If you're getting divorced and want to learn the information YOU NEED TO KNOW so you can make the best decisions for your future, this is the podcast for you! Learn from industry experts about all aspects of the divorce process so you'll have a leg up on your spouse and you will feel empowered when it's time to make tough decisions.
MIXED is a podcast exploring the personal challenges and joys of parenting bi-racial children. Host Kristen Piedra shares her own experience in this arena in addition to special guest interviews with other parents. PLUS! Keep an eye out for additional topics and interviews with parents and individuals from other 'non-traditional' families.
Michael Chen is about to have a child for the very first time. His brother David wants to know exactly what that's like. In this quasi-weekly podcast, the two discuss the highs, lows, and learnings from fatherhood.
Advice, encouragement, or criticism? Email us at thenextcheneration(AT) -
Unclassified Woman offers an inspiring stream of conversation with women around the globe, who are building lives beyond society’s expectations. Part myth busting, part inspirational story sharing, Michelle Marie McGrath interviews amazing childless or childfree women, including authors, film-makers, activists, entrepreneurs, priestesses, leaders, speakers and creative mavens, who share their experiences and insights, while questioning the expectations of women everywhere.
Michelle shares interviews with women all around the globe who are childless or childfree for a multitude of reasons. With almost 25% of women over 40 child-free by choice or childless through circumstance, it seems absurd that women still have to justify their decisions or endure pity about why they’re not mothers.
Motherhood is not a mandate and yet so many women are made to feel ‘less than’ or viewed suspiciously or disparagingly, if they are creating a life of meaning beyond biological mothering. All of these outdated stereotypes lead to one dangerous assumption: what’s your value beyond being a mother? As mainstream society still tends to over-celebrate mothers juggling ‘it all’, and under-celebrate women who, whilst not mothers, have created lives of purpose and service.
Unclassified Woman is the perfect antidote to limiting female narratives. In the second season, Michelle and her guests expanded on the creative power of ALL women. We explored the power of awakening womb consciousness. The womb or hara is the sacred creation portal from where we birth everything in our lives and yet the unlimited power within is as yet untapped by most women (and men) today.
This includes working with the cycles of the moon, reconnecting deeply with the cycles of nature, aligning with the elements, harnessing the magic of the menstrual cycle and reclaiming the power of the divine feminine within. So if you’re interested in a stronger connection to Mother earth, increased intuition, more soulful sex, more creativity, feeling better in your own skin and joyously walking your own path – tune in! In order to ascend, we need to descend so let’s dive in together!
Season 3 commenced was released in April 2018 and Season 4 will be released mid-2019.
Each woman’s path in life is equally valid and sacred. Michelle is a Self-love Mentor for women birthing their soul gifts into the world. She offers one-on-one Womb Awakening Sessions, in person events, Intuitive Guidance/Distance Healing and the Sacred Self range of vibrational aromatherapy. -
NICU Stories is where inspiring triumphant stories of the NICU Journey are shared. Not every story has a happy ending, however the strength and perseverance of a NICU Parent is astounding! The stories are not limited to just the NICU. Families share their IVF, Traumatic Birth, Preemie, Pregnancy Loss, PICU, NICU and so many other stories. Tune in for helpful tips, inspiration, and enlightenment from NICU Parents & Professionals.
Living a glorious life while eating sh*t sandwiches. Let's be honest, life can be great and terrible, sometimes at the same time. Experience the reality of a dad running multiple businesses, trying to stay sane, and searching for meaning in it all. The show will make you cry, laugh, like me and hate me, but hopefully, it will make you realize what is truly important in your life. A weekly-ish show produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters and four rabbits - Diego Footer.
フォトジャーナリスト・佐藤慧がお届けするこの番組では、「いのち」の大切さを伝えるべく、自殺対策強化月間である3月に4週間にわたり、ゲストを迎えてトークを展開していきます。 タイトルの「LIVE YOUR STORY」は、童話作家・ミヒャエル・エンデの言葉「大切なのは、あなたの物語をみつけること」を引用 DJ:佐藤慧 ゲスト:山梨県精神保健福祉センター 次長 小林豊子、山梨県いのちの電話 理事長 高戸宜人、山梨学院大学 学生 山田奈々絵/渡辺瑠衣、総合教育センター 所長 佐野修、いのちのセーフティネット連絡協議会 会長 山角駿 FM FUJI: LIVE YOUR STORY:
Hi, I'm PB and this is my podcast.
It's all about life as an ADHD kid.
If you're an ADHD kid, or you know an ADHD kid, you should listen!
I hope you enjoy listening and learn something cool from it.
All the ideas in this podcast are straight from PB's magical brain.
If you're a grown up, you can listen to my mum and dad's ADHD podcast (F them fish: ADHD for grownups) and you can follow them on Instagram at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On The Horse Ownership Experience, discover everything you’ve wanted to know about horse racing ownership. Join Billy Koch, Founder and Managing Partner of the Little Red Feather Racing Club and Racing Analyst, Michelle Yu as they discuss the secrets to becoming an owner in the Sport of Kings. OWN IT!
Leigh is a happily married Mum and Rita is a single professional on the quest to find love. They will be sharing their thoughts and personal experiences on a range of topics that women go through from their 20’s to their 30’s.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Journalister og forskere har de seneste år primært haft fokus på de danskere, der rejste til Irak eller Syrien i hellig krig - altså fremmedkrigerne. I den forbindelse glemte vi alle dem, som blev hjemme. Den gruppe går under betegnelsen 'Homegrown'.
Over de seneste år er et stort antal personer blevet anholdt i en række terrorsager. Fælles for dem er ikke, at de har været udrejst til konfliktzoner, men derimod, at de er opflasket i det ekstreme islamistiske miljø i Danmark. Og så er der flere af dem, der har forbindelse til et specifikt netværk.
I samarbejde med Ekstra Bladets ’Homegrown’-redaktion dykker terrorforsker, Tore Hamming, ned i det danske ekstreme islamistiske miljø. Gennem aktuelle terrorsager, historiske tilbageblik og en unik adgang til kilder i miljøet fortæller de historien om netværket Team Dawah og det ekstremistiske miljø over de seneste 10 år.
Homegrown er lavet af Thomas Arent, Magnus Mio, Thomas Foght, Tore Hamming, Jeppe Findalen og Marie Rask Glerup. Du kan kontakte dem anonymt på sikker mail [email protected] eller i en krypteret besked til nummeret 81 94 80 14.
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