Mijn naam is Job Knoester. Deze podcast maak ik met Christiaan Kwint. Wij zijn strafrechtadvocaten en experts op het gebied van tbs. In deze podcast nemen wij mensen mee in de bijzondere wereld van strafrecht en tbs met oa verhalen uit de praktijk en actualiteiten.
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These podcast episodes will feature world renowned speaker, business strategist & entrepreneur, Reggie Batts. He will be speaking, coaching & interviewing successful people on actions & disciplines needed to succeed in life & business. This will give you the competitive edge to WIN in life & business and to sustain momentum to get to higher levels.
Lectures on international law issues by eminent scholars, practitioners and judges of national and international courts. The lecture series is brought to you by the Public International Law Discussion Group, part of the Law Faculty of the University of Oxford, and is supported by the British Branch of the International Law Association and Oxford University Press. Further details of this series can be found on the Public International Law - Oxford website.
Politics is one of the only practical disciplines where none of the main concepts have clear, coherent definitions.
We define ourselves with terms like "left” and "right" and we believe in things like "democracy," “markets,” "capitalism" and "socialism" even though we don’t really know what any of these words actually mean.
This series aims to make sense out of the political muddle that we've inherited from media, academia, and from decades of cold war propaganda, so that we can figure what it is that we want when it comes to politics, and how we can achieve it. -
Τι κοινό έχουν τα τρόφιμα, τα ζώδια, η κλιματική αλλαγή και η μετάδοση πληροφοριών μέσω DNA; Πώς μπορούν οι κατσίκες να βοηθήσουν στη μάχη με τις φωτιές και γιατί χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερα φράγματα; Η Ερατώ Ζουρουφίδου αναζητά απαντήσεις και καταφεύγει στον Αθανάσιο Τσαυτάρη ομότιμο καθηγητή Γενετικής, τιμημένο για την συμβολή του στην πρόοδο της Επιστήμης και της Τεχνολογίας με τον Μεγαλόσταυρο του Τάγματος του Φοίνικα από τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας τον αείμνηστο Κωστή Στεφανόπουλο. Ο κ. Τσαυτάρης υπήρξε υπουργός Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης & Τροφίμων και σήμερα στον ελεύθερο χρόνο του καλλιεργεί τις ελιές του.
Bijna iedere dag krijg je te maken met berichten die meer vragen oproepen dan antwoorden geven. Krantenkoppen, nieuwsberichten, talkshows. Er zijn meningen genoeg. Maar waar zijn de oplossingen?
Presentator Klaas van Kruistum, Michiel Hulshof van Tertium en Claire van der Meer van de Universiteit van Nederland, denken dat elk complex probleem een oplossing kent. En gebruiken samen het beste van de Nederlandse wetenschap om die te vinden! -
Bite-size Mandarin Chinese lessons to help you learn authentic Taiwanese Mandarin. Each episode is based on real news in Taiwan!
(Created by the creator of "台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way")
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De tuchtcast Passend en geboden is gewijd aan het tuchtrecht voor advocaten. Advocaten Tjitske Cieremans en Robert Sanders praten met Erik Jan Bolsius en Hidde Bruinsma kort over recente tuchtzaken, gaan wat dieper in op een aantal gevallen en beschrijven in een column een tuchtrechtklassieker.
De tuchtcast Passend en geboden, je maandelijkse portie tuchtrecht op een presenteerblaadje, is een productie van het Advocatenblad.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Het is al donker buiten, begin oktober 2022, als strandvonder Marco wordt opgeroepen naar 'zijn' Egmond aan Zee. Er is een rubberboot aangespoeld. Daarin vindt hij een zwemvest, kleding, rugtassen, speelgoed en foto's. Van wie zijn deze spullen? Wie zaten er aan boord van dit groene bootje? Waar waren deze mensen onderweg naar toe en waar zijn ze nu? NH-journalist Maaike Polder gaat op zoek.
Uit ervaring weten we hoeveel tijd het kost om alles uit te zoeken. Dat hoeft ook niet meer, wij hebben het hele traject voor je uitgezocht en er een video podcast van gemaakt. Ook vind je nog veel meer aanvullende artikelen over de warmtepomp, infraroodverwarming, airco's en andere oplossingen.
