a first date which can always be awkward or hard. Listen in as we both talk about our last sex dreams. Miss Mackenzee talks about her Sweet 16 while Parker shares some fun with hypnosis during her surprise party. Parker gets deep with talking about her favorite part of Mackenzee’s body. Want to know what we think our biggest faults are? Tune in to learn about them and so much more!

    Key topics:

    ● What 3 words describe us best?
    ● How we view intimacy and what it means to us
    ● What is our favorite part of our job? Worst part?
    ● Hear all about how we get in the mood for sexy times
    ● Our individual experiences being walked in on while having sex


    ● Email us with comments or questions: kicloungepodcast@gmail.com

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • Welcome to another wonderful week here at the Lounge. Chelsea Cebara stopped by to talk with us about all things topical! This episode is highly informative so take your seat because class is in session! Chelsea created the world’s first water-based THC lubricant with Velvet Swing. Chelsea shares some of her favorite reviews of Velvet Swing. She has since left the company and started her own, Cebara Consulting, where she helps those who are starting to formulate with cannabis. We got to chat about the difficulties of selling lubricant in a dispensary and why it should be sold in sex shops. A lot of people don’t know what to expect when using topicals for sex so Chelsea gives us the 411 on how to use them to achieve maximum effect and some of the best places to use them. Are you interested in adding topicals in bed? We’ve got some great tips for finding the best products and what to avoid. She even gives some helpful tips if you want to make your own.

    Chelsea Cebara has been helping humans effectively and mindfully combine sex and cannabis since 2010 as a professional sex educator, product developer and medically-certified cannabis consultant. She is proud to have developed the world's first water-based, barrier-compatible THC lubricant, Velvet Swing. Ms. Cebara has been featured in numerous publications such as Forbes, Cosmopolitan, and DOPE, was named one of MJ Venture’s “Top 40 under 40” in 2018 and has been a returning featured speaker at WomenGROW. She continues to teach her high-demand Sex and Cannabis workshops at local venues and speak nationally on the intersection of cannabis with sex, kink, and consent culture.

    Key topics:

    ● The birth of Velvet Swing
    ● What we mean when we say cannabis is a vasodilator and how it can help your sex life
    ● Can you get high from using topicals for sex?
    ● Ways to incorporate cannabis and topicals into your masturbation rituals and partnered sex
    ● Consent as a spectrum rather than being binary


    ● https://www.chelseacebara.com
    ● https://www.twitter.com/chelseacebara
    ● https://www.sexandcannabis.com
    ● To Be Blunt: Can cannabis help us in the bedroom?

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • And we’re back! Thank you all for your patience during our hiatus. Our recording computer broke and we had to wait for the new one. Our regular weekly programming can continue and this week we have an amazing and fun show for you. Reba the Diva joined us in the Lounge for some great conversation. She fills us in on how she went from working in nonprofit to the vast world of sexuality and sex education. There’s so much passion when Reba talks about the work she does and it is something that the Ganja Goddesses feel in their own work too. She shares with us a bit about her work with grassroots campaigns for legalization in DC and how cannabis is used in the oppression of black and brown folks. The three of us were very eager to talk more about sex and cannabis and how to really embrace the whole plant to aid in more pleasurable experiences. Reba talks about her favorite thing to host online and all the fun details of what that entails. This episode is a great way to kick things back off after our brief break, you don’t want to miss it!

    Reba Corrine Thomas is a pleasure-positive sex educator and CEO of Sexpert Consultants, a company geared toward bridging the gap in adult sexual health education through engaging workshops, online courses and events.

    Key topics:

    ● The politicization of cannabis and its effects on the BIPOC communities
    ● Using cannabis to get your mind and body in a better place for sexual experiences
    ● Sexpert Consultants and the important work they do
    ● Platonic intimacy: what is it and why is it important?
    ● The current racial climate and how people can be better allies for BIPOC folks


    ● https://www.rebathediva.com
    ● https://wwwtwitter.com/rebathediva
    ● https://www.instagram.com/rebathediva
    ● https://www.sexpertconsultants.com
    ● https://www.sexandcannabis.com
    ● Urban Tantra by Barba Carrellas: https://www.amazon.com/Urban-Tantra-Sacred-Twenty-First-Century/dp/1587612909
    ● The Beautiful Life Collective
    ● Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Sadd
    ● White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter
    ● Follow us on Instagram
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram

    Support the Show.

