
  • Join Jeremy and his wife April as they discuss Jeremy's essay on toxic empathy, and the under-appreciated antichrist threat at the core of the social justice movement.

    So much wickedness is done today under the guise of Christ-like morality devoid of Christ Himself. It's great to be gentle and just and kind, but if those things are done without Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith...if they're done in a secular sort of way...then we're in trouble. In fact, we're already seeing some of the results of this, even among our churches!

    We'd love you to join us in thinking about this topic so that we can be more aware of both ditches on either side of the narrow road...the ditch of Satanic power and destruction, and the ditch of antichrist Christ-less compassion.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:10 Toxic Empathy and the Spirit of Antichrist (an essay by Jeremy Pryor)

    6:10 Jesus vs. Social Justice

    14:57 No morality or correct politics without Christ

    21:59 No boundaries leads to toxic compassion

    24:28 The uncomfortable response of many churches on the topic of family

    27:00 Could we have seen social justice and the spirit of antichrist coming?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Family Inc


    Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Join Jeremy Pryor and his daughter Sydney as they react to 2 recent videos, exploring important cultural, familial, and theological topics.

    Today they discuss the immense risk we face as a society from demographic collapse, then make a case for why monarchy is an institution worth studying and considering as followers of Christ.

    Hear why Israel seems to be the only country striking the right demographic balance, and why we shouldn't throw an ideal away just because of individuals' inability to meet the ideal.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:33 Today's topics for Jeremy and Sydney - Demographics and why the Royal Family matters

    2:56 Demographics and why fathers should care

    9:29 The Demographic "Trilemma"

    18:08 Implications of population collapse, and the Israeli model

    29:10 Thriving economy or big families first?

    39:06 Generational privilege

    47:54 The case for the Royal Family's value for Christians


    Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.


    Resources Mentioned:

    Demography Video

    Family Inc

    Royal Family Video


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

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  • Join Jeremy Pryor and his daughters Sydney and Elisa as they react to recent trending clips and news!

    Today they consider why so many women assume that the point of being smart is to get a STEM career and plop their kid (usually not kids) in daycare, instead of using those smarts to be a mother.

    Then they discuss Gabor Mate's reflection on Winnie the Pooh, childhood, and our doomed pursuit to find meaning outside of God.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:07 Family garden and discipline update!

    5:38 Marriage and family is a highly rational decision for women

    9:29 Is it wrong to have fewer kids?

    14:02 18 years of maternity leave

    15:48 Reacting to Michael Knowles on the Whatever Podcast

    27:00 Reacting to Gabor Mate on what's truly important

    39:54 Western people are so extreme


    Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.


    Resources Mentioned:

    Michael Knowles on The Whatever Podcast

    Gabor Mate clip

    Family Inc


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Get a glimpse into the social contagion that's spreading rapidly in our world by hearing how it's impacting 2 young women, as Jeremy is joined by his daughters Sydney and Elisa.

    First they react to an interview with Jonathan Haidt, where he discusses why and how women are impacted so deeply and negatively by social media. How do we protect the fact that women are naturally empathetic - which is a necessary and beautiful thing in the context of a family?

    Then they kick off a discussion of what makes a strong female character in literature and why this is directly related to how we raise our children today, in light of the massive push by the woke media to re-write reality.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:14 The impact social media is having on our daughters

    6:35 Jeremy's daughters share what it's like to grow up in this culture of social and emotional overwhelm

    14:45 Women being ultra-empathetic is actually good...BUT it's supposed to be only within a family context

    24:19 The impact of "strong female characters" in literature on our young women

    33:40 Children are formed through stories

    38:17 The difference between propaganda and literature

    47:12 As Christians, we need to remember the power and importance of interpreting literature correctly


    Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.


    Resources Mentioned:

    The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt

    Jonathan Haidt Firing Line Interview

    The Family Plan Calendar

    Pride and Prejudice

    Why everyone loves Mr. Darcy


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and April as they discuss their recent shocking experience at the airport in Seattle, where they ended up helping a man traveling with a baby. It was only after the fact that they realized the depth of what they just witnessed, as they processed the information that the man was taking the 4 day old baby from his surrogate mother, and was flying to meet up with his husband.

    This is an incredibly difficult issue to talk about, because the slippery slope of liberal society has led us to a place where children's needs are discarded for adult's desires.

    Join us for this important discussion, and help us to increase dialogue around these issues respectfully and with intellectual honesty.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    0:32 Jeremy and April celebrate 26 years of marriage!

