Insplay produtseerib iga kuu oma arengust ja kasvamisest huvitatud lapsevanematele ja elukestvatele õppijatele saadet Einstein3000. Igal saatel on üks põnev ja hariv peateema, kaks üksteise vaateid täiendavat põhikülalist ja üks inspireeriv vaheklipp üllatuskülalisega. Saadet juhib Andres Sirel - Insplay tegevjuht ja Nutika Vanema Klubi algataja.
2020 aasta kevad on rohkem kui kunagi varem pannud nii õpilased, kuid ehk ka mõned täiskasvanud olukorda, kus peab oma tööde ja tegemiste eest hulga suuremal määral ise vastutama. See omakorda tähendab, et me peame olema järsku võimelised ennast väga hästi kontrollima.Õppimine, töötamine ja enesekontroll on aga kõik seotud meie ajuga ja sellega, kuidas ta toimib. Nüüd aga on mul küsimus teile:“ Kui hästi te arvate oma aju tundvat? Kui teadlikud olete ajuprotsessidest, mis puudutab nt õppimist, töötamist või enesekontrolli?“ Tere, minu nimi on Liina Kitt ja olen Viimsi Gümnaasiumi ennastjuhtiva õppija kursuse üks õpetajatest ning olen loonud selle podcasti „Ennastjuhtiv mina“ just selleks, et aidata teil olla osavamad enesejuhtijad. Selle kooliaasta lõpuni keskendun korra nädalas ühele enesejuhtimise ja aju kasutamisega seotud müüdile, mille püüan ümber lükata. Nagu ma ka tunnis tihti õpilastele ütlen, te saate kontrollida ainult iseennast ja sealjuures ainult neid osi, millest te teadlikud olete. Nii et saagem siis koos iseendast teadlikemaks. Head kuulamist!
Welcome to the HR Coffee Time podcast; a fortnightly podcast full of tips and ideas to help you have a successful and fulfilling HR career (without working yourself into the ground).
It can feel hard to put yourself and your own career first when you're so busy looking after everyone around you. It can leave you at risk of burning out, finding that you're not where you want to be in your career, or feeling unsure about what you want from your career anymore.
This podcast is here to help. Join career coach and founder of Bright Sky Career Coaching, Fay Wallis as she and her expert guests share advice on how to get what you want from your career.
If you enjoy the podcast, learn more at: or connect with Fay on LinkedIn: -
Here we dive into how to raise emotionally healthy and confidently driven kids alongside mental illness in your home.
It can feel impossible to try and create something different, especially when you are already doing EVERYTHING you can to give your kids the very best. Tune in to find the inspiration you’re looking for ways to move forward.
I interview successful entrepreneurial parents to uncover the simple traditions that have helped them raise successful kids as well as professionals that provide alternative solutions to mental health so you can find everything you need in one spot.
I believe that God never intended for us to thrive in one area of life and suffer in another. YOU WERE BORN TO THRIVE IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE!
P.S. Mental illness is your secret weapon to thriving! -
Let’s take the guesswork out of becoming an L&D professional.
Are you looking to get into Learning and Development and don’t quite know where to start? Have you recently been promoted to a Corporate Trainer or Instructional Design role and want to make sure you have the tools to knock it out of the park?
If any of those are you, you’ve come to the right place. -
Since 2007, Two Writing Teachers has been a vibrant community of reflective writers. We're excited to take our passion for teaching writing to new heights in the second season of our podcast. Join us as we explore ways to create, lead, and sustain joyful and productive writing workshops, empowering educators to help their students become competent, brave, and confident writers. Let's make writing instruction engaging and rewarding for everyone involved!
Would your company like to sponsor an episode of the Two Writing Teachers Podcast? Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
Getting into welding or knowing which pathway to go down is overwhelming at times. Each week Beau Wigington sits down with industry professionals to hear a first-person perspective of how they got to where they are today and share advice to people looking to grow their welding business or start their journey into the trade. For all kinds of welding resources head over to and join the Weld App, an all-in-one networking resource packed with educational videos, job listings, a marketplace, and even a welding calculator to get you dialed in.
Not finding the right answers? I am Dr. Lisa, a Psychologist. Join me on Wednesdays at 7:00pm for ”Happy Hour with Dr. Lisa,” where we will talk in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Let’s explore solutions for common life challenges, along with my guests, and take a break from our daily lives. But remember, this is not a therapy!
Frenchie Girl was only a kid when she started her very first podcast and so can you ! This is a show about how to make your own podcast. Hosted by the owners of the company, they will teach you everything from the little stuff like "what equipment do I use?” “How do I even come up with a good idea in the first place?” and bigger things like “How do I get people to listen?” and “What different kinds of podcasts are out there?” Getting started can feel a little overwhelming. But Frenchies Making Podcasts episodes will be sort and sweet ! So tune in every week and learn how to make your own show!
Ready to get some job training for the most important role you’ll ever have?
Welcome to Mom University.
If you ever feel like you’re living the same day over and over…
If mom life feels like an exhausting whirlwind of laundry, dinner, driving and frustration on repeat…
You’re not alone.
For every other thing we do in life there’s training, but for the most important job, we’re just figuring it out as we go.
Mom University is here to change that. It will give you the skills and education to break free of old patterns and be a leader in your home.
Instagram @universityformoms -