  • Welcome to another wonderful week at the KIC Lounge! Joining us all the way from the west coast is Anne Hodder-Shipp. We have been looking forward to this episode since Anne said she’d love to be a guest on the show. Our conversation shed a lot of light on something we all experience: dreams, among other subjects. It was extremely fascinating to hear about her journey as a dreamworker, from discovering it as a client to facilitating sessions with clients of her own. We talk all about the power of our subconscious and how that plays a role in our dreams and how we experience life. Anne works to dismantle many common misconceptions there are about dreamwork as well as talking about common themes people have in their dreams. In previous episodes, we’ve talked about sex education for the younger generations but in this episode we get more into consent and the importance of teaching that to kids when they are very young. We found this episode to be extremely enlightening and think you will too! Maybe you’ll even think about your dreams differently.

    Anne Hodder-Shipp, CSE, (she/they) is a multi-certified sex and relationships educator with professional training in breathwork and holistic dreamwork. Anne has been working with, writing about, and teaching others about sex and relationships in some form for more than 13 years, and in addition to her private practice and public workshops, Anne also leads treatment groups for clients recovering from substance use disorder, eating disorders, compulsive sexual behavior and other stigmatized illnesses. In addition to her private practice, Anne also is the founder and lead educator at Everyone Deserves Sex Education (EDSE), manages sex-positive PR firm Hodder Media Inc., and is co-producer of the SEX+ Summit.

    Key topics:

    ● What is dreamwork?
    ● Dreamwork as an alternative form of therapy
    ● How the body holds trauma and different experiences
    ● Consent culture and the importance of teaching it to kids
    ● Anne’s work with Everyone Deserves Sex Education


    ● https://www.annehoddershipp.com
    ● https://www.instagram.com/theannehodder
    ● https://www.instagram.com/every1deservessexed
    ● Sex+ Summit
    ● Buy a Ticket for Sex+ Summit - Use coupon code GANJA15 for 15% off!!
    ● https://www.keziavida.com
    ● Dream Journal: http://keziavida.com/dreamwisely/
    ● What is EMDR? https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • We have a fantastic show for you this week! Parker was dealing with some tooth pain and was not as talkative in this episode so we just wanted to let you know that Miss Mackenzee really took the lead. Joining us is Rain DeGrey who took some time out of her busy schedule to chat with us! We really enjoyed this conversation not only because we’ve both enjoyed Rain’s work for years but because it provided a lot of really great insights. We talk all about the importance of helping to educate people in the scene particularly those that are new and exploring, the idea of play frenzy and how it can be dangerous, and being a kinky introvert (like so many of us). We got to hear about Rain's lonely cock in a very sexy chat about strap on play. Mackenzee and Rain really bonded over the fact that tops get drained and droppy too after a scene, not just bottoms. Rain shared that she is on the autism spectrum and how that factors into her play as well as talking a bit about her fascinating experiences with synesthesia. Want to hear all about how Jesus on the cross is sexy or nuns being naughty? You'll want to tune into this episode.

    Rain Degrey is an international educator, writer, presenter, podcaster, and performer that has been writing articles and teaching classes, focusing on kink, relationships, and sex education since 2009. After getting her start as a fetish model, Pro Domme, and competitive wrestler, she was motivated to branch out into education, something she is extremely passionate about. Demystifying sexuality and presenting in a clear humorous way are trademarks of her teaching style. She believes strongly in making sex education fun and engaging. She has taught on a wide variety of topics at numerous venues including Harvard University, Northwestern University, Kink.com, The Citadel, Dark Odyssey, Folsom Street Fair, KinkAcadamy, Thunder in the Mountains, and Boundcon.

    Key topics:

    ● Rain talks about one of her most extreme edge play scenes, including behind the scenes details
    ● The importance of not using kink as therapy
    ● Lessons learned from being a heavy bottom
    ● The illusions that editing create in porn
    ● Strap on sex and why it’s so great
    ● Religious play, what is it and what can it look like?


    ● https://www.raindegrey.com
    ● Follow Rain on IG: @raindegrey
    ● Follow Rain on Twitter: @raindegrey
    ● Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/57725?sp=1
    ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raindegrey/
    ● SpareParts Joque strap on harness: https://shevibe.com/spareparts-joque-harness-jet-black/
    ● Avery Hornn on Twitter: @AveryHornn

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • This week in the Lounge, we had Willow stop by to talk with us. Willow is the type of person that gives meaning to the phrase "good things come in small packages." He brings such a warm and fun energy with him and he certainly brought it in this conversation. The three of us share a love of medical play and all things sharps-related. Don't worry if you don't know what that means. You'll find out in this episode. Parker and Willow talk about the headspace for pet play and what draws them to that type of play. Willow shares how being trans has influenced his life in kink. We talk all about edge play including hook suspensions, balancing safety with the need to learn and practice more extreme types of play, managing kink and vanillas lives, and so much more. Willow also shares a fun memory he had with our puppy pre-COVID.

    Willow is a natural teacher and an engaging, inventive player with many years of experience in a wide variety of kinks. As a sadomasochistic switch, his classes are designed to speak to both the top and the bottom of a scene, (since without one or the other, you are left with his self suspension class!) Willow enjoys breath play, rope, pony play, needles, knives, and thuddy things and is now turning his years of experience on both sides of the reins into comprehensive classes on sadistic rope, venipuncture, and more! Kink is a core part of who he is and what he does, followed closely by ethical sluttery and a love of learning. Willow runs relaxed, hands-on classes, and is passionate about getting students engaged with the subject at hand. Along with his free pandemic classes on rope bondage, he offers private lessons where he can tailor the content to your interests, skill level, and really dig into the subject at hand.

    Key topics:

    ● How to find the kink community even if you live in the backwoods of Kentucky
    ● Medical play: what is it and what can it look like?
    ● The risks and joys of hook suspensions
    ● Exploring the world of pony play
    ● Sex and dating as a trans man
    ● Coming out and family support


    ● Willow on Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/582959
    ● Follow Willow on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/willowinrope
    ● Fetlife
    ● Rochester Erotic Arts Festival
    ● The Brief History of Human Suspension
    ● Safe Choking 101
    ● Trans Ally Tips
    ● Miss Mackenzee’s Sharps Intensive (Class is virtual):

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • This week we got to catch up with a dear human who we met in Michigan years ago when we taught for his event, Synergy. It was a long drive but certainly worth it! Even before we started recording, Travis had us smiling and laughing, filled with tons of positive energy so we knew this was going to be a fun episode. Once we hit record, the energy did not change and he shared with us how he recently collared his one girl and told the story of how he collared his other girl many years ago. It’s always fascinating to hear other people’s stories of solidifying their relationships since there is no right or wrong way to do it. Since he’s been involved in kink for so long, we were really intrigued to hear how Travis got his start in the lifestyle so he shares his naughty origin story. We chat about what it’s like being an event organizer, life as a title holder, and leather Daddy. We didn’t get to all of the things we wanted to talk about so we may just have to chat with Travis again. With all his years in the lifestyle, he has so much knowledge and experience to bring to the conversation. Don’t believe us? You’ll just have to listen then!

    Sir Travis is a sadistic, sexually versatile Leather Daddy hailing from West Michigan. Exploring kink since his teens, he has been active in various Midwestern kink and Leather communities since 2009 in various roles from attendee to event producer. Holding the titles of Michigan Master 2014 & Great Lakes Power Exchange 2015, Travis enjoys sharing his knowledge and skills whenever possible and has had the honor of presenting for numerous events and organizations. He can be found at home with his girls Niki & Becky, at the local gaming store geeking out while playing Magic the Gathering, or at events indulging in creative and painful adventures to make lasting memories.

    Key topics:

    ● Discovering the kinky lifestyle
    ● How to be proactive with your safety in kink
    ● Introduction to the Leather community
    ● Dominant vs Master...what are the differences?
    ● The complex world of event producing
    ● How will COVID-19 change kink events in the future?


    ● Travis on FetLife: https://fetlife.com/users/143399
    ● Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SirTravisGR
    ● Simon Sinek TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en
    ● Leather Culture: http://www.leatherpedia.org/leather-culture/

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • We are so excited for this week’s show! Dr. Timaree took some time to hang out with us in the Lounge. We covered so many amazing topics in such a short amount of time so you won’t want to miss a second of this episode. We get Dr. Timaree’s take on sex education and what is lacking, not just for the younger generation but for parents and adults as well. The idea of attraction templates and body morphology can sound foreign but she takes the time to explain what that is and how she handled the subject when writing her dissertation. We learned a lot through this conversation and think you’ll enjoy the talk as it is filled with tons of great information while also bringing you the same fun energy we always do!

    Dr. Timaree Schmit has been a sex educator for more of her life than not and is on this planet to bring rational, sex-positive, empirically-based knowledge about sexuality to audiences everywhere. She has a PhD in Human Sexuality education and works as a writer, guest lecturer, consultant, community organizer, performer and media content creator. You can check out her work on her website, including her award-winning podcast, Sex with Timaree.

    Key topics:

    ● A career path in sexuality education and how we can improve in that field
    ● The importance of media literacy skills
    ● How the way we view our bodies influences who we’re attracted to
    ● Goal-based sex: what is it and how we can move away from it
    ● Pleasure and intimacy after trauma
    ● The gender and sexuality spectrum and working within those confines


    ● Dr. Timaree’s Website: http://www.sexwithtimaree.com
    ● Follow her on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/timaree_leigh
    ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sexwithtimaree/
    ● Sex with Timaree Podcast: https://sexwithtimaree.com/subscribe-on-itunes/
    ● Planned Parenthood: http://www.plannedparenthood.org
    ● Scarleteen: http://www.scarleteen.com
    ● Circles of Sexuality: https://www.advocatesforyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/storage/advfy/documents/circles.pdf
    ● Kinsey scale: https://kinseyinstitute.org/research/publications/kinsey-scale.php
    ● Skin Deep: https://shop.theskindeep.com/

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode we get a chance to chat with Darren Infinity. This was such a great conversation involving Darren's naughty introduction to kink in his teen years, managing relationships and dynamics that are forced to be long distance and life as a switch. There's numerous types of headspace when it comes to age play which we discuss. We even talk about co-topping with your Dom and so much more. You definitely don't want to miss this episode!

    Darren is an enthusiastic bisexual queer pervert based out of Toronto, Ontario. He loves to facilitate discussions about making our relationships richer and our play hotter, with a particular focus on power exchange relationships and play. He is passionate about managing risk and discussing how to detoxify masculinity. In his classes, Darren focuses on providing participants practical tools to communicate about the kind of dynamics, play and sex that they want.

    Key topics:

    ● Advice for maintaining long distance relationships and dynamics during COVID-19
    ● The benefits of seeing a Professional Dominatrix and the positive effects it can have
    ● Age play and all the fun ways to express it
    ● Some of our sexiest erotic hypnosis stories including an alien abduction
    ● Protocols: what are they and how to create them


    ● Follow Darren on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/darren_infinity
    ● Find Darren on FetLife: https://fetlife.com/users/3121?sp=1
    ● The Marketplace series by Laura Antoniou: http://lantoniou.com/category/books-reviews/the-marketplace-laura-antoniou/

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review!
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • This week, we have a wonderful show for you with our guest, the lovely Miss Colleen! Throughout this episode, we find ourselves discussing the idea of the gender binary and how we have to go beyond that. Given all the hats that she wears, Miss Colleen is blurring those lines of gender identity or expression, sexuality, and even kink identifiers. We share tons of fun stories while also exploring what being a drag queen means to her and how it opens up a whole world of opportunity as well as a creative outlet. This episode is full of reminiscing about gay clubs and bars, working to dismantle the myth of bisexuals, how our experiences shape us, and so much more.

    She is a kinky, gender-fluid, bisexual drag queen hailing from the Jersey Shore! Don't let that fool you as she drives a 2017 Ram 2500 that sits on a six inch lift kit with 37 inch tires! When she's not driving that, Colleen loves to indulge in lobster rolls, good books and a good smack on the ass! Identifying as a switch, she also likes to dish out spankings too! In a world that isn't run rampant by a pandemic, she loves adventuring to dungeon parties from NYC to Philly and enjoying the nightlife making memories that last a lifetime. Miss Colleen is the hockey and football butch queen of your dreams that will competitively battle you during the day and be that sexy seductress at night!

