In this episode, Hunter chats with Courtney Doctor to begin our new series, Displaying the Gospel through Discipleship. One way we display the gospel and live on mission is through our discipling relationships. Yet, so many of us are intimidated by Christ’s command to go and make disciples. In this series, we will grow in our understanding of discipleship and how we can practically go about doing it.
Over the past two years, Courtney and Hunter have been working on a verse-by-verse Bible study on the book of Titus entitled Titus: Displaying the Gospel of Grace. Many of us are familiar with the classic Titus 2 passage on discipling, but through this entire series, we hope to highlight the beauty of intergenerational relationships in the church and what it actually looks like to display the gospel through those relationships. In this episode, they're talking about what discipleship is—whether formal or informal—what discipleship has looked like in their lives personally, and what Scripture says should be at the heart of it all.
Courtney Doctor received an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary and currently serves as the Director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition.
How do you define discipleship?
How has discipleship played a role in your life?
What are the things to “insist on” in a discipleship relationship?
What could formal or informal discipleship look like in your life right now?
Who is someone (older or younger) who you could ask about beginning a formal discipleship relationship together?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll help you know and love God through his Word, find your hope in the gospel, and invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Laura and Emily of Risen Motherhood about applying the gospel to our everyday lives. They work through what it practically looks like to apply the framework of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation to the very real problems we face, and they also chat about the upcoming sunset of Risen Motherhood and what’s next for Laura and Emily!
Have you ever heard of the Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation framework? How does this help you understand the gospel more fully?
What is an issue in your life right now that you can apply CFRC to? Perhaps either journal through the framework or talk it through out loud with a friend.
Emily mentioned growing in your understanding of Scripture and the spiritual disciplines. What is one small step you can take today to move toward this kind of growth?
Who is someone whom you might connect with or go deeper with to discuss the issues you’re dealing with through a gospel lens?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
As believers we are united in Christ—and there will still be issues about which we disagree. As Bobby Jamieson reminded us in this week's episode, "Those disagreements can always threaten to become divisions." But there is hope! We can learn how to understand our conscience, listen to God's leading, and engage those we disagree with by showing kindness and respect and remembering the unity we share in Christ. We pray the practical and Scripture-based encouragement this episode offers will help you think through how to both understand and live in line with your conscience.
What are some differing matters of conscience that you have encountered either personally, in relationships with others, or with those in your church?
Are there friends or influencers who you have been tempted to “outsource your conscience” to, meaning you adopt their practices without gauging your own conscience?
Bobby mentioned several passages (listed in our show notes) that would be helpful to better understand conscience. Perhaps select one today to read through or study with a friend.
Is there a trusted pastor, friend, or mentor with whom you could have a conversation about your own personal questions about issues of conscience? Perhaps reach out to them today.
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Do you ever find yourself subconsciously crying out to God in a desperate moment? Maybe it's a "Lord, help me" prayer in a time of need, or a "Jesus, come quickly" when your heart is heavy. Sometimes life brings us to the end of ourselves in a way that reminds our hearts to call out to God. As we reach the end of ourselves we realize, to whom else can we go (John 6:68)? He is the One who is sovereign, able, good, and kind. In this week's conversation with Megan Hill, Hunter and Megan talk about how vital prayer is to the life of the Christian.
How has the Lord used prayer to help you navigate hard things?
What has it looked like (or what might it look like) for you to incorporate prayer into your daily rhythm, even with all of the distractions of life?
Has the Lord used prayer to draw you toward other believers? How so?
What might you bring to the Lord in prayer today?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Have you ever felt like you have nothing left…and yet you’re being asked to give more? Sometimes this place of utter depletion and emptiness can feel scary, but it is actually here that we can lift our eyes to Jesus and find so much more of God’s goodness, strength, and nearness. In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Whitney Newby about how we can orient our gaze to Christ in the midst of the various challenges of life. We pray this episode encourages you—wherever you are and whatever you’re walking through—and presses you to lean on the Lord for strength.
Have you ever felt like you are pouring from an empty cup? How have you seen Christ’s sufficiency in those moments?
What Scriptures that Whitney and Hunter shared (you can find them all in the show notes!) resonated most with you? Consider memorizing it this week!
Have you faced a season that felt like it was too much? How did God use it to help you learn to fully cast yourself on him?
Did you resonate with Hunter and Whitney’s conversation about lack of self-control and anger? Where do you find yourself struggling most, and how do you practice walking in repentance and receiving God’s grace?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
In this week’s episode with Jill Atogwe, Hunter and Jill talk about our natural tendency toward discontent, and how even our areas of deficiency and lack can press us more into Jesus. We pray this episode reminds you that even in—perhaps especially in—those places where you feel most weak and humbled, there is space for growth and intimacy with God.