    1:55 Jeremy outlines a tough experience that's hard to talk about...the hidden cost of surrogacy

    6:19 April's reaction to helping a man with his new baby (via surrogacy) in the airport

    12:32 Why it's so important that we advocate for God's design for family

    24:08 The importance of words and definitions

    32:05Genders exist to reflect motherhood and fatherhood

    34:49 Fatherhood and motherhood is not an identity choice...it's something you're built for

    Resources Mentioned:

    Them Before Us by Katie Faust

    Family Revision by Jeremy Pryor

    The Family Teams Podcast


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and his daughters Elisa and Sydney as they react to timely videos about culture and family. This week they dive into how to witness to people in the LGBTQ community, family culture (via Barnes & Noble), and why Star Trek: The Next Generation is actually a great study for building a family team.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:20 The fusion of identity around sexuality and the Christian response

    7:32 Is the rise of individual "sexual identity" due to the fall of family based identity?

    12:05 Elisa and Sydney talk about their own experience as young women and whether there's been tension between cultural and familial ideas of identity

    18:46 How do we actually witness to people in the LGBTQ community?

    28:09 What's happening with Barnes and Noble? (And how it fits into Pryor family culture)

    40:16 Family Media Night and why Star Trek: The Next Generation is actually a great vision of family

    56:31 The devastating impact of insisting that art serve propaganda purposes

    Resources Mentioned

    LGBTQ Video

    The Gospel Comes With A House Key by Rosario Butterfield

    Barnes and Noble Video

    An Oral History of The Office

    The Family Plan Calendar

    Family Inc


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy, his daughters Sydney, Kelsey, Elisa, and his son Jackson as they dive deep into a highly controversial topic in the church: head coverings!

    Jeremy reads a tweet that's got him thinking recently (almost all Christian denominations wore head coverings until the 1900s), then dives deep into what it means that most Christians no longer do.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    0:44 The Tweet that started the whole conversation on head coverings

    6:03 A wife's take on when a head covering might be highly convicting and useful

    8:31 A third category to take some of the intensity out of the debate

    11:14 The symbolic relation between a man responsible for his household, and his protection over the wife

    12:44 Helpful for the angels?

    15:06 Authority, vulnerability, and the spiritual protection of women

    24:11 The barrier created by protection

    Resources Mentioned

    The Tweet

    Family Plan Calendar

    Family Revision


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy, his daughters Sydney, Kelsey, Elisa, and his son Jackson as they react and give their commentary to a recent interview where Carl Benjamin breaks down the problem with liberalism.

    They talk about why it relentless and inevitably becomes more and more focused on breaking down society by focusing on ever decreasing populations of marginalized groups at the expense of the majority.

    We are on the cutting edge of a political theory a couple hundred years in the making, and this conversation will give you the tools needed to understand what's going on in the world today.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:59 Carl Benjamin talks about what's wrong with wealth redistribution and the left's insistence on equality

    5:00 The actual role of the government, and the difference between kindness and justice

    11:24 Why is the left called the left, and the right the right?

    17:07 The relentless and inevitable drift left

    20:26 The weird thing about liberalism that makes it sound so good, but makes it so bad

    29:00 Resolving the freedom vs. equality issue

    Resources Mentioned

    Carl Benjamin Interview

    Family Inc


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy, his daughter Sydney, his son Jackson, and daughter in law Angel as they react and give their commentary to a couple of recent interviews and videos.

    Topics include the importance of right-ordered families that lead to respected and wise grandparents, what happens when the elderly prioritize being relatable instead of wise, the political gender gap, and why gen-Z women are so much more liberal than men.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:22 Jordan Peterson on grandparenting and the importance of intergenerational wisdom

    10:40 Discussion on the role of wisdom and elders in raising children and learning from experience

    14:41 What happens when old people prioritize being relatable to young people over their own wisdom and place in society and family

    24:44 Political gender gaps and why gen-Z women are so much more liberal than men

    32:03 The negative impact our increasingly liberal society is having on women

    Resources Mentioned

    Why are Gen-Z Women so Much More Liberal than Men?


