The Club of Rome founded in 1968 has suspicions of global governance as it lays out a blueprint for sustainability of nations through proposals of influence given by high profile leaders around the globe. The members include Henry Kissinger as well as influencial innovators, educators, scientists, high level politicians, governmental officials, diplomats, and business people.
Its stated goal is to address conditions and propose solutions through its framework of ideas.
The Club of Rome split up the world into 10 regions in which powers would concentrate on the affairs of the world.
This has brought suspicions and conspiratorial speculations.
Article mentioned in this episode
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/387827375_The_Club_of_Rome_and_the_10_Kingdoms_Unraveling_Intent_Emergent_Phenomena_and_Prophetic_Interpretations_in_Global_Governance -
The Elite build our civilization, but now they seem to want to dismantle it. They built an industrial revolution to grow technology now they use it to increase technocracy into a digital revolution. We express how they use Trump, Elon, and the system to have it implode so that it will transfer to the new system.
Article mentioned
https://needtoknow.news/2025/02/catherine-austin-fitts-explains-the-old-system-is-being-destroyed-technocracy-to-replace-it/ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Trump and the white hats have taken a valient effort in stirring the pot and threatening government efficiency by making government workers and their departments accountable. But will it have as much an impact as expected? Will the government find a treasure of lost money? Or is this just a ploy by spoiled beaurocratic technocrats. Shall we trust Trump and his cronies for doing the right thing? It seems more government saving us from government.
Articles referred to:
https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/how-many-federal-workers-has-doge-laid-off/ -
A video went public of Trump, JD Vance, and Zelensky sitting at a meeting discussing continued U.S. support of Ukraine. Trump called him a poor leader and accused him of disrespect that he was unthankful what we had done for him so far. Was it just a publicity stunt? Trump admitted it makes great TV. We wonder the purpose of making it public.
An alternative site accused Bill Gates of pumping Bird Flu into the food supply. A meme went viral stating that Gates was caught injecting birds. However, that is a bit irrational. We find the meme came from a tabloid media source that others adopted in their own publications to accuse Gates of personally being involved. Like Bill is out on farms sneaking in to inject their livestock.
While the story is far fetched, and of course Gates Foundation spokespersons deny that Gates admitted such, it can be believable that Gates would favor such incidents to promote the need for vaccines, in which he is fully invested. His foundation donated chickens to Africa that may have been infected, so this gives a foundation (no pun intended) for such a story of intent.
Will we see full documents on the Epstein Files or JFK? Many suspect a redacted highly edited copy to be made public. -
We turn on alternative forums to see that many alternative news sites report something big about to happen. What is the difference between something big this time and something big last time? We analyze what they mean and what they are saying.
Some articles mentioned:
https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-746372?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2VJyuKqYaiYN4VfgjuAOHtayUwnrlsfc7_0PzYoipeyVcNFVEXU6KROn8_aem_AVftFta0K0qtgEwGs7ppng# -
The media often downplay our charges of conspiracy and ridicule those who bring it up as "Conspiracy Theorists." That term is a derogatory label to attempt to discredit the alternative claim. However, some conspiracies cannot be denied even by the media.
The media calls anything it wants discredited as "conspiracy theory." But there has been some that even the media must be forced to agree with that are conspiracies. These are disclosed information that cannot be denied because they are fact that has been exposed.
So we list 8 conspiracy theories that the media cannot deny are true. -
"Psyops" is short for Psychological Operation in which a carefully planned scenario is constructed to create a reality for people to follow that isn't necessarily reasonable. But by using emotional and psychological diversion, can lead you from the actual important matter. By diverting you elsewhere through these tactics you are less engaged to question the official narrative and pick out the inconsistencies that would bring to question the event. Some of these events take advantage of focus, while others are orchestrated by the conspiracists to divert you from something, like magic slight-of-hand.
My episode of the 5 corporations that own 99% of all media.
The NCI report can be requested here.
http://nci.university/reality -
Two horrific plane crashes occurred not more than a couple days from each other in which both became highly covered incidents. The Airliner that collided with a Black Hawk in Washington DC made news because it was so close to the Capitol and at Reagan Airport.
The other a Medevac that nose dived into a Philadelphia neighborhood also got media attention because of already having attention on the first crash.
Here is the article mentioned by James Perloff.
Questions Plague the Washington Airport Disaster -
Trump announced he will support the Stargate Project that involves several investment groups, including OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle, and Microsoft to develop AI interaction. I share my suspicions on that. There is also a CIA experiment called Stargate Project that used psychic paranormal means to spy.