“Is God really good?” Have you ever found yourself asking this question? When the diagnosis comes back, when everything crashes down, when the other shoe drops… In the midst of suffering, if you listen to your feelings and to the world, the answer to that question is “No.” But, as Jill reminded us in this week’s episode, “if you open the Word, you will see the One that God loved most—himself—he allowed to live a life of suffering and to die a death of the ultimate untouchable suffering for us to live with him in eternity forever.”
Sister, in your difficulty remember what is true: God is good and he can only do good (Psalm 119:68). You can trust him.
What are some things you feel that God has “left out” of your story?
How have these deficiencies, or things you felt like God left out, pressed you into more of Christ?
What does it look like for you to deal with discontentment in your life? What root sins come up when you are faced with lack?
Are there any passages from Scripture that you find encouraging in your struggle with discontent? Consider memorizing one this week!
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Have you had to navigate divorce or do you know someone who has? In this week’s episode Hunter talks with Wendy Alsup about how God was faithful to walk her through the incredibly difficult circumstances surrounding her divorce. Wendy shares how she found solace in meditating on God’s Word and in immersing herself in a safe local church body. We hope this episode offers you encouragement if you are in a similar situation or that it gives you tangible ways to care for those in your community who are hurting.
How has your knowledge and love of God carried you through the various challenges you’ve faced?
Do you know anyone personally who has been impacted by divorce? Is there someone in your local church who you might serve as they walk through this difficult season?
Wendy said “God's kingdom grows through suffering people, not in spite of our suffering.” How does that statement encourage you?
How have you found that meditating on Scripture sustains you throughout your day? What verse might you look to this week to meditate on for encouragement?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Do you long for deep gospel friendships? As members of the body of Christ, when we are friends, we are friends in Christ. We are united by his blood, which means that our connection goes deeper than any other possible bond. In this episode, Hunter talks with Kristyn Getty about the beauty of gospel friendships. Kristyn shares about her own friendship with Joni Eareckson Tada, and how we can grow in our friendships with one another through the myriad of means God has given us, such as worshiping together, praying together, and sitting under and studying God’s Word together. We hope this episode encourages you to press into your own friendships as you grow in love and godliness together!
How does knowing Jesus and calling him your closest friend enable you to be a better friend to others?
How have the friendships in your life encouraged you to persevere when life is hard?
How have you experienced your friendships grow around the Word of God?
How might you be the type of friend who challenges and encourages others to live for Jesus?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
In this week’s episode, Hunter chats with Natalie and Vera of Dwell Differently about the beauty of dwelling on the truths that we find in the Bible. These three ladies each have such a contagious passion for hiding God’s Word in their hearts, and we hope that you come away from this conversation with a renewed excitement for dwelling on God’s Word!
What are some ways God has used his Word to strengthen, sustain, or uphold you during a difficult time?
Are there reasons that you have felt hesitant to pursue the practice of Scripture memory? Share them with a friend if you feel comfortable.
What is one verse that has impacted you or grown your view of who God is? Consider memorizing that verse (or part of it) this month.
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
In this week’s episode with Jen Wilkin, we talk about the beauty of an oft-misunderstood and feared book of the Bible: Revelation. Jen reminds us that although the book is filled with symbols and images that might first be hard to understand, that it actually pulls from the rest of Scripture and tells us what we already know! That Jesus is coming back to dwell with his people forever. Jen reminds us that the theme of this book is not condemnation, but comfort. We pray this episode leads you to praise as you remember who is seated on the throne of heaven.
How does seeing Christ in Psalms excite you to look for him in all of Scripture? How might you take what you’ve gained from reading Psalms this summer and allow it to open your eyes to see Jesus on every page of Scripture?
What psalms have stood out to you most as you’ve read through them this summer? Perhaps write a few down to use as prompts for prayer. Perhaps select a few to try to store in your memory.
How might you take what you’ve learned in Psalms this summer and share it with someone? Maybe inviting someone in to read Psalms again with you? Maybe memorizing a psalm to use as you pray for friends?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Psalms 23, 63, 84, 91, 92, 102, 131, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150
In this last episode of our Psalms series, we’re chatting with Caroline Cobb about God’s big story that we see in Psalms. Caroline is passionate about rehearsing and responding to God’s story as we go about our everyday lives, and you will hear her heart clearly throughout this episode. We pray this episode—and the whole Psalms series!—prompts you to abide deeply with the Lord and to trust his character and his heart as revealed in Scripture. It has been a gift to come to know and love God more as we study God in Psalms this summer.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
How does seeing Christ in Psalms excite you to look for him in all of Scripture? How might you take what you’ve gained from reading Psalms this summer and allow it to open your eyes to see Jesus on every page of Scripture?
