
  • Do you know how POWERFUL your MINDSET is?

    In this episode, we are going to talk about how your mindset shapes your reality and the incredible impact positive thinking can have on your life.

    We all know that life can throw some pretty wild curveballs, and sometimes, it feels like our dreams and goals are taking forever to come to life. But here’s the thing—everything is worth the wait.

    It’s all about changing your thoughts and embracing the journey, no matter how long it takes because everything happens for a reason!

    Listen now, get comfy, and let’s talk about how changing your thoughts can truly change your life.

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Welcome back to another awesome episode of our podcast! This time, we’ve got the incredible Cayla Craft with us, and we're going in on a powerful topic about making a pivot in life to get what you truly want, how to unlock your true potential, and make your life-changing shifts.

    Cayla Craft is an inspiring entrepreneur, business strategist, and empowerment coach known for her dedication to helping individuals transform their financial lives and achieve their fullest potential.

    She is the founder of the Mommy Millionaire and Crafted Entrepreneur brands, focusing on empowering women to break free from limiting beliefs and build generational wealth.

    Cayla shares her journey and tips that will inspire you to take action and transform your life. It’s time to embrace change and start living the life you deserve!

    Listen now! You don’t want to miss this incredible episode!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.


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  • Have you ever wondered why success seems hard to achieve? In this episode, we’re talking about how to break free from fixed thinking, embrace openness, and look for new possibilities.

    Well, it turns out, the way we think controls everything. If you’re too set in your ways, it can be tough to see the opportunities right in front of you.

    Listen now because it’s time to challenge your mindset and start seeing the success you deserve!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Have you thought of the LEGACY that you would like to leave? In today's episode, we'll talk about the idea of creating a life that leaves a lasting legacy.

    From embracing boldness to living out your values, we'll uncover the keys to creating a life that truly matters. We are going to focus on YOU, your legacy and how to make it happen.

    Listen now and get ready to be inspired, empowered to live boldly and leave a legacy that will last for generations to come!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • What are you going to do when you've come to face CHANGE? In this episode of our podcast, we're going to talk about the art of navigating life's unexpected twists and turns with grace.

    Because let's face it, change is constant, right? Whether it's a career shift, a relationship evolution, or just the universe throwing us a curveball, learning to pivot and adapt can feel like a wild rollercoaster ride. However fear not because we've got your back!

    We're sharing insights, personal stories, and practical tips on how to embrace change, trust the process, and come out even stronger on the other side.

    Listen now and learn how you can navigate through change and handle whatever life throws your way!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Are you ready to understand the power of believing in yourself? In today's episode, we're going to talk about the incredible impact that our beliefs can have on our lives. From boosting your confidence to unlocking your potential, understanding and embracing the power of belief is the key to turn your thoughts into action.

    Join me on this quick and effective episode on why beliefs are so powerful and how they can shape your reality. From setting goals to going after your dreams, having unwavering belief in ourselves is the ultimate game-changer.

    Whether you're looking to crush your fitness goals, going after something that you really want, or simply level up in life, this episode is packed with tips and inspiration to fuel your journey.

    Listen now and let's learn how the simple act of believing in ourselves can start transformation and lead us to an incredible journey of growth!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Get ready for an inspiring podcast episode featuring the one and only Jimmy Rex - Founder of “We Are The They”, Real Estate expert, and USA Today's best-selling author known for his dynamic presence and inspiring success story, as he shares his journey of grit to greatness!

    He's going to tell you what he has done to build an incredible community of people, how he has been able to connect people together, which is what he wants his legacy to be. He's going to teach you how to PIVOT and how to KEEP ON GOING. Even when you feel like, for example, you're doing a very first event and you're scared that nobody is going to show up, he's going to teach you how to still go through with it, even when you feel like nobody is going to show up!

    With his relentless work ethic, determination, and commitment to excellence, Jimmy has achieved numerous acknowledgements and milestones throughout his career. He has been recognized as one of the top 30 real estate agents under 30 by Realtor Magazine and has consistently ranked as one of the top agents nationwide. Additionally, Jimmy is a sought-after speaker and coach, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, pursue their passions, and achieve their goals.

    Jimmy is also an accomplished author and philanthropist. He co-authored the best-selling book "You End Up Where You're Heading" and has used his platform to give back to the community through various charitable initiatives. He also just launched his NEW book entitled "BE ONE". With Ed Mylett's mentorship, Jimmy's been leveling up his game, crushing goals, and inspiring others to reach for the stars. Talk about a dynamic duo!

    Website: https://www.mrjimmyrex.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrjimmyrex

    In this episode, we dive into the power of taking risks, going for your goals, and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who lift you up.

