Join the residents of Discovery Mountain for a Bible-based audio adventure as they experience mystery, overcome obstacles, and exercise their faith in God. New episodes weekly!
Better yet, join the Discovery Mountain Club for 100% ad-free episodes, plus hours of exclusive bonus content for club members!
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Hosts Rich and DeAnna Millentree help Christian couples remove obstacles keeping them stuck in their marriage. You deserve to be married to your best friend! Using their marriage as examples of what to do and what not to do, they help couples create new intimacy and build an exciting friendship with their spouse. You and your spouse are sure to grow in your relationship and connect at a much deeper level.
Meet your new best mom-friends! Dannah Gresh and Shani McKenzie take deep dives into God’s Word and equip you to tackle tough topics you encounter in raising your daughter. The True Girl MomCast ladies take God very seriously but don’t take themselves seriously which means: Prepare to belly laugh along the way.
While every Christian mom will find encouragement with The True Girl MomCast, it's also a key part of the True Girl Subscription Box. Learn more at -
Filippa (12 år) har en uhøjtidelig samtale med sin far.
De snakker i et let sprog om livets store og små spørgsmål.
Hvert afsnit tager udgangspunkt i en tekst fra Biblen på hverdagsdansk.
Hvad betyder det f.eks. hvis Gud faktisk har skabt os med vilje?
Måske får I lyst til at tale videre derhjemme?
Kontakt os på: [email protected] eller find os på Instagram: @visnakkerombiblen -
Every woman can make a difference for good and for God in their homes and their communities, but in a culture whose moral compass is upside-down it can be confusing to know what lines up with biblical truth. Through this podcast, my desire is to help women in their faith walk learn how to build on that faith and lead their family well by equipping them with information and inspiration. Join me as I interview guests who have faced their own struggles with faith and family as well as those who share practical tips to strengthen godly homes. My prayer is for these episodes to inspire and equip listeners with a blueprint that will cause women to rise up, bless their families and those in their sphere of influence, so that they can change stories of families for a thousand generations.
I stiller spørgsmålene og vi følger svarene, hvor end de tager os hen. Tag med Radionauterne på skøre, skæve missioner ind i videnskabens verden, og bliv meget klogere end de voksne på alt lige fra prutter til tidsrejser og vulkaner. Er der noget du går og undrer dig over, så send dit spørgsmål til [email protected]. Radionauterne er tilrettelagt og produceret af Karen Brüel Birkegaard og Lisa Bay. Se mere på
Welcome to the Church of the City Podcast.
Church of the City New York is a church community passionate about making disciples who "practice the way of Jesus together for the renewal of the city." We believe in the authority and power of the scriptures to shape our communal life and practice, as we seek to teach God's word with clarity and conviction.
Most of the teaching in our community is done by Pastor Jon Tyson and our teaching team. We have both morning and evening services and meet in the heart of Manhattan.
For more information visit: -
I GoLittles podcast om danmarkshistorien kan du høre spændende fortællinger for børn og resten af familien om alt fra stenalderen og vikingetiden til dinosauruserne på Bornholm.
Du kan finde opgaver til historierne til hjemmeundervisning på
”Børn på bagsædet” – sjov for hele familien
Turen bliver lidt sjovere, når børnene på bagsædet hygger sig. Derfor har vi hos Circle K skabt børneuniverset “Børn på bagsædet” til børnene og deres forældre.
Lyt til sjove vittigheder, gode trafiktips med Benny Bagsæde, spændende
røverhistorier og quiz med hele familien i ”Køreturens klogeste”. Og glæd dig til sommer, hvor du kan lytte til eventyr, som du aldrig har hørt dem før med ”Linelottes eventyrlige oplevelser”.
Børn på bagsædet er en underholdende podcast til hele
familien - og særligt de yngste i bilen.
Podcasten er perfekt til at få de (lidt for) lange køreture
til at blive en hel del sjovere.
Rigtig god tur! -
Kimberly Jones, known as Real Talk Kim, travels the world fulfilling her passion and purpose of loving people back to life.
She is a mother, pastor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, entertainer and most importantly a worshiper after God’s own heart.
Pastor Kim is the Senior Pastor at Limitless Church in Fayetteville, Georgia and has two sons.
She is a human rights advocate with a passion for giving back and believes in the compassion of the Holy Spirit, delivering it to those who need it most. Pastor Kim is an advocate partner with Rock Paper Scissors Foundation, a Non-profit Organization, which exists to foster healing and give a voice to those who have been silenced.
Pastor Kim has been featured on The Doctor Oz Show, Oxygen’s Network Series’ Preachers of Atlanta, Your World with Creflo Dollar on BET, ABC’s Nightline, The Word Network, CNN, Praise in the Park’ Atlanta and numerous magazines and radio shows. She is truly a living and walking testimony of God’s redemption plan in action. -
'Prædiken på vej' er en fri og teologisk kvalificeret samtale om de tekster, der prædikes over ved gudstjenesten kirkeåret rundt. Podcasten produceres af et hold af præster og bliver fra palmesøndag 2023 og et år frem til i et samarbejde mellem Folkekirkens Uddannelses- og Videnscenter og Haderslev Stift.
For more than 20 years Roy Petitfils, LPC has worked with teenagers as an educator, youth minister and today as a counselor in private practice specializing in adolescent and family therapy. He offers insight to help you understand today's teens with practical tips, tools and strategies to help you communicate with, discipline and positively influence the teens in your life.