Luister en kijk onze podcasts. We leggen je stap voor stap uit waar je op moet letten als je zonder aardgas wil wonen. -
Project 2025: The Ominous Specter Ladies and gentlemen, we find ourselves standing at the precipice of a dark and foreboding future, one in which the very foundations of our democracy are under siege. The threat we face is not an external one, but rather a cancer that has metastasized within the body politic itself. I speak, of course, of the insidious manifesto known as Project 2025 – a blueprint for authoritarian rule that masquerades as a conservative vision for the United States. As we delve into the depths of this pernicious document, crafted in the shadowy halls of the Heritage Foundation, it becomes abundantly clear that we are witnessing nothing less than a frontal assault on the principles that have long sustained our republic. Project 2025 is not merely a misguided set of policy proposals; it is a calculated attempt to dismantle the very fabric of our democratic institutions, to concentrate power in the hands of a few, and to impose a rigid ideological orthodoxy on a nation that has always prided itself on its diversity and its commitment to individual liberty. At its core, Project 2025 seeks to reshape the federal government in the image of a conservative dystopia. Its proponents, consumed by an insatiable hunger for power and an unwavering commitment to their ideological agenda, have meticulously crafted a roadmap for the systematic erosion of checks and balances, the suppression of dissent, and the consolidation of executive authority. It is a vision that should send a shiver down the spine of every freedom-loving American, for it represents nothing less than a repudiation of the very principles upon which this nation was founded. The architects of Project 2025 argue, with a level of audacity that borders on the delusional, that the federal bureaucracy is overrun with unaccountable liberals who impede their agenda. Their solution? A purge of Stalinist proportions, reclassifying tens of thousands of civil servants as political appointees, effectively transforming the machinery of government into an apparatus of ideological conformity. The implications of this proposal alone are staggering – the eradication of expertise, the subversion of meritocracy, and the creation of a loyalty-based system that would make even the most fervent authoritarian blush. But the assault on democratic institutions does not end there. Project 2025's disdain for the separation of powers is as blatant as it is dangerous. Its vision of a "unitary executive theory" is nothing short of a repudiation of the very principles enshrined in our Constitution. By seeking to exert control over independent agencies like the Department of Justice and the FBI, the project's architects aim to transform these bastions of impartiality into instruments of partisan enforcement. It is a move that would make Richard Nixon's transgressions seem like mere child's play, a power grab of such magnitude that it threatens to unravel the very fabric of our democracy. And yet, even as we recoil in horror at the prospect of such an overreach, we must also confront the deeper implications of Project 2025's vision for American society. For the social policies outlined in this document are equally troubling, reflecting a worldview that is as narrow-minded as it is oppressive. The imposition of conservative Christian values, the marginalization of LGBTQ+ individuals, and the draconian stance against abortion rights are all hallmarks of a regime that seeks to impose its moral strictures on an entire nation, regardless of the diversity of beliefs and values that have always been the hallmark of the American experience. Indeed, the notion that America needs to be "saved" from itself, and that only a radical overhaul of its institutions and values can achieve this salvation, is perhaps the most arrogant and dangerous conceit of all. It reflects a view of the world that is fundamentally at odds with the pluralism and the respect for individual liberty that have always been the bedrock of our democracy. And yet, this is precisely the vision that animates the architects of Project 2025 – a vision that is as antithetical to the American spirit as it is to the very notion of a free and open society. But perhaps the most insidious aspect of Project 2025 is the way in which it cloaks its authoritarian agenda in the language of reform and efficiency. Its proponents speak of restoring traditional American values, as if the very notion of tradition were not itself a malleable construct, subject to the whims of those in power. They invoke the specter of an overreaching federal government, conveniently ignoring the fact that their own vision of executive power is far more expansive and unconstrained than anything that has come before. It is a rhetorical sleight of hand that would be laughable if its consequences were not so dire. For what Project 2025 ultimately represents is a rejection of the very principles that have made America a beacon of freedom and democracy in the world. It is a repudiation of the idea that power should be dispersed rather than concentrated, that dissent should be protected rather than suppressed, and that the rule of law should be upheld rather than subverted. To fully grasp the dangers of Project 2025, one need only look to the historical precedents that have paved the way for the rise of authoritarianism. The erosion of democratic norms in the Weimar Republic, the centralization of power under Viktor Orbán in Hungary, and the stifling of free speech under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey – these are all cautionary tales that underscore the fragility of democracy in the face of those who would seek to undermine it.