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Jeremy is joined by Steve Manuel to discuss how to predict when a Christian leader will fall - an unfortunate reality, but important conversation that needs to happen as believers. They compare the system of disciple-making vs. the system of celebrity-making, and provide a number of specific tactics that anyone with a growing sphere of influence can utilize to ensure ego and celebrity do not overtake their humble service for God's glory.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    2:00 Celebrity Christian culture

    3:19 Jeremy's article: How To Predict If A Christian Leader Will Fall

    7:37 Steven's response as the "celebrity apologist" in the discussion

    13:30 Small vs. celebrity-focused systems

    19:15: John the Baptist-style leadership, elders, and youthful good intentions

    25:03 How to protect yourself from self-worship if you're in a celebrity position, even if it's just locally in your family or church

    34:47 A system is perfectly designed to give you the results you're getting

    40:27 Influence, social media, temptation, and Jesus' 2 answers to increasing fame

    48:01 Death to the fear of man

    Resources Mentioned

    Family Inc - Start your family business

    Steve Manuel Twitter

    Abraham's Wallet


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and his daughters Kelsey, Sydney, and Elisa as they react to 4 topical videos spanning transhumanism, gender identity, talking to children so they listen, atheists discussing existence for God, and the breakdown of the Two State Solution in Israel.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    1:10 Transhumanism, gender identity, psyop?

    7:48 Two big, conflicting ideas about the nature of the world

    13:25 How to talk to a young child and get what you want from them

    17:27 Parents are terrified to give their kids direction

    24:00 Two famous atheists discuss C.S. Lewis’ “Argument From Desire”

    30:54 Physicists searching for God…the knockout punch!

    38:33 The breakdown of the Two State Solution in Israel

    Resources Mentioned

    Laura Aboli Video

    Talking To Kids Video

    Family Revision Book

    Richard Dawkins Video

    Mere Christianity

    A Severe Mercy

    Two-State Solution Debate Video


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and his daughter Sydney as they react to 3 topical videos spanning a wide range of topics and have an intellectually rigorous discussion on the implications for us as fathers, Christians, and 21st century humans.

    Discussion starts with thoughts on the history of the women's suffrage movement, moves on to whether Gaston was the good guy in Beauty and the Beast (including a discussion on what young women value in potential husbands), and finishes talking about the impact copyright laws play on creativity and our ability to tell stories.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    0:56 The true origins of the women's suffragist movement and implications for society as a father's "household vote" declined in value

    12:17 Female suffrage was created by male suffrage

    16:11 How The Women's Temperance Movement campaigned for women's suffrage by marketing it as the "Ballot for Home Protection"

    21:53 Matt Walsh explains why Gaston is actually the good guy in Beauty and the Beast

    27:54 Do young women value men who are "reformable"?

    35:16 The balance between cultural creativity and protecting an artist's livelihood with copyright laws

    47:44 The perversion of Tolkien's ethical world in the Rings of Power

    Resources Mentioned

    The Toxic War On Masculinity by Nancy Pearcy

    Nancy Pearcy Video

    Matt Walsh Video

    The Family Plan Calendar

    CBS Copyright Video

    Bluegrass Bookwyrm YouTube Channel


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Listen in on a lively discussion about eschatological viewpoints led by Jeremy. Everyone read a book talking about the difference between post-millenialism, pre-millenialism, and amillenialism, and brought up specific passages in the book to discuss and debate.

    This episode offers fascinating insights not only into the topic at hand, but in how to have an engaging and fruitful discourse on difficult topics.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    01:09 Potential glaring issue in the case for post-millennialism

    03:24 Are we in the early church? What's the timeframe of the kingdom?

    06:12 We're best positioned now to advance the kingdom and make disciples

    08:58 Historic versus dispensational pre-mil

    15:41 The challenging part of eschatological discourse and whether it matters as much as the amount of debate suggests

    18:44 OT prophecy and what we can learn about the coming Kingdom

    26:50 A humbling statement to let sink in while having these heavy intellectual discussions about things that are ultimately impossible to know with certainty

    36:53 What would our view be if we made up our mind reading everything BUT Revelation?

    42:13 The partial preterist view and post-millennialism

    55:17 Why the pre-mill position is not inherently pessimistic

    1:07:38 What would the last 200 years look like if most fathers had a post-mil view?

    1:10:52 Can the hope of a "golden age" become an idol for post-millenialists?

    Resources Mentioned

    The Family Plan Calendar

    Family Revision Book

    When The Man Comes Around by Doug Wilson


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and April as they discuss what a ruling household really looks like, including the importance of opposition in marriage, tools to rule the home as "co-founders", why God is NOT a bad architect, and some personal anecdotes about leadership, opposition, and navigating growth within marriage.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    01:19 The Ruling Household and the functional purpose of marriage

    03:34 Opposition as a feature, not a bug

    06:55 The Co-Founders Meeting as a husband and wife

    11:59 Learning to appreciate each other's differences

    14:45 April's experience opposing Jeremy's leadership

    18:56 Why marriage is the perfect design for ruling a household, and why the West's fragile idea of the family can't make sense of role differences

    22:40 Husbands, don't shoot the messenger

    27:26 Ignoring self-pity and embracing your role as a father (including finding the right tools)

    Resources Mentioned

    Family Plan Calendar

    The Ruling Household


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and his daughter Sydney as they react to 3 recent videos from Vivek Ramaswamy, Conversations with Coleman, and Jordan Peterson.

    Learn how to masterfully and compassionately debate with someone who hates you, why the physical manifestation of motherhood is one of the biggest nails in the coffin of feminism, and the basic - but not always obvious - reason why athiests like Sam Harris are a lot less intellectual honest than they appear.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    2:20 Breaking down the skill with which Vivek Ramaswamy deals with an LGBT protestor

    9:49 The primary way to win a debate

    16:50 How the bodily elements of being a mother led Mary Harrington on a journey out of radical feminism

    21:10 The real reason for patriarchy

    39:19 Sam Harris' problem with religion and why he gets the idea of dogma totally wrong

    53:30 A common environment for the development of militant athiests

    Resources Mentioned

    Bluegrass Bookwyrm YouTube Channel

    Vivek Video

    Conversations with Coleman Video

    Jordan Peterson Video

    Family Plan Calendar

    How Households Rule Over The Land (Unfinished Book by Jeremy)


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Join Jeremy and April as they discuss their Christmas festivities and dive deep into a passage from Jeremy's book, "How Households Rule Over The Land". Learn about the importance of boundaries and borders, the right balance between rights and responsibilities, and how to steward what God has given you.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    01:19 The Shepherd's Dinner Tradition

    03:32 12 Days of Christmas and The Slow Build of Festivals

    05:25 How Households Rule Over The Land

    14:15 Borders and Boundaries To Protect What's Important and Make Better Decisions

    18:15 The Obsession With Rights, The Diminishment of Responsibility

    24:40 The Importance of Walking The Perimeter and Asking "What's Broken About Our Household?"

    30:22 The Difference In Real Estate Investing As A Christian Father

    Resources Mentioned

    Family Plan Calendar

    How Households Rule Over The Land (Unfinished Book by Jeremy)


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Subscribe on Substack ➡️ https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter.

    Today Jeremy is joined by Matt Franklin of Foundation Father. They discuss pre-Christian civilization, the absurdity of internet athiests arguing from a position so entrenched in Christian ethics, and what we can reason from first principles if we were to create a societal safety net that did not start with the presupposition that equality is the ultimate good.

    On this episode, we talk about:

    01:04 Matt's thread about why internet athiests would be begging for Christendom

    05:43 The non-existent safety net in pre-Christian pagan culture

    11:58 Did the values of our civilization get "reasoned" into existence during the Enlightenment?

    14:42 Rational Christian presuppositions and the lack of intellectual athiests

    16:48 Reasoning from first principles

    18:43 Creating a safety net from first principles that balances the tension between those who want to help people and what is fair and just

    22:50 A countercultural way to run a business

    Resources Mentioned

    Matt, Foundation Father on Twitter


    Tom Holland and NT Wright Video

    Dominion: How The Christian Revolution Changed The World by Tom Holland

    Family Inc on FamilyTeams.com

    The Family Plan Calendar on FamilyTeams.com

    Man and Woman in Christ by Stephen Clark


    Welcome to Jeremy Pryor's Podcast, or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor Unfiltered."

    We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family.

    If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place.

    Make sure to subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube so you don't miss out on future episodes!

  • Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter - @jeremympryor

    Substack- https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Hi, welcome to Jeremy Pryor's podcast or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure you give us a follow so you don't miss out on future episodes.

  • Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter - @jeremympryor

    Substack- https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Hi, welcome to Jeremy Pryor's podcast or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure you give us a follow so you don't miss out on future episodes.

  • Follow Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter - @jeremympryor

    Substack- https://jeremypryor.substack.com

    Hi, welcome to Jeremy Pryor's podcast or what I like to call, "Jeremy Pryor unfiltered." We are excited to bring you seasons of content all the way from Tolkien to Theology, from Business to Family. If you like to contemplate deep philosophical ideas across a wide range of topics, you've come to the right place. Make sure you give us a follow so you don't miss out on future episodes.