
  • Join me this week as we get into how to tighten things up and find the same page with our teens during the long days of summer. I talk about being explicit with our communication, agreements, and the power of collaboration. Check it out!

    Find more show notes and information about our sponsors at https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/Eps-500-Finding-common-ground-during-the-summertime-with-your-teen/
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  • My guest today is our returning friend, Ed Center.  

    I kick off our conversation asking Ed what Pride month means to him, and he shares his thoughts: we want to celebrate our families, the history of our community, and acknowledge that we weren't always able to have these rights & privileges. It’s a celebration of family. I ask what we can do to get out of our bubble, and Ed shares simple, do-able ideas around how to talk to your kids and how to grow as a better advocate, while giving yourself grace. We dig into how not letting discomfort or not knowing the exactly right thing to do can stop us from helping others and why we have to lean into that discomfort. 

    Takeaways from the show

    Pride month is an opportunity to share with our kids that they live in a family with a different arrangement than other families

    There are many family-friendly Pride events 

    How do you talk to your kids? What’s your default language around family, class, race?  

    Pushing assumptions and changing your language to expand your and your kids’ perspectives

    We have to stand up for all kids, not just our kids 

    Pride month challenge: Find and reach out to or donate to small LGBTQIA+ communities & resources in a red state 

    Be nice and stay grounded in love

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Join me this week as I share about the layers of scaffolding that come with building a home environment steeped in Positive Discipline. Starting with a foundation of parental personal growth and development, and building on top of that by focusing on relationships, creating systems and routines so that everyone is on the same page, and finally, mutually respectful, in-the-moment tools. Join me and consider how you can bring your takeaways into YOUR home and YOUR relationship with YOUR adolescents.
    Find all show notes and information about our sponsors at: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-498-building-the-house-of-positive-discipline-as-parents-of-teens/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • My guest today is Elizabeth Brunner, the founder of StereoType Kids, a gender-inclusive fashion brand inspired by her boy/girl twins. Elizabeth shares her story, what gender-inclusivity means to her, and what blended fashion is. We talk on unlearning social norms & gender stereotypes, and I share a surprising story of a time this came up for me personally when Ian was young. Elizabeth shares the difference between how people react when her daughter dresses more traditionally-masculine versus when her son dresses in more traditionally-feminine clothes and how she coached her son to reply when someone tells him what he “can’t wear.” I bring up the dance between encouraging our daughters to express and wear whatever they want while still keeping them safe from dangerous people.  

    Takeways from the show

    Get to know StereoType Kids, a gender-inclusive fashion brand 

    What is gender-inclusivity? What is blended fashion? 

    “We try to fit into society and society norms, and that’s not actually normal. We’re meant to be expressive.” 

    Unlearning social norms 

    We don’t realize all of our conditioning until we have to confront it 

    Being curious about our responses to our child(ren) 

    “Me is all I want to be.” 

    Keep growing, keep being curious, & keep discovering new parts of yourself

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • What if everything is going to be fine? What if we decide to live in the uncertainty of parenting teens from a place of faith and possibility? How would that change right now for you? Join me this week as we explore the qualities that are driving us crazy as we parent our kids WHILE ALSO knowing these exact same qualities are going to serve them one day... Stretch your mind, grow your perspective, listen in.

    Check out all the show notes and more info about our sponsors at: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-496-fortune-telling-and-considering-that-our-teens-lives-are-unfolding-for-them/
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  • My guests today are Ed Center and Jaimie Kelton, and they’re answering questions from YOU! This is a juicy one - we get into how to react when your LGBTQIA+ teen comes out, whose news that is to share with others, and what to do when people who don’t treat our adolescent(s) the way we’d like (cue Mama Bear). The latter half of the episode gets into online safety & pornography, the importance of knowing queer role models in real life, using TV & books as teaching tools, and talking about sex with our queer kids.

    Takeaways from the show

    What’s the preferred and most up-to-date language and acronym? Do we say queer? 

    What can straight parents do to best support their questioning or queer teen? 

    Coming out stories and reactions - whose news is this to share? 

    Coming out is an ongoing process. It is hard & scary! 

    We all hold internalized homophobia

    How do we handle family or friends who don’t support our queer teen? 

    “Choose love, choose love, choose love.” 