    Key topics:

    ● Living the fabulous drag Queen lifestyle
    ● Exploring gender fluidity
    ● How kink and drag intersect for her
    ● Being a switch in the kink lifestyle
    ● Bisexual vs Pansexual
    ● Our coming out stories


    ● Follow Miss Colleen on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JerseyGurl2121
    ● Follow Miss Colleen on Instagram: www.instagram.com/JerseyGurl21
    ● Subscribe to Miss Colleen's OnlyFans: www.onlyfans.com/JerseyGurl21
    ● Buy Miss Colleen's clips: JerseyGurl21.manyvids.com
    ● Project REAL

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leaves a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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  • We had a chance to catch up with a friend who we’ve known for several years now and is an absolute gem! Throughout our conversation there’s tons of laughter and moments of blushing. We talk about MJ’s beautiful glass work and all that she puts into it. For the first time on our show, we delve into the wonderful world of polyamory, what it can look like and how you can adapt during quarantine with partners not in your germ pod. Things get a little spicy when we get into kinkier topics. Shy Parker disappears into her shirt for a short while but reappears. By the end of the episode, we were filled with such warm, positive energy and hope you will too!

    MJ is a queer, fat, poly dominant Femme who has been a part of the BDSM/leather community for 24 years. Born in NJ and now in PA, she has been the matriarch of a poly household (with kids) since 2005. MJ is a glass artist, trans activist, cannabis user and active community member that has been on staff for events such as Floating World, IMsLBB and Dark Odyssey. In 2015, MJ discovered the art of glassblowing and has been using it as a coping skill ever since! She revels in making art for people to fuck with (glass cocks) as well as sacred work with ash in memorial pieces. You can see all MJ has to offer on her website.

    Key topics:

    ● The art of glassblowing
    ● What does poly look like in MJ’s world
    ● Jealousy, the green eyed monster and ways to deal with it
    ● Managing poly relationships in the times of COVID
    ● MJ’s introduction to the kink lifestyle
    ● Boots, blood, and bites, Oh my!
    ● Being a Sadist who is also caring and nurturing


    ● MJ’s website: www.queerlymadeart.com
    ● Follow MJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeadstrongFemme
    ● Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns by Philip Miller
    ● www.blacksolidarity.org

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leave a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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  • Sometimes, aftercare is overlooked but it is actually one of the most important parts of engaging in kinky play. In this episode, we talk a lot about what aftercare is, why it's important, and how it can look for different people. We share our own needs as well as ways to make it special for you! Bottoms and submissives aren't the only ones who need aftercare and we talk about why it's important for tops and Doms too. What if your needs don't line up with the person you're playing with? Don't worry, we got you. We share some tips and tricks for helping to come down from playing including what to have in your aftercare kit, how to create a nice "cool down" space, words of affirmation, and so much more. We also delve into what this practice looks like for us, as professionals in the adult industry as it relates to real time sessions with our clients.

    Whether you're vanilla, just coming into the scene, or a seasoned veteran, this is a great conversation filled with ideas on how to make sure everyone walks away from a shared experience feeling positive.

    Key topics:

    ● What is aftercare and why is it important?
    ● Physical vs emotional aftercare
    ● Communicating and negotiating your needs
    ● Common things to do and have on hand after a scene
    ● Normalizing aftercare, not just for kink
    ● Lifestyle vs Professional aftercare
    ● Our favorite aftercare memory


    ● Dom 101: Training for New Dominants workshop: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4655276
    ● Dom 201: Strengthening Your Dominance workshop: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4681041
    ● Jellybelly Sport Beans: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ETD2E4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_iA5jFb6GH1ZN8
    ● How “Aftercare” Can Build Trust and Intimacy by Gigi Engle: https://swell.damewellness.co/bdsm-aftercare/

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leaves a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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  • In this episode, we have a fabulous guest, Shay Tiziano! In a time when a lot of us are finding ourselves isolated from others with no way of playing with another person, we bring an episode that is dedicated to self tying and self suspension. From defining self suspension to risk assessment as it relates and most everything in between. Ever wonder what it’s like suspending yourself and what the headspace may be like? Hear Shay’s thoughts on what the experience is like for her. We also talk a little about life in quarantine and how that affects relationships and our kink lives. Shay was also the first guest to play a little word association game with us. This is an episode you don’t want to let fly by you.