Indeed, the parallels between the tactics employed by these authoritarian regimes and the strategies outlined in Project 2025 are striking. The demonization of political opponents, the co-optation of the media, the erosion of institutional checks and balances – these are all hallmarks of a playbook that has been used time and again to consolidate power in the hands of a few. And yet, even as we acknowledge the magnitude of the threat before us, we must not succumb to despair. For the fight against the forces of authoritarianism is one that has been waged throughout history, and it is a fight that has always been won by those who refuse to surrender their principles in the face of adversity. It is a fight that will require the active engagement of every citizen who values the sanctity of our democratic institutions. It will require a sustained effort to raise public awareness, to mobilize opposition, and to hold those in power accountable for their actions. It will require a commitment to the principles of free speech, free press, and the rule of law, even in the face of those who would seek to undermine them. But perhaps most importantly, it will require a willingness to confront the uncomfortable truths about our own society – the inequalities, the injustices, and the divisions that have long simmered beneath the surface. For it is only by addressing these underlying issues that we can hope to build a more perfect union, one that is truly worthy of the ideals upon which it was founded. And so, my fellow citizens, let us not be lulled into complacency by the siren song of those who would promise us a return to some mythical past. Let us not be seduced by the false promises of those who would trade our freedoms for the illusion of security. Let us instead stand firm in our commitment to the principles that have made this nation great – the principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all. For in the end, the fight against Project 2025 is not simply a battle for the soul of our nation – it is a battle for the very future of democracy itself. It is a battle that will require all of us to summon the courage and the conviction to stand up for what we know to be right, even in the face of those who would seek to silence us. Let us draw strength from the examples of those who have gone before us – the patriots and the martyrs who have sacrificed everything in the name of freedom. Let us remember that the arc of history bends towards justice, but only if we have the courage to bend it ourselves. For as Thomas Jefferson once said, 'When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.' And as we stand here today, on the brink of an abyss that threatens to consume us all, let us be clear about where our loyalties lie.
They lie not with those who seek to impose their will upon us through force and coercion, but with those who believe in the power of reason, of dialogue, and of democracy itself. They lie not with those who would trade our freedoms for the false promise of security, but with those who understand that our security lies in our freedoms themselves. And so, my friends, let us go forth from this place, armed with the knowledge that our cause is just, and our resolve unshakable. Let us go forth with the conviction that, no matter how dark the road ahead may seem, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel – a light that shines bright with the promise of a better tomorrow. For if we do not fight for that tomorrow, then who will? If we do not stand up for the principles that define us as a nation, then what will become of us? These are the questions that we must ask ourselves, as we confront the spectre of Project 2025 and all that it represents. And let us never forget, even in our darkest moments, that the power to shape our destiny lies not in the hands of those who would seek to control us, but in our own hands – the hands of a free people, united in the pursuit of justice, of equality, and of the democratic ideal. Thanks for listening and remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts . -
Interest rates are the cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, and play a critical role in shaping economic behavior and financial markets. They influence borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, impacting consumer spending, business investment decisions, and overall economic growth. The determination of interest rates is complex, involving factors such as central bank policies, inflation expectations, and the creditworthiness of borrowers. Notably, the Federal Reserve in the United States, among other central banks worldwide, utilizes interest rate adjustments as a key tool in monetary policy to control inflation and stimulate economic activity during downturns.
There are several types of interest rates, including nominal, real, effective, fixed, and variable rates, each serving different financial contexts and implications for borrowers and lenders. Nominal interest rates represent the stated cost without accounting for inflation, while real interest rates adjust for inflation to reflect true purchasing power. Effective interest rates consider compounding effects, providing a clearer understanding of overall costs or returns. Furthermore, the choice between fixed and variable rates can significantly influence financial planning, as fixed rates offer stability, while variable rates can fluctuate with market conditions.
The relationship between interest rates and inflation is particularly noteworthy, as rising rates often aim to curb inflation by reducing demand in an overheated economy, but can also lead to higher borrowing costs and potential economic slowdowns. Controversies arise around the effectiveness and timing of interest rate changes, particularly in the wake of economic shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which has heightened scrutiny on central bank actions and their broader implications for financial stability and equitable economic recovery.
Overall, understanding interest rates and their various types and determinants is essential for making informed financial decisions, both at the individual level and within the broader economic landscape. As central banks continue to navigate complex challenges, the dynamics of interest rates remain a pivotal element in economic governance and policy-making.
Types of Interest Rates Interest rates are categorized into several types, each serving different purposes and having distinct implications for borrowers and lenders. Understanding these types is essential for making informed financial decisions.
Determinants of Interest Rates Interest rates are influenced by a variety of factors that reflect both the broader economic environment and specific market conditions. Understanding these determinants is crucial for comprehending how interest rates affect borrowing costs and economic activity.
Central Bank Policies The primary factor influencing interest rates is the monetary policy set by a country's central bank, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States. Central banks utilize tools such as the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements to regulate the supply of money and credit in the economy. For instance, when the central bank increases the discount rate, it raises the cost of borrowing, which can lead to higher interest rates across various financial products. Conversely, lowering the discount rate generally encourages borrowing and can lead to lower interest rates.