    Online safety 

    The importance of knowing real-life queer role models 

    Sex-ed & sex talks with our queer kids 

    Consent versus enthusiastic consent

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Join me today and consider how we can better be with the unfolding. So many in the Joyful Courage community are moving through big things with their adolescents right now - end of school year, transition into summer, teen risk taking, having a tough time with relationship - it is all real and relevent. AND, what if the contrast and discomfort we're feeling is an indicator that we can expand our mindset and try and see things in a new way?

    For show notes and info about sponsors, go to https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-494-having-faith-when-we-feel-out-of-control/

    Join the Joyful Courage for Parents of Teens FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jcforparentsofteens
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  • My guest today is my dear friend and the cofounder & managing director at Sproutable, Alanna Beebe! You’ll recognize Alanna from the Art of Connected Parenting series we did earlier this year.  

    I’m so excited that Alanna is here to kick off Pride! Alanna is an amazing parent, and she’s here to share some of her child’s gender journey with us. Alanna’s child, was born male, transitioned to female around age 3, and more recently has transitioned to nonbinary. I have so many questions for Alanna, and although her child is still an elementary-schooler, we can still learn from so much Alanna does and how she holds space for her own child. I ask how a 3 or 4 year old knows their gender, what going through this process was like for her as a mother, and where her fears & hopes are.  

    We hit on a lot this week: inclusive conversations & language, the political aspects that play in, how to best support your kiddo when unkind or unsafe things happen, how to make sure your message of love is getting through, using gender-neutral language, and how it looks differently supporting transgender teens versus transgender children. 

    Takeaways from the show

    Alanna shares her child’s gender journey with us

    “Our kids can’t be in the world what they can’t see.” 

    What age do kids start to notice and identify with a gender?  

    What comes up for us as adults when we see our child(ren) questioning or transitioning their gender?  

    How do we have those constant, hard conversations around gender?  

    Making home a safe, loving place to come back to - as a parent, you are their safe space 

    How to stop yourself from future tripping (spoiler: it comes back to teaching those life skills!) 

    “All you have to do is love and accept the kid that’s in front of you.” 

    Transitioning is not rebelling!   

    What happens when we pushback? What happens when we give them space? 

    Supporting transgender teens & adolescents (even when we’re feeling fearful & unsure)

    For more details, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Alright... We are going a bit sideways today. Or are we? Maybe we are going in the perfect direction... You'll have to let me know. I am sharing about our personal practice of dropping in with what is real and relevant for me as I work to drop into the present moment and be who I need to be for myself and others. Having a practice is what keeps me focused in on what matters most to me, it helps me to keep my inner compass pointed in the direction I live towards... We get a bit woo woo this week but I trust you to hear the takeaways you need.

    Find more about the episode and sponsors at https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-492-exploring-inspiration-and-soul-care-on-the-journey-of-parenting-teens/
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  • My guests today are Maren Goerss and Angela Sizer - two former school teachers who both chose homeschooling for their families (and created an awesome podcast & book about it!). We get right into it today, jumping into collaborating with your teen around their learning, lasting effects to the homeschool community post-Covid, and what to do if you don’t mesh well with the homeschool community in your area. 

    We hit on a lot during this episode: school refusal, “optimally” scheduled days, trusting our children to know what’s best for them, disinterested (discouraged) learners, who teens are earning their grades for, leaning into your strengths as a parent and home educator, and saying no to things that don’t matter to your family.  

    We wrap up this week on homeschooling our kids with learning differences or who are neurodivergent. Check out Maren and Angela’s new book, “Think Differently about Learning,” to dig in even further to Homeschool Unrefined! 

    Takeaways from the show

    Collaborating with your child on their education 

    Finding community for homeschooled teens 

    Asking kids for their opinion 

    Homeschooling shifts post-Covid

    What can you do when you don’t mesh well with the homeschooling community in your area? 

    “Think Differently about Learning” book 

    Children deserve to be trusted & deserve authority over their choices 

    What can we do with our disinterested (discouraged) teens? 

    Grades - who & what are they for? 

    Leaning into your strengths as a teacher 

    Homeschooling kids with neurodivergence or learning differences 

    Accepting our teens (and making sure they know it)

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Drop in with me to explore what it takes to be with the ebb and flow of the season of parenting teens and tweens. It isn't for the faint of heart and it absolutely requires our development of self awareness, reflection and endurance. We have the power to shift how we are experiencing the challenges that are showing up with our young people if we are willing to go there. Listen to this episode for inspiration on the HOW.

