Plusspunkt on kristlik noortesaade, kus arutatakse huvitavate ja mitmekülgsete saatekülalistega süda ja mõistust, aga ka usku ja elu puudutavatel teemadel. Ei puudu ka hea muusika.
Kaks korda kuus ilmuvad saadeid juhivad kaks saatejuhtide duot Tartus:
Artur Sirk ja Raul Villem Reedi
Johannes Ots ja Regina Virma
Ei jõua uut osa ära oodata? Kuula esimesena Pereraadio eetris iga kuu 1. ja 4. teisipäeval kell 22:00. Kõik varasemad osad (neid on palju!) leiad ka arhiivist.
Plusspunkti on osa Plussmeedia tööst - tutvu meie teiste tegemistega
PS! See hea muusika, mida saadetes kuulete? Kõik lood leiate Plussmeedia Spotify playlistidest!
Discussions on the life and issues that Christians face in this current culture. Please send comments or suggestions to [email protected] or text it to 305-510-2699 Discusiones sobre la vida y los problemas que enfrentan los Christianos en esta cultura.Envie sus comentarios y surgerencias [email protected] o por texto a 305-510-2699. Gracias
Elvis goes behind the curtain and gives raw and uncut perspective on some of today's hottest topics. Growing up he went by his first name Clarence, while being ashamed of his famous middle name "Elvis" which was only used by family. "Elvis" and this podcast represents no more timidity, but an authentic unapologetic side of Clarence committed to giving people the whole truth and perspective that will also give them a vantage point they can take advantage of.
The Be. Make. Do. podcast inspires artists of faith by diving into the big - and sometimes controversial - questions that come with pursuing the artist’s calling. Artists are culture makers. But many Christians in the arts feel isolated and conflicted about their call. That’s why we’re starting this conversation - to help you find clarity and confidence. So, be encouraged. And become who you were created to be, make what you were created to make, and do what you were created to do.
Join host Lisa Smith as she poses questions, shares stories, and great conversation with artists, theologians, creatives and friends about the call of the artist in the world.
Subscribe and follow now on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!
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This podcast is for those who are on a journey to ascend into the greatest versions of themselves in this lifetime.
This podcast is dedicated to exploring topics about Spirituality, 5D Living, Alchemy, Health, Shamanism, Empowerment, Purpose and Embodying Soul Joy.
Jess Beard is an Ascension Coach, Archetypal Teacher and Wellness Expert. Her passion and purpose is helping people to understand and embody their own power. She teaches people how to respond instead of react and how to use Archetypes to aid in Ascension.
This is the weekly podcast for Freedom Ministries Church in Frankfort, OH. Our vision is to reach the community of Frankfort and make disciples who make disciples. We hope you are blessed and encouraged in your relationship with God through the messages shared on this podcast. Visit us online at
Kristna Dejtingpodden är en ny kristen livsstilspodd för Dig som är singel men är #härförattstanna och därför inte gett upp drömmen om en livspartner ur församlingen! Vi blandar högt och lågt inom ämnen som kärlek, sex, politik, relationer, teologi och helikoptrar. Cilla är den kreativa entreprenören och Moderatkvinnan från Öfvre Östermalm som drömmer om att göra världen till en bättre plats att leva på. Opinionsbildare som trivs bäst att stå på scenen och inspirera människor. Skidåkare som cyklat själv genom USA och blev 2017 utsedd till årets evangelist. Hjärtat slår även för människor, civilekonomer i blåglansiga skjortor, rosa helikoptrar och socialt entreprenörskap.
P-O är pingstvän och jobbar med församlingsutveckling på stiftelsen Bibeln Idag, då han inte arbetar med integration och arbetsmarknadsfrågor inom offentlig sektor. Han är utbildad till pastor på Örebro Teologiska Högskola och drömmer om en väckelse inom arbetarrörelsen som hans hjärta bankar extra hårt för efter flera år i rollen som politisk sekreterare för Vänsterpartiet. I poddens inledande avsnitt har de båda även sällskap av IT-pastorn Lars Gunther som emellertid lämnade i avsnitt 13 med anledning av tidskrävande uppdrag i Equmeniakyrkans styrelse, så nu drivs podden vidare av den dynamiska duon ”P-O and the Cillanator” under deviserna: #GloriousLiving #LivetExtraAllt #thebestisyet2come
Besök oss gärna på: kdp.flodströ Vi samarbetar med www.kristendate.seVill ni ha kontakt med oss så rekommenderas facebook:
PO Flodström
Cilla Eriksson
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Friends with a Twist is a podcast hosted by two females who are best friends who met through a swinger's website. We share our experiences, both good and bad, in the hopes to provide insight and direction for fellow ethically non-monogamous lifestyle individuals. In every episode these hot wives have a "chick chat," everyday tips for life in the swinger lifestyle; we "go deep" talking about all of our scandalous and sexy swinging encounters, and we wrap it up with surprise questions from our husbands!
Follow us on our social media platforms!
Twitter: @FWAT_Podcast
Instagram: FWAT_Podcast
Email: [email protected] -
Each episode of ReligioPolitics focuses on one country, explaining how religious actors there impact its politics domestically, regionally, and globally. Policy-relevant interviews with academic experts provide the background needed by international affairs professionals in an increasingly religious world. Hosted by Randy Thompson, Senior Fellow at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington, who holds a Ph.D. in Religion and U.S. Foreign Affairs.
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