    Shay is a vivacious femme switch and renowned self-suspender known for their unique, dynamic performances and fun, attainable, and risk-awareness focused approach to bondage education. She is the author of Tying & Flying, the first-ever book about self-suspension. Based in San Francisco, Shay has over a decade of experience presenting across the US and internationally. In her home community, she produces over 20 events a year, including BENT, the Bay Area’s biggest dungeon party, Self-Suspension Open Space, and acclaimed bondage and fetish performance event Twisted Windows.

    Key topics:

    ● Defining what self suspension is
    ● Why do people do self suspension?
    ● Risk assessment and making yourself as safe as possible
    ● How do you determine if it’s a good or a bad scene when it’s just you?
    ● The headspace of someone who self suspends
    ● Word association game


    ● Shay’s site on self suspension: https://www.selfsuspend.com/
    ● Follow Shay on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShayBlondie
    ● Shay’s book Tying and Flying
    ● BENT
    ● Twisted Windows
    ● Flow, What is Flow in Psychology? Definition and 10+ Activities to Induce Flow
    ● Understanding the Psychology of Flow

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leaves a review on our website, Itunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, etc
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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  • In this episode, we have an amazing guest, Ashley Manta a.k.a. the CannaSexual®! This is someone who we’ve wanted to talk to for a long time and were so excited to have on the show. So excited that we couldn’t sleep and stayed up until 8 in the morning smoking and watching Millionaire Matchmaker while waiting for breakfast to be delivered so if we seem a little off, that’s why lol. It was such a pleasure to spend time talking about our favorite subjects! Learn about how to have more powerful orgasms and hear about sensation play with cannabis products. Ashley even divulges a little about her kinky life. And find out about her favorite way to connect with a partner. We could’ve chatted for many more hours but we’ll save that for the next time we talk with Ashley. Strap yourselves in for an informative yet laughter-filled conversation.

    She is an award-winning sex educator and coach and has become a sought-after authority on mindfully combining sex and cannabis as part of her CannaSexual® brand. She recently completed her certification as a Bodysex® Facilitator after studying with legendary pleasure pioneer Betty Dodson. At the January 2020 XBiz Awards, Ashley was named Sexpert of the Year. Her work has received recognition in Forbes, The London Times, Newsweek, and Rolling Stone, and more. She is a brand ambassador for Sybian and Foria. Her new book, The CBD Solution: Sex will be published by Chronicle Books and Merry Jane in September 2020.

    Key topics:

    ● Ashley’s first experience intentionally smoking and being raised in D.A.R.E. culture
    ● Sativa vs. Indica and other myths debunked
    ● Favorite strains and how to pick what’s right for you
    ● Some exciting ways to incorporate weed into your self care routine, sex, and food for all experience levels
    ● Consent, kink and service for cannabis lovers


    ● Ashley’s website: http://www.ashleymanta.com/
    ● Follow Ashley on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/TheCannasexual
    ● Follow Ashley on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannasexual
    ● DIY Cannabis Lube: http://www.ashleymanta.com/diycannabislube
    ● Foria: https://www.foriawellness.com/
    ● Sybian: http://www.sybian.com/
    ● Preorder Ashley’s new book, Merry Jane's The CBD Solution: Sex: https://www.chroniclebooks.com/products/merry-janes-the-cbd-solution-sex
    ● Chris Sage, The Herbal Chef: https://twitter.com/the_herbal_chef
    ● Andrew Mieure, Top Shelf Budtending: http://topshelfbudtending.com/
    ● Velvet Swing: http://velvetswing.com/
    ● Papa & Barkley: https://papaandbarkley.com/
    ● Goop Lab, Episode 3: https://www.netflix.com/title/80244690
    ● Katrina Marie, Bodysex online workshops: https://www.katrinamarie.com/register/bodysex-online
    ● Elevated Intimacy Podcast: https://www.elevatedintimacypodcast.com/
    ● Ashley’s online courses: https://www.elevatedintimacy.com/
    ● FREE 30 minute support call for black folks: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=19498278&appointmentType=14757772

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leaves a review
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode, The Ganja Goddesses chat with Kitten, a Philadelphia-based sexuality educator. We talk all about masturbation as a form of self love, exploring what it means to connect with yourself and your body. Intimacy and sexy times aren’t limited to just partnered activity. Things get personal as we delve into our own practices and views of masturbation. We share lots of laughs and ideas on how to turn your next masturbation session into a special time of exploration.