What psalms have stood out to you most as you’ve read through them this summer? Perhaps write a few down to use as prompts for prayer. Perhaps select a few to try to store in your memory.
How might you take what you’ve learned in Psalms this summer and share it with someone? Maybe inviting someone in to read Psalms again with you? Maybe memorizing a psalm to use as you pray for friends?
What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Doxological Psalms: 19, 33, 66, 67, 95, 100, 103, 104, 111, 113, 114, 117
In this week’s episode we’re looking at the doxological psalms. The Greek word “doxa” means “glory,” so the doxological psalms are an expression of glory, or songs of praise that give glory to God. We pray this episode prompts you toward praise as you meditate on the glory of God!
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
What is something you can praise God for right now, in this very moment?
What are some ways you could incorporate praise into the everyday moments of your days? Brushing your teeth to a song of praise? Praising God for his character when you get to a red light? Singing a simple doxology as you pray over your dinner?
Think about a specific circumstance, relationship, decision, or grief that is causing you suffering or distress. Now spend a minute thinking about your future eternal reality—the reality that if you are in Christ, you WILL be with him forever, where there will be no more crying, no more pain, no more death. How does thinking about that reality change the lens through which you see your current circumstance?
How might meditating on God’s character as revealed in his Word lead you to praise? If you’re struggling with where to start, here are a few passages that point to God's glory: John 1, Hebrews 1, Isaiah 6, Revelation 21.
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Psalms: 11, 18, 21, 26, 27, 30, 62, 65, 75, 105, 106, 107, 108, 116, 121, 124, 125, 135, 136, 138
In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the thanksgiving psalms, which are those psalms that express gratitude to God for who he is or what he has done. These psalms remind us of God’s character, give us language for our praise, and help us to give thanks to God, even if our current season is not what we hoped. We pray this episode encourages you to look to God in faith and to give thanks to God for who he is, how he has saved you, and what he has accomplished in Christ!
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
How do you usher your heart toward prayer and thankfulness when it’s hard?
What is something—right now in this very moment—that you can thank God for? The breath in your lungs? The clothes on your body? Less pain today than you had yesterday? Someone in your local church? This very opportunity to reflect on his Word? Your salvation in Christ?
What do you run to in the midst of distress? How quick are you to turn to the Lord in prayer?
Do you find it hard to trust the Lord during a season of waiting? How does remembering his character help you place your hope in him while you wait?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Psalms: 15, 20, 24, 29, 46, 47, 48, 50, 72, 76, 78, 81, 82, 87, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 115, 122, 132, 134, 144
In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the liturgical psalms, which are the psalms that lend themselves most easily to public worship in a community gathering. These psalms are full of joy, hope, and proclamations of who God is, as his people call to each other: Remember and rejoice! We pray that this episode reminds you of the truth of God’s character and that it compels you to join hands with your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ as you offer worship and praise to the Lord together.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
Have you ever found it difficult to urge your heart to worship? What could you do right now to lift your eyes in praise even if you don’t feel like praising God?
Think of someone you know whose heart may not feel like praising God right now. How could you help them remember God’s goodness and rejoice?
How has corporate worship urged you toward hope when you might not feel hopeful?
Who might you reach out to today to practice remembering and rejoicing God together?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Corporate Lament Psalms: 12, 44, 58, 60, 74, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 94, 123, 126, 129
In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the corporate lament psalms, which are those psalms where the writer is grieving on behalf of a people or nation, or writing songs that a community could use to grieve together. These psalms help us see how we can walk through difficult things alongside others, lean into the body of Christ in the midst of tragedy or trial, and know God more, even in that place. By his grace, God meets us deeply in our suffering, and as we walk through both the joys and the brokenness of this life we can even come to know him more—and we can do this together.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
Have you ever walked through suffering alongside someone else or invited someone into your own grief? How did it feel different from grieving alone?
Is there someone in your local church community who you know is suffering and needs someone to walk alongside them? Or if you are the one suffering, is there someone you could invite to help you bear your grief in a godly way?
What aspect of God’s character is most comforting to you when you are suffering? Is it his nearness? His goodness? His kindness? His steadfast love?