We also examine the reference to Golden Age that Trump mentioned to see if it has any relationship with the New Age and New Order of the Ages. -
Trump is depicted as the knight riding in on a white horse. His partner Elon Musk is a anti-establishment hero rescuing society from censorship and banishment of the Elite. Yet something is peculiar. Elon made his fortune with innovation of software and investment in technology that has contracts with the Military Industrial Complex. So which is it? Elon will warn you against technology, in the meanwhile is the leading innovation developing it. He wants everyone embracing AI and hooking up with Neuralink so that your input could be transferred directly to computer. If that won't lead to censorship.
LA is burning and answers are sketchy. Some blame Gov Newsom, others neglect of leaders to have a protection in place. The officials decided to divert water from farms and resevours to save smelt and feed it into the ocean leading to a drought in fire hydrants.
We also get conspiracy theories of deliberate sabatage to burn it down for a rebuild of Smart Cities, or DEW weapons contributing. Some say the occurance is unnatural having been out of season, and strange winds carrying it further uncontrollable. One thing for sure, it seems to have been avoidable. If they can control weather, why can't they move some clouds over the area> -
Drones appearing in the sky over New Jersey, New York, and seen in other States. Mysterious fog appearing in over 14 States including New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and elswhere, with people reporting feeling ill during the misty environment. The Las Vegas cybertruck blowing up has some suspicion to it. These three things have a connection that we'll talk about.
Agenda 21 began after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 proposed by Maurice Strong for environmentalism under the United Nations. He was a Luciferian Theosophist member of the Golden Dawn, but that is another story. Since 2015 the United Nations has proposed the 2030 Agenda giving the goal a target date.
The United Nations outlined goals for Sustainable Development (SDG) in which gave 17 Goals in which they desire to reach by 2030.
2025 is the target date for renewable clean energy. This is under SDG7 (Sustainable Development Goal #7). What else is planned from this year to progress to 2030 to fulfill the Agenda 2030 goals? Will Trump and Elon Musk have a part to contribute?
17 Sustainable Development Goals -
This is a follow up or answer to my post “exposing” Christmas. I didn’t want to make people uncomfortable but to realize the sources of the season and elements we associate with it. So you gather, should you gather? That’s your prerogative. I just don’t regard it as the holiday focus that others might.
Some claim that Christmas originated after a pagan festival. They equate the season with a pagan theme after the winter solstice, also to do with Mithras, Saturnalia, and other Roman worship dieties. They state that it is the Sol Invictus worship of the Unconquored Sun. However, others defend its origins to say that Christians originally celebrated the birth of Christ and pagans mimicked it after Christians. Which is it?
We look at the traditions as well as search for the origin of the December 25 date that many recognize as the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. -
Every year the movie "Its a Wonderful Life" plays on TV sets during the Christmas season. A funloving story of a young man keeping his family's savings and loan business afloat until his uncle mishandles a large sum of money that is stolen by the town's shrewd Elite banker. The man faces criminal charges and jail therefore gets drunk and contemplates suicide. An angel appears to show the man a timeline where he never existed, and the consequences of his absence.
I analysze it with our theme of conspiracy and bribery and setting up people to control them. Then go into a rant about Socialism. -
The Assad family reported to have fled Syria. Is this the end of Damascus? There is more behind the target of Assad than the narrative suggests.
The CIA have the reputation of being a devious nefarious suspicious agency. They launch campaigns trying to clean up their act, but instead we just continue to get suspicious. Do we have reason?
Originally founded to continue after the OSS to globally counter communist threats and provide crucial intelligence directly to the President. It was signed in 1947.
Since then some of their acts they attribute doesn't help their case.
Operation Paperclip and working with Nazi mind control scientists to test human behavior. MK Ultra program to test fragmenting minds.
Operation Northwoods creating a scenario for a false flag threat to our citizens blaming it on a foreign country to make the case to go into Cuba.
Operation Mockingbird to control the media and monitor streams of information to the public using false reports and propaganda.
Suspected of being behind the JFK assassination. -
If you have a public forum or produce content you will encounter trolls and criticism from those who have nothing better to do.
Operation Paperclip was a United States government recruitment of Nazi scientists for the purpose of using their expertise of human experiments so the U.S. under the CIA could continue testing live humans. These scientists under Hitler would do evil experiments on live humans and test their results of when the brain fragmented, when it snapped, and upon how much pressure a human could take before facing death. The acts upon which the victims were under should be considered unethical, inhumane, pure evil. The agency developed trauma-based mind control, torture tactics, fragmenting the mind to carry out certain tasks even against the ethics of the participant.
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