    Kitten received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Lycoming College and her Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education from Widener University. She specializes in providing enthusiastic, empowering education about body-safe sex toys and sexuality resources through a pleasure-based lens. Her passion lies in facilitating interactive workshops that encourage the normalization and exploration of sensitive sexuality topics including intersectional identities, masturbation, and dirty talk. Some of her hobbies include exploring the city on her bike, vegan cooking, and climbing at the local rock gym.

    *Trigger warning: brief mention of self harm and body dysphoria*

    Key topics:

    ● Why is masturbation important?
    ● Setting the mood for a night with yourself.
    ● Ways to feel more comfortable with your body and connecting with it.
    ● Favorite adult performers
    ● Sex toys & lube!


    ● Kitten’s Instagram
    ● Passional Boutique

    Calls to action:

    ● Be sure to leaves a review on our website, Itunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, etc
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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  • In this episode, The Ganja Goddesses chat with J who is a personal friend of ours and within the BDSM scene. We discuss racism in this country. We feel it is important to help lift up voices in the black community especially now. J offers some unique and surprising perspectives on different facets of this very serious issue. While the episode dives right into the deep end, we swim all around. Though we talk about heavy subjects, there is tons of comedy and laughter throughout to keep it fun and entertaining. J speaks beautifully on the topic of connecting with partners and sharing energy. The point of equality and humanity as a whole is a key theme behind most of the conversation. You'll want to listen all the way through for a fun segment called "Gag Talk."

    J’s Bio:

    I am J. I am Dragon and Phoenix. The dragon, made of burning passion and knowledge. The phoenix, consumed by fire- reborn and rebuilt of experience and understanding. Chaos and Restraint in equal measure. I am an individual who is the result of the balance of his experiences - both wonderful and awful.

    I was born the only child of a single mother, raised in Atlantic City. She taught me that stories don’t have to end where they begin. She started me on a journey towards knowledge, igniting in me my first passion. At this point in my life, knowledge had shown me a need for discipline in life, and Martial Arts was a conduit for that discipline.

    As I matured into adulthood, Kink came naturally to me. I found the community at the age of 19, when I was introduced to swinging. It was wonderful. I was in my prime. I was the young stud, the BBC, that every filly wanted. Through these experiences and my relationships, I came to understand that connection was what I wanted more than anything. Profound connection became a new passion for me to pursue - to understand others and how they connect. That led me to find my home in the BDSM community. It was here that I found limitless ways to connect with people through shared experiences - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Connection is how we can communicate without words.

    I have become a stalwart advocate of the BDSM community. I have been a community leader for a number of years. It has been my mission to provide safe and enjoyable environments for people to pursue these shared experiences. I am an instructor and demonstrator at events, a mentor, and founder of an event group that provides education and access to community experiences.

    Who am I? In a few words - Husband. Father. Geek. Friend. Dominant. Philosopher. Entrepreneur. Batman. I am J.

    Key topics:
    ● Growing up as a mixed black man
    ● Being a black Dominant with white submissives
    ● Living that geeky kink life
    ● Swinger lifestyle vs. kinky lifestyle
    ● Being known as a BBC and feelings around that term
    ● Fun gag talk

    ● J's Info: https://fetlife.com/users/1298214
    ● "Growing up black in America: here's my story of everyday" by Brian Jones https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/06/growing-up-black-in-america-racism-education
    ● Resources to understand America’s long history of injustice and inequality: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/08/understanding-racism-inequality-america/?arc404=true

    ● Be sure to leave us a review on our website or your favorite Podcast site:)
    ● Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kiclounge
    ● Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kicloungepodcast
    ● Miss Mackenzee Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissMackenzee
    ● Miss Mackenzee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.mackenzee
    ● Parker Leigh Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MissParkerLeigh
    ● Parker Leigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miss.parker.leigh

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