Economic Conditions The overall state of the economy significantly impacts interest rates. In periods of economic growth, higher demand for credit typically drives up interest rates as lenders seek to capitalize on increased borrowing activity. Conversely, during economic downturns, decreased demand for loans can lead to lower interest rates as banks compete for a limited pool of borrowers. Additionally, inflation plays a critical role; lenders often raise interest rates in times of high inflation to compensate for the eroding purchasing power of money over time.
Creditworthiness of Borrowers Another important determinant of interest rates is the creditworthiness of borrowers. Lenders assess the risk of lending to a particular individual or business, adjusting interest rates accordingly. Borrowers with higher credit scores generally receive lower interest rates due to their perceived lower risk of default, while those with poor credit histories may face significantly higher rates to compensate lenders for the additional risk.
Market Dynamics Interest rates are also influenced by broader market dynamics, including the competition among financial institutions and investor sentiment. For example, if a bank has excess capital, it may lower its interest rates to attract more borrowers. Similarly, fluctuations in the bond market can lead to changes in interest rates; when bond prices fall, yields (and consequently, interest rates) tend to rise as investors demand higher returns.
Impact of Interest Rates Interest rates play a critical role in shaping economic behavior and financial markets. They influence borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, thereby affecting consumer spending, business investment decisions, and overall economic growth. Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States, manipulate interest rates to control inflation and stimulate or cool down the economy as needed.
Relationship with Economic Activity The cost of borrowing money is directly influenced by interest rates. When interest rates rise, borrowing becomes more expensive, which can lead to reduced consumer spending and business investment. Conversely, lower interest rates encourage borrowing and spending, which can stimulate economic growth. However, the impact on the stock market is often immediate, while broader economic effects may take longer to materialize. High interest rates typically result in lower earnings and stock prices, as companies face increased costs for financing.
Influence on Financial Markets Interest rates have a significant inverse relationship with the stock and bond markets. When interest rates increase, bond prices usually decline, and equities may become less attractive compared to fixed-income investments. Investors often reassess the risk associated with stocks when the risk-free rate of return rises, leading to shifts in capital allocation. Moreover, certain sectors, particularly the financial industry, may benefit from rising interest rates as banks and lending institutions can charge higher rates for loans, improving their profit margins. In this context, central bank policies, including adjustments to the federal funds rate, have immediate effects on both stock market dynamics and broader economic conditions.
Factors Influencing Interest Rate Changes Nominal interest rates are influenced by various economic factors such as central bank policies, inflation expectations, credit demand, and overall economic growth. When the economy expands, and credit demand increases, nominal rates may rise; during economic downturns, they typically decrease. Furthermore, inflation can affect interest rates; lenders often raise rates to compensate for anticipated decreases in purchasing power due to inflation. The relationship between nominal and effective interest rates is also significant for borrowers, as different compounding frequencies and terms can lead to substantial variations in total loan costs.
Historical Trends Overview of Interest Rate Cycles Interest rates have experienced significant fluctuations over the decades, influenced by various economic conditions and policy responses. A comprehensive analysis of "rate cycles" in 24 advanced economies from 1970 to 2024 reveals that today's monetary policy challenges are unprecedented yet share some similarities with earlier periods. This period includes notable events such as the Great Inflation, which spanned from 1965 to 1982, marking a critical turning point in macroeconomic policy and theory. The policies implemented during this time were aimed at controlling inflation but resulted in economic turmoil, including multiple recessions and energy shortages.
The Great Inflation (1965–1982) The Great Inflation was characterized by a dramatic rise in inflation rates, peaking at over 14 percent in 1980 after starting from around 1 percent in 1964. This inflationary period was a consequence of several factors, including excessive growth in the money supply facilitated by the Federal Reserve's policies, amid increased government spending during the Vietnam War and President Johnson's Great Society initiatives. These fiscal pressures complicated the Federal Reserve's ability to manage monetary policy effectively, contributing to a long-term cycle of inflation.
Post-Pandemic Interest Rate Trends The recent COVID-19 pandemic has introduced another layer of complexity to interest rate trends. Following an initial rapid rebound in economic activity due to unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has been faced with challenges including weak aggregate demand and rising inflation as it attempts to navigate the recovery. Recent analysis indicates that global shocks have had a significant impact on interest rates, accounting for about 65 percent of their variation between 2020 and 2023, compared to domestic shocks which have historically played a larger role. This unprecedented global influence underscores the evolving landscape of monetary policy and interest rate management in contemporary times.
Rate-Hike History and Economic Implications Historically, the Federal Reserve has struggled with the delicate balance of managing interest rates without triggering a recession. Efforts to "softly land" the economy by reducing inflation while maintaining employment have often resulted in economic downturns. For instance, the Fed's ag