How does meditating on God’s faithfulness, even in the midst of difficulty, bring you hope?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Penitential Psalms: 6, 32, 38, 51, 130, 143
Imprecatory/Judgment Psalms: 5, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 88, 137, 139, 140
In this week’s episode, we’re talking through the specialized lament psalms, which include penitential psalms, or psalms that express the writer’s remorse or guilt over sin, as well as several psalms of judgment, which show us God’s heart for justice. These are weighty psalms, but you’ll see that even here—in the midst of the shame and guilt and fear—there is hope to be found. These psalms show us the gracious heart of God, who calls out to us in our wretchedness and offers us redemption and relationship.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
In the midst of your struggle with sin, is it more natural for you to turn away from God than to turn to him? Why do you think that is?
How might understanding God’s tender heart toward you—even in your sin—lead you to worship today? How might that help you fight your sin?
How does thinking about God pulling you out of the pit of sin, guilt, and shame? How does meditating on what he’s done for you in Christ change the way you turn from your sin and fight for holiness?
How does your view of God change when you think about his tender heart toward you, even in the depths of your sin?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Individual Lament Psalms: 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, 25, 28, 31, 39, 42, 43, 55, 61, 64, 70, 71, 77, 86, 120, 141, 142
In this week’s episode, we're looking at the individual lament psalms, or those that express grief or sorrow to God. These psalms are weighty, but they offer us a beautiful example of how lament can lead us to hope.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
How does understanding God is near to you and hears you in your difficult circumstances bring you comfort?
How might you practically remind yourself (or someone you love) that God is near in a current trial?
When things are dark and difficult, do you feel comfortable crying out to God with your pain? Why or why not?
How does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection affect your suffering today?
How do the psalms of lament help give you a language for your own prayers?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Messianic Psalms: 2, 8, 16, 22, 34, 35, 40, 41, 45, 68, 69, 109, 110, 118
In this week’s podcast episode, we’re looking at messianic psalms, which are those that contain references or prophecies that point to our long-awaited Messiah, Jesus Christ. These psalms shape our understanding of who Jesus is! We pray this episode prompts you to see more of Jesus in Scripture, and that it compels you to trust in the gospel and love Jesus more deeply.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
How does your thinking about Scripture change when you know it all points to Jesus?
How does seeing Christ in the psalms grow your understanding of who he is? Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see Jesus in his Word and for the Spirit to use this knowledge to grow your love for Christ.
What specific aspects of creation cause you to worship God as Creator? Is it the flowers in your yard, your child’s voice, a magnificent sunset?
How does seeing the humility of Christ in Scripture lead you to worship?
How might you worship God today, right now, in this moment?
How does understanding all that Christ bore on the cross prompt you to worship him?
How does thinking about Jesus’ death on the cross affect you as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death? How does it change your view of your Good Shepherd?
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1, 14, 36, 37, 49, 53, 73, 112, 127, 128, 133
In this week’s podcast episode, we’re chatting with Dane Ortlund about the Psalms. In our conversation, Dane gives some incredibly helpful background, overview, and context that will help you as you dive into the book of the Psalms. He also offers a wealth of encouragement to those who are walking through what the psalmist calls “the pit.” He reminds us of God’s heart to us in the midst of our pain, our sin, and our suffering, and he lifts our eyes to see Christ in this beautiful book of the Bible.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
When you think of a 'blessed life,' what specific things come to mind?
If your home, your job, your health, your church, or your family were taken away tonight, would you still think you could live a life of "blessedness"?
What might it look like to experience this true “blessedness” that Psalm 1 describes?
In what ways do you feel the tension between your own brokenness and the brokenness of our world and the hope that you experience in the gospel?
The way of wisdom is delighting in and trusting God and his Word. In what areas of your life are you struggling to delight in God and his Word?
Spend a moment confessing that to the Lord, and ask him to give you a greater hunger for it and deeper trust in it.
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On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God. -
Read: Psalm 119
In this week’s podcast episode, we’re chatting with Dane Ortlund about the Psalms. In our conversation, Dane gives some incredibly helpful background, overview, and context that will help you as you dive into the book of the Psalms. He also offers a wealth of encouragement to those who are walking through what the psalmist calls “the pit.” He reminds us of God’s heart to us in the midst of our pain, our sin, and our suffering, and he lifts our eyes to see Christ in this beautiful book of the Bible.
Series sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. To learn more about how Southeastern can help you grow in God's Word, share the gospel, and serve faithfully in your local church, visit sebts.edu.
What is your personal interaction/experience with the Psalms?
Describe a circumstance where God met you in your own dark valley or “pit,” as the psalmist says.
How, specifically, did this week’s episode remind you of God’s heart for you?
What is one tangible way that you can cultivate a deeper heart for God’s Word this week?
Is there a psalm that has had a great impact on you personally? Consider memorizing it this summer!
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Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.
On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church. - Visa fler