    Find show notes and info about our sponsors at: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-490-endurance-personal-growth-and-intersecting-with-our-adolescents-experience
    Join the discussion in the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jcforparentsofteens
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  • My guest today is Dr. Jenn Noble, and she’s here to talk about adolescent identity development and support us all in broadening our lens around the experience of mixed race kids and families.

    Dr. Jenn helps parents to see who their kids really are and helps teens express who they are to their parents. We all know teen identity development is a total rollercoaster! On one hand, we know our adolescents are growing up, but we sure like to hang onto who they were as children. Their experiences and perspectives are real, but they’re often dismissed.  

    As we dig into adolescent identity development, and Dr. Jenn reminds us that part of a teen’s job is to explore things, try things out, and push back with a safe place to land. I ask Dr. Jenn what parents can do to invite your teens to talk to you, how adolescents can read our agendas (even when we think we’re being open-minded!), and how this plays out differently in mixed race households.

    Takeaways from the show

    What should parents know about adolescent identity development? 

    Broadening our lens around the experience of mixed race kids and families

    Seeing your kid for who they are - how do we really get to know & see them? 

    Negative stereotypes around teens 

    Teens need to try & explore new things with a safe place to land 

    What makes adolescents feel open to talking and sharing more with parents 

    Code switching (cognitive flexibility) 

    Teens are seeking groups and are very sensitive to rejection 

    How can we best show up for mixed race teens? 

    Authentically affirming & complimenting teens’ experiences

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • As our teens continue to get older, our role in relationship with them changes. It is hard to know where to lean in and where to let go. The good news is there is no "right way" to parent through the second half of the teen years and beyond - instead, we get to become ever better at intuiting what it is our young people need. During this episode, I go through the different eras of later adolescence and offer my thoughts on useful ways of showing up. Can't wait to hear what you think!

    Find all the show notes at: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/eps-488-thoughts-about-parenting-our-older-teens-and-baby-adults/

    Join the Joyful Courage Parents of Teens FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jcforparentsofteens
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  • I am so excited about my guest today - Alyse Levine!  We have one of the foremost college counseling experts in the country here today sharing her wisdom and tips to help adolescents fulfill their college goals & dreams. 

    Alyse shares why she’s so passionate about college admissions & working with young people, and I ask what was surprising for her when going through the college admissions process with her own kiddo recently.  We dig into all-things admissions related: testing, grades, college essays, rescinded offers, and virtual opportunities & internships.  I ask Alyse what teens should be doing during the summer and how to discern good opportunities & programs, and we wrap up this week talking about setting expectations for our adolescents and how motivating it is when people are learning something they’re excited about. 

    Key Takeaways from the show

    Why work with a college admissions specialist or counselor? 

    FAFSA, Merit Money, & scholarships 

    How has grading changed since we were in school? 

    Colleges rescinding offers 

    College is a safe place to make some mistakes & grow resiliency 

    What should teens be doing during summer breaks? 

    Virtual internships & experiences 

    What to look for in good summer programs & offerings 

    Authenticity during the college admissions process 

    The motivation that comes when we are learning things we’re excited about 

    “There is a home and a college for everyone”

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Surprise!!! My girl and podcast fave, Julietta Skoog, joins me today on a special Thursday show where we come down off of our high from leading our first ever Sproutable Retreat on the gorgeous California Coast. We talk about the highlights from the weekend as well as the power of parenting in community, creating time and structure for our own self-care, and shared a few funny stories... Listen in and let me know what you think.

    Find all the show notes and info about our sponsors here: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/Eps-486-The-beauty-of-parenting-in-community-with-Julietta-Skoog
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  • My guests today are Jaya Ramesh and Priya Saaral. Jaya and Priya have a lot in common, including being the co-authors of their new book, “Parenting at the Intersections.” This is a deeply emotional topic for them, both personally and professionally.  

    Many people are discussing the experience of neurodivergence, and many people are discussing being a person of color, but where are the resources for neurodivergent people of color? Jaya and Priya have so much wisdom to share, from asking for what your child needs until they get it, what people who aren’t raising neurodivergent children of color need to know, and why & how to be there for all kids, not just your kid. 

