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Feelings come from the deepest part of ourselves and are a guide to what we are learning, who we are as beings plus where we want and long to go. They are here to show us when our boundaries are crossed, how to love and allow ourselves to be loved, how get in touch with our own truth; body, mind and soul and then know how to feel all of it.
The audio mediation below will help you go through feelings as well as how to stay with them and come out the other side -
First, there will be a few moments of a guided meditative exercise.
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Next, you will be guided towards talking to your body and then listening to your body.
Afterwards, you will have tools to better understand your body and its needs and wants.
Which will bring you closer to the goal of loving and taking care of yourself-
body, mind, and soul. -
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Today we are discussing the idea the eating disorder is a cry from our deepest soul. Something is trying desperately to get our attention. And it is our own self. We are spiritual beings trying to live in a body. So at the heart of every eating disorder is the desire to awaken, embrace our whole selves and experience our spiritual truth. Creativity, passion and our soul's desire will lead us to our true selves. Carol Normandi, MFT, www.amritaedt.com, FB- Amrita Eating Disorder Treatment
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Trust is the knowing that our bodies are living intelligences, giving us immediate feedback about what does and doesn’t work for us. When we stop viewing our bodies as something we need to control and manipulate, we can begin seeing them as very wise teachers. When we start to trust our bodies, we can listen and understand what they need.About Wendy Welsher
Wendy is a fat-positive personal trainer who specializes in functional strength and conditioning. She teaches the foundations of functional movement, weightlifting, and power training, including safe practices and recovery methods, which my clients use in their everyday lives to improve their activities of daily living greatly. She lives with ADHD, depressive disorder, and anxiety while in recovery from an eating disorder. She has experienced fatphobia and weight bias first-hand and understands how traumatic this is in a movement space. She can empathize with how it can affect one’s self-esteem, confidence, and body trust. This is why Wendy created My Joyous Adaptive Momentous Movement and Joyful Inclusive Movement. She is creating movement spaces that are truly authentic, accessible, inclusive, safe, and effective. It’s important to me to connect with her community through movement to show them how much fun it can be moving their body!
Website: https://www.myjamm.rocks/
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Recovery from an Eating Disorder is not a Linear Process. This podcast is looking at true recovery. It requires many layers of learning that unfold uniquely, spontaneously and independently. As we go around the spiral of recovery we often hit a stressor, which takes us back to our behavior. But we learn how to work ourselves out of it and get back to recovery with more self-knowledge. Stress will always happen but we can have faith we will work through it. Margaret Burton
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Sheira Kahn is a Marriage and Family Therapist and fully recovered bulimic. She holds degrees from UC Berkeley and the California Institute of Integral Studies. Ms. Kahn taught in the UC Berkeley Extension certificate program in Eating and Weight Disorders for ten years. In the 1990s, she studied inner critic disengagement with Byron Brown and natural eating with Judy Wardell. These discourses became the pillars of her method on ending disordered eating. Later, she trained in couples counseling, where the research on attachment provided the final pieces to the puzzle of understanding disordered eating and how to heal it. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Body Wisdom is the inherent wisdom we each hold within our own bodies that tells us what we need physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we listen to the wisdom of our bodies, we intuitively know how to feed ourselves, satisfy our needs and accept our natural bodies.
With over 25 years of experience, Chevese Turner is an internationally recognized eating disorders, weight discrimination and social justice activist who founded the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) in 2008. Turner carries these messages to audiences around the US and abroad in schools, healthcare settings, trade organizations, associations, professional conferences, corporations, and governmental agencies. Turner is the co-author of the recently published book: Binge Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery & Beyond and contributes regularly to podcasts and the media. Turner attended Temple University in Philadelphia where she received a BA in Political Science. Her professional background includes public policy and government relations, non-profit management, programming, strategy and communications. Instagram:@turnunder Facebook:@bedadvocate
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Alexa Redner is currently a mentor teacher for Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Program, training people from all over the world to become certified mindfulness teachers. She also works a Mindfulness teacher for Cloud Sangha, guiding people in small groups to deepen their meditation practice in community. Alexa holds a BA in Visual Arts and an MA in Creation Spirituality from Naropa University. Alexa has been a Waldorf Early Childhood teacher, a lead teacher for Mindful Schools, as well as an Eating Disorders and “Body Positive” educator with Beyond Hunger. Alexa emphasizes using mindfulness as a tool to discover love, kindness and acceptance for our bodies and minds.
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Recovery from body hatred and disordered eating provides many layers of learning that unfold uniquely and spontaneously. “Trusting the Process” means that we all work through these experiences and issues in our own way. We can trust that our process is exactly right for us and we don’t have to waste precious time comparing ourselves to others.
Marcella RaimondoFor a decade in my teens and early twenties I battled with anorexia nervosa. As a queer, cisgender, able-bodied woman of color, I struggled in my recovery because my story did not mirror those in mainstream eating disorder textbooks and biographies.
After reading the testimonials of women of color and queer women in A Hunger So Wide and So Deep, by Becky Thompson, I found voices that resonated with my own life experiences. I began to realize that a huge gap exists in the treatment services for underrepresented and underserved folks with eating disorders. My life’s calling and social justice spirit came out of this experience.
Website: https://marcellaedtraining.com/Email: Marcella@marcellaedtraining.com
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Fat thoughts are the kind of thoughts we have when we are criticizing our bodies, calling them too fat, too ugly, too big, or too “whatever”. These thoughts are learned from our culture’s fat prejudice and body hatred. Sometimes when we are young and experience shame or uncomfortable feelings, we change them into body hatred. When we begin to understand that our fat thoughts and body hatred are learned, then we can take the blame off our body, and process the deeper feelings in far more constructive ways.
Carol Normandi, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist and a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, with over 30 years of experience as an individual therapist, speaker, author, and group/workshop facilitator. She holds a BA in Economics and Political Science from UC San Diego and an MS in Counseling from San Francisco State University. Carol is founder of Amrita Eating Disorder Intensive Outpatient Program and co-founder of the nonprofit Beyond Hunger. She has authored It’s Not About Food: End Your Obsession with Food & Weight, and Over It: A Teen’s Guide to Getting Beyond Obsessions with Food & Weight. Carol received the Golden Bell Award for her work in developing the Emotional Literacy Program for middle school students
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Faith is trusting that there is a loving source of which you are a part. Having faith means that you can let go of fear and tight control and trust that there is great wisdom within you and around you, allowing yourself to breathe and listen for spiritual guidance. Having faith means that even though the recovery process may become difficult and dark, you can trust that you will also find the grace and the light.
Rex Dubiel is an Army brat, photo-journalist, community activist, long-time blogger, “Rex the Surf Dog“ creator, 3rd grade teacher, 35 year resident of the North Shore of Oahu.
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Creativity is the outward manifestation of who we are as spiritual beings. It is the magical ability to create something out of nothing that is uniquely ours. It is the gift of being able to imagine, to dream, and then to make the dreams come true. Creative expression is essential to feeding our souls. It forced us to go beneath the obsession with food and weight and access the part of ourselves that passionately hungers for self expression.
For more information about George Horner, you can check out his website at https://www.georgehorner.com
Email: georgehornerprojects@gmail.com
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Honoring means we understand we are sacred beings and our bodies are sacred. They are not objects to be sculpted and forced to meet cultural ideals. They are not a commodity to manipulate in order to measure our self-worth. By de-objectifying and creating reverence for our bodies, we become free to experience the wisdom, magnificence and magic of our bodies.
Emily Ireland Cox is an event planner, body liberation motivator, community builder, and uplifter based in Sacramento, CA.
Co-founder of Fat Positive Sacramento and Sacramento Chunky Dunk swim parties. In recovery from binge eating disorder since 2009.
IG & FB @luckybombshell
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Jen Powers is a local Non-Diet Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Certified Yoga Teacher specializing in eating disorders, healing chronic dieting, HAES, and intuitive eating. She received her Bachelor's in Nutrition at UC Berkeley and Master's in Nutrition at CSU Long Beach where she worked closely with Evelyn Tribole, one of the co-authors of the book Intuitive Eating, on her Master's thesis project and received supervision from her as well. Later she became a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Jen has worked in the eating disorder field at various levels of care over the past 13 years and started her private practice 1.5 years ago. Her training in mindfulness, meditation, and yoga offers a unique opportunity to strengthen the mind body connection. Jen works with adolescents and adults, offering one-on-one nutrition counseling sessions and family support as well as body empowerment and body positive yoga workshops. It is Jen's passion and mission to help people feel empowered in their body and enjoy food again.
Website: bodymindnourishment.com
Instagram: @bodymindnourishment
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Nutrition Therapist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, RYT-200 Yoga Teacher
T. (707) 338-2474
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Robyn is a nationally renowned contributing author registered dietitian nutritionist. She has been quoted as an expert in various publications including The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Diabetes Forecast, Shape Magazine, Fitness, Oxygen, Life & Style, Natural Solutions, Beverly Hills Weekly and Today’s Dietitian. In addition, Robyn has also served as an eating disorder specialist on the nationally televised show “The Insider” and an expert on The Associated Press (AP).
Website: www.askaboutfood.com
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Expressing our feelings and ourselves is the only way to live our truth in our bodies, hearts and souls. Many times we have been taught that to express our feelings is harmful to others and ourselves, but if we learn how to express our feelings honestly and constructively it is beneficial to everyone
Karen Louise Scheuner is a California based weight-inclusive, anti-diet dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Coach with over 16 years of experience under my belt!
I’m passionate about freeing folks from the oppressive force of diet culture so they can reclaim their birthright to live and eat with pleasure, peace and freedom.
Since 2005, I’ve helped hundreds of folks break free from the dieting cycle and create a healthy and peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
My philosophy is rooted in anti-diet and Health at Every Size frameworks, as well as Intuitive and Mindful Eating. I will soon be a Certified Body Trust Provider. I believe that everyone is the authority of their own bodies; I’m just here to help you to “get out of your head and back into your body.”
Karen Louise Scheuner, MA, RDN, (she/her)
Certified Intuitive Eating Coach~ Anti-Diet Dietitian
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In this podcast, I interview three of my fabulous peer educators. Each one will talk about the 3 prongs of recovery from eating disorders and body hatred. These awesome young women get trained to go into classrooms with me all over the Bay Area and present a message of hope, knowledge, prevention, and recovery for students. Whether the students have eating or weight issues themselves I have found we can all learn how to take care of the glorious bodies we are born with, we can all re-learn intuiting eating and we can all listen and attend to our emotional selves even when we don’t want to.
Complete recovery from an eating disorder is completely 100% possible.
I believe recovery is about letting go of the diet mentality and integrating intuitive eating and trusting our bodies…one day at a time. It took me a very long time to dial all of this in, but I was able to. And I had to use a lot of love, acceptance, compassion, and respect.
It's about letting go of fat thoughts and recognizing that diet and fat thoughts are messages we send to ourselves when we need to listen to our feelings more deeply. When we are able to listen to our truth in the very moment we are feeling body hatred we will be able to stay in recovery and recognize the red flags that signal a need for more self-care. It's about listening and caring and being kind to us.Body Acceptance with Grace Venezia
Junior, San Marin High SchoolIntuitive Eating with Shyla Lensing
Senior, Redwood High SchoolEmotional Wisdom with Julia Frankus
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Senior, Redwood High School -
3 prong recovery and prevention model of Beyond Hunger Presentations of the Peer Educators. The 3 prong model we teach is body acceptance, intuitive eating and emotional wisdom. In this show I interview 3 of our recent peer educators about how they go into schools and talk about how to recover from disordered eating and body dissatisfaction as well as preventing disordered eating and body dissatisfaction. Using a interactive power point students learn what the problem is, where it came from and what to do. Body Acceptance:In this culture, individuals learn to value an unrealistic and unattainable “perfect body” and equate thinness with being “good, attractive, and worthy”. Feelings of low self-worth and self-doubt become misplaced upon bodies, creating a very negative and sometimes abusive relationship with their bodies. People can recreate their relationship with their bodies by healing the body shame and developing acceptance for their natural bodies. Intuitive Eating: People struggling with food and weight issues are usually out of touch with the physiological cues that signal hunger and satisfaction. The restrictive nature of most diets leads to feelings of deprivation and can actually worsen compulsive behavior, leading to the diet/binge cycle. By re-learning to eat intuitively, people can base their food choices on internal bodily signals of hunger, satisfaction, and fullness. Emotion Wisdom: (The symptoms or behaviors of eating disorders (overeating, under-eating, and the obsession with food and weight) are often developed by people as ways of coping with psychological stress. In order to create alternative ways to meet their emotional and spiritual needs, it is first necessary to develop emotional wisdom: the ability to identify, express and process emotions. The Peer Educators are: Zoe Hamblett Hanna Vogel Brianna Thompson Kayla Rodriguezz
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Spiral with Maria Raquel Pandeyhe mrgramajo@gmail.com
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Recovery process is not linear, but rather like a spiral. As we begin our journey of recovery around the spiral, we will meet many layers of life experiences that trigger disordered eating and body hatred behaviors. Even though we are once again doing these behaviors, we are not at the same starting point in the spiral. As we take each experience and use it as a building block in our healing, we move ourselves along the spiral. When we are consciously working on our recovery, every experience teaches us, giving us more strength and wisdom. Eventually, we develop more effective coping tools to deal with these life experiences and the disordered eating and body hatred behaviors are no longer necessary. - Visa fler