    Tune in with us and learn how grit can truly take you places you never thought possible! 🎙️✨

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.


  • Ready to step into your power and embrace your inner boldness?

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of embracing courage and confidence in every aspect of your life. From overcoming fears to stepping into your authentic self, this episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories to help you unlock your true potential.

    Whether you're seeking to make bold career moves, conquer personal challenges, or simply radiate confidence in your everyday interactions, this podcast is your guide to embracing the bold, fearless individual within you.

    Tune in now and embark on the journey to living your most vibrant, empowered life!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Despite enduring a horrific accident that could have derailed anyone's mindset, they've transformed their experience into a beacon of purpose and mission, inspiring countless others worldwide.

    In this episode, we're about to unlock the secrets to turning our toughest moments into triumphs with none other than the incredible resilience expert, Amberley Lago! She's awesome! She's amazing! She's got loads of life-changing stuff you can check out on her Website or Instagram.

    Get ready for some seriously eye-opening insights as we chat about bouncing back from setbacks and pushing through challenges like the absolute champs we are.

    Tune in on this episode packed with wisdom nuggets you won't want to miss! Join us for a journey of resilience and empowerment!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Ever wondered why you need to start the BURN Method instead of just doing one of my YouTube workout videos? Well, you're in luck because this bonus episode has all the answers you've been looking for!

    Join me as I dive deep into what the BURN Method is all about and why it's the game-changer you need to take your fitness journey to the next level!

    Don't miss out on this insightful discussion – hit play now and unlock the secrets to maximizing your results!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • What can CONFIDENCE do for us? In this episode, we delve deep into the power of self-belief and how it shapes our confidence levels. Because let's face it, when confidence is lacking, it can feel like our energy is at an all-time low. But fear not, because we're here to show you how to turn things around!

    Join us as we explore how boosting your energy levels can skyrocket your confidence and make you feel truly unstoppable.

    Say goodbye to self-doubt and indecision – it's time to embrace your inner strength and step into your full potential!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • What does it mean to let GO for you to GROW?

    In this episode, we're going to talk about the power of releasing our past to make room for new growth and positive change. We're going to explore how holding onto our past experiences can hold us back from reaching our full potential, and discover practical strategies for moving forward with clarity and confidence.

    We're not going to let our old baggage weigh us down - we have to free ourselves to create the future we deserve!

    Tune in now and listen to how letting go leads to a journey towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Why is it that sometimes when we get FEEDBACK, we automatically translate it to CRITICISM?!

    In this episode, I will share about the transformative power of feedback and how it can either fuel our growth or hinder our progress. Rather than viewing feedback as criticism, we will discuss how to use it as a source of motivation and inspiration on our journey towards personal and professional development! 🙌🏻

    It is important to know which feedback to accept and use, aligning it with your goals and aspirations. Always ask yourself when getting feedback, "Is this person someone I would trade places with?"

    Tune in and learn how to transform feedback into a powerful tool for success!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Why putting yourself first isn't selfish—it's essential. It’s SELF FIRST!

    In this episode I will share the pivotal steps of prioritizing your well-being to become the ultimate version of yourself, for you and for everyone you care about.

    We often hear the term "self-care" but what does it really mean to put yourself first? And how can doing so make you a better partner, parent, friend, and overall human being?

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone feeling stretched thin, battling burnout, or simply looking to enhance their relationships through the power of personal growth.

    Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. By the end of our time together, you'll have the tools and motivation to start putting yourself first.

    Tune in, take that first step towards self-love, and unleash the best version of yourself—for you and for all those around you!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Are you ready to let go of the nonsense, and truly embrace the life you're meant to live? Because, girl, it's about time we cut through the BS and get real with ourselves.

    In this empowering episode, I'm fired up to have the incredible (and NEW mom!) Kacia Ghetmiri join us as we tackle what it means to be unapologetically YOU. Together, we're going to unpack the baggage of limiting beliefs, societal expectations, and self-doubt that's been holding you back from shining your brightest.

    She is here to tell you, loud and clear, that it's okay to change your mind, to want more, and to dream bigger. Life is all about evolution, and you, my dear, are entitled to rewrite your story as many times as it takes to make it sparkle.

    Plus we get a snippet of her awesome birth story and how she’s navigating NEW mom and being an ENTREPRENEUR 🙌🏻

    We're diving into how you can trust yourself, make decisions that resonate with your soul, and step into your authentic self without an ounce of guilt.

    Whether we're talking business, relationships, or personal growth, our chat is all about transparency, honesty, and the kind of conversations that light a fire in your heart.

    I'm here as your bestie, your cheerleader, and your guide, helping you expand your vision of what's possible and encouraging you to commit to your happiness and success.