    We dig deep into how we can expand our definition of what’s “normal,” so that we can be less judgmental, especially when there are systems in place working against that, and how hard it can be for adolescents to find their strengths when we are so focused on deficits.  

    Takeaways from the show

    How do you hold the feedback about your child from their school? 

    How do you make it work when public school is the only option? 

    Asking for what you or your child(ren) needs until you get it 

    Checking your biases

    What do people who aren’t raising neurodivergent children of color need to know? 

    Being curious, empathetic, & compassionate 

    Being in it for all kids, not just your kid 

    Expanding our definition of “normal” so we can be less judgmental 

    Moving away from neurotypical expectations, narratives, & timelines 

    Holding that space for our child(ren) when they show up differently

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
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  • Ooh, I have some fun during this week's solo show... If I could go back to parenting my kids through middle school I would take my own advice and do it differently. The beauty of hindsight. Lucky for YOU I am sharing all of my thoughts around parenting during middle school years today on the show!
    Find the full show notes and info about sponsors at: https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/Eps-484-the-real-work-of-parenting-during-the-middle-school-years
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • My friend Douglas Haddad is here this week to chat about all things middle school, with a focus on encouraging discouraged learners.  

    Douglas has been teaching for over 24 years (at ONE school!), and I love his commitment to his students. Douglas shares what he’s seen changing during that period, like higher anxiety & social media misuse, and what’s stayed the same, like a child’s need to feel loved, heard, and understood.   

    Douglas shares his wisdom on keeping middle schoolers encouraged & engaged: making sure they understand the systems in place around them, how we can help when our kid isn’t connecting with a teacher, collaborating on family agreements, and helping our tweens grow their tolerance for discomfort.  

    Takeaways from the show

    What’s different between middle school today & when you were a tween? 

    “Loved, heard, and understood” 

    What does discouragement look like in the classroom? 

    Wait Until 8th Pledge 

    Does your child know & understand the systems in place around them? 

    How to help foster connection between your child & their teachers 

    Family contracts, charters, agreements, & meetings 

    Being available without an agenda or judgment 

    Setting & celebrating small goals 

    Scaffolding for our kiddos to grow their tolerance for discomfort

    For more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • It is so easy, when we aren't paying attention, to let our minds slide into all the worst-case scenarios, the worst possible outcomes, "dead in a ditch." I know, I've been there, and it ISN'T USEFUL. It isn't an empowered or encouraged parenting mindset during the teen years. So how do we shift?? Listen to this episode and find out!

    Get more show notes and info about sponsors at https://www.besproutable.com/podcasts/Eps-482-Shifting-from-worst-case-scenarios-to-trusting-process-teens/

    Join the FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jcforparentsofteens
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  • Amy & Christy are back for part 2 of our conversation, and we’re talking about pornography. Please believe us: your kid is going to see porn. Some families are more aware & ready for this moment than others, so what can you do and say to prepare? You can’t prevent the exposure or know how your child will react, but we can get ready for it and start the conversation now. Pornography is all over the place and often hidden, and unfortunately kids view that as Sex Ed & think that pornography is what sex with a partner will be like for them - they assume that hardcore porn is real life. Seeing these images train their brain; watching porn today is very different from running into an issue of Playboy when we were kids, and it’s impossible to avoid. So what do we say to our kids? What’s the magic word? Christy shares the way she uses values to talk to her teen, and Amy explains how to keep the conversation around other kids to break through to your own teen. We touch on monitoring software & sugar dating. The good news here is that there are many resources available for families to use, and it can get better. Takeaways from the showYour kids will see pornography Pornography is different than when you were a kid Kids often keep it a secret if they see pornographic material. Let them know they won’t be in trouble! Pornography is often in hidden, unexpected spacesKids see pornography as Sex Ed Pornography trains their growing brain - including the themes of misogyny, racism, & shame around their bodies Don’t tell yourself, “it won’t happen to my kid” Porn is harder to avoid today than it was to find in the ‘80s What do we say to our kids about this? Conversations about pornography need to start early - earlier than you think! Keep them short & frequentUsing monitoring softwareFor more show notes, including transcripts, visit our website here.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices