2nd week of January and Im already coming in hot for 2024! Lance came to the house and we finally knocked out the episode that we've been trying to do for months. I always love shooting the shit with Lance and this time was no different. Im sure this is the first of many times he comes on the show. Check Lance and the shop out on facebook and Instagram.
This is my first official racing podcast and many more will follow this year, but fret not. I will be pumping out more precision rifle episodes along with them.
Bro.. It was June since I last uploaded a podcast. So much to unpack and catch you all up on. This was just some beer fueled rants and updates that I wanted to give to yall. Enjoy! #JustFnSendIt
Saknas det avsnitt?
Been a minute. Catching up with you guys.
This is an official call for your opinions on a big decision. Either comment, email, IG message, or snipers hide pm, I want to hear from you.
This is a little bit of a post match hot wash but more so, a reflection of the first "non sanctioned" match I've shot in years and my feelings about them going forward.
You guys need to step your comment game up and also "SmAsH tHe LiKe BuTtOn" as everyone else says these days.
IG: @justfnsendit_podcast
Email: justfnsenditpc@gmail.com
Solo today. I talk about some future hopes for the show and I'm shooting an Outlaw match this weekend. Outlaw is the way, folks. Pretty excited about it. Also, fuck the EPA. Enjoy.
Yea, i know. Been too long again. With that said, I hope the episode makes up for it. We talk about 2 very hot topics right now: Barrel cleaning and terminal ballistics. Josh is a wealth of knowledge on both of these subjects and PVA has made your life a lot easier with some of the things we talk about. Thanks for sticking around and waiting for me to quit dragging my feet and finally putting something worth a damn out for you guys. I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was wonderful and I hope you have an even more fulfilling Christmas. Stay tuned for more content.
Check out the instagram
Go to www.patriotvalleyarms.com for the products we talk about in tonight episode.
Been busier than a 1 legged cat covering a turd in a sandbox. Schedule is opening up due to the end of travel soccer season.
This episode was destined not to happen with our schedules so we made it happen in the middle of a work day. We discuss an array of topics. It was a super fun conversation, just like all of our conversations we have. If you haven't already, you need to sign up for a rifle kraft subscription and put in the work to become a better shooter. Chris has a very nuanced approach to shooting and excelling in precision rifle. His approach is based on data which is something you can put a pen and paper to. Check out www.riflekraft.com and get started.
If you haven't already, go over to Instagram and give the podcast a follow and get access to some videos, pictures, and announcements
PRL coverage, Public Service Announcement, and Snakes..
Mr. Kunz drops in for another kick ass episode. PVA has some big things coming out soon so be sure to go check out whats going on and catch a sale at www.patriotvalleyarms.com . As per usual, thanks for the support and the downloads.
On the road to Cape Coral, FL, I decided to use this time to finally get The Warden on the podcast. This is a pretty different style show buy I've had tons of listeners request to have her on for over a year. I hope it doesn't disappoint. We talk balance of time between family and hobbies, parenting and marriage advice coming from 2 people who married their best friend. Enjoy!
Be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram, @justfunsendit_podcast -
Got a solo for you guys today. This episode, along with a few moments of distracted ramblings, is a call to action. I need your help. YOU, the listener, will decide the direction that the Just F'n Send It Podcast takes moving forward. All it takes is for you to state your decision in the comment section on whatever platform you download the podcast from. Without your feedback, I won't know how you see fit, the best way to consume the podcast in the future. The choice is yours. With that said, give it a listen, and get to commenting.
This was an episode that has been in the making for quite some time now. Richard "Trez" Trezie and Andy Simpson, the heads of PRS UK are 2 super cool Britts that have put in the work to bring the sport of which we love, to the UK. They were an absolute delight to have on the show. They have listened to the Just F'n Send It Podcast since the beginning, basically. I had a blast having them on. They go in to what the gun culture is like across the pond, what their matches are like, and what the UK thinks of the US in regards to gun rights and general politics. Once they come State side to shoot the PRS finale, they will be back on the show to chat about their own finale in GB and their trips for the US finale. Make sure you follow them on your social medias to see whats going on in the precision rifle world over there. As always, thanks for the support and thanks for the downloads.
After 2 years, I finally sat down and put pen to paper and outlined this episode to be the sequel to Episode 11. Ive gotten multiple requests to do this episode so, here you are. Hope you enjoy it. Let me here about it in the comments.
- D.
Despite the phone troubles we experienced due to Chris traveling through the mountains and canyons of Colorado, this was an awesome podcast. I have always enjoyed hearing Chris's take on shooting and data but even more so when on my show. We covered an array of topics in traditional Just F'n Send It style. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe.
I'd also like to announce that I finally have T shirts available. If you want one, send an email to www.justfnsenditpc@gmail.com with shirt size and mailing address. I'll send you the paypal address and instructions. Due to every fucking thing getting expensive, price is now $35 shipped. Thanks for the support!
Ok, so, this is the first episode recorded via phone and the Rode Caster Pro AND with the new kick ass intro. SOOOO.... I wasn't sure if the audio from Dan was going to be through both speakers or not b/c i was only hearing it on my left but I got an incoming call that I ignored and then he came in clear on both speakers. Its gets fixed later in the podcast. From here on out, i'll know what it'll do so it shouldn't happen again. This is a follow up podcast with Dan from Two Vets Tripods, introducing the Recon V2 tripod and some easter eggs of what to expect from them in the future. Also, the giveaway winner is also announced. Hope yall enjoy it.
- Visa fler