    So, put on your headphones, hit play, and listen up. It's time to discover how to be your authentic self and cut out all the BS, creating a life that's as unique and fabulous as you are with the Powerful Kacia Ghetmiri. Let's do this, girl!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Welcome to the latest episode where we are diving into the crucial world of avoiding burnout, reclaiming your energy and control over your life!

    In today's fast-paced environment, it's all too easy to push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion, both physically and mentally. This episode is your guide to recognizing the signs of burnout, understanding its impacts on your health, happiness, and performance, and learning actionable strategies to prevent it.

    Why should you tune in? Because your well-being is the foundation of your success and fulfillment. Whether you're a busy professional, a dedicated parent, or someone juggling multiple responsibilities, this podcast will equip you with the tools and mindset shifts needed to maintain your energy levels, prioritize self-care, and achieve a sustainable balance in your life.

    Learn the role of nutrition in maintaining your energy levels and how mindset practices can transform the way you handle stress. Don't miss out on this empowering episode. It's time to take control, reduce stress, and live a life filled with energy, purpose, and GRIT!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • In this episode, we're going to explore the idea that the limits we accept in our lives often define us more than we realize. I'm here to share with you how being bold and setting standards for yourself will not only transform your life, it will also determine how you approach challenges and opportunities.

    Today we are going to set higher standards for yourself and the people you surround yourself with. By not tolerating negativity, self-doubt, and mediocrity, we can create a space that creates growth, resilience, and, most importantly, GRIT.

    I'll share experiences on how to enforce these standards in your life, ensuring that you're not just going through the motions, instead actively shaping your future with intention and purpose.

    So, if you're ready to elevate your mindset, and lead a life that you're proud of, this episode is for you. Let's dive in and discover how setting bold standards can lead to a life filled with achievement, happiness, and, above all, grit!

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • Kicking things off for our NEW version of the It Takes Grit Podcast, I’ve got an epic episode for you all about stepping into the discomfort to smash our goals. If you’re feeling like you’ve missed the boat on setting those New Year resolutions, or you have them all written down, either way you are going to want to listen to this!

    This episode is your golden ticket to reset and rethink your approach to 2024.

    We're flipping the script on traditional New Year’s resolutions. It’s all about diving headfirst into the areas that make us squirm a little because, let me tell you, that’s where the magic happens.

    This isn't your run-of-the-mill goal setting; it’s about greater outcomes by daring to be uncomfortable.

    Join me as we reflect on what January taught us, and what we get to tweak moving forward…

    This approach to tackling our resolutions is new, dynamic, and it’s going to set us up for a year like no other.

    P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

  • We are BACK with a Brand NEW Season. Get ready for a new chapter, of being BOLD, straight shoot talking and a higher level of thinking. GRIT is just like FAIRY DUST falling off me right now - Be sure to hang around to catch some of it!

    Follow the Podcast Instagram for GRIT Inspiration

    Get personal coaching, be around other positive people and life a next level life by becoming an Ambassador with me. Click HERE to find out more!


    Changing your beliefs, getting uncomfortable and being bold is no easy task - IT TAKES GRIT. Especially in the world we life in right now where being a victim gets your attention and being average is celebrated.

    I am here to make sure you know what it takes to reach your full trajectory, how to get through the tough times, to keep you on track and get you results by being a shoot talker with no BS or fluff.

    Here to give you the real deal and GRIT on what it takes to be successful, make a difference the world and be happy. You will leave each episode with tangible advice that when you choose to implement, will change your life and mindset forever!

    Join me as I take you on a journey of self discovery, a broadened mindset and a life without limits. From a small town in England to running an international business, having global impact and now living in Florida. I openly share my experiences, challenges and tools with you so you can see just of how I got where I am today. (And show you that you can too!).

    This podcast certainly makes for an easy listen, with hand picked guests and solo episodes, all while providing you with an action plan to stop living in the past, cut out shit talking to yourself and put you on the right path to achieve your dreams and desires!

  • Have you been holding onto the past? Do you find yourself letting your past traumas effect your future? In today's episode of It Takes Grit I am sitting down with American Triathlon Coach and former professional triathlete, Siri Lindley, and we are discussing how you have to go through the tough times to get where you want to be in life.

    We Cover:

    Do you have discipline?Find the silver liningEmbrace all of who you are

    Learn More About Siri Lindley:

    Instagram: @sirilindleyTwitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sirilindley Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siri.lindley.3 Rescue: @believeranchandrescue

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    If this podcast has helped you in ANYWAY, please share with at least one person and leave a REVIEW, it makes a huge difference to the podcast and I want to hear from you :-)

    Get the It Takes Grit book with a